Carries Sentence Examples
The balloon carries two collectors a given vertical distance apart.
Alondra carries his child.
Gyula-Fellavar carries on an active trade in cereals, wine and cattle.
The river carries its sediment westward.
And how she carries herself!
Its central tower carries a remarkable twisted spire of wood covered with lead, 230 ft.
When Hydrophilus dives it carries a supply of air between the elytra and the dorsal surface of the abdomen, while air is FIG.
In germination of the seed the root of the embryo (radicle) grows out to get a holdfast for the plant; this is generally followed by the growth of the short stem immediately above the root, the so-called "hypocotyl," which carries up the cotyledons above the ground, where they spread to the light and become the first green leaves of the plant.
Very usually, but not universally, the metapodium carries an operculum.
And the order to retreat carries us past the turn to the Kaluga road.
AdvertisementIt is noted for the fine boxwood grown in the vicinity, is a port of call for Black Sea coasting steamers and carries on a considerable trade with Constantinople which might be increased were it not for the obstruction of the harbour by a bar.
For Roman Catholics the decision necessarily carries great weight, and it may perhaps have its influence on Anglicans of the school which approximates most closely to Roman belief.
The particular problem - a heap (hau) and its seventh makes 19 - is solved as we should now solve a simple equation; but Ahmes varies his methods in other similar problems. This discovery carries the invention of algebra back to about 1700 B.C., if not earlier.
He is gorgeously clothed and carries shining weapons.
Schweinfurt carries on an active trade in the grain, fruit and wine produced in its neighbourhood, and it is the seat of an important sheep and cattle market.
AdvertisementThe alluvial extracted, which in the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago carries from 5 to 60 lb of tinstone (or "black tin," as it is termed by Cornish miners) to the cubic yard of gravel, is washed in various simple sluicing appliances, by which the lighter clay, sand and stones are removed and tinstone is left behind comparatively pure, containing usually 65 to 75% of metallic tin (chemically pure tinstone contains 78.7%).
The crude tinstuff raised in Cornwall carries on an average a little over 2% of black tin.
It carries on a flourishing trade, especially in fruit, and is an important market for horses and cattle.
The Puerto Cabello and Valencia line (34 m.) is another British undertaking and carries a good traffic. A part of this line is built with a central cog-rail.
Skelton's work carries with it the interest of attempt and failure.
AdvertisementFollowing on his calculations from 1509, when the population may be supposed to have been about 50,000, Dr Creighton carries on his numbers to the Restoration The same causes that operated to bring about these changes in the whole kingdom were of course also at work in the case of the City of London.
Temesvar is the most important centre of commerce and industry of south Hungary, and carries on a brisk trade in grain, flour, spirits and horses.
Every drop of mercury, as it enters from the funnel, entirely closes the narrow tube like a piston, and in going past the place where the side tube enters entraps a portion of air and carries it down to the trough, where it can be collected.
The hind-foot is remarkable for the great backward projection of the calcaneum, and likewise for the peculiar shape of the astragalus; the middle toe alone carries a claw, this being of huge size, and ensheathed like those of the fore foot.
The city carries on a considerable jobbing business for the farming region of which it is the centre and produce market.
AdvertisementSituated at the intersection of two roads - from Kulja to Tashkent, and from Semipalatinsk to Kashgar - Vyernyi carries on an active trade in wheat, rice, corn, tea, oil and tobacco.
Here they are discharged (washed and freed from any adherent soil) into an elevator, which carries them up to the top of the building and delivers them into a hopper feeding the slicer.
In most modern refineries the cisterns are so arranged that the spent char falls on to a travelling band and is conducted to an elevator which carries it up to the drying floor of the charcoal kiln.
A fan blast enters the lower end, and, passing out at the upper end, carries off the vapour produced by the drying of the sugar, and at the same time assists the evaporation.
One extremity carries a pedunculate rosette-organ.
These complex organs have apparently arisen by the increase in depth and differentiation of an accessory sucker such as is borne on the phyllidia of the former group. Lastly, the scolex of the more familiar Taeniidae (Tetracotylea) carries a rostellum encircled with hooks and four cup-shaped suckers the margins of which do not project beyond the surface of the body.
It produces vegetables and fruit for the Hamburg markets, and carries on tanning, glass manufacture, brewing and brick-making.
A frame is bolted to the beam and this carries the breast or mould-board to the fore-end of which the share is fitted.
Stendal is the seat of a large railway workshop, and carries on various branches of textile industry, besides the manufacture of tobacco, machinery, stoves, gold-leaf, &c. The earliest printing-press in the.
Alex.), carries him, plausibly enough, to Alexandria (Clem.
A circuit of 84 kos around Gokul and Brindaban bears the name of the Braj-Mandal, and carries with it many associations of earliest Aryan times.
Vienna carries on an extensive trade in corn, flour, cattle, wine, sugar and a large variety of manufactured articles.
It includes dissertations on the various vices and virtues, the different arts and sciences, and carries down the history of the world to the sojourn in Egypt.
The head of an insect carries usually four pairs of conspicuous appendages - feelers, mandibles and two pairs of maxillae, so that the presence of four primitive somites is immediately evident.
Each segment of the thorax carries a pair of legs.
The fifth (distal) tarsal segment carries a median adhesive pad - the pulvillus - on either side of which is a claw.
The iron tubular bridge which carries the line over the Nepean is the best of its kind in the colony, while the viaduct over Knapsack Gulley is the most remarkable erection of its kind in Australia.
The town carries on the manufacture of earthenware and pottery, leather, &c. and the cultivation of fruit and wine.
It carries on a considerable trade in cotton and linen and embroidered muslin.
In the breeding season the male deposits drops of sperm on a sheet of webbing, picks it up in these flasks by means of capillary attraction and carries it about until he falls in with a female.
He then ascends to the surface, carries down a bubble of air and releases it inside the mouth of the silk-thimble, thus replacing a certain amount of water.
This lady, now the wife of Eochaid Airem, high-king of Ireland, was in a former existence the beloved of the god Mider, who again seeks her love and carries her off.
This mixture dissolves in petroleum, escaping when the oil is stored, and conversely it invariably carries a certain amount of water and oil, which is deposited on compression.
The sucker carries a series of three or four leather cups, which are pressed against the inner surface of the working barrel by the weight of the column of oil.
The coil carries an index needle moving over a scale, and there is generally an iron core in the interior of the coil but fixed and independent of it.
In the case of ammeters intended for very small currents, the whole current can be sent through the coil, but for larger currents it is necessary to provide in the instrument a shunt which carries the main current, the movable coil being connected to the ends of this shunt so that it takes a definite small fraction of the current passed through the instrument.
In this last case the shunt need not be contained in the instrument itself but may be at a considerable distance, wires being brought from the shunt which carries the main current to the movable coil ammeter itself, which performs the function simply of an indicator, 3.
It is the chief entrepot for grain from the basin of the lower Oka, and carries on an active trade with Moscow and Nizhniy-Novgorod.
The inflowing Baltic undercurrent carries with it herrings and other fish from the North Sea outside, and the submarine current entering the Barents Sea also carries with it such fish as plaice.
The concentration of the simple copper ions is then so much diminished that the copper plate becomes an anode with regard to zinc. Thus the cell - copper I potassium cyanide solution I potassium sulphate solution - zinc sulphate solution I zinc - gives a current which carries copper into solution and deposits zinc. In a similar way silver could be made to act as anode with respect to cadmium.
He also has a mitre (q.v.), and carries a crozier (5ucavLs ov), a rather short staff ending in two curved branches decorated with serpents' heads, with a cross between them.
The working door through which the litharge is run off lies under the flue which carries off the products of combustion and the lead fumes, the lead is charged and the blast is admitted near the fire-bridge.
The rod touches this pole at a single point, and is pulled away from it by the action of a lever, the long arm of which is graduated and carries a sliding weight.
All the appendages are pediform and bi-ramose; all have a prominent gnathobase, and in all the exopodite carries a comb-like series of secondary processes.
Mulhausen carries on an active trade in grain, wine, colonial produce and timber, which is facilitated by its river harbour.
The town carries on the manufacture of iron goods and of fertilizers.
The Mogyana carries the system entirely across the state of Sao Paulo into the western districts of Minas Geraes.
Thus the West London Extension line carries local traffic between the North Western and Great Western and the Brighton and South-Western systems, while the Metropolitan Extension through the City connects the Midland and Great Northern with the South-Eastern & Chatham lines.
The premaxilla generally carries a few small teeth.
The site of the temple itself carries the remains of successive structures.
In the same manner, if an electrified body carries a positive charge Q electrostatic units and is placed in an electric field at a place where the electric force or electromotive intensity has a value E units, it is urged in the direction of the electric force with a mechanical force equal to QE dynes.
Suppose then that we have a conductor charged with electricity,we may imagine its surface to be divided up into small unequal areas, each of which carries a unit charge of electricity.
If we consider any short length of the stream bounded by two imaginary cross-sections A and B on either side of the plug, unit mass of the fluid in passing A has work, p'v', done on it by the fluid behind and carries its energy, E'+ U', with it into the space AB, where U' is the kinetic energy of flow.
In passing B it does work, p"v", on the fluid in front, and carries its energy, E"+ U", with it out of the space AB.
The gold carries, on an average, £2 per ton, and is worked by ordinary methods of goldmining, stamp-milling and cyaniding.
The larger stones having been removed by hand, gyratory motion is given to the pan by a combination of shaking and twisting movements so as to keep its contents suspended in the stream of water, which carries away the bulk of the lighter material, leaving the heavy minerals, together with any gold which may have been present.
This justification of the ancient creeds carries with it the justification of later confessions so far as they answered questions which would be fatal to religion if they were not answered.
The chief industry is the cultivation of oysters in four large beds in the Mare Piccolo; besides oysters, Taranto carries on a large trade in cozze, a species of large black mussel, which is packed in barrels with a special sauce.
No fragment of these papyri, indeed, carries us further back than the age of the Ptolemies; but the Greek inscriptions on the statues of Rameses II.
This carries us back towards the traditional age of Homer.
To the west a lofty viaduct over the Suize carries the railway.
The town, which was founded in 1630, has tallow-melting and carries on a large trade in rye and rye flour.
For volatile liquids, a flask provided with a long neck which carries a graduation and is fitted with a well-ground stopper is recommended.
It consists of a steelyard mounted on a fulcrum; one arm carries at its extremity a heavy bob and pointer, the latter moving along a scale affixed to the stand and serving to indicate when the beam is in its standard position.
The other arm is graduated in ten divisions and carries riders - bent pieces of wire of determined weights - and at its extremity a hook from FIG.
The broad head carries, in addition to the prominent compound eyes, three simple eyes (ocelli) on the crown, while the feeler consists of a stout basal segment, followed by five slender segments.
In some coccids - the " mealy-bugs " (Dactylopius, &c.) for example - the secretion forms a white thread-like or plate-like covering which the insect carries about.
A fleet of small steamers, schooners and junks, carries on trade with the towns and districts on the east and west coasts of the Gulf of Siam.
The ring c, which carries the supports of the handles a', b', is capable of a certain amount of rotation on the tube.
The transmission spindle, just mentioned, carries at its end a head, 74, which, if turned directly, gives the second speed.
The crank shaft carries a pinion which gears into a toothed wheel of a coarse pitch, carrying cutters at the ends of the teeth.
The forward edge of the tub carries a projecting pin or horn, with a notch into which the chain falls which drags the tub forward.
Jagerndorf has large manufactories of cloth, woollens, linen and machines, and carries on an active trade.
The block A carries the disk D, B carries the roller R and counting gear.
Mergui carries on a flourishing trade with Rangoon, Bassein and the Straits Settlements.
It carries the war into the camp of the enemy by seeking to demonstrate that the completely determined action which is set over against freedom as the basis of explanation in the material world is merely a hypothesis which, while it serves sufficiently well the limited purpose for which it is devised, is incapable of verification in the ultimate constituents of physical nature.
In addition to these open sights the bar also carries a sighting telescope.
Tilsit carries on trade in timber, grain, hemp, flax, herrings and coal; but its trade with Russia, at one time considerable, has fallen off since the construction of the railway from Konigsberg to Kovno.
Finally Hercules attacks Eurytus, takes Oechalia and carries off Iola.
Livonia carries on a large export trade, especially through Riga and Pernau, in petroleum, wool, oilcake, flax, linseed, hemp, grain, timber and wooden wares; the Dvina is the chief channel for this trade.
It is well laid out, has an Evangelical and two Roman Catholic churches, and carries on a considerable trade in the red wines of the district.
As sound arises in general from vibrating bodies, as it takes time to travel, and as the medium which carries it does not on the whole travel forward, but subsides into its original position when the sound has passed, we are forced to conclude that the disturbance is of the wave kind, We can at once gather some idea of the nature of sound waves in air by considering how they are produced by a bell.
At sunset, too, after a warm day, if the air is still, the cooling of the earth by radiation cools the lower layers, and sound carries excellently over a level surface.
Instead of a mirror the second fork carries a bright point on one prong, and the microscope is focused on this.
When the motion due to the vibration is up along the pipe from the embouchure, the air moves into the pipe from the outside, and carries the sheet-like stream in with it to the inside of the sharp edge.
Its industries include important hosiery manufactures, and it carries on trade in grain and coal.
The Butte, Anaconda & Pacific railway carries ore from the mines at Butte to the smelters at Anaconda.
Saxony carries on 26% of the whole textile industry in Germany, a share far in excess of its proportionate population.
Prussia, which has more than nine times as many inhabitants, carries on 45%, and no other state more than 8%.
It has two decks, and carries two elevated railway tracks, four electric tramcar lines, two carriageways, two footways and two bicycle paths.
The bridge carries two electric-car tracks, two roadways and two footways.
The Garabit viaduct carries the railway near St Flour, in the Cantal department, France, at 420 ft.
But its mixture of real eloquence and apparent cogency is exactly such as always carries a multitude with it, if only for a time.
The armature carries on its shaft a commutator made of silver slips, and the current is fed into the armature by means of brushes of silver wire.
His epic in fourteen books, known as Ta µe6' "Oµrjpov or Posthomerica, takes up the tale of Troy at the point where Homer's Iliad breaks off (the death of Hector), and carries it down to the capture of the city by the Greeks.
The town carries on considerable trade, due to the navigable river Pina, which connects it with the fertile regions in the basin of the Dnieper, and, by means of the Dnieper-and-Bug canal, with Poland and Prussia, while the Oginsky canal connects it with the basin of the Niemen.
It carries on a considerable coasting trade with other ports of Burma, and with the Straits Settlements.
This great advance, which is the result of the gradual focussing of a century's work in the minute exploration of the exact laws of optical and electric phenomena, clearly carries with it deeper insight into the physical nature of matter itself and its modes of inanimate interaction.
An important question arises whether, when a material body is moved through the aether, the nucleus of each atom carries some of the surrounding aether along with it; or whether it practically only carries on its strain-form or physical atmosphere, which is transferred from one portion of aether to another after the manner of a shadow, or rather like a loose knot which can slip along a rope without the rope being required to go with it.
The town is the seat of a sub-prefect and has a tribunal of first instance; it has trade in phosphates, of which there are workings in the vicinity, and carries on cotton-spinning and the manufacture of leather, paper and sugar.
It carries on a large trade in cattle, horses and grain, and has two annual fairs, held at Whitsuntide and in June.
Jiiterbog carries on weaving and spinning both of flax and wool, and trades in the produce of those manufactures and in cattle.
Auray is one of the chief centres in France for oyster-breeding, and carries on boat-building and sardine-fishing.
This species from the high north of Europe and Asia carries green eggs, and above them a bright pattern in ultramarine (Sars, 1896, 1897).
In the latter case the middle segment almost always carries with it to the hind-body a pair of rudimentary limbs, whence the term Podoplea, meaning species that have a pleon with feet.
He carries through, as Astruc had done, the analysis of Genesis into (primarily) two documents; he draws the distinction between the Priests' Code, of the middle books of the Pentateuch, and Deuteronomy, the people's law book; and admits that even the books that follow Genesis consist of different documents, many incomplete and fragmentary (whence the theory became known as the " Fragment-hypothesis "), but all the work of Moses and some of his contemporaries.
The apostle meets this by renewed emphasis on the central position of Christ; and he at the same time carries a step farther his conception of the unity of the Church, as embracing both Jew and Gentile.
The ligament is external, and the hinge carries cardinal teeth in each valve.
He wrote, apparently about the year 1143, a chronicle entitled Annales sive Historia de gestis regum Britanniae, which begins with Brutus and carries the history of England down to 1129.
From Toulouse to Agen the main canal follows the right bank of the Garonne, crossing the Tarn on an aqueduct at Moissac, while another magnificent aqueduct of twenty-three arches carries it at Agen from the right to the left bank of the river.
They are also well marked on the cephalic shield, the tergal elements being represented by a median axial elevated area showing indistinct signs of segmentation, and a lateral unsegmented plate, the gena, which carries the eyes.
The presence of a bed of lignite in the neighbourhood has encouraged the industrial development of Teplitz, which carries on manufactures of machinery and metal goods, cotton and woollen goods, chemicals, hardware, sugar, dyeing and calicoprinting.
It has a small river-port, and carries on trade in wine, brandy, grain, fruit and timber.
This body carries on missions in West Africa (since 1855), Japan, China, the Philippines and Porto Rico.
In addition to its inferior size, the coyote is also shorter in the leg than the wolf, and carries a more luxuriant coat of hair.
The Second Epistle to Timothy carries on this line of advice.
Reading is served by the Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia & Reading railways, by the Schuylkill Canal, which carries freight to Philadelphia, and by electric railways to several villages in Berks county.
His style is copious and flexible; abundantly idiomatic, but without any affectation of being so, it carries with it the force and freshness of popular speech, while it lacks not at the same time a flavour of academic culture.
The Gulf Coastal Plain.The westward extension of the Atlantic coastal plain around the Gulf of Mexico carries with it a repetition of certain features already described, and the addition of several new ones.
The suffrage for legislature elections generally determines that for all other elections within the state, and as a rule it carries with it eligibility to office.
There are also three small warts on each side of the face, the largest of which is just below the eye and carries long bristles.
The word "myrmidon" has passed into the English language to denote a subordinate who carries out the orders of his superior without mercy or consideration for others.
It contains an Evangelical church, a gymnasium, a hospital and various administrative offices, and carries on cotton and woollen weaving, tanning, brewing and distilling.
In Arca too and many others it carries a byssus-forming gland and a byssuscementing gland.
The tenth abdominal segment carries a pair of jointed cerci which are often elongate, and the feelers are always long, while the jaws are usually feeble and membranous, though the typical parts of a mandibulate mouth are present - mandibles, maxillae with inner and outer lobes and palps, and second maxillae (labium) whose lacinae are not fused to form a ligula.
The tenth abdominal segment carries strong, unjointed cerci, while the presence of reproductive armature on the second abdominal segment of the male is a character found in no other order of the Hexapoda.
Morgain carries him off, mortally wounded, to Avalon, even as the Valkyr bears the Northern hero to Valhal.
Hwang Ho = Yellow river, Missouri = Big Muddy, the Red river, &c. It has been estimated that the Mississippi annually carries 4064 million tons of sediment to the sea; the Hwang Ho 796 million tons; the Po 67 million tons.
It consists of two quarters, the old town picturesquely situated on the south bank of the Carron and the new on the land between this stream and the Cowie, the two being connected by the bridge which carries the main road from the south to Aberdeen.
The fallers are travelled forwards by means of screws, and when at the end of the screw are dropped automatically into the thread of a receiving screw fixed below, which carries the fallers back to their starting point to be risen by cams into the top pair of screws thus to repeat their journey.
If a money-lender fails to register himself, or if he carries on a money-lending business otherwise than in his registered name, or in more names than one, or elsewhere than at his registered address, he is liable on summary conviction to a fine, not exceeding one hundred pounds.
This history comprised a first part (now lost), which was merely a translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia regumBritanniae, preceded by a history of the Trojan War, and a second part which carries us as far as the death of William Rufus.
Three miles below Lakki it is joined by the Tochi or Gambela, which carries the drainage of North Waziristan.
At present the quantity of electricity it carries, and also its mass, may be determined, and we can therefore derive units of length and of mass from our electrical measurements.
On the strength of the consilience of arguments for evolution in the organic world, he carries back the process in the whole world, until he comes to a cosmology which recalls the rash hypotheses of the Presocratics.
He carries its operation beforereason still farther, supposing that " attuition " makes particular inferences about outside objects, and that a man, or a dog, through association " attuites " sequence and invariableness of succession, and, in fact, gets as far in the direction of causation as Hume thought it possible to go at all.
We start, according to him, from a psychological triplicity in consciousness, consisting of sensation, personal will and impersonal reason, which by a priori laws of causality and substance carries us to the ontological triplicity of oneself as ego willing, the non-ego as cause of sensation, and God as the absolute cause beneath these relative causes.
Wearing her rich attire, and accompanied by her maid, who carries a bag of provisions, she goes over to the hostile camp, where she is at once conducted to the general, whose suspicions are disarmed by the tales she invents.
When running it makes wide strides and carries the body in an oblique position, with the neck stretched to its full extent and inclined forwards.
Attached to the cross-arm which carries the microscopes used to observe the ends of the dipping needle is a clamp, which will hold the needle b in such a way that its plane is parallel to the vertical circle and its axis is at right angles to the line joining the two microscopes.
A magnetic observatory was equipped at Bogen Atlas range the food of this bird is said to consist chiefly of the Testudo mauritanica, which "it carries to some height in the air, and lets fall on a stone to break the shell" (Ibis, 18 59, p. 1 77).
Tradition carries back the origin of Eleusis to the highest antiquity.
It is in the midst of a fine agricultural district, into which several branch railways extend, and carries on a large export trade in grain and other farm produce.
The harbour, lying to the east of the town, is protected on the south by a peninsula which carries the citadel and terminates in the Citadel jetty; to the south-west of this peninsula lies the Place Bonaparte, a quarter frequented chiefly by winter visitors attracted by the mild climate of the town.
Ajaccio has small manufactures of cigars and macaroni and similar products, and carries on shipbuilding, sardine-fishing and coral-fishing.
A moment's consideration, however, will show that, while an albino may be an individual in which one or more of the complementary bodies of pigmentation are absent, a pigmented animal is something more than an individual which carries all the factors necessary for the development of colour.
Let A stand for a pure albino and (A)N for a normal person, who nevertheless carries the character albinism (A) recessive.
It is the chief order of the empire, and admission carries with it according to the statutes of 1720 the orders of St Anne, Alexander Nevsky, and the White Eagle; there is only one class.
Lying close to the Harkort iron and sulphur mines, and within the populous and rich mineral district on the lower Rhine, it carries on iron-founding, wire-drawing and the manufacture of machinery of various kinds, besides an active trade in iron, steel and brass goods.
The river at this point carries, at the average stage of water, about 1200 cub.
The platform carries the two slits, the collimator and camera objectives and the prism-train.
As it is impossible to use an ordinary wheelbarrow in these narrow pathways, the workman carries a specially made wicker basket called a " hotte " on his shoulders by means of two straps.
The rotation, by destroying the contacts, preserves this unequal distribution, and carries B from A to C at the same time that the tail K connects the ball with the plate C. In this situation, the electricity in B acts upon that in C, and produces the contrary state, by virtue of the communication between C and the ball; which last must therefore acquire an electricity of the same kind with that of the revolving plate.
Each upright bearing carrying the shafts of the revolving disks also carries a neutralizing conductor or wire ending in a little brush of gilt thread.
Before its use in the gas engine, the blast-furnace gas has to be freed carefully from the large quantity of fine ore dust which it carries in suspension.
The mould-train now carries its empty moulds to a cooling yard, and, as soon as they are cool enough to be used again, carries them back to the neighbourhood of the converters to receive a new lot of steel.
A locomotive carries a train of these cars to the track running beside a long line of open-hearth furnaces.
Talbot carries on the process as a quasicontinuous instead of an intermittent one, operating on Too-ton or 200-ton lots of cast iron in such a way as to draw off his steel in 20-ton lots at relatively short intervals, charging a fresh 20-ton lot of cast iron to replace each lot of steel thus drawn off, and thus keeping the furnace full of metal from Monday morning till Saturday night.
It is the principal commercial centre of South Bohemia, being an important railway junction, as well as a river port, and carries on a large trade in corn, timber, lignite, salt, industrial products and beer, the latter mostly exported to America.
The upper plate PP is bored centrally to receive a parallel or conical pillar which supports the lower circle of the theodolite or the arm of the level which carries the telescope.
The upper plate is bored through the centre and carries a conical pillar, which rotates freely in it and supports a horizontal plate, to the extreme ends of which are attached, by means of capstan screws or otherwise, two vertical supports, on which the telescope, which is constructed to be perpendicular to the vertical axis of the instrument, rests and rotates with it.
The wheel carries a series of cups placed at equal distances around the circumference.
It carries on considerable manufactures of faience, plush, velvet, leather, porcelain and earthenware, and is a chief depot for the papier-mache boxes, mostly snuff-boxes, which are made in great quantities in the neighbourhood.
The town is situated on the Oise (which here becomes navigable) and at the junction of the canal of St Quentin with the lateral canal of the Oise, and carries on an active trade.
An incline railway, originally used to transport coal from the mines to the river and named the "Switch-Back," now carries tourists up the steep slopes of Mount Pisgah and Mount Jefferson, to Summit Hill, a rich anthracite coal region, with a famous "burning mine," which has been on fire since 1832, and then back.
This, at first sight, paradoxical result is explained by the fact that the mean free path of each molecule increases in the same proportion as the density is diminished, so that as the number of molecules crossing each square centimetre decreases, the distance to which each carries its momentum increases, and the total transfer of momentum is unaffected by variation of density.
The suspension bridge carries the Holyhead road from Bangor.
The tubular bridge carries the London & North Western railway.
Wesel carries on a considerable trade in grain, timber, colonial goods, tobacco, &c., facilitated by new harbour accommodation and wharves at the mouth of the Lippe.
Within the parish, an aqueduct carries the Ellesmere canal across the Dee.
It has a moderately short head with heavy jowl, a deep, compact carcase, and wide, low and well-developed hind-quarters, with heavy hams. The skin carries an abundance of fine hair.
Brewing, tanning, and the manufactures of soap, yeast, carriages and bricks are the most important industries of the town, which also carries on a certain amount of trade in corn, ship timber and yarn.
At the south-eastern end St Mary's river carries its waters to Lake Huron, with a fall of 602 to 581 ft., most of which takes place at Sault Sainte Marie, where the largest locks in the world permit vessels of 10,000 tons to pass from one lake to the other, and where water-power has been greatly developed for use in the rolling mills and wood pulp industry.
Welland canal, between Port Colborne on Lake Erie and Dalhousie on Lake Ontario, carries vessels of 14 ft.
It is computed that some 40% of the total commerce of Italy passes through Genoa; it is indeed the most important harbourinthewesternMediterranean, with the exception of Marseilles, with which it carries on a keen rivalry.
As the commercial centre of the Algau, Kempten carries on active trade in timber and dairy produce.
Aussig has important industries in chemicals, textiles, glass and boatbuilding, and carries on an active trade in coal from the neighbouring mines, stone and stoneware, corn, fruit and wood.
The nostrils open obliquely at some distance from the end of the snout, and the head carries a crest of long hair.
Thus the doors of houses are inscribed with sentences from the Koran, or the like, to preserve from the evil eye, or avert the dangers of an unlucky threshold; similar inscriptions may be observed over most shqps, while almost every one carries some charm about his person.
Later she wears the crown of Lower Egypt, and carries in her hands a bow and arrows, a sign of her warlike character.
Denmark carries on its principal import trade with Germany, Great Britain and the United States of America, in this order, the proportions being about 30, 20 and 16% respectively of the total.
The Kongelov has the highly dubious honour of being the one written law in the civilized world which fearlessly carries out absolutism to the last consequences.
When the slope down which a river runs has become very slight, it is unable to carry the sediment brought from higher regions nearer its source, and consequently the lower portion of the river valley becomes filled with alluvial deposits; and since in times of flood the rush of water in the high regions tears off and carries down a greater quantity of sediment than usual, the river spreads this also over the lower valley where the plain is flooded, because the rush of water is checked, and the stream in consequence drops its extra load.
It lies in the heart of one of the busiest industrial districts in Germany, and carries on important manufactures of the finer kinds of cloth, wool, yarn and felt, and also of iron and steel goods.
The real difference between two conceptions lies in their application, in the different consequences for the purposes of life which their acceptance carries.
The town is noted for its manufacture of pottery, and carries on a trade in rice.
Comines carries on the spinning of flax, wool and cotton.
In the most remote ages to which written history carries us, the regions on both sides of the Oxus were subject to the Persian monarchy.
It rises to a considerable elevation, and carries a light 256 ft.
He is generally naked; his right leg rests on a rock or the prow of a ship; he carries a trident in his hand, and is gazing in front of him, apparently out to sea; sometimes he is standing on the water, swinging his trident, or riding in his chariot over the waves, accompanied by his wife Amphitrite, the Nereids and other inhabitants of the sea.
Every movement for reform carries within it the seeds of revolution, and Luther's was no exception to the rule.
Sopron has a thriving industry in sugar, soap, vinegar, bellfounding and machinery, and it carries on an active trade in cereals, fruit and wine.
In 1883 an iron girder bridge of five spans was opened, which carries the North-Western railway to Peshawar, and has also a subway for wheeled traffic and foot passengers.
It carries on a number of small manufactures and has some shipping trade, chiefly with Hamburg, but the rise of Harburg has deposed it from its former position as the chief port of Hanover.
The latter dissolves the sodium as it is formed and carries it to an outer compartment where by the action of water the sodium is converted into caustic soda, while the lead returns to the inner compartment.
Every boy as soon as he reaches sixteen is brought into the Jemda and given weapons which he carries till he is sixty.
But if thus far Grote's protest against prevalent assumptions carries an immediate and unhesitating conviction, it may be doubted whether his positive statement can be accounted final.
The eye-end carries the micrometer with an illuminating apparatus similar to that described under Micrometer.
This latter carries a hyperboloidal mirror, which returns the rays towards the centre of the large mirror and causes them to converge less rapidly.
The sleeve carries a crosspiece on its upper extremity to which the bearings of the horizontal axis c are attached.
This frame carries two very sensitive levels, k and 1, and the whole frame can be clamped to the circle g by means of the clamping screw m.
It carries on considerable trade in live-stock and cereals and in the vegetables of its market-gardens, and manufactures of casks, corks, white metal, oil, vinegar and machinery for the wine-trade are included among the industries; it is chiefly important for its.
The town carries on an active trade in cereals, wines and cattle.
Worms possesses a good river harbour, and carries on a considerable trade by water.
During the procession a chant (also called eiresione) was sung, the text of which has been preserved in Plutarch (Theseus, '22) "Eiresione carries figs and rich cakes; Honey and oil in a jar to anoint the limbs; And pure wine, that she may be drunken and go to sleep."
Brieg carries on a considerable trade, its chief manufactures being linen, embroideries, cotton and woollen goods, ribbons, leather, machinery, hats, pasteboard and cigars.
When the personality of Socrates is removed, the difficulty as to the nature of the Socratic universal, developed in the medium of the individual processes of individual minds, carries disciples of diverse general sympathies, united only through the practical inspiration of the master's life, towards the identity-formula or the difference-formula of other teachers.
Any abstract and limited point of view carries necessarily to its contradictory.
In Travancore a serpent-god is the property of a family, the priests of a temple; the eldest female carries the image at the festal processions and must lead a celibate life (Oldham, 153 seq.).
This chain can hardly be said to extend continuously to the extreme north of the island, but it carries on the line of elevation towards the mountains of Sarawak to the west, and those of British North Borneo to the north, of which latter Kinabalu is the most remarkable.
It has flour-mills, and carries on a brisk trade in exporting corn.
The changes in declination are obtained by means of a magnet which is suspended by a long fibre and carries a mirror, immediately below which a fixed mirror is attached to the base of the instrument.
The strip B carries also a F L/ B strip of gld-leaf L, and the metal case is connected to earth.
Altona carries on an extensive maritime trade with Great Britain, France and America, but it has by no means succeeded in depriving Hamburg of its commercial superiority - indeed, so dependent is it upon its rival that most of its business is transacted on the Hamburg exchange, while the magnificent warehouses on the Altona river bank are to a large extent occupied by the goods of Hamburg merchants.
The hall is invaded by Grendel's mother, who kills and carries off one of the Danish nobles.
Let the axis Ai carry a wheel of N1 teeth, driving a wheel of ni teeth on the axis Ai, which carries also a wheel of N2 teeth, driving a wheel of 113 teeth on the axis A3, and so on; the numbers of teeth in drivers being denoted by Ns, and in followers by ns, and the axes to which the wheels are fixed being denoted by numbers.
One train of mechanism may diverge into two or moreas when a single shaft, driven by a prime mover, carries several pulleys, each of which drives a different machine.
The A A4 - d piece Ai carries the nm B4 which is one FIG.
A rotating shaft carries upon a cylindrical portion of its figure a wheel or pulley turning loosely on it, and consequently capable of remaining at rest when the shaft is in motion.
At a small distance from the pulley the shaft carries a short frustum of a solid cone accurately turned to fit the hollow cone.
The abdomen or pleon carries the remaining six pairs, of which from three to five are called pleopods and the remainder uropods.
Normally the pleon carries six pairs of two-branched appendages, of which the first three are much articulated flexible swimming feet, the last three few-jointed comparatively indurated uropods.
The delay attendant on this method of purification is avoided by treating the crude oil with 1 to 2% of a somewhat strong sulphuric acid, which chars and carries down the bulk of the impurities.
The head of a bristle-tail carries a pair of compound eyes and a pair of elongate many-jointed feelers.
The first of these usually carries a ventral tube, furnished with paired eversible sacs which assist the insects in walking on smooth surfaces, and perhaps serve also as organs for breathing.
For, just as the Roman Church as a whole preserves in the spiritual sphere the spirit and much of the organization of the Roman Empire, so the administration of the Curia carries on the tradition of Roman government, with its reverence for precedent and its practice of deciding questions, not on their supposed abstract merits, but in accordance with the rules of law as defined in the codes or by previous decisions.
The Scottish Church Society still carries on its work.
As the tank fills, the water enters the upper chamber and carries with it the flax and the beams, the latter being prevented from rising too high.
But the tale itself carries us back to Persia.
For the book carries within itself signs of early date.
Bolbec is important for its cotton spinning and weaving, and carries on the dyeing and printing of the fabric, and the manufacture of sugar.
During the interval between taking off the printed sheet and laying on the next one his partner inks the type surface with a roller which carries just sufficient ink properly distributed to preserve uniformity of " colour."
The port, which has regular communication with all the Norwegian coast towns - Hull, Newcastle, Hamburg, &c. - carries on an extensive trade in timber, oil, fish, copper, &c. The industries include shipbuilding, sawmilling, wood-pulp and fish-curing works and machine shops.
It carries on bleaching and the manufacture of carriage bodies, awnings, drugs, biscuits, &c.
But as the slag carries on an average 46% of silica, it is only through the utmost skill that it can be made to run as low on an average as 0.3% in copper oxide.
The layers from the different bales are laid upon the feed cloth which carries them up to the rollers, between which the layers are crushed and partly separated.
This cylinder, which has a high surface speed, carries part of the fibre towards the workers and strippers; the surface speed of the workers being much slower than that of the cylinder.
At Saltash the Royal Albert bridge (1857-1859) carries the railway across the estuary.
The needle in its normal position is symmetrically placed with regard to the quadrants, and carries a mirror by means of which its displacement can be observed in the usual manner by reflecting the ray of light from it.
The principal use of the term is ecclesiastical, and refers to the person who carries a staff as a symbol of office before a bishop or other church dignitary when taking part in a service, especially one held in a cathedral.
The Ynglingatal, a poem said to have been composed by Th1060lfr of Hvin, court-poet of Harold Fairhair, king of Norway, The gives a genealogy of Harold's family, which it carries Ynglingatals back to the early kings of the Svear.
Below the Taytao peninsula is the broad open Gulf of Penas, which carries the coast-line eastward fully ioo m.
Stewart stated that the Khorasan camel is celebrated for its size and strength, that it has very long hair, and bears cold and exposure far better than the ordinary Arabian or Persian camel, and that, while the ordinary Persian camel only carries a load of some 320 lb and an Indian camel one of some 400 Ib, the Khorasan camel will carry from 600 to 700 lb.
Therefore the native tradition carries the Sassanid line back to the Achaemenids and, still further, to the kings of the legendary period.
Its rule over the other groups it carries on through the sultans of Ternate and Tidore (q.v.).
The town carries on a brisk trade in wine, fruit and horses, and is one of the principal centres of horse-breeding in Hungary.
It distances perhaps every other German university in the extent to which it carries out what are popularly regarded as the characteristics of German student-life - duelling and the passion for Freiheit.
The town has a church of the 15th and 16th centuries and carries on the manufacture of paper, lace, ribbon, rosaries, &c., and trade in cheese.
When the threads reach the air they branch in a tree-like manner, and each branch (sporangiophore) carries one or more ovate sporangia, as shown at E, E, E, which fall off and are carried by the wind.
Here and there Fenelon carries his philanthropy to lengths curiously prophetic of the age of Rousseau - fervid denunciation of war, belief in nature and fraternity of nations.
An exception to the general rule is found in the Mulla, which carries the floods of the Kalat highlands into the Gandava basin and forms one of the most important of the ancient highways from the Indus plains to Kandahar.
His Semetic features are those of the Bedouin and he carries himself as straight and as loftily as any Arab gentleman.
Hence a glass tube plunged into water would become wet all over were it not that the ascending liquid film carries up a quantity of other liquid which coheres to it, so that when it has ascended to a certain height the weight of the column balances the force by which the film spreads itself over the glass.
Immediately surrounding the drop there is a film moving outwards at a high speed, and this carries away almost instantaneously any dust that may fall upon it.
It manufactures felt and corsets, and carries on a trade in horses, cattle and grain.
The former date carries us back to 1588-1589, or perhaps1587-1588- the "Armada" year - as his birth-time; the latter to1616-1617(ut supra).
In the modern residential quarter are the Potsdamer-Viktoria-briicke, which carries the traffic from two converging streets into the outer Potsdamer-strasse, and the Herkules-briicke connecting the Liitzow-platz with the Tiergarten.
An old oak lectern, dating from the middle of the 15th century, carries a chained copy, in a Tudor binding of brass, of Dean Comber's (1655-99) book on the Common Prayer, and a black-letter copy of Erasmus's Paraphrase of the Gospels.
The town carries on a variety of small manufactures, including musical instruments, iron-wares, marble ornaments.
The town carries on an extensive trade in grain, flax, hemp, wood, tar and leather.
Though not the capital, it is commercially the most important city in Dalmatia and carries on an extensive trade in wine and oil.
The single ephyra carries the sixteen scyphistoma tentacles, which will atrophy and disappear.
In the nauplius larva they lie rather at the sides than in front of the mouth, and their basal portion carries a hook-like masticatory process which assists the similar processes of the mandibles in seizing food.
The latter is short and carries five teeth in each transverse row.
Augustine's explanation of its fall passes in review not only the calamities of Roman history - combined with a pathetic perception of its greatness, - but carries the survey back to the origin of evil at the creation.
This is closely followed on the south-east by the Chalk country, occupying the whole of the rest of England except where the Tertiary Basins of London and Hampshire cover it, where the depression of the Fenland carries it out of sight, and where the lower rocks of the Weald break through it.
The system of the Shropshire Union railways and canal company, which is connected by lease with the London & North-Western railway company, carries considerable traffic, especially in the neighbourhood of Ellesmere Port.
The rivers of the midlands and east are of little importance to salmon-fishers, though the Trent carries a few, and in modern times attempts have been made to rehabilitate the Thames as a salmon river.
Malines, although no longer famous for its lace, carries on a large trade in linen, needles, furniture and oil, while as a junction for the.
Neufchateau carries on wool-spinning and the manufacture of embroidery, nails and chains.
Adana is connected with Tersus and Mersina by a railway built in 1887, and has a magnificent stone bridge, which carries the road to Missis and the east, and dates in parts from the time of Justinian, but was restored first in 743 A.D.
Yet his conception of this faculty as functioning only in and through motive and character, inclination and desire, certainly carries us a long way beyond the abstraction in which his opponents stuck, that of a bare faculty without any assignable content.
Those who have received it are bound (unless in exceptional circumstances) to renew the mark, consisting of a bare circle on the crown of the head, at least once a month, otherwise they forfeit the privileges it carries.
The Bengal-Nagpur, from the Central Provinces, also has its terminus at Howrah, and the section of this railway through Midnapore carries the East Coast line from Madras.
The town carries on limeburning and plaster-manufacture, and there are stone quarries in the vicinity.
Nagy-Varad is an important railway junction; it possesses extensive manufactures of pottery and large distilleries, and carries on a brisk trade in agricultural produce, cattle, horses, fruit and wine.
The canal of Nivernais reaches as far as Auxerre, which has a busy port and carries on boat-building.
It carries on an active trade in cattle, horses, corn and honey, while four well-attended fairs are held annually.
The lower beam carries on a saddle a scale which is raised nearly to the top of the glass case in which the machine is enclosed, and as the beams sway this scale plays past a scratch on the glass, which is so placed that when the zero point on the scale coincides with the scratch the beams are horizontal.
A rod, connected at its lower end with the steelyard, carries at its upper end a horizontal dividing knife, which cuts off the flow from the shoot when the steelyard kicks.
The toothed segment, C, actuates the pinion, F, which carries the finger, G, and this finger remains fixed in position so long as the person is standing on the platform.
If now a small weight, as a penny, be passed through the slot, H, it falls into the small box, I, and causes the lever, J, to turn; the lever, J, which turns in friction wheels at K, and is counterbalanced at 0, carries a toothed segment, L, which actuates a small pinion on the same axle as F, and is free to turn on that axle by a sleeve.
This small pinion carries a finger, M, which is arranged to catch against the finger, G, when moved up to it.
The sleeve of the pinion which carries M also carries the dial finger, and if the dial is properly graduated its finger will indicate the weight.
Each of these poises carries a horizontal strip of metal, which is graduated and marked with raised figures corresponding to those on the steelyard itself.
The casing is fixed in supports on the top of a strong frame, which also carries a small platform machine of ordinary construction on which the goods to be weighed are placed.
In order to deaden the vibrations of the index arm when weighing goods a vertical rod is attached to the lever from the lever machine near its left-hand end, and this rod carries on its lower end a plunger which works in a closed cylindrical dash-pot containing oil or glycerin.
The disk carries a weighted brass cylinder rigidly attached to it, which is pulled into an oblique position by the steel band until equilibrium is established.
And the disk also carries the index arm which plays past the vertical face of the chart, and indicates the weight and price up to 2-lb weight.
The disk also carries a second and corresponding index arm which indicates the weight on the purchaser's side of the machine.
The power is applied by a belt round a pulley, which is mounted on the end of the horizontal shaft which carries the brushes.
The state carries on an extensive commerce with the Orient and with the Canadian provinces.
The worm-wheel shaft then sometimes carries a spur-pinion gear ing with a spur-wheel on the lifting shaft, whereby a much greater mechanical advantage is obtained with a small loss by friction of the spur gearing.
The abbot of Lokkum, who still carries a pastoral staff, takes precedence of all the clergy of Hanover, and is ex officio a member of the consistory of the kingdom.
The town carries on a brisk trade in hops, corn and timber; there are also paper-pulp mills and oil factories.
It bears most resemblance to the Scotch Black-face, but carries a finer, heavier fleece, and is larger in head.
The Dorset and Somerset Horn is an old west-country breed of sheep. The fleece is fine in quality, of close texture, and the wool is intermediate between long and short, whilst the head carries a forelock.
The universality of the Ent, he conceived, necessarily carries with it certain characteristics.
The town contains a handsome town hall, several churches and schools, and carries on an active industry in cotton and woollen stocking manufacture.
Wolf, apparently uncertain, carries the " Maranon or Amazon " to the Peruvian frontier of Brazil at Tabatinga.
From the time it receives the Manu, the Madre de Dios carries its immense volume of waters 4 85 m.
Slavyansk carries on a brisk trade in salt, cattle and tallow.
The town is capital of an arrondissement, and carries on tanning, &c., and trade in the well-known Bazadais cattle.
It is situated on the right bank of the Danube, and carries on a brisk trade in wine and the agricultural produce of the neighbourhood.
This council carries on the government of the whole Beni country, and is presided over by a British resident.
As a goddess of the moon she wears a long robe, carries a torch, and her head is surmounted by a crescent.
The parapodia of Chaetopoda are never coated with dense chitin, and are, therefore, never converted into jaws; the primitive " head-lobe " or prostomium persists, and frequently carries eyes and sensory tentacles.
The single prosthomere carries the retractile tentacles as its "parapodia."
I, Coelom of the first somite It also shows us that the neurowhich carries the anten meres, no less than the embryonic nae and is in front of the coelomic cavities, point to the existmouth.
The second prosthomere carries the first pair of antennae and the third the second pair of antennae.
This carries short-jointed antennae (in one case bi-ramose) and eyes, the structure and development of which require further elucidation.
The number is significant, since it agrees with that found in Edriophthalmous Crustacea, and assigns the labium of the Hexapod to the same somite numerically as that which carries the labium-like maxillipedes of those Crustacea.
It appears from observation of the embryo that whilst the first prosthomere of Centipedes has its appendages reduced and represented only by eye-patches (as in Arachnida, Crustacea and Hexapoda), the second has a rudimentary antenna, which disappears, whilst the third carries the permanent antennae, which accordingly correspond to the second antennae of Crustacea, and are absent in Hexapoda.
The first somite has become a prosthomere, and carries a pair of extensile antennae.
The grain falls from the spout of the thresher into the box-wagon, which carries it to the elevator.
It carries on a large trade in wood, wine and corn, in addition to its articles of manufacture.
The essential oil is rectified by redistillation with water and alkaline carbonates, and the water which the oil carries over with it is removed by a further distillation over calcium chloride.
Moreover, the belief that the justice of punishment depends upon the responsibility of the criminal for his past offences and the admission of the moral consciousness that his previous wrong-doing was freely chosen carries with it, so it is argued, consequences which the libertarian moralist might be willing to accept with reluctance.
The belief that our actions have been determined in the past carries with it no argument that they will be of a like character in the future.
It is, however, in the impulse given to practical beneficence in all its forms, by the exaltation of love as the root of all virtues, that the most important influence of Christianity on the particulars of civilized morality is to be found; p y although the exact amount of this influence is here somewhat difficult to ascertain, since it merely carries further a development traceable in the history of pagan morality.
This revelation is distinguished into the law of the old covenant and the law of the gospel; the latter of these is productive as well as imperative since it carries with it the divine grace that makes its fulfilment possible.