Carved Sentence Examples
She placed the carved chicken on the table and looked him in the eye.
The furnishings were of a dark wood, possibly cherry, with hand carved designs.
There were odd wooden houses, with carved wooden flowers in the front yards.
She led him to the other side, where a group of toddlers were playing with toys carved from the forest's trees.
He opened the box to reveal a man's platinum signet ring with the half-moon, half-sun, and arrow symbol neatly carved on its head.
The great hall, with elaborately carved music-gallery, is mainly the work of the first earl.
A long oak table graced the center of the room, its ten carved chairs at attention.
Its walls are carved from the cliffs, Memon continued.
The church (Early English) contains some carved woodwork and ancient brasses.
Natasha was lying looking steadily straight before her at one of the mahogany sphinxes carved on the corners of the bedstead, so that the countess only saw her daughter's face in profile.
AdvertisementSometimes he speaks of political economy as a department "carved out of the general body of the science of society;" whilst on the other hand the title of his systematic work implies a doubt whether political economy is a part of "social philosophy" at all, and not rather a study preparatory and auxiliary to it.
The room was utterly feminine, from the pale colors to the silk and lace accents and carved furniture.
The sacred tablet on the back wall of the sanctuary is carved in low relief in limestone, and consists of two figures, apparently a priest and his assistant making offerings.
After 2000 B.C. all these arts revived, and sculpture, as evidenced by relief work, both on a large and on a small scale, carved stone vessels, metallurgy in gold, silver and bronze, advanced farther.
Both cotton and silk are woven, and plates, &c., are carved from soap-stone.
AdvertisementIt is to be distinguished from an archaic figure still visible, carved in the northern side of the mountain near Magnesia, to which tradition has given the name of Niobe, but which is really intended for Cybele.
The fine interior is remarkable for the peculiar structure of its apse, and for the choir-stalls carved in English oak by Miguel Ancheta, a native artist (1530).
The sacristy contains a carved wooden nuptial chest of the 10th or i ith century.
A little above Brandeis it picks up the Iser, which, like itself, comes down from the Riesengebirge, and at Melnik it has its stream more than doubled in volume by the Moldau, a river which winds northwards through the heart of Bohemia in a sinuous, trough-like channel carved through the plateaux.
In recognition thereof the Genoese senate caused the words Civitas Calvi semper fidelis to be carved on the chief gate of the city, which still preserves the inscription.
AdvertisementThe parish church of St Mary is Perpendicular, with a fine carved roof of the 17th century.
On the 21st of May the Boer adventurers The had proclaimed Dinizulu king of Zululand; in August New following they founded the " New Republic," carved out of Zululand, and sought its recognition by the British government.
Gentz has been very aptly described as a mercenary of the pen, and assuredly no other such mercenary has ever carved out for himself a more remarkable career.
Consisting of a chancel, clerestoried nave, and aisles, it is Early English and Perpendicular in style, and contains a beautiful 13th-century oak roof of 350 panels, each with a different design; a 15th-century pulpit of carved stone; and some interesting old monuments of the Strode, Mallet and Gournay families.
A hand, with fingers outstretched as a talisman against the evil eye, is carved above this gate on the exterior; a key, the symbol of authority, occupies the corresponding place on the interior.
AdvertisementHere it lies, in the council yard down at Belle Isle, like a carved effigy on a packing case sarcophagus.
It may be translated into every language, and not only be read but actually breathed from all human lips;--not be represented on canvas or in marble only, but be carved out of the breath of life itself.
He was about to ask if she played, but she was already appreciating the ceiling."My God, that's hand carved."
These benches are often hewn in the form of couches with pillows at one end, and the legs carved in relief.
This is decorated with circles of rosettes of blue, green and red enamel, each surrounded by lines of gold; within the circles are little figures evidently suggested by antique originals, and precisely like similar figures found on carved ivory boxes of Byzantine origin dating from the II th or 12th century.
Some of his statues, now in the Louvre, are carved out of Sinaitic dolerite, and on the lap of one of them (statue E) is the plan of his palace, with the scale of measurement attached.
A great many small objects were found in the excavations at Sinjerli, including carved ivories, seals, toilet-instruments, implements, &c., but these have not been published.
A fine carved staircase, however, still exists in the main chapel.
In the north-east corner of the city is the Nestorian church which was noted by Marco Polo, the façade being " elaborately carved and the gates covered with elegantly wrought iron."
The church of St Peter, erected about 1too and renewed in the Gothic style in the 15th century, has a lofty steeple (365 ft.) and contains a very fine carved oak reredos by Hans Bruggemann, which is regarded as the most valuable work of art in Schleswig-Holstein.
Most of the public buildings are of white stone, handsomely carved.
The staple productions are machinery, railway engines and carriages, steel, tin and bronze wares, pottery, bent and carved wood furniture, textiles and chemicals.
The ceiling of cedar is richly carved, and there is a fine colonnade on each side of the court.
The upper part of the tower is ornamented with green and blue tiles and the entrance arch is beautifully carved.
The pillars, architraves, ceilings, panels, and almost every available part of the structure, are covered with arabesques and sculptured figures of dragons, lions, tigers, birds, flowers, and even pictorial compositions with landscapes and figures, deeply carved in solid or open workthe wood sometimes plain, sometimes overlaid with pigment and gilding, as in the panelled ceiling of the chapel of Iyeyasu in Tokyo.
Even in the field of architectural decoration for interiors, tradition tells us scarcely anything about the masters who carved such magnificent works as those seen in the KiOto temples, the Tokugawa mausolea, and some of the old castles.
He carved human figures with as much accuracy as though The they were destined for purposes of surgical demonstraRealistic tion.
In the forefront of the new movement are to be found men like Yoneharu Unkai and Shinkai Taketaro; the former chiselled a figure of Jenner for the Medical Association of Japan when they celebrated the centenary of the great physician, and the latter has carved life-size effigies of two Imperial princes who lost their lives in the war with China (1894 95).
The ceilings of the loggias are generally sloping, with richly carved roof-timbers showing below at intervals; and quaintly carved braces connect the outer pillars with the main posts of the building.
The houses of the Bhutias are of three and four storeys; all the floors are neatly boarded with deal; and on two sides of the house is a verandah ornamented with carved work generally painted.
In decoration, the acanthus was first reproduced in metal, and subsequently carved in stone by the Greeks.
Sainte-Marie contains many artistic treasures, the chief of which are the magnificent stained-glass windows of the Renaissance which light the apsidal chapels, and the 113 choir-stalls of carved oak, also of Renaissance workmanship. The archbishop's palace adjoins the cathedral; it is a building of the 18th century with a Romanesque hall and a tower of the r4th century.
The elaborately carved choir is also enclosed by tumbago railings made in Macao, weighing 26 tons.
The warrior painted the story of conflicts on his robe only in part, to help him recount the history of his life; the Eskimo etched the prompters of his legend on ivory; the Tlinkit carved them on his totem post; the women fixed them in pottery, basketry, or blankets.
At any rate stones were sawed, shaped, polished, carved and perforated, not only by the Mexicans, but among other tribes.
For building purposes stones were got out, dressed, carved and sculptured with stone hammers and chisels made of hard and tenacious rock.
In the Arctic and Pacific coast provinces, about Lake Superior, in Virginia and North Carolina, as well as in ruder parts of Mexico and South America, metals were cold-hammered into plates, weapons, rods and wire, ground and polished, fashioned into carved blocks of hard, tenacious stone by pressure or blow, overlaid, cold-welded and plated.
The Eskimo engraved poorly, the Dene (Tinneh) embroidered in quill, the North Pacific tribes carved skilfully in horn, slate and cedar, the California tribes had nimble fingers for basketry, the Sioux gloried in feathers and painted parfleche.
From Honduras to Panama the urn burials, the pottery, the rude carved images and, above all, the grotesque jewellery, absorb the archaeologist's attention.
Venetian influence is everywhere manifest; the Lion of St Mark is carved over the main gateway and on many public buildings; and among the narrow and steep lanes of the city there are numerous examples of Venetian Gothic or early Renaissance architecture.
The choir-stalls and screen (1510) are finely carved, and of further interest are the ancient pulpit sounding-board (1432), some old stained glass, and the small models of ships, copies dating from 1638 of yet earlier models originally presented by the Dutch-Swedish Trading Company.
The ground-plan can be traced; the fish-ponds are complete; and carved stones, coffins and encaustic tiles of a peculiar manufacture are frequently exhumed.
Other buildings are the Gothic church of St James, with curiously carved altars and beautiful stained-glass windows, and containing in the Toppler chapel the tomb of the burgomaster, Heinrich Toppler; the 15th-century church of St Wolfgang; the Franciscan church; and five other churches.
The present church of St Mary is in various styles, with a lofty tower and spire and carved timber roof.
Deep and narrow canons are common, and, at higher levels, glaciers, carved out amphitheatres, or " cirques " and " U "-shaped troughs.
It contains the fine Gothic church of St Martin, which contains 67 beautifully carved choir-stalls, and a town hall dating from about 1580.
Attached to one side, towards the Lateran basilica, is a fine porch with two noble porphyry columns and richly carved capitals, bases and entablatures.
Two richly and elaborately carved chimney-pieces in the hotel de ville merit special notice.
Here the land surface has been carved into forms in infinite variety.
The cloister, one of the purest and most graceful works of the 13th century, is surrounded by double lines of slender columns carrying pointed arcades, between which delicate floral designs are carved.
The finest part of the exterior is the choir, which is ornamented with a profusion of carved pinnacles and balustrading.
Within the houses the ceilings are often exquisitely carved and painted in Mauresque designs, such as are found in the Alhambra, and the tile-work for which Tetuan is known may be seen on floors, pillars and dados.
As a result, the surface has been carved into fantastic forms. The early French explorers called the region les terres mauvaises, on account of the difficulties that here met the traveller, and in its English equivalent, " the Bad Lands," this appellation still remains.
Besides the parish church of St Mary Magdalene, a fine and massive Perpendicular building with an ancient pulpit of carved stone, there are a guildhall and market house.
It is preceded by a rich portal in the Gothic style with elaborately carved doors, and is flanked on the north by an uncompleted tower.
This is a colossal seated image cut in a niche of the rock, of "Hittite" origin, and perhaps that called by Pausanias the "very ancient statue of the Mother of the Gods," carved by Broteas, son of Tantalus, and sung by Homer.
The elaborately carved chair of the lieutenant-governor in the senate chamber, made of wood from the historic Charter Oak, and the original charter of 1662 (or its duplicate of the same date) are preserved in a special vault in the Connecticut state library.
Since that time the new channel thus carved out has remained the proper course of the river, the old or southerly channel being left quite dry.
Stone axes, remains of carved stone pillars similar to those of Easter Island, and skeletons with a pearl-mussel beneath the head have been found in the island, though it was uninhabited when discovered by Philip Carteret in 1767.
The parish church (dedicated to St John the Baptist) has a pre-Reformation stone altar and an ancient carved stone pulpit, said to be the only relic of an earlier church now covered by the sea.
The remarkable ruins of Palenque, Uxmal, Chichenitza, Lorillard, Ixinche, Tikal, Copan and Quirigua, with their carved stonework and astonishing architectural conceptions, show that they had attained a high degree of civilization.
Till the 18th century the gigantic figures of Axayacatl and his son Montezuma were to be seen carved in the porphyry hill of Chapultepec, but these as well as the hanging gardens have been destroyed, and only the groves of ahuehuete (cypress) remain of the ancient beauties of the place.
Over a large part of India there are carved representations of cobras (Nagas) or stones as substitutes; to these human food and flowers are offered and lights are burned before the shrines.
The marble caps are each richly carved with figures and foliage executed with great skill and wonderful fertility of invention - no two being alike.
Among several ancient houses the most interesting are a cottage with the date 1411 carved on its woodwork, and the Rose and Crown tavern, dated 1641.
The lakes were small at first, and each had its own outlet at the lowest depression in -the height of land to the south; but as the ice melted back, neighboring lakes became confluent at the level of the lowest outlet of the group; the outflowing streams grew in the same proportion and eroded a broad channel across the height of land and far down stream, while the lake waters built sand reefs or carved shore cliffs along their margin, and laid down sheets of clay on their floors.
The idea is still better confirmed farther north in Wyoming, where the Laramie Range, flanked with upturned strata on the east and west, is for the most part a broad upland at altitudes of 7000 or 8000 ft., with no strong surmounting summits, and as yet no deep carved valleys.
Farther north in Montana, beyond the gorge of the Missouri river, the structure of the Front Range is altogether different; it is here the carved residual of a great mass of moderately bent Palaeozoic strata, overthrust eastward upon the Mesozoic strata of the plains; instead of exposing the oldest rocks along the axis and the youngest rocks low down on the flanks, the younger rocks of the northern range follow its axis, and the oldest rocks outcrop along its eastern flanks, where they override the much younger strata of the plains; the harder strata, instead of lapping on the mountain flanks in great slab-like masses, as in the Bighorns, form out-facing scarps, which retreat into the mountain interior where they are cut down by outfiowing streams.
In the new altitude of the mountain mass, its steep eastern face has been deeply carved with short canyons; and on the western slope an excellent beginning of dissection has been made in the erosion of many narrow valleys, whose greatest depth lies between their headwaters which still flow on the highland surface, and their mouths at the low western base of the range.
The grand entrance was by the richly carved west door, above which was the Alpha window.
In many cases the lakes of Canada simply spill over at the lowest point from one basin into the next below, making chains of lakes with no long or well-defined channels between, since in so young a country there has not yet been time for the rivers to have carved wide valleys.
Near the centre of the range there are broader foldings, carved into castle and cathedral shapes.
In 1869 the North-west Territories were purchased from the Hudson's Bay Company, from a corner of which Manitoba was carved in the next year.
Near the town are the three fine old churches of Weston Zoyland, Chedzoy and Middlezoy, containing some good brasses and carved woodwork.
It contains some fine stained glass and carved woodwork of this period.
The high carved prow and stern give the craft almost a crescent shape.
It has a Romanesque church, with a carved altar of 1523, and stained glass of the 14th and 15th centuries; and there is a 16th century town hall.
Pictures and stories, carved or painted, seemed no longer necessary now that the open Bible was in the hands of the common people; they had been too often prostituted, moreover, to idolatrous uses, - and " idolatry " was the worst of blasphemies to the re-discoverers of the Old Testament.
Some of the simpler and more artistic forms were of wood carved with familiar decorative motives and gilded.
Then came a broad uplift followed by the erosion which carved out the valleys, leaving hard rocks as mountain ridges which rise about to the level of the old erosion plain.
Our Lady's church, built in the 13th century and restored in1851-1852and again in 1864, contains a carved altarpiece (r6th century) by Claus Berg of Lubeck.
Others, like Ford's silicate of limestone, are practically lime mortars of excellent quality, which can be carved and cut like a sandstone of fine quality.
Among the subjects of antiquarian interest are Queenzie Neuk, the spot where Queen Mary rested on her journey to Langside, the old steeple and pillory built in the reign of Charles I., the Mote Hill, the old Runic cross, and the carved gateway in the palace park.
He not only served but carved and helped the dishes, proffered the first or principal cup of wine to his master and his guests, and carried to them the basin, ewer or napkin when they washed their hands before and after meat.
Within this zone the crust of the earth has been ridged up into a complex system of creases or folds, out of which the great mountain chains of southern Europe and Asia have been carved by atmospheric agencies.
Among its public buildings and institutions are the old town church, with a curious carved altar-piece, the town hall, the gymnasium and the provincial industrial school.
The walls are of painted plaster-work; the mimbar or pulpit is of carved wood, each panel bearing a different design.
There are remains of such a tree in the church of St Mary at Abergavenny, carved in wood, and supposed to have once stood behind the high altar.
The Jesse window in the choir of Dorchester Abbey, Oxfordshire, is remarkable in that the tree forms the central mullion, and many of the figures are represented as statuettes on the branches of the upper tracery; other figures are in the stained glass; the whole gives a beautiful example of the combination of glass and carved stonework in one design.
It has a fine facade of six arches, and the capitals of the supporting pillars are very curiously carved.
In the Der Abu Sephin, to the north of Babylon, is a Coptic church of the 10th century, possessing magnificent carved screens, a pulpit with fine mosaics and a semi-circle of marble steps.
A series of moulds for casting in the XIIth Dynasty show that the forms were carved out in thick pieces of pottery, and then lined with fine ashy clay.
The body of the temple is of Ptolemy XIII., and was carved as late as the XVIth (Caesarion), and the great portico was in building from Augustus to Nero.
Karnak was largely decorated; a granite celia was built under Philip Arrhidaeus, covered with elaborate carving; a great pylon was added to the temple of Khonsu by Ptolemy III.; the inner pylon of the Ammon-temple was carved by Ptolemy VI.
Petrie considers that one of the kings buried at Abydos, provisionally called Nar-mer and whose real name may be Mer or Beza, preceded Menes; of him there are several inscribed records, notably a magnificent carved and inscribed remembered that even Manetho attributes to him ninety-four years; its length probably caused the ruin of the dynasty.
The earliest extant record of the Wayland legend is the repre - sentation in carved ivory on a casket of Northumbrian workmanship of a date not later than the beginning of the 8th century.
The Groote Kerk, of Our Lady, whose massive tower forms a conspicuous object in the views of the town, dates from the 14th century and contains some finely carved stalls (1540) by Jan Terween Aertsz, a remarkable pulpit (1759), many old monuments and a set of gold communion plate.
Among these are a Roman slab, carved with figures of a horseman trampling upon an enemy, several fine tombs and stones of the 13th and 14th centuries, the frith or fridstool of stone, believed to be the original bishop's throne, and the fine Perpendicular roodscreen of oak, retaining its loft.
The most striking represents the burial of Christ and is sheltered by a stone structure, the front of which is beautifully carved.
The long list of the kings of the principal dynasties carved on a wall is known as the "Table of Abydos."
On the land side of the platforms there is a broad terrace with large stone pedestals upon which once stood colossal stone images carved somewhat into the shape of the human trunk.
The lava rocks near the houses are carved into the resemblance of various animals and human faces, forming, probably, a kind of picture writing.
Mycenaean pottery and a carved steatite vase were found in caves in the island of Cythera in 1915.
A glass cup with reliefs carved in the blue and white technique of the Portland Vase, representing a pastoral sacrifice, which was sold by auction in Paris in 1912 for 64,000 francs, was said to have come from Heraclea Pontica.
The striking feature of the building is the sculpture of the west pediment, carved in high relief on limestone slabs.
Other important finds were seven statues of women from a sanctuary of Artemis Polo, .a temple and altar of Apollo Pythius, decorative terra-cottas from an archaic Prytaneion, a cemetery with carved and painted tombstones, and remains of a triumphal arch of Caracalla.
This was followed by archaic Greek remains of the early colonists, Asiatic and Protocorinthian pottery, and some carved ivories.
Though Scotland is pre-eminently land of mountain and of flood," yet its leading physical features are not the lofty ridges carved out of the primeval plateau Valleys.
Thousands of feet of basalt have been worn away from many parts of its surface; deep and wide valleys have been carved out of it; and so enormously has it been wasted, that it has been almost entirely stripped from wide tracts which it formerly covered and where only scattered outliers remain to prove that it once existed.
Occasionally a ridge has been carved into a series of cones united at their bases, as in the chain of the Pentland Hills.
Such groups may be carved out of a continuous band of rock extending into the regions beyond.
In some of these monuments a doorway is carved in the lower part; the door is usually closed, but in one case, viz.
Sometimes a grave has been found hidden behind the carved front; in other cases no grave can be detected, but it is probable that they are all sepulchral.
They still make wooden fishspears and carved and inlaid combs.
In the interior, which contains beautifully carved stalls, a choir-screen in the flamboyant style and many other works of art, the most striking features are the height of the nave and the boldness of the columns supporting the vaulting.
The blood is converted into clarifying material, the entrails are used for sausage coverings, the hoofs and small bones furnish the raw material for the manufacture of glue, the large bones are carved into knife handles, and the horns into combs, the fats are made to yield butterine, lard and soap, and the hides and hair are used in the manufacture of mattresses and felts.
The carved totem posts of the Haida, standing in front of the heavily framed houses, or at a little distance from them, represent the coats of arms of the respective families of the tribes and generally exhibit designs treated in a bold and original manner, highly conventionalized but always recognizable in their purport by any one familiar with the distinctive marks of the animal forms portrayed.
In the northeast it shelves to a shore, but otherwise the coast is rugged and much indented, numerous caves having been carved out by rain, stream and ocean.
They are richly carved, and are frequently surmounted by canopies of tabernacle work.
Among beautiful specimens of carved stalls may be mentioned the Early Decorated stalls in Winchester Cathedral, the Early Perpendicular ones in Lincoln Minster, and the early 15th-century canopies in Norwich Cathedral.
St Mary's church, with a beautifully carved roof, was erected in the earlier part of the 15th century, and contains the tomb of Mary Tudor, queen of Louis XII.
The cathedral (1589-1604) is a late Renaissance building with a modern dome and early Renaissance choir-stalls, puplit, &c. In the Cappella Sistina, to the north, stands the simple, finely carved tomb erected by Sixtus IV.
But the most famous remains at Bamian are two colossal standing idols, carved in the cliffs on the north side of the valley.
Thus the main routes from Kabul to Afghan Turkestan must cross either one or other of these ranges, and must traverse one or other of the terrific defiles which have been carved out of them by the upper tributaries of the rivers running northwards towards the Oxus.
The predominance of the Afghan in Afghanistan dates from the middle of the 18th century, when Ahmad Shah carved out Afghanistan from the previous conquests of Nadir Shah and called it the Durani empire.
They form some of the most striking physical features of the Peninsula, many of the most prominent hill ranges having been carved out of the basaltic flows.
Next rose several Mahratta generals, who, though recognizing the suzerainty of the peshwa, carved out for themselves independent kingdoms in different parts of India, sometimes far from the original home of the Mahratta race.
From the great opercula of certain marine forms bracelets and other ornaments are carved, while the hard serrated edges of other species are sometimes employed in place of knives for harvesting rice.
The antiquities are the Bell Tower, with a huge bronze bell dated 1468, a marble pagoda elaborately carved, but not of Korean workmanship, seven centuries old, and a "Turtle-Stone" of about the same date.
A certain Baridi, who had carved out for himself a principality in the province of Basra, marched against Bagdad and made himself master of the capital, but was soon driven out by the Dailamite general 1 See Defremery, Memoire sur les Emirs al-Omara (Paris, 1848).
Among the churches mention must be made of the Zuiderkerk, or South church, with a conspicuous tower (1450-1525); and the Westerkerk, or West church, which possesses a beautifully carved Renaissance screen and pulpit of the middle of the 16th century, and a quaint wooden bell-house (1519) built for use before the completion of the bell-tower.
Erosion buttes and mesas occasionally rise as picturesque monuments above the general level of the plains, and in the vicinity of the mountains the plains strata, elsewhere nearly horizontal, are bent sharply upward and carved by erosion into " hogback " ridges.
Many of the houses have large projecting wooden windows or balconies, richly carved.
Its high tower has four stages, each adorned with grotesques; and Greenway's chapel, built in 1517 by John Greenway, a wool merchant of Tiverton, is ornamented with figures minutely carved in stone.
A variety of manufactures are carried on, including the making of leather goods, carved wooden vessels, finely plaited mats, embroidered work, shoes of yellow and red leather and pottery of various kinds.
All three are Gothic edifices and are notable for their elaborately carved doorways, in which free play has been given to the exuberant fancy of the Gothic style, and all three enshrine valuable treasures of art.
The principal manufactures are toys and fancy articles in metal, carved wood and ivory, which are collectively known as Nuremberg wares.
The Luray cavern does not date beyond the Tertiary period, though carved from the Silurian limestone.
In one, a large circular tomb, were found three sepulchral couches in stone, carved in imitation of wood, and a fine statuette in bronze of Ajax committing suicide.
From 1804 to 1854 the whole or parts of Colorado were included, nominally, under some half-dozen territories carved successively out of the Trans-Mississippi country; but not one of these had any practical significance for an uninhabited land.
On the plateau itself the sandstone is generally overlaid by the Deccan trap, a blackish-coloured basaltic rock of volcanic origin, the high level tableland having been formed by a succession of lava flows, the valleys of Central India being merely "denudation hollows" carved out by the action of rain and rivers.
After the decline of episcopacy the building was neglected for a long period, but the choir, which contains some carved oak stalls of the 16th century, was restored in 1873, and the nave roofed and restored in 1892-1895, under the direction of Sir Rowand Anderson, the architect.
It is octagonal, with figures carved on each side, representing the eight principal winds.
It shows few traces of dynamic disturbance, but has been carved, mainly by erosion since the Miocene epoch, into many caverns, of which the Mammoth Cave is the largest.
Sidetes in 128 left him a free hand, Hyrcanus (135-105) soon carved out for himself a large and prosperous kingdom, which, however, was rent by internal discord owing to the antagonism developed between the rival parties of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
The most prominent feature of the facade is the series of eight warriors carved on the base of this tower.
Then, in the larger political struggles and changes of Europe, they were incorporated into a kingdom, or principality or duchy, carved out to suit the interest of a foreigner, or to make a heritage for the nephew of a pope.
In the nave is a little octagonal temple or chapel, which serves as a shrine for the most precious of the relics of Lucca, a cedar-wood crucifix, carved, according to the legend, by Nicodemus, and miraculously conveyed to Lucca in 782.
In the British Museum are the bronze matrices of seals of ZEthilwald, bishop of Dunwich, about Boo; of lElfric, alderman of Hampshire, about 985; and the finely carved ivory double matrix of Godwin the thane (on the obverse) and of the nun Godcythe (on the reverse), of the beginning of the 11th century.
But there are examples of elaborate matrices composed of several pieces, from the impressions of which the seal was built up in an ingenious fashion, both obverse and reverse being carved in hollow work, through which figures and subjects impressed on an inner layer of wax are to be seen.
This has long been the cathedral of St Doimo or Domnius, small and dark, but noteworthy for its finely carved choir stalls.
The town is ancient; there is a disused convent church with tombs of the 17th century, and the Vor-Frelsers-Kirke has a carved pulpit of the same period.
There the resistance of a series of igneous dykes gives prominence to the Pembroke peninsula, in which the fine fjord-like harbour of Milford Haven lies far out towards the Atlantic. The coast north of Pembroke and Merioneth has been worked into the grand sweep of Cardigan Bay, its surface carved into gently rounded hills, green with rich grass, which sweep downward into wide rounded valleys.
The Brecon Beacons of Old Red Sandstone are the highest (2907 ft.), but the Black Mountain bears a number of picturesque summits carved out of Millstone Grit and Carboniferous Limestone, which rise frequently over 2000 ft.
The great variety of the rocks which meet the sea along the south of Cornwall and Devon has led to the formation of a singularly picturesque coast - the headlands being carved from the hardest igneous rocks, the bays cut back in the softer Devonian strata, The fjord-like inlets of Falmouth, Plymouth and Dartmouth are splendid natural harbours, which would have developed great commercial ports but for their remoteness from the centres of commerce and manufactures.
The cathedral contains a fine altar-piece by Van Dyck, and the pulpit is in carved oak of the 17th century.
The zodiac of Denderah; the Savoyards who carved their pine-forests into toys; the naked Derar, horsed on an idea, charging a troop of Roman cavalry; the long, austere Pythagorean lustrum of silence; Napoleon on the deck of the "Bellerophon," observing the drill of the English soldiers; the Egyptian doctrine that every man has two pairs of eyes; Empedocles and his shoe; the horizontal stratification of the earth; a soft mushroom pushing its way through the hard ground, - all these allusions and a thousand more are found in the same volume.
To administer this domain, carved out of the state lands and treated as the private property of Leopold II., a Fondation was organized and given a civil personality.
Later on a chief named Kalambo carved out a new" empire in the central part of the Kasai basin, his authority extending westward from the upper Sankuru into the Lunda district of Angola.
The chapel of St Hubert, said to contain the remains of Leonardo da Vinci, who was summoned to Amboise by Francis I., king of France, and died there in 1519, is in the late Gothic style; a delicately carved relief over the doorway represents the conversion of St Hubert.
The church of St Wendreda, in Early English and later styles, is remarkable for a magnificent Perpendicular timber roof, beautifully carved.
By the bait of a kingdom to be carved expressly out of the States of the Church and to be called the kingdom of Adria, coupled with the expectation of succeeding to Queen Joanna, Clement incited Louis, duke of Anjou, the eldest of the brothers of Charles V., to take arms in his favour.
This latter contains actually 540 columns, most of them elaborately carved, arranged in twenty rows.
Local glaciation has carved the higher levels of this range into a maze of amphitheatres containing lakes, separated from each other by aretes and alpine peaks.
The mountain ranges of the Basin Region are most frequently formed by faulted and tilted blocks of the earth's crust, which have been carved by stream erosion into rugged shapes.
In November 1621, James I., knowing that London was "a dish" which Donne "loved well," "carved" for him the deanery of St Paul's.
The latter was numerous, not wealthy as a rule, and had to undertake directly a great part of the common work; as may be seen from the extent of the free and servile tenures on the estates carved out for English conquerors in Wales and Ireland.
Egyptian dynasty (1326-1300 B.C.), which is carved out of a block of Aragonite or hard carbonate of lime, now in the Soane Museum; of later date are the green porphyry sarcophagus and the terra-cotta sarcophagus from Clazomenae; both of these date from the early 6th century B.C., and are in the British Museum.
Of Etruscan sarcophagi there are numerous examples in terracotta; occasionally they are miniature representations of temples, and sometimes in the form of a couch on which rest figures of the deceased; one of these in the British Museum dates from 500 B.C. The earliest Roman sarcophagus is that of Scipio in the Vatican (3rd century B.C.), carved in peperino stone.
They are generally decorated with a series of niches with figures in them, divided by small attached shafts with semicircular or sloping covers carved with religious emblems, one of the best examples being the sarcophagus of Sta Barbara, dating from the beginning of the 6th century, at Ravenna, where there are many others.
Exquisite ornament is seen in the triforium arcade, and between some of the arches in the transept are figures, especially finely carved, though much mutilated, known as the censing angels.
A splendid series of carved oak stalls lines each side of the nave, and above them hang the banners of the Knights of the Bath, of whom this was the place of installation when the Order was reconstituted in 1725.
The fan-traceried roof, with its carved stone pendants, is the most exquisite architectural feature of the chapel.
It has a magnificent open roof of carved oak, and is used as the vestibule of the Houses of Parliament.
The result was that they were condemned to death, but were only imprisoned for the rest of their days in the Tower, where they both carved inscriptions on the walls of their dungeon, which are still visible in the Beauchamp tower.
Several of the varieties are cut into gems and ornaments, balance weights, pivot supports for delicate instruments, agate mortars, &c.; or used for engraving, for instance, cameos and the elaborately carved crystal vases of ancient and medieval times.
In the native bazaar the houses rise three or four storeys in height, with elaborately carved pillars and front work.
In the interior several ancient monuments of the Suttons and Heathcotes are preserved, besides some beautiful carved stone work, and two rich ceilings of oak over the chapels.
Its lofty clerestoried nave has an elaborately carved timber roof, and the south porch, though repaired in 1612, preserves its Norman mouldings.
It is the chief place of the Abadeh-Iklid district, which has 30 villages; it has telegraph and post offices, and is famed for its carved wood-work, small boxes,light cotton summer shows, trays, sherbet spoons,backgammon, &c., made of the wood of pear and box trees.
The Great Ouse, from the point where it enters the county on the west, has carved through the Middle Oolites and exposed the Great Oolite as far as Bedford; their alternating limestones and clays may be seen in the quarries not far from the town.
The church of Cockayne Hatley, near Potton, is fitted with rich Flemish carved wood, mostly from the abbey of Alne near Charleroi, and dating from 1689, but brought here by a former rector early in the 19th century.
The carved wooden doors of both the north and the south portals are masterpieces respectively of Gothic and Renaissance workmanship. The church possesses an elaborate astronomical clock (1866) and tapestries of the 15th and 17th centuries; but its chief artistic treasures are stained glass windows of the 13th, 14th and 16th centuries, the most beautiful of them from the hand of the Renaissance artist, Engrand Le Prince, a native of Beauvais.
The walls are tiled to a height of 4 or 5 ft., and above they are finished in plaster, whitewashed or carved into filigree work.
The Palais de Justice, of the 18th century, on the site of the House of the Franc - the outside burghers of the Franc district admitted to the full privileges of citizenship - contains a fine carved chimney-piece (1530).
Among the minor churches of the town are St Pierre, which has a graceful façade and richly carved doors, St Didier and St Agricol, all three of Gothic architecture.
Carved articles in coco-nuts and scented woods are its principal industrial product.
Here the hills are deeply sculptured and the valleys much carved by streams which often flow through deep canyons.
Amongst the more conspicuous secular buildings in the street may be mentioned the Town and County Bank, the Music Hall, with sitting accommodation for 2000 persons, the Trinity Hall of the incorporated trades (originating in various years between 1398 and 1527, and having charitable funds for poor members, widows and orphans), containing some portraits by George Jamesone, a noteworthy set of carved oak chairs, dating from 1574, and the shields of the crafts with quaint inscriptions; the office of the Aberdeen Free Press, one of the most influential papers in the north of Scotland; the Palace Hotel; the office of the Northern Assurance Company, and the National Bank of Scotland.
Adjoining the municipal buildings is the North of Scotland Bank, of Greek design, with a portico of Corinthian columns, the capitals of which are exquisitely carved.
The principal buildings are the fine Gothic church of St Peter and St Paul, dating from the r5th century, with two stately towers, a famous organ and a very heavy bell; the Frauen Kirche, erected about the end of the 15th century, and possessing a fine portal and choir in pierced work; the Kloster Kirche, restored in 1868, with handsome choir stalls and a carved altar dating from 1383; and the Roman Catholic church, founded in 1853, in the Roman style of architecture, with beautiful glass windows and oil-paintings.
Ahmedabad and Surat are famous for their carved wood-work.
The Groote Kerk of St James (15th and 16th centuries) hasafine vaulted interior, and contains some old stained glass, a carved wooden pulpit (1550), a large organ and interesting sepulchral monuments, and some escutcheons of the knights of the Golden Fleece, placed here after the chapter of 1456.
With this account is also connected the legend of the Volto Santo of Lucca, a crucifix said to have been carved by Nicodemus.
The principal buildings are the church of St Helen, Witton, noted for its finely carved roof of the 17th century, a museum and free library and market house.
The museum contains a beautiful Maori house of carved woodwork, and biological collections.
Myra has three notable sights, its carved cliff-cemetery, its theatre, and its church of St Nicholas.
The auditorium is perfect in the lower part, and the scena still retains some of its decoration - both columns and carved entablature.
The church of St James is a Gothic structure of the 13th century, with richly carved altar, several monuments, and a celebrated organ erected in 1623, and long reputed the largest in Hungary.
About 1721 one Pilaji gaekwar carved a fertile slice of territory out of Gujarat, and afterwards received the title of "Leader of the Royal Troops" from the peshwa.
Another monument in the vicinity is a gigantic bas-relief, carved on the vertical face of a rock, representing the victory of the Sassanian Shapur I.
The term is sometimes given incorrectly in architecture to a circular disk carved with a conventional rose, which is found in many early styles, the proper term being rosette.
There are ampler expanses of hard saliferous clay (shor) and on the north side of the desert of Lop the surface has been carved and sculptured by the wind into innumerable flat, tabletopped masses (jardangs) with vertical or even overhanging sides, separated from one another by deep-cut, wind-swept gullies, running from north-east to south-west.
There he found mural paintings, some of which represented local lake or river scenes, carved woodwork, fragments of pottery, gypsum images of Buddha, and traces of gardens.
There are two wooden sarcophagi carved all over with Hebrew inscriptions.
A rudely carved stone lion, which lies on the roadside close to the southern extremity of the city, and by some is supposed to have formed part of a building of the ancient city, is locally regarded as a talisman against famine, plague, cold, &c., placed there by Pliny, who is popularly known as the sorcerer Balinas (a corruption of Plinius).
The houses are neatly built of clay, coloured with red ochre, and frequently ornamented with rudely carved pillars.
Carved ivory objects abound, and there are many evidences of the skill attained by native artists, who perhaps owed something to their contact with the Portuguese.
In the centre stands the palace, a group of wooden buildings, many of them highly carved and gilt, resting on a brick platform 900 ft.
The chancel contains some superb Jacobean carved oak screens, with stalls of earlier date.
Examples are preserved of the various forms of spoons used by the ancient Egyptians of ivory, flint, slate and wood, many of them carved with the symbols of their religion.
Temples (so called) are found in the north and west, built like the houses, but larger, the piles being carved into figures, and the roof-beams and other prominent points decorated with representations of crocodiles or lizards, coarse human figures, and other grotesque ornamentation; but their use is not clear.
The furniture consists of earthen bowls, drinking-cups, wooden neck-rests, spoons, &c., artistically carved, mats, plaited baskets and boxes.
Hebrew inscriptions also occur, and the carved work of the cornices and capitals is rich though debased.
There is still to be seen on the wall of his prison in the Tower the symbol of a bell with an A upon it and the name Thomas above, which he carved during his confinement.
Aberdare, with the ecclesiastical parishes of St Fagan's (Trecynon) and Aberaman carved out of the ancient parish, has some twelve Anglican churches, one Roman Catholic church (built in 1866 in Monk Street near the site of a cell attached to Penrhys Abbey) and over fifty Nonconformist chapels.
He constructed a number of fortresses on the great central plain and carved out the kingdom of Meath to serve as his mensal land.
Around the wall in the houses of the wealthy were arranged the bedsteads, or rather compartments, with testers and fronts, sometimes made of carved yew.
The church of St Peter and St Paul is Perpendicular, a handsome cruciform structure with central tower, and has a fine carved roof of wood.
In the ancient tomb discovered in 1877 at Spata near Athens (which represents a kindred but somewhat later art than the tombs at Mycenae) were found female winged sphinxes carved in ivory or bone.
He had a beautiful carved chest made which exactly fitted Osiris, and at an entertainment offered to give it to any one who could lie down in it.
There are two good museums containing mosaics, inscriptions, carved and sculptured stones, and many smaller remains, for the town was the Roman Corinium or Durocornovium Dobunorum.
Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstown used one as a stable in the rebellion of 1745; weapons of prehistoric man were found in another, and the roof of a third is carved with ornaments and emblems of early Celtic art.
The characters of the bones preserved, and certain rude but graphic representations carved on bones or reindeers' antlers, enable us to know that they were rather small in size and heavy in build, with large heads and rough shaggy manes and tails, much like, in fact, the recently extinct tarpans or wild horses of the steppes of the south of Russia, and the still-surviving Mongolian wild pony or " Przewalski's horse."
A carved image of the goddess called the Palladium, said to have been brought from Troy to Lavinium, and thence to Rome by the family of the Nautii, was kept in the temple of Vesta and carefully guarded as necessary to the prosperity of the city.
The gateway is flanked by two huge blocks, each carved in front into the shape of a sphinx, while on the inner face is a relief of a two-headed eagle with wings displayed.
The decoration of some of the rooms is gorgeous, the walls being covered in part with mosaics and in part with carved work, while the ceilings are rich in arabesque ornaments, elaborately gilt.
Better worthy of notice is the third chapel to the right, known as that of the Angels, on account of the angels and children carved on its pillars.
But the pope marked the intensity of his hatred by causing the dummy to be carved and dressed with such lifelike resemblance that he was almost able to persuade himself that his hated enemy was really consumed in the flames.
It was a posh room for Hell, carved of smooth ebony stone that was characteristic of all the buildings in Hell.
Doors are intricately carved with Mayan motifs; stained glass windows set the rooms aglow with understated colors.
A stained glass window, left, depicts poets and musicians, and there is a carved wood altar and mosaic screen.
Huge surfaces were decorated with facings of carved arabesques and glazed tile work.
One 14th century window has an elegant curved ogee arch and there are attractively carved corbels around other windows.
The doorway is a 4 centered arch in chamfered and carved architrave.
Linked at south by tall round headed archway incorporating carved bearded head.
Duff House, the Fife Gates Pair of polished ashlar octagonal gatepiers with molded stepped caps supporting fine carved stone urns.
Subtle green aventurine has been expertly carved to create this marvelous small dragon.
Hopefully you will be able to breakfast on the wooden carved balcony in the morning sun.
Temporary lights illuminate the corners as we round the mezzanine balcony with its carved wooden balustrade.
Hale School (1873) is unspoiled and handsome, boasting decorative tiling, carved bargeboards and polychromatic brickwork.
The gable is finished with molded bargeboards and a carved finial, which on close examination appears to be dated 1647.
She is the light of birch bark, carved to sail on her soothing rivers.
A carved ivory mythical beast is mounted on the metal fitting.
Inn 39 " A carved bedpost which, crudely adapted, was used in Clewer Church as a pedestal for flowers.
The church is famous for its wonderful early Tudor collection of just over fifty early 16th century carved oak bench ends.
There are many different types of boxes including beautiful sterling silver boxes, a traditional carved wooden box or pretty cardboard boxes.
There's a colorful Bohemian vibe, thanks to gorgeous Rajasthani furniture, velvet day beds, hand carved lattice doors and intriguing bric-a-brac.
Buddhas carved from the rock.
This is of brick and stone, and emphasized by quoins with carved cartouches at the top.
There, a memorial slab in the floor has a cross in the middle and an inscription carved around the outside.
The first story consists of two large whitewashed bedrooms with stone chimney-pieces, less elaborately carved than those in the rooms beneath.
The TV's hidden in a large, intricately carved cupboard.
The focus is on a large, ornately carved, but empty picture frame.
The churches are linked by carved channels and tunnels, which give the site the layout of a vast catacomb.
We have a lovely carved cedar Four Poster bed, King Size and Super King beds or twin beds on request.
Mosaic tiled floors, hand carved inlaid furniture and glittering chandeliers set the tone of faded elegance in this 486 room hotel.
Many stones reused from the Abbey were found including a carved stone corbel in the shape of human head.
There is no west window, but here is set an amusing corbel carved with a face, high above the blocked west doorway.
Although from a small area, the architectural fragments include columns and their capitals, decorative corbels, lintels and finely carved architraves.
Band of carved vine leaf cornice from the medieval rood screen set along the sill of the window.
Banisters carved to imitate fer forge were as fine as the additional classical cornices were grand.
Using the local river as their inspiration, the youngsters wrote poetry couplets and the winning entries are to be carved into stone seats.
Instead, carved crosses were erected at convenient sites for itinerant monks or priests to preach to the inhabitants.
Such slabs are often decorated with carved motifs including crosses and various symbolic or purely decorative elements.
And a good statue of a man seated cross-legged, carved in limestone, but without any inscription.
Decorated headstone, simple lancet curved top, with carved border, central carved crucifix with flowers and leaves at the base.
Richly carved and gilded, it was hung with green damask and lavishly trimmed with expensive fringe.
A Cotswold Style oak leather topped stool with chip carved decoration, circa 1925.
The hexagonal pulpit is of the Jacobean period with molded decoration on a decorated carved stone pedestal.
The features throughout are classically Georgian with a water color within the carved doorway leading to the sitting room.
Between the windows, there are gilt and ' pietra dura ' console tables with late 17th century Genoese carved and gilt supporting figures.
Carved into the inglenook fireplace are the letters ' ell ' and in the stained glass window lovers ' swans.
The course was a heavily carved out piece of mechanical engineering, worthy of Isambard Brunel or whatever his name was?
The beauty and detail and sheer extravagance of its carved stonework has to be seen to be believed.
The Treasury, made famous by that film, is just one of the many elaborate carved facades.
Mr Farthing would make pots on his wheel and once carved a stone statue for the Chigley cookie factory.
If battles are not your scene, then upstairs are some beautifully carved figureheads, which have probably seen a great many oceans.
A very cool apr of vintage wooden hand carved antelope figurines, dating to circa 1945.
The neck and scroll are carved from one piece of maple, and an ebony fingerboard fitted.
The hand carved finials at each corner complement the curved tops of the panels.
In the early 17th century a magnificent carved oak fireplace surround was installed at Reigate Priory around the Howard stone fireplace.
Four claws are carved on each fore flipper; two on hind flippers.
The outlaw gang pose in bowler hats, sporting elegant three piece suits with watch fobs, resting their hands on the carved chairs.
The pulpit is seventeenth century with bands of carved foliage.
The room is paneled in oak, which is embellished with elaborate fretwork and carved panels by Robert Bridgeman.
It has a hand carved frieze with flowing ivy leaf design on drop shoulder block.
Features include a mother-of-pearl frieze, carved screens and a copper pulpit.
It features a richly carved oak rood screen and a minstrel's gallery above.
She did actually, Ozzy let her have his big four poster covered in carved gargoyles for the night.
Elsewhere there are carved stone gateposts, the original gates probably having been of wrought iron or timber.
At first we walked on smooth wide paths up through a fairly gentle foothill zone, with steps carved into steeper places.
The church's main point of interest are the three tombs carved in black gneiss depicting knights in armor.
It was carved from deep sapphire blue goldstone which was full of tiny twinkling golden specks.
Masai handicrafts (shields, beads, lances, carved gourds) are available everywhere that tourists roam.
It is in the form of a celtic crosshead of rough hewn granite in the center of which is a carved wreath.
In this case the statue is on top of a tall carved plinth set on a two step base of roughly dressed granite.
In the porch there is a Romanesque carved gravestone from about 1200.
Its two upper newel posts (center ), also in walnut, are topped by a splendid pair of carved griffins.
Both pillars are topped by identical pillar swallowing heads with ornately carved headdresses.
Browne, Maitland A stone headstone of Gothic design with a delicately carved inscription.
It dates from 1600 and has a splendid carved iconostasis.
The second are two initials, evidently carved a long time ago in the stone gatepost, almost indecipherable now, black with age.
This is a piece of genuine Chinese jade carved into the shape of an old Chinese style gold ingot.
Bron notices the way a friend rubs a thumb in the hollow of his wrist and Kelly sees initials carved on a pencil case.
Attractive mahogany mantle with carved pillars, tiled insets with coal effect gas fire.
The majority of the Roman finds were of finger-rings, many with carved intaglios or other engravings, used for stamping seals.
The broken shaft shown on the right has intricate carved knotwork.
Jain monolith statue carved by an unknown mason in 980.
Three gateway ranges, gables facing, with stone dressings to pilasters and stone arches with carved keystones.
Our beautiful granite stone lanterns, stone water basins, stone statues and bridges are carved from solid top quality granite.
On the south side below the chancel arch is a carved oak eagle lectern.
Cabochon A carved ornament used on furniture of the mid-18th century, especially on the knees of cabriole chair legs.
The stone bears a portrait carved by local mason Walter Skirving which was generally recognized as a faithful likeness of the old worthy.
Resting on the ground against the east and west walls are the carved lintels from an earlier church (see below ).
Above, on the roof of the hall is a beautifully carved wooden louver, with nine golden vanes supported by beasts.
The old house was demolished and some elements, including the carved oak mantelpiece and paneling were incorporated into the new building.
All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble.
At its center is a large statue carved from the most immaculate white marble ever beheld!
The reed cover is pierced and carved with foliage and five grotesque masks.
Almost certainly, the stonework was carved by masons who had worked at Canterbury Cathedral.
Also in the chancel are 26 fine 15th century carved misericords.