Caring Sentence Examples
Caring for someone is a vulnerability.
Lost to him already, Deidre sank into his world, not caring if it was the last night of her life, if she spent it with him.
I love that you are so caring and wear your heart on your sleeve.
He flung one of his knives at the tree line, not caring if he hit anything or not.
She'd been ignoring Kevin's calls for two days without caring he was the only person who could help her put food on the table.
While thus caring for the urban areas the administration was equally alive to the needs of the country districts.
Dean said, not caring if she heard him or not.
The thought pierced her thoughts, and she sagged against Two, not caring if she survived or not.
She struggled against him, not caring what he did to her now that he'd taken away her only real hope of leaving.
One minute they're all sweet and caring and the next they stab you in the back.
AdvertisementA feeling of caring he had never before experienced washed over him.
She wanted to thank him for all his years of caring for her, for being the father hers was not.
The business of Hot Springs consists mainly in caring for its visitors.
Martha, always the caring hostess, finally went upstairs and chased Quinn from his quarters, freeing up the now-dismantled lab room.
Caring for the ancient warrior in the catacombs, Jame, all those years taught him compassion otherwise denied him among the dead in those underground passageways.
AdvertisementShe heard a muffled response to her knock and walked in, not caring if he bid her enter or get lost.
Caring little or nothing about doctrinal disputes, but a great deal about increasing his own.
It may contain important information about caring for your pet.
Deidre glanced over her shoulder, not really caring at that moment, not when she felt like her world was squeezing the life out of her.
Gabe fought, not caring what happened.
AdvertisementShe turned off the communicator, not caring if he said anything else.
His mother took great pains with the religious education of her children, "caring, however, but little for doctrines," and making religion to.
She flung herself through it, not caring what waited for her on the other side.
Of course you'll be spending a lot of time caring for your newborn, but take advantage of quiet time by reading to your other child or snuggling on the couch to watch a video together.
Treat your flower like a normal pet by feeding it regularly and caring for it.
AdvertisementI mean I'm only 15 but still it really hurts to not feel wanted while all of my friends are in loving caring relationships.
Deidre laughed, not caring about the note of hysteria in her voice.
She strained, unable to move but no longer caring if he did kill her.
She'd never dated a man half as handsome, annoying, or caring as Romas, and she expected there were very few men like him to go around.
Taking reasonable precautions is part of being a caring parent.
Our resident cat expert, Wendy Nan Rees, offers advice on caring for your cat's teeth.
The Chestnut thrives best in airy and warm situations, and upon stony or free soils, not caring much for chalk or heavy soils.
Caring for the Next Generation, January 2002.
Caring for a child with SMA can be very challenging and emotionally draining.
She raced forward through the men, not caring what they thought, and flung herself into Mansr's arms with enough force to drive him back a step.
She headed for the fire, taking a few backward glances to be sure that he was actually caring for the mules.
We have a positive caring attitude and an open mind toward alternative therapies including hyperbaric oxygen, reflexology, aromatherapy and many others.
Loving is Easy. Caring Costs It 's easy to be sentimental about animals.
How many years have you been caring for children in your home?
Nannies who baby sit on a part time basis may receive anywhere from $8 to $15 per hour, depending upon the duties and the amount of children they are caring for.
Grandma or your best friend Suzi may be great babysitters, but are they ready for the fulltime job of caring for your baby?
When a parent dates while divorcing, children often feel guilty for caring about the other parent's new friend.
They did give a formal statement to their fans stating, "We happily remain committed and caring friends with great love and admiration for one another."
Caring for a child with an atrial septal defect is demanding.
Caring for a child with cancer is demanding.
As much as it didn't make sense, as much as his day job terrified her … She wanted Darkyn, more so now that she knew he had a side – however tiny – that was capable of caring for her and only her.
We strive to create a caring and stimulating learning environment and use the latest teaching aides and innovative approaches to learning.
Fear has also entered the arena of caring for drug users in general practice.
The roots of her caring ethos started early in Elizabeth's life.
An awareness raising course with professionals " Carers Caring Safely " has also been independently evaluated.
The caring resident owners live in the adjacent Georgian farmhouse.
Paperback from Bible reading fellowship £ 7.99 Caring for Creation Ed.
First, we support local hospices in their vital work on the front line of caring for people who face the end of life.
The majority of parents make similar sacrifices within their means and resent the insinuation that they are less caring.
At times there is also the need for people willing to take on the task of caring for orphaned manatees.
Increasingly, the attitudes of male professionalism have seemed outrageously at odds with a supposedly caring profession.
The relationship between the parents often becomes secondary to caring for the child.
Having a supportive and caring father enables children to build self-confidence and feel less stressed.
Young storks spend as much time caring for their parents as their parents spent on rearing them.
You're one of the caring that give thoughtful advise to those new to this frightening condition!
He shall then "live without a fire, without a house, without pleasures, without protection; remaining silent and uttering speech only on the occasion of the daily recitation of the Veda; begging so much food only in the village as will sustain his life, he shall wander about, neither caring for this world nor for heaven.
A caring reputable breeder has a very good insight into the behavior of their puppies.
Brenda was very sensitive and caring as many of you know she rescued an retired racing Greyhound called Sunny.
Who is the most caring, loyal, honest, and resourceful character in the book?
The information, together with appropriate training, development and support, assists carers to make choices about their caring responsibilities.
Each child is encouraged to develop into a confident, competent, caring and self-aware individual.
The poster has the RJB logo on the bottom and the slogan ' caring for the future where safety matters '.
Please speak to a member of staff caring for you or write to the superintendent radiographer.
Geof has taken on the role of caring for and protecting Jo.
For many women, sex equality is a thin veneer which vanishes as soon as they take on caring responsibilities.
You 're one of the caring that give thoughtful advise to those new to this frightening condition !
I have spent my day caring for around 30 patients with infectious diarrhea and vomiting on an understaffed ward.
Welsh Mountain Zoo - For a great day out a friendly, caring conservation zoo set in lovely garden surroundings high above Colwyn Bay.
While some parents are fortunate to have family members care for their children during the day, many more parents must find a reliable, caring day care facility to take care of their child during the working hours.
Caring for a newborn is not an impossible feat, but you'll need to engender a firm commitment to the task and an illimitable supply of patience and love in preparation for your baby's arrival.
So, keep reading all of our great articles for lots of info to help you stay in the know about caring for your newborn!
While some relish the thought of having two babies without two pregnancies and two births, most have fears over the challenges and potential problems of carrying two fetuses and caring for two newborns.
Choosing a childcare situation can be stressful and even risky at times, but if you do your homework and stay informed, you can find a caring environment that is satisfactory for you and your child.
We have seen the poor living conditions in which many children exist, and we know how much better their life would be with a loving and caring family.
Be reassuring, soothing, and caring but not extra fun when you respond to a toddler at night.
Be sure to discuss design ideas with the person who is decorating the cake,and don't micromanage a person who is donating time and materials as a caring gesture!
Some people are just more comfortable interacting and caring for older children, who are much more independent than babies.
Author, speaker, educator, and parenting consultant Suzy Martyn has over 25 years experience caring for children.
Add a personalized, themed message, such as "Thank you for caring!
Others depend on relatives or friends who are more experienced in caring for a baby to teach them about diapering their child.
Eventually, everyone figures out the best way to diaper his or her child, but there are some tips that can make this essential part of caring for a baby a little easier.
The Hot Milk Lingerie website offers a variety of tips on purchasing and caring for their lingerie and nursing bras.
Our writers and editors are a group of knowledgable and caring individuals who have come together to share their resources in an effort to provide informational support to cat fanciers everywhere.
A few free kittens find their way into loving, caring homes.
Well, my fiancee that lives in a different state has been caring for the cat for the past year until I am able to move with them.
This list doesn't seem that far off from geriatric human illnesses, and this is why aging cat care follows similar principles to caring for an elderly person.
Taking care of a cat doesn't need to overly complicated, but for inexperienced pet owners, caring for a new cat involves a learning curve.
It requires a little brushing now and then to remove loose hairs and guard against hairballs, but there is not a significant time investment when it comes to caring for one of these kittens.
Caring for a kitten is not difficult, but cats do have basic needs that are important to their health and well being.
Caring for a kitten is not difficult, and your kitten will bring you joy that can last a lifetime.
Caring about strong characters is what makes the story worth reading.
In return you'll feel capable of caring for yourself and becoming part of the community in which you live.
Remember to acknowledge birthdays and occasions like Mother's Day and Father's Day with cards, small gifts or other celebratory gestures to instill thoughtfulness in the child and demonstrate caring and kindness.
Caring for and cleaning outdoor cushions is a bit different than for indoor cushions.
Your home is your canvas and the one place you can put your stamp of originality on without caring what anyone else thinks.
After you invest in your floral vine rug, caring for it properly will allow it to last for years.
Caring for your train case is essential to keep it looking it's best and functioning properly.
Virtual pets replicate the fun and challenge of pet ownership without the responsibility of caring for a living animal.
Many people enjoy playing online games that involve adopting and caring for virtual pets. allows users to manage a virtual kennel by buying, caring for and showing dogs.
After your digital animal hatches, you can then guide its growth by caring for it and training it.
If you would like a puppy on your desktop, but you'd rather not waste time caring for it, playing with it and feeding it, then downloading the puppy screensaver from this site would be your perfect solution.
The game was released in 2007 for the Wii and PC and has you caring for a puppy.
Caring for virtual pets is a popular casual activity for many gamers on many electronic platforms.
Christmas is a time for caring and sharing, so make sure to make enough to pass around to your friends and loved ones!
As you've probably already discovered, caring for a baby requires a great deal of energy.
There is something to be said about planting and caring for a garden.
There is therapeutic value in nurturing living things and it is easy to forget problems when you're caring for seedlings and plants in a garden.
To reduce stress and achieve stress free living, it is important to identify and reduce life stressors, improve the way we react to common stressors, and ensure our body is able to cope with stress by feeding and caring for it.
By caring for yourself, lowering your nervousness with stress management techniques and changing your perception, you will be able to fight test anxiety so that you can achieve a score that reflects your true understanding of the material.
By remaining kind, caring, and compassionate, you can make the most of this special friendship.
These places often have plenty of hourly jobs available during the summer, doing everything from selling tickets to caring for animals.
With so many outside influences, raising a responsible, caring adult seems nearly impossible.
But, if you continue to feel down, talk to a caring adult--mom/dad if you can, but if not, a school counselor, older sibling, or a pastor/rabbi if you attend church or synagogue.
Many students who struggle in scientific courses are guilty of not concentrating or fully caring.
But he's not like that he's nice(to everyone), caring, basically NOT like the guys at my school.
He is so sweet, caring, and everything I could ask for in a guy.
Hence the expression, (you always want what you can't have) With maturity and time, hopefully, your "fear of commitment" will change into appreciating how wonderful it is to be with a caring, loving person.
Even though teens will do things like break curfew or sneak out at night, continue to enforce your rules as a caring parent.
If you avoid your bully long enough, this person might just stop caring about whatever reason he or she started to bully you in the first place.
Many couples tie care tags with personalized sentiments to the pots to express their thanks and good wishes to their guests as well as to give them tips for caring for their living unique wedding favor.
Even the most caring son can have trouble expressing his sentiments when it comes to the woman who raised him.
This is to signify their commitment to caring for one another for the years to come.
Not caring about the risk posed to work or relationships.
They give you full instructions in caring for your custom curtain and are available for further questions, should you have any.
So all of that with a sense of caring about the result, a conviction that simple is best and a commitment to trying for perfection is probably somehow visible in our linens.
Whether she's at home caring for her daughters or on tour with husband Tim McGraw, Faith Hill is one country sweetheart who will be endearing fans for many years.
Whatever the reasons, join LoveToKnow Celebrity on a tour of some of the celebrity splits that have even those "I'm above caring what the stars do" types secretly flipping through People Magazine.
Entries discuss everything from Gwen Stefani's struggle to balance her career with caring for her son Kingston to the plans Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have made for baby Suri's first Christmas.
As for Lauren, isn't it a complete mystery as to why she chooses the mean girls (first Heidi and then Lo) to be friends with over the ones who seem to be the most honest and caring?
Jamie Spears seemed to do just fine caring for his family before Britney was a pop superstar, Jamie Lynn was an actress and his wife was an author and they all were making a ton of money.
Eating disorder support group Caring Online points fingers at Hollywood for creating unrealistic body ideals and putting pressure on women to go to extreme lengths to attain unhealthy body weights.
If it gets picked up by animal control or a caring neighbor, they'll be able to have vital information regarding your pup readily on hand.
Our writers and editors are a group of knowledgable and caring individuals who have come together to pool their resources for the betterment of the entire dog fancy.
During this socialization period, pups that do not possess the ideal qualities of a service dog are weeded out of the program and adopted into caring pet homes.
The life of a guide dog is not one of carefree play, but dogs that are suited to this work seem to take a great deal of satisfaction from caring for their special companions.
However, it's debatable just how "free" that puppy really is when you consider all the costs of caring for her over her lifetime.
One of the most basic building blocks for good health is appropriate nutrition.Solid Gold Dog Food believes in caring for the overall health of the whole dog.
Their purpose is to find homes that are safe and provide a caring environment for these dogs.
When possible, a volunteer meets with the prospective guardians to make certain they are aware of the needs of a this breed and make suggestions regarding caring for their new dog.
Admirable for pots on a sunny window-sill, caring nothing for weeks of inattention.
While late summer may seem like the time to kick back and relax, caring for a late summer garden ensures that the delicious harvest continues well into the fall, and sometimes beyond.
Caring for your laminate floor is relatively easy.
The popular franchise has a magazine, television show and website with relevant topics about caring for older homes.
Caring for elderly parents is a daunting duty, especially if your parents suffer with health limitations or chronic illnesses.
The first order of business when caring for your parents is preparing a place for them.
Another option when caring for elderly parents is outside help, whether through a visiting nurse agency, adult daycare or reliable family member.
Caring for elderly parents can be a mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting job.
If you're a senior or caring for a senior, please share your thoughts in the "Comments" section below about topics of interest to you.
After all, some seniors have active lifestyles but no longer want the responsibility of caring for their own home.
Each American Senior Living Communities facility provides residents with quality care in a nurturing and caring environment.
The Methodist Senior Community network has a reputation for excellent service provided by caring staff members.
The Silver Maples of Chelsea offers options for independent, residential-style living as well as assisted living accommodations where residents live under the supervision of licensed, caring staff.
For those who are active and not interested in spending a lot of time on caring for their hair, short styles are the way to go.
Deep sleep is easily disrupted by frequent waking (insomnia, caring for an infant, illness) during the night.
Caring for your black lenses is not much different from caring for your regular contact lenses.
You'll need an eye exam to know for sure, this exclusive LoveToKnow contact lens inteview with Peter Tolan, online manager of All About Eye Care, can provide you with basic information about wearing and caring for contact lenses.
Caring for your mirror lenses is the same as any contact lenses, rinse them after wear and soak overnight in a contact lens case.
When it comes to caring for your lenses, make sure you rinse them thoroughly when you take them out and before putting them in, and that you soak them overnight in the appropriate contact solution.
Be sure to shop around and always consult with your eye doctor before making a purchase; you'll need the prescription and tips for caring for your lenses.
Since you are shopping online, take a little extra time to comparison shop for the best deal possible.Just like with any other pair of contacts, caring for crazy contact lenses properly is important.
Your time in Nintendogs will be divided by caring for your dogs (feeding, bathing, walking), goofing off (throwing soccer balls, using the bubble blower), training them with verbal commands, and entering them into competitions.
Follow these simple tips on caring for your glasses to get lasting enjoyment from them.
Caring for antique books is not difficult and helps them remain in good condition for future generations.
While some community members own new motor homes, others take pleasure in restoring and caring for older models, sharing their passion with others on the Internet.
If the baby's jaundice is caused by any other conditions, however, the healthcare giver will provide the parents with additional information for caring for the baby.
Family-Two or more emotionally involved people living in close proximity and having reciprocal obligations with a sense of commonness, caring, and commitment.
Caring for a child with congenital cardiovascular defects is demanding.
Gilligan found that women, who value social interaction more than men, base their moral decisions on a culture of caring for other human beings.
Caring for a child with spina bifida can be a daunting endeavor.
Many states may have a voluntary regulation process in place for those providers caring for four or fewer children.
No caregiver who works alone should be caring for more than two children younger than two years of age.
Ehrle, Jennifer, et al. "Who's Caring for Our Youngest Children?
Through discipline, children are able to learn self-control, self-direction, competence, and a sense of caring.
Children have a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment, with the supervision and guidance of competent, caring adults.
Most parents report that their way of caring for their remaining children changes after the family experiences a SIDS death.
However, in-home sitters range from nannies who may have training in child development and first aid to women who, although not trained formally, have had many years of experience caring for children, including their own.
Experimental play therapy-Play therapy based on the belief that a child has the ability to solve his or her own problems within the context of a warm and caring therapeutic environment.
People who are caring for someone with tonsillitis should wash their hands frequently to prevent spreading the infection to others.
A caring touch is good for everyone, but especially for infants who are new to the world and need the reassurance of someone special being there for them.
It promotes feelings of competence and confidence in caring for baby.
Persons caring for these infants must also employ strict measures to prevent spreading the infection.
Parents are often overwhelmed at the prospect of caring for a premature baby.
Infants cannot understand the meaning of words they hear, but they can feel, interpret, and respond to gentle, loving supportive hands caring for them.
Children with chickenpox miss an average of five to six days of school and their parents miss an average of three to four days of work while caring for them.
The most important way to help a child through an EEG procedure is by being there and caring.
Caring for a child with Angelman syndrome constitutes a complex challenge.
Because touch is also a form of communication, sensitive touch can convey a sense of caring to the person receiving massage, enhancing the individual's sense of self and well being.
Infants are defenseless and must depend on a caring adult for survival.
The act of holding, rocking, laughing, singing, feeding, gazing, kissing, and other nurturing behaviors involved in caring for infants (and young children) are bonding experiences.
The most important step that parents can take with aggressive children is to set firm, consistent limits and be sure that everyone caring for the children acts in accord with the parents' rules and expectations.
Caring for a baby or child with WAS is a highly stressful task.
Phillip Culbertson takes a holistic approach to grief counseling with Caring For God's People.
Royal Me Wigs has a generous selection, and the site offers helpful information and tips about wearing, removing and caring for your wig.
The Laser Hair Removal Center provides a caring and welcoming environment, and is open every day of the week either for treatments, for consultations, or to answer client's questions.
This shampoo also contains UV filters that protect the hair from sunlight, making it another popular choice for individuals interested in caring properly for their hair through natural methods.
Whether you are a natural blonde or are interested in best displaying your new golden locks, properly caring for both the hair color and the individual style is the key to a great look that will be both stylish and enjoyable.
There are many ways that concerned and caring individuals can help support the charity, from donating hair themselves to helping raise money to pay for the manufacture of the hairpieces.
Choosing the appropriate trimmer model and caring for it properly ensures a long life span and full range of usefulness, ultimately leading to great savings when you don't need to visit the hair salon as frequently.
The truth is that caring for your hair is as important as looking after your skin.
Young girls will want to play dress up frequently, and caring for play wigs carefully will ensure they stay as bright and fresh as Hannah Montana's latest hit.
After caring for the hair of his chemical and color treated clients, he found the drying effects of a lathering shampoo sacrificed the integrity of the hair, creating lackluster, dull and dry locks.
Their academic lives are often balanced with real life lessons that include chores, caring for others, and learning to help out as part of a family.
The homeschooling parent may be cooking a meal, cleaning the house, doing laundry and caring for a baby while teaching several grades all at once.
This benefits system also provides benefit compensation to those who are caring for a sick child or family member and those out of work due to maternal needs.
Acute care involves caring for children who have sudden, chronic or terminal illnesses.
Once you and baby arrive home, the reality of caring for an infant begins to set in.
This is typically due to hormonal changes and the overwhelming task of caring for an infant.
In those first few weeks after your baby is born, your days will be a whirlwind of diaper changes, feedings, and everything else that goes into caring for a newborn.
Parents who are overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for their other children are most likely to find themselves with a sullen and resentful middle child.
If your baby's father isn't in the picture and your parents are not supportive of your pregnancy, it can be difficult to deal with the responsibility of caring for a newborn entirely on your own.
It's a great gift for moms who are feeling slightly overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for a newborn.
Ongoing costs of caring for your baby exceed childcare and diapers.
An individual who seems disinterested in communicating efficiently with an owner may also be inadequate at caring for your dog during his stay.
Caring for a ball python properly is the key to making sure the animal lives a healthy and secure life.
Since this snake can live for up to 50 years, caring for one is a serious commitment.
Caring for a ball python begins with purchasing a secure and safe place for him to live.
Caring for a Ball Python includes cleaning the cage once a week.
Our writers and editors are a group of knowledgeable and caring individuals who have come together to pool their resources in order to help people everywhere take better care of their small animal companions.
They also offer a swimwear blog and tips on caring for your swimsuit.
Conversely, a woman with a few minor problem areas can still get away with wearing one of these suits if she has enough confidence in her own sexuality to proudly strut across the sands without caring who's looking.
Caring for your swimwear is always important, but it's particularly so in the case of toile.
He supports his friends by caring about them, and bringing as much to them as possible through his mission to be the best swimwear manufacturer in the USA.
As might be expected, because Miracle swimwear comes equipped with cutting-edge fabric, caring for your suit takes careful consideration.
Giving a child a pet doctor toy is a great way to encourage caring through pretend play.
Pretending to be a doctor can not only make going to the doctor less scary for some children, but it can also teach compassion and caring as a child acts to make a pet better.
Sophina is a great friend because she's caring and always willing to listen.
When Hasbro created the My Buddy doll, the company was seeking a doll that would appeal to little boys and teach them about caring for their friends.
Since Bamix products are expensive, following directions and caring for them properly will give you the best possible results as well as keep them in top condition.
Born to a prosperous Massachusetts family in 1821, Clara displayed an early interest in nursing by caring for her younger brother after a bad fall made him an invalid.
Because President Arthur insisted that she expand the scope of the Red Cross' services beyond caring for war victims, she organized and readied the organization for assistance.
Children are invited to attend summer camp at the shelter, where they will learn about caring for homeless animals and also help to support the mission.
There are fees for both surrendering and adopting animals to help offset the cost of caring for animals while they are at the shelter.
Campers learn about caring for animals and how to pursue animal-related careers in the future.
They can choose to work in the shelter, either caring for animals or working in the office.
The largest humane society in the Chicago area, the Animal Welfare League, has been caring for the needs of animals for more then 70 years.
During meetings, kids learn about the shelter and caring for animals, but they also participate in social activities, such as pizza and game night.
LoveToKnow Cats is your source for information on caring for your feline companion.
These collections are also popular because they allow our customers to enjoy the elegance and natural beauty of a traditional tree without the hassle of caring for a natural tree.
Few things take the place of a fresh evergreen tree at the holidays, but caring for a live Christmas tree can be a daunting task.
Caring for a live Christmas tree requires a few simple steps, but it is worthwhile.
With a story in mind that uses love and magic to bring a sweet, caring girl and a handsome, kind prince together, no wonder little girls want to mimic the costumes.
When bathrobe nights have become the norm, this may simply be because you and your partner have truly stopped caring about impressing one another.
When couples stop caring to impress, it is easy to take each other for granted.
If only interracial dating was as easy as two people accepting and caring for each other based on their merits as human beings.
Caring about your ex is not enough to get back with a woman who has a jealousy problem.
Caring about your ex is a healthy response to the end of a former relationship.
It is about caring enough for your partner to ensure that she feels safe, and satisfied.
I don't want to end up caring more for work than for my relationships, but compared to him I am a workaholic and so part of me thinks I should want to be more like him.
When this experience is reciprocated, caring for a partner is out of love and not out of a sense of obligation.
When you are talking with a guy and you offer compliments, talk positively about life and others, you come across as friendly, caring and likeable.
Being the loving and caring person you are this is no surprise.
When you focus on the other person, you come across as caring and nice.
Don't be afraid to give reasons as to why the relationship has to end, but do this in a calm, caring manner.
Do not feel bad about yourself because even though you may really like her, there are plenty of other women out there who deserve a caring and loving man such as yourself.
Saying "thank you" is a simple way to express caring and thoughtfulness.
For some, the meaning of love is caring more about someone than you do about yourself.
The first rule of thumb when looking for love is to demonstrate traits, caring, and behavior you want in a mate.
Romantic love can be a confusing mixture of signals involving genuine caring, attraction, lust and respect.
Anyone who's ever been "torn" by caring for two people at the same time can understand the appeal.
You will impress them by how caring and romantic you are and you will sweep her right off her feet by doing something she finds extraordinary.
By researching diamond shapes beforehand and choosing one that suits your beloved, you demonstrate your caring and consideration for her preferences.
Caring for a multi-tone ring can be tricky depending on the metals used.
Ideally, talking through this points will help reconcile any discrepancies through caring, compromise, and understanding.
By carefully considering the person for whom the jewelry is intended, you demonstrate the same level of caring and sensitivity that first began your relationship together.
In addition to caring for royal jewels, Garrard also fashions a stunning collection of classic engagement ring designs.
The physical connection of a caring touch is a great element of romance.
If she always discusses the intricate details of a wedding or creating a home, a marriage proposal should pay careful attention to every detail for a romantic and caring setting.
Rubies are nearly as hard and durable as diamonds, making caring for a ruby and diamond ring easy.
As with any expensive ring, caring for an engagement ring properly means removing it while doing chores, exercise, or other vigorous activities to minimize risks.
Stroke her hair, hold her hand, or otherwise show her how much her answer means to you in a caring, gentle way.
Caring for your channel-set wedding ring is easy but it can get dirt embedded in the setting without regular cleaning or if the ring is worn during gardening or heavy chores.
When writing about caring for a newborn, it only takes five words to attribute information to a pediatrician.
A few moments spent caring for your leather handbag will ensure years of beautiful enjoyment.
Once one has decided on their bag, it's time to start thinking about caring for that bag.
Cancer is one of the kindest and most nurturing and caring members of the zodiac.
If you're lucky enough to make a solid connection him, you'll find no more loyal and caring a man than Virgo.
She'll also be a caring and loving parent who is surprisingly strict at times.
Virgos are intelligent, caring and naturally kind people.
Loyal, romantic, kind and caring, this lovely lady is a wonderful match to any sign that wants to feel deeply loved and treasured.
Many day care programs focus on caring for and nurturing preschoolers, but may not focus much on children's education.
Venturing crews work to provide young adults with character-building activities aimed at helping them develop into responsible, caring, fit, and ethical adults.
It is completely normal to feel these things when a nanny is caring for your beloved children.
Many nannies are also caring for children who are still too little to communicate mistreatment or neglect.
A preschool education should involve caring teachers, interesting lessons, and fun activities.
The Bratz Babyz Fish Tank allows kids to choose their fish, decorate their tank, and raise their virtual pet by logging in daily and feeding and caring for the fish.
Students in their early childhood education programs obtain hand-on experience caring for children, and parents receive the benefit of energetic, interested caretakers and low cost care.
If your child is an animal lover and has experience caring for animals, there are many business ideas available.
If you have a young lady in the house who loves to nurture, caring games for girls may be just her speed.
If your child's play preferences run more towards cuddling and caring than those violent video games, surely that is a trait you will wish to reinforce.
If caring for the wee ones is your child's fancy, there are plenty of online games that are sure to please.
And, once your little one signs off the site, the noise, chaos, and mess of those mischievous young ones she's been caring for will disappear into the cyberspace void--certainly a tad more convenient than the real thing.
Among the many other types of caring games to be found online are those that allow your child to become a teacher or daycare provider, as well as others that extend that nurturing spirit to a colony of honey bees or a virtual garden.
In today's age of video games with ever increasing levels of violence, profanity, and sexual content, caring games for girls are a welcome oasis for family friendly fun.
They can have Barbie going for a ride on the horse, having adventures of different kinds in the process, or going through the steps involved in caring for the horse.
However, even some nannies raise their rates if they are caring for more kids, so make sure you shop around and fully explore the fees you will pay before you hire a childcare provider.
Whether she chooses from online horse adventure games or virtual pet sites, your child can experience the fun of naming and caring for her very own horse.
Kids can not only play fun games, but they can also learn facts about horses, including info on horse breeds and tips for caring for horses.
Both the series and the films followed the Care Bears on their adventures in their home of Care-a-lot, located in the grand Kingdom of Caring up in the clouds.
While producers generally are caring and sociable, they do not have mounds of free time.
No coupon or rebate can take the place of caring for yourself.
The Whiskas site offers helpful advice for caring for your cat.
Printable cat food coupons can help you save money while caring for your kitty.
The site features information on pregnancy, as well as tips on caring for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.
The Como Zoo and Conservatory doesn't even have an admission charge, although donations are encouraged to help meet the expense of caring for the animals.
With a little thought and caring, one simple freebie can be a touch of faith for many people.
Cat food coupons can be a good way to save money while caring for your pet.
For more tips on caring for your pet while sticking to your budget, please visit LoveToKnow Dogs.
Another good way to save money while caring for your pet is to take advantage of the Fresh Step "Paw Points" customer loyalty program.
Even if a child is old enough to be left home alone, this does not mean he or she is mature enough to handle the responsibility of caring for a sibling.
The Dr. Scholl's company has a long history of caring for the feet.
This is a good time for parents to teach kids about caring for their own property.
She took Dena Higley, the head writer of OLTL in 2007 to task for her lack of caring about the show's history in a fan club newsletter.
The singer often portrays poor girls or street urchins with powerful, caring hearts.
Deb also learned that caring about clients meant that it hurt when she couldn't win a case or a judgment in their favor.
Izzie was also in love and despite resistance, she agreed to marry Denny, not even caring that her career was on the rocks.
Flannery's performance, whether it is arguing with her onscreen husband, caring for her children or manipulating a situation for her family's benefit, has allowed the character to earn empathy even when fans hated what she did.
You'll spend the most time caring for your tattoo in those first days and weeks of getting it.
If you do this, all the rules of caring for a fresh tattoo apply.
Citizen believes that caring about the environment doesn't mean skimping on luxury.
Offering a respite for parents and siblings is a great way to help, caring for the child with autism for an afternoon or weekend to allow some uninterrupted parenting time for other children or much needed adult time for stressed spouses.
The problem is not a lack of caring; it is an inability to understand why others do not have the same responses and interests.
Despite a popular perceived view, not all business owners are cold-hearted calculating machines caring only for profits at the expense of everyone they step on while rising to the top.
Although caring for pets offers a financially profitable business, it can be draining and ties you down as long as you have dogs in your care.
For example, you might be a passionate leader, a caring and intuitive listener, or a dynamic and creative motivator.
Ford van rubber floor mats are designed to take years of abuse, but caring for them properly can help keep them looking good for the life of your van.
Commercial cleaners and special cleaning cloths made specifically for blackboards do an excellent job of cleaning and caring for chalkboards.
For many women, however, maintaining their own health takes a backseat to caring for their families.
Caring for home gym equipment is the best way to ensure that you will get your money's worth out of them.
The Georgia Partnership for Caring provides medical care and prescription medicines to residents who do not qualify for Medicaid, yet do not have the income to pay for needed medical care.
My Cigna provides all the information you need to stay on top of caring for yourself.
Parents may want to provide anyone caring for their child a signed medical emergency release form.
Will your family be protected should some accident injure you and prevent you from caring for them?
Some women have complained that the fabric is easily snagged and pilled, even when caring for it well by hand washing and hang-drying.
Caring for your lingerie shouldn't make you fret.
In the washing machine, caring for your lingerie requires the use of the delicate cycle and gentle detergent.
Caring for your lingerie is a bit different when you're working with leather lingerie.
If you are good about caring for your lingerie, it will last and last and still look pretty.
Caring for your ladies flannel nightgowns is almost effortless.
Caring for lingerie made from leather requires a slightly different approach than maintaining other types of undergarments.
Above all, when you're caring for your cotton lingerie-or any lingerie at all-you should read the tag first.
You can find out the latest on shows, caring for your lingerie and even get tips on choosing your next bikini.
Men have always had it comparatively easy when it comes to caring for their underwear.
Although it may be a surprise to those who are used to men not caring if they have a gut, men's shapewear is a steadily growing industry.
Most reviews were positive, though you may want to treat the cami as delicately as you treat your favorite bras when it comes to caring for it.
Always read the specific manufacturers' care instructions to ensure you are caring for your stockings properly and extend their life.
If you're good about caring for your lingerie, you can afford to splash out on something pricier, because it will last a long time.
It is here that viewers get to see how compassionate and caring Jen is.
Ryan spent most of his evenings with his friends, while Maci stayed home with Bentley and tried to balance caring for him with studying for the classes she was taking at the local community college.
But he is a compassionate and caring person by Ferengi standards, just don't tell him that...
Played by Gates McFadden, Dr. Beverly Crusher is a caring yet no-nonsense medical professional.
Minya made Godzilla likeable because suddenly humans could relate to him as a parent caring for his child.
He then fled into the mountains, caring only for the ring.
To minimize the chance of keloids, avoid piercings or tattoos and get a dermatologist's advice about caring for any wounds.
Here are some tricks and tips to remember when it comes to caring for oily skin.
There are general sites like Twitter and Facebook, as well as those that are more specific, such as Classmates, Caring Bridge, or deviantART.
Caring Bridge allows families to share the progress of members of their family as they work to overcome serious illnesses.
You and she never understood that, when it came to caring for someone else.
As much as it didn't make sense, as much as his day job terrified her … She wanted Darkyn, more so now that she knew he had a side – however tiny – that was capable of caring for her and only her.
You aren.t capable of caring for someone else or keeping her safe.
Rhyn eyed him and started down the hall, not caring what his brother thought of anything at the moment.
That explains her cheek, he thought darkly, not caring one bit about Sasha or the vial.
She squeezed her eyes closed, not caring what he said and suspecting he was lecturing her on how not to behave in public.
He silently chastised himself for even caring that some guy named Cleary had spent a few weeks in Scranton and now was traveling off in the sunset in a blue-white-or-lavender motor home.
Fortunately he was also caring and compassionate.
Jessi led him up the stairs to the kitchen, not caring what Xander said about staying where he could see her.
She was not what you'd call a caring mother figure.
He buried his fangs into the Original Other's neck, not caring what happened when he killed the creature.
Italy, handled and rehandled, settled and resettled, upon each of these occasions, changed masters without caring or knowing what befell the principals in any one of the disputes.
The Mussulman invaders of the Deccan passed it by, not caring to enter its mountain fastnesses and impenetrable forests; though occasional inscriptions show that parts of it had fallen from time to time under the dominion of one or other of the great kingdoms of the north, e.g.
Leaving the leading troops to repulse as best they might the furious attack of both Russians and Prussians, and caring little whether they lost ground, he rapidly organized for his own control a battle-reserve.
In a dream Christ reproached him with caring more to be a Ciceronian than a Christian.
The place became an asylum for lepers and the caring for them began to be a charity under government charge in 1866; but conditions here were at first unspeakably unhygienic, their improvement being largely due to Father Damien, who devoted himself to this work in 1873.
In 1818 he resumed his labours at Emmitsburg, and from this time until 1834 he held an almost unparalleled place in the American church, being constantly consulted by clergy throughout the country, besides lecturing, teaching, preaching and caring for his parish.
Caring little for the Convention and knowing nothing of events on the northern or eastern frontier, the peasants were determined not to serve and preferred to fight the Republic at home.
The idea of caring for her overwhelmed him again. He'd never had a reason to try to control his power or to focus on anything other than surviving. That a simple little mortal could show him just how little his Immortal and demon powers really meant humbled him. If he found his way, it would be because of her. Her distress and sorrow were, buried but he still saw them. She was trying to be brave, asking him for one last moment of comfort before what she thought was the end.
She stripped down to her underwear and changed into warm clothing, not caring what the vamps saw so long as Jonny wasn't around to get any ideas.
Not caring how many vamps might be in the gym, she entered and took up her favorite spot and began channeling her emotions into the punching bag.
She took a long shower this time, not caring if the vamps got her.
The placement is a live-in school devoted to caring for mentally disabled Japanese adults.
Caring for a seriously injured casualty in a remote area is a formidable challenge, even for the most experienced expedition medic.
The current Dream seems more compassionate than his predecessor, more caring, more concerned.
The ' heart czar ' is expected to announce today an imminent change to the Government's guidance on caring for cardiac conditions.
They are a safe, caring and supportive environment where I have opened up and shared, without feeling judged.
Fostering involves caring for children while their parents are unable to, whereas adoption provides children with a permanent home.
Compassion - We mean ruthless honesty and tough, direct, caring communication.
These methods have enormous potential for providing modern, caring, locally-based nurse-led abortion services for women.
How can we prioritize our caring so that the truly needy get what they need while those who would suck us dry do not.
He said caring for the morbidly obese wasn't even an issue for paramedic service managers 10 years ago.
Debbie is so obliging, considerate, caring and amusing.
What a thoughtful, caring father the old orc had been.
Initial requests for help in caring for Romanian orphans came through CRY's Romanian church connections.
These include pacifism, vegetarianism, charity work, recycling, the Green movement, and the caring professions.
Preaching, caring for the flock and equipping the saints can be profoundly secular.
Caring for patients with severe mental health problems, e.g. schizophrenia, drug/alcohol related problems, challenging behaviors.
Greg drove through town, not caring who saw the tombstone.
Anyway, what caring parent would ever allow a youngster to go unaccompanied via the very busy New Road to the Terrace grounds?
Caring for a partner or family member is an incredibly demanding job that is usually unpaid.
Welsh Mountain zoo - For a great day out a friendly, caring conservation zoo set in lovely garden surroundings high above Colwyn Bay.
He has had a lifetime 's experience of caring for wounded servicemen.
The case involved allegations of sexual harassment made by a nanny against the father of the child she was caring for.
Caring for a baby involves its share of hurdles, but most parents find that eventually a routine is developed and the overall challenge wanes.
Caring for a premature baby can be very stressful.
Many times people start out providing foster care, but through the day-to-day caring of the child or children grow to love them like their own.
Regardless of whether the pet is created or chosen, each of these games involves scenarios and activities associated with caring for the virtual animal.
Caring for your laminate flooring is simple.
LoveToKnow Jewelry is your definitive resource for expert jewelry information, providing articles on a huge range of topics from the different types of jewelry and popular jewelry designers to caring for and storing your jewelry.
Some of these pendants are meant as a set to be split between friends or they can be given individually as a token of fondness and caring.
When caring for your silk men's pajamas be sure to carefully follow the instructions on the label.
They also maintain contact with their customers through Twitter and Facebook, which continues tradition more than half a century old of caring about the needs of their tall customers.
To learn more about caring for your newborn, visit LoveToKnow Baby.
Do you have questions about caring for the newest addition to your family?
For more tips on caring for sensitive and allergy-prone skin, visit LoveToKnow Skin Care.
A Growing Guide for Organic Herb Seeds is a complete guide for growing organic herbs including when and where to plant various seed types, caring for the seeds and plants and links to more resources.
So although you won't have to do it too often, caring for and washing wool may be a bit of a project.
Signing up to receive mobile Amber Alerts adds your eyes and ears to those of the many caring people helping to assist in the safe return of an abducted child.
Will I be caring for a spouse or another loved one, possibly in ill health?
Few understand the special requirements and concerns of caring for an aging or ill loved one like the Family Caregiver Alliance.
The home health agency caring for you must be certified by the Medicare program.
It can also provide a final message of caring and support to your loved ones.
Senior issues touch us all, whether directly, through caring for loved ones, or as a blip on our own horizon.
That's the best gift anyone can receive - attention, caring, love, and friendship.
About 25 percent of today's adults are caring, in some capacity, for an aging parent or relative.
Although Home Instead Senior Care is one solution, and has franchises in many states, there are many qualified and caring individuals who work independently as well.
A senior needs assisted living when they get to the point where they need help with basic daily activities such as personal grooming, cooking and caring for themselves medically.
Caring Transitions - Provides support to seniors and their families if they have to sell or give away possessions in the event of a death or in preparation for a move from the senior's home to an assisted living facility or a nursing home.
We'd all like to believe that nursing homes are staffed by caring people.
This website offers fact sheets on topics such as home safety checklist for seniors, education for those caring for people with dementia, and addressing health fraud.
For example, some in home care only involves caring for that individual a few hours each week.
The students get homework help and individual attention from a caring adult.
Gardening groups that beautify an area within the community by planting and caring for the plants.
When seniors have more restrictive living arrangements, they may miss caring for a pet, or may have had animals as a child, but married to someone allergic to dander.
Some parents join a babysitters' club, for example, a group of mothers may agree to take turns caring for each others' children so that each of them can have some time away from their children and know their children are in excellent hands.
While children need to know the biological facts about masturbation, they also need to understand that sexual relationships involve caring, concern, and responsibility.
Children's units in many hospitals are staffed by at least some nurses who specialize in caring for infants and children and understand their special needs.
Visit LoveToKnow Cats for advice on caring for your kitty.
For more tips on caring for your kitty, visit LoveToKnow Cats.
If your lingerie tends to fall apart long before you feel it should, take a look at how you're caring for it.
Caring for your cotton nightgown is a breeze.
Viewers also got a chance to see the more human side of Cutrone and spent a lot of time focuses on how Cutrone balances her hectic work schedule with caring for her daughter Ava.
At-home pedicures are a great way to bond with friends and family while caring for your nails.
The thought of an eternity with someone incapable of caring for her was a nightmare beyond those she had already lived.
The calf could be injured, and she might develop a fear of those caring for her.
Other cattle societies, all well caring for the interest of their respective breeds, are the Shorthorn Society of Great Britain and Ireland, the Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn Association, the Hereford Herd Book Society, the Devon Cattle Breeders' Society, the South Devon Herd Book Society, the Sussex Herd Book Society, the Longhorned Cattle Society, the Red Polled Society, the English Guernsey Cattle Society, the English Kerry and Dexter Cattle Society, the Welsh Bla.
Even the Eskimos, conspicuous as they are for their intelligence and sociability, save themselves the trouble of caring for their sick and old by walling them up and leaving them to die in a lonely hut; the Chukches stone or strangle them to death; some Indian tribes give them over to tigers, and the Battas of Sumatra eat them.
I have cast away gold and silver, and have ceased to carry even copper in my belt, being content with my daily bread, nor caring for the morrow, nor anxious how my belly shall be filled or my body clothed; and do you ask me if I accept the gospel ?
The towns elected (until 1856) the deputies to the general court, and were the administrative units for the assessment and collection of taxes, maintaining churches and schools, organizing and training the militia, preserving the peace, caring for the poor, building and repairing roads and bridges, and recording deeds, births, deaths and marriages; and to discuss questions relating to these matters as well as other matters of peculiarly local concern, to determine the amount of taxes for town purposes, and to elect officers.
Even more frustrated, he pulled the food out of the oven and retreated to his office, not caring that he was drenched.
Today, she had left, because the idea of eternity in the red desert with a creature incapable of caring for her was too much for her to bear.
Is any part of you capable of caring for me, or was everything about the Guardian a lie?
He can level a city and walk away without caring about anyone who got hurt.
In raising funds and equipping and supplying troops the governor showed great energy and resourcefulness, and his plans and organizations for caring for the needy widows and children of Pennsylvania soldiers killed in battle, and for aiding and removing to their homes the sick and wounded were widely copied throughout the North.
She sank down with her back to the door, not caring about the cold day or the snow that seeped through her clothes to chill her.