Cashiered Sentence Examples
The author was a moderate republican, and was cashiered and thrown into prison; but the counter-revolution set him at liberty.
He subsequently recovered his reason, but his conduct was so infamous that he was cashiered.
But Waterloo and the Restoration led to a second and final proscription of his father; and though not himself cashiered, Sadi was purposely told off for the merest drudgeries of his service.
Alaric therefore cashiered his puppet emperor Attalus after eleven months of ineffectual rule, and once more tried to reopen negotiations with Honorius.
Middleton and Tarbat were cashiered, and the able but profligate earl of Rothes united four or five of the highest offices in his own person, Lauderdale remaining at court as secretary for Scotland.
He was cashiered after one year when his wife bragged on the Internet that David invented the " axis-of-evil " phrase.
A few days later he was tried by court-martial on charges brought against him by Pope, and on the 21st of January 1863 was sentenced to be cashiered "and for ever disqualified from holding any office of trust under the government of the United States."