Cast-aside Sentence Examples
The author of the Apocalypse has cast aside all national religious prejudices."
When she had cast aside all the jeans she couldn't wear, there was room for everything else.
Even in land-warfare he cast aside the weapons of his forefathers; but he soon learned to handle the weapons of his new land with greater prowess than they had ever been handled before.
He then journeyed to Wittenberg, where he was advised by Martin Luther to cast aside the senseless rules of his order, to marry, and to convert Prussia into an hereditary duchy for himself.
With the completion of the three books of Odes he cast aside for a time the office of the vates, and resumed that of the critical spectator of human life, but in the spirit of a moralist rather than a satirist.
Sunt Cogitationes has been regarded by thinkers who profess themselves Berkeleians as the one proposition warranted by consciousness; the empiricism of his philosophy has been eagerly welcomed, while the spiritual intuition, without which the whole is to Berkeley meaningless, has been cast aside.
The chief good that resulted from the Savoy conference was the production of Baxter's Reformed Liturgy, a work of remarkable excellence, though it was cast aside without consideration.
But there are many reasons to show why, in the 17th century, men should have set themselves with a new zeal, in politics, law and theology, to follow the light of nature alone, and to cast aside the fetters of tradition and prescriptive right, of positive codes, and scholastic systems, and why in England especially there should, amongst numerous free-thinkers, have been not a few free writers.
Theology sank into a branch of dialectic; whatever would not fit in with a logical formula was cast aside as useless.
They are no longer used as an armoury from which opposite sides may draw effective weapons, offensive or defensive; nor on the other hand are they cast aside as the rubbish of an ignorant and superstitious age.
AdvertisementHe who will cast aside the "Bonds," the "Intoxications," the "Hindrances," and tread the Noble Eightfold Path (see Buddhism) which leads to Nirvana, will attain the ideal, the "Fruit of Arahatship," which is described in terms of glowing praise in the Pali hymns.
The city swarmed with Spanish adventurers, assassins, prostitutes and informers; murder and robbery were committed with impunity, heretics and Jews were admitted to the city on payment of bribes, and the pope himself shamelessly cast aside all show of decorum, living a purely secular and I.
For some, the task of getting rid of material things is very difficult, as if parts of their lives are being cast aside.
When the Nintendo 64 wowed us with its 3D capabilities, we cast aside the SNES to enjoy the latest games on the N64.
After working with Nintendo on a CD-ROM peripheral for the SNES, Sony is cast aside because Nintendo was afraid the unit would not catch on.
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This can be the perfect way to create your own unique designs while also recycling glass jars that would otherwise be cast aside.
Knowledge is power when it comes to knowing what diet advice to listen to and what to cast aside.
Special effects are the best yet and although some animatronics were used it's not easy to spot when the mechanical creatures were cast aside for CGI animation.