Cargo Sentence Examples
Cargo can be transferred direct from the ship into railway trucks.
He tucked it and the vault into his cargo pocket.
He stuffed the small box of fresh chocolate into his cargo pocket.
In 1820 the first cargo of anthracite coal was shipped to Philadelphia.
In the case of the ship of a neutral power, the passport is a requisition by the government of the neutral state to suffer the vessel tc pass freely with the crew, cargo, passengers, &c., without molestation by the belligerents.
She dumped the keypads into her cargo pocket.
Small vessels carry cargo to Braila and Galatz, and a branch railway from Calarashi traverses the Steppe from south to north, and meets the main line between Bucharest and Constantza.
All cargo to or from Szech`uen is here transhipped from steamer to junk, or vice versd.
Brady reached into a cargo pocket and pulled free an emergency bandage wrap.
The depth of water at the main entrance is 41 to 5 fathoms and in the western bay 3 to 4 fathoms. For lack of docks and quayage, large vessels lie off Steamer Point and all cargo is handled by means of lighters, the labour being either Somali or Arab.
AdvertisementIt is an important steamboat station for both passenger and cargo traffic, and besides manufactures of cement, dyes and soap, has a considerable trade in the wines of the district.
For many centuries Egypt was famous as a wheat raiser; it was a cargo of wheat from Alexandria which St Paul helped to jettison on one of his shipwrecks, as was also, in all probability, that of the "ship of Alexandria whose sign was Castor and Pollux," named in the same narrative.
This league was very similar to one proposed by Bernstorff himself in September 1778 for enforcing the principle "a free ship makes the cargo free"; but as now presented by Russia, he rightly regarded it as directed exclusively against England.
You can find cargo pants for men in a range of stores.
Shipping litigation covers all areas including admiralty, charterparty disputes, cargo claims, sale and purchase disputes and total losses.
AdvertisementIt looks great with shorts, khakis or even a pair of cargo pants.
Not only that, but they also play well with everything from jeans and cargo shorts to khakis and even swim trunks.
However. If you can't find the perfect fit, it's best to err a bit on the looser side with a pair of plus size petite cargo pants to get the look you want.
Macy's carries a great looking short sleeve henley top that features two flap patch cargo pockets.
You may also pair your henley with jeans, cargo pants, khakis, or shorts (or even a super casual skirt!).
AdvertisementJust Gear offers a variety of styles including bibs, elastic waist and cargo ski pants.
A great style for active women, deep pocketed plus size cargo shorts make it easy to carry your essentials with you while leaving your handbag at home.
The Horsemen were in her other cargo pocket.
Tim's concern was as much for Lana as it was her precious cargo.
Dock-side jib cranes for working general cargo are almost always made portable, in order to enable them to be placed in correct position in regard to the hatchways of the vessels which they serve.
AdvertisementThese harbours on the eastern side of Sydney are mainly frequented by cargo boats trading in coal, corn, frozen meat, wool, hides and various ores.
General average arises when sacrifices have been made, or expenditures incurred, for the preservation of the ship, cargo and freight, from some peril of the sea or from its effects.
Another perk that comes with buying your Margaritaville machine from Margaritaville Cargo is the free shipping.
Cargo is the king of lip gloss and their line has recently expanded to include several shades of plant-inspired shimmering lipstick!
Whether you love the look of denim, the comfort of cotton or the moisture wicking ability of nylon, women's cargo shorts are stylish, fashionable and comfortable.
One of the hottest styles of cargo shorts is the soft knit, relaxed fit, pull-on style with a regular rise.
Cargo shorts made out of moisture wicking nylon help keep you cool and dry on hot summer days.
NeNature in association with L.L.Bean offers a lovely pair of sandwashed stretch canvas cargo shorts in a gorgeous peached cotton fabric.
The nature of cargo shorts is slouchy, so there is no need to iron them.
There are many pairs of women's plus size cargo shorts that have slimmer, less baggy pockets.
Cargo shorts lend themselves well to casual outfits.
Whether you love the look of dress pants in beautiful classic styles or prefer the more casual cargo or cropped styles, plus size ivory pants are a perfect addition to any woman's wardrobe.
Cargo pants fit snuggly around the waist and branch out to a wide leg through the ankle.
If you are looking for an incredibly wearable addition to your wardrobe, consider a pair of plus size cargo pants.
You'll need some dark blue cargo shorts (but khaki shorts will do in a pinch) and a light blue shirt.
Where hard cases are concerned, the Cargo Deluxe Guard Travel Case looks protective enough to transport a missile, and yet it's suitably small enough for your club case.
From the brand's famed line of denim to the urban feel of pocket-laden cargo pants and utility bags, Girbaud has managed to maintain the classic, low-key yet unavoidably glamorous attitude that is associated with European style.
A large tote, duffel or cargo bag will cost around $50.00 and smaller totes and shopper bags average between $30.00 and $40.00.
If you drive a large vehicle and you're concerned that your cargo may place it over the legal weight limits, check the DOT website for your particular state to determine the legal limits for your specific vehicle.
The base weight is the overall weight of the base model of a car or truck without any passengers or cargo.
If you plan on towing cargo or carrying a lot of heavy equipment on a roof rack, you'll need to have an accurate measurement of your actual vehicle curb weight.
The term "curb weight" refers to the weight of a car that does not contain passengers or cargo and is not pulling a trailer.
Your GVW will change based on several factors, including how much fuel is in your gas tank, how many people you're carrying, how much cargo you've put in your vehicle, and whether or not you're pulling a trailer.
If the GVW is higher than the GVWR, you'll need to remove some cargo in order to travel safely.
It helps to understand sport utility vehicle size differences when making SUV comparisons, since size figures greatly into towing capabilities, cargo room, cost, fuel economy, and other features.
Full-size SUVs allow you to carry lots of cargo and up to seven or eight passengers.
How much cargo do you plan to haul around with this vehicle?
You can keep your spare in case of an emergency while also adding cargo space to your Jeep.
The vehicle provides over 9,000 pounds of towing capacity, allowing you to cart around cargo up to nearly five tons.
The third row of seats fold down, allowing you extra cargo space for the things that you can't fit inside your trailer.
Suburbans also have a large cargo capacity, giving you extra room for extra objects on long road trips.
If you're going to be doing a lot of towing and know what you will be hauling, it is important to get an SUV with at least the amount of power needed to haul your cargo.
If a truck tips, sometimes its cargo spills out in the ice and snow.
It's an inconvenience with regular loads, but a near disaster when a cargo spill threatens the environment.
Sulu was assigned to convert the cargo bay of a starship into a whale tank.
Star Trek ships are space-traveling vehicles that carry passengers and cargo across the galaxy.
The ship featured numerous hiding cargo storage, including spaces under the floor panels where Han, Luke and Obi Wan hid after the ship was captured by the Death Star.
He's a vengeful character when things don't go his way as fans remember when he pays Boba Fett to deliver Han Solo to him for losing a cargo of spice to an Imperial patrol.
Pockets are either at the side or "cargo" style, large pockets on the thighs.
Most scrub sets, especially the cheaper ones, are designed for unisex wear, but occasionally variations are offered that are particular to one gender or the other - such as the cargo pocket skirt offered by RMF scrubs.
The modern Brownie now has her choice of purchasing a great looking skort (skirt and shorts combo), drawstring pants, or cargo pants to go along with her sash or vest.
The weapons of the Franc Garde consisted usually of a pistol sidearm, carried in a brown leather holster attached to a brown belt worn over the blue jacket (which also had cargo pockets along the lower part of the jacket).
Bottoms can be flared, cargo, elastic waist, drawstring, or boxer style.
Pants styles offered are cargo, drawstring and flare.
There are flare leg, utility cargo, fashion cargo, and drawstring styles.
He took his bread and canteen of water—the morning sustenance for a slave—and tucked them into a cargo pocket.
Damian pulled off his sweater to reveal a black T-shirt and tucked weapons into his cargo pants, boots, and pockets.
He touched the micros in his cargo pocket as he rose, recalling his night.
She shoved one blade into her belt and stripped the knives off the dead men, putting them in her cargo pockets.
The prosperity of the French shipping trade is hampered, by the costliness of shipbuilding and by the scarcity of outward-bound cargo.
A dock-side crane unloading cargo with high lifts following one another in rapid succession will require a higher load factor than a workshop traveller with a very short lift and only a very occasional maximum load; and a traveller with a very long longitudinal travel will require a higher load factor for the travelling motor than for the lifting motor.
Dacca is watered by a network of rivers and streams, ten of which are navigable throughout the year by native cargo boats of four tons burthen.
He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and afterwards joined his father in his shipping business, being from 1896 to 1905 managing director of the Moor line of cargo steamers.
The river Main has been dredged so as to afford heavy barge traffic with the towns of the upper Main and with the Rhine, and cargo boats load and unload alongside its busy quays.
Cases of plague occurred, however, on the ship, and on the 22nd of June among porters unloading the cargo.
There is also some trade in farm produce and building materials which supplies a fleet of small coasters with cargo.
Rule Iii.-Extinguishing Fire On Shipboard Damage done to a ship and cargo, or either of them, by water or otherwise, including damage by beaching or scuttling a burning ship, in extinguishing a fire on board the ship, shall be made good as G.A.; except that no compensation shall be made for damage to such portions of the ship and bulk cargo, or to such separate packages of cargo, as have been on fire.
Rule V.-Voluntary Stranding When a ship is intentionally run on shore, and the circumstances are such that if that course were not adopted she would inevitably sink, or drive on shore or on rocks, no loss or damage caused to the ship, cargo and freight, or any of them, by such intentional running on shore, shall be made good as G.A.
Rule Vi.-Carrying Press Of Sail-Damage To Or Loss Of Sails Damage to or loss of sails and spars, or either of them, caused by forcing a ship off the ground or by driving her higher up the ground, for the common safety, shall be made good as G.A.; but where a ship is afloat, no loss or damage caused to the ship, cargo and freight, or any of them, by carrying a press of sail, shall be made good as G.A.
Rule Vi I I.-Expenses Of Lightening A Ship When Ashore, And Consequent Damage When a ship is ashore, and, in order to float her, cargo, bunker coals and ship's stores, or any of them, are discharged, the extra cost of lightening, lighter hire, and reshipping (if incurred), and the loss or damage sustained thereby, shall be admitted as G.A.
Rule Ix.-Cargo, Ship'S Materials, And Stores Burnt For Fuel Cargo, ship's materials and stores, or any of them, necessarily burnt for fuel for the common safety at a time of peril, shall be admitted as G.A., when and only when an ample supply of fuel had been provided; but the estimated quantity of coals that would have been consumed, calculated at the price current at the ship's last port of departure at the date of her leaving, shall be charged to the shipowner and credited to the G.A.
In 1602, in command of the "Concord," chartered by Sir Walter Raleigh and others, he crossed the Atlantic; coasted from what is now Maine to Martha's Vineyard, landing at and naming Cape Cod and Elizabeth Island (now Cuttyhunk) and giving the name Martha's Vineyard to the island now called No Man's Land; and returned to England with a cargo of furs, sassafras and other commodities obtained in trade with the Indians about Buzzard's Bay.
This includes vessels which delivered part or all of their cargo at Detroit.
Coleman of Glasgow, and in the early part of 1879 one of his machines was fitted on board the Anchor liner " Circassia," which successfully brought a cargo of chilled beef from America-the first imported by the aid of refrigerating machinery, ice having been previously used.
The first successful cargo of frozen mutton from Australia was also brought by a Bell-Coleman machine in 1879.
He took his bread and canteen of water—the morning sustenance for a slave—and tucked them into a cargo pocket.
He led her through the ship to a cargo area filled with pods on the wall.
I'll dispatch my own cargo ships to your moon.
His cargo pants lay on the bed beside him, and she saw the bulge where her micro was stored.
The night was long and cold. Deidre slept, and Katie drifted between a fitful doze and her thoughts. Dawn crept across the jungle, peering first from the tangled branches overhead then inching through the trees. As soon as she could see well enough, Katie crawled to Deidre's feet. The woman continued to sleep, and Katie looked her over. She looked like any other college student in cargo pants and a light sweater. Deidre's long, flaxen hair was in a messy braid, and her skin was pale.
Nowadays the cargo was tourists and not precious minerals.
He gripped the pouch with its precious cargo.
Captain Gerlach made an emergency landing on an improvised airstrip and made preparations to take off with his precious cargo.
It would take several hours to unload a barge delivering a cargo of 100 tons of chalk.
The other side of the hull, above the cargo, is exposed to the sea and to marine borers is also degraded.
They were mostly small cargo vessels, called brigs and schooners, with crews of seven to ten men each.
A little to the west a Danish brig, cargo fruit, was driven ashore.
Whilst en-route from Rotterdam to Alexandria with cargo of 9100 tons of fertilizer in heavy seas the cargo of 9100 tons of fertilizer in heavy seas the cargo shifted and she began taking water.
All his mild efforts to unload this cargo went for nothing.
Information regarding nearly 100% of all containerized cargo is carefully screened by DHS before it arrives in the United States.
For the last ten days or so, we have been working down the East African coast, discharging cargo at Mombasa and Tanga.
Russell Fowler explains how to protect the precious cargo every truck carries.
Our ability to inspect efficiently and swiftly depends on accurate screening and targeting high-risk cargo.
Most people would rightly expect trains with such a deadly cargo to be guarded like a radioactive Fort Knox.
In addition to regular ferry traffic the volume of general and bulk cargo has increased continually over the past years.
The aircraft has cargo doors in the nose and rear, with ramps for quick and easy cargo handling.
Vessels carrying coke cargoes take a considerable deck cargo tonnage in addition to full holds.
The cargo claimants also filed a claim against Murmansk.
When the OED adds the verb form of ' cargo cult ' to its corpus, remember where you read that first.
The Third and fourth defendants were the insurers of the cargo (" the insurers " ), both of which were Toronto-based companies.
Track & Field releases are available from your local quality record emporium through Cargo Distribution.
World Cargo Ltd UK based multimodal freight forwarder World Cargo Ltd is a UK based international freight forwarder specializing in global freight and cargo.
Sea Wing is the leading airfreight forwarder to Nigeria with guaranteed space allocations on cargo flights to Lagos and Port Harcourt.
Seattle has released details of the 747 LCF (large cargo freighter ), a modified 747-400.
In 2002, Kaohsiung harbor was the fifth largest harbor in the world in terms of the volume of container cargo processed.
The mixed cargo of crockery, perfume bottles, pocket watches, silver purses and brass was underwritten by other insurers.
Faith asserted a lien on the cargo for demurrage based on the lien clause incorporated into the original bill.
Faith asserted a lien on the cargo for demurrage based on the lien on the cargo for demurrage based on the lien clause incorporated into the original bill.
I would dear a woman carrying no purse, who's cargo pants maybe are not stoppable.
An American cargo parachute along with his canvas aerial delivery package got caught in a tree.
A cargo plane full of soldiers who we re doctors ready to take off for Iraq.
However during the flight, the cargo comes alive in the form of an army of killer robots!
Two proprietary consumer cargo tank radar surveys by Zelos Group reveal promising market segmentation, pricing and packaging strategies.
Cargo again sees the Glenfiddich crew taking over, this time for their first birthday shenanigans.
Part of this process involves banning cargo from unknown shippers from passenger aircraft, and greatly strengthening the " Known Shipper " program.
The cargo ship War Crocus left the shipyard for the first time on the evening of 7th July 1918.
This bill of lading described the cargo as crude oil slops.
Slower cargo growth of 4.7% reflects a general slowdown in global economic activity.
The Giannis D set sail from Croatia with a cargo of sawn softwood destined for Jeddah.
Many barrel staves were excavated, possibly the remains of a cargo or supplies for the crew.
By the 1860s, cargo ships were being made from iron and powered by steam engines.
In consequence of the bad stowage, which was held to amount to unseaworthiness, some of the deck cargo was lost overboard.
Achieve a specific delivery schedule - Local drivers, intercity and long distance drivers are all responsible for getting their cargo to a specific destination by a specific time.
Here you'll find Nautica's Big and Tall Cargo Swim Trunk.
They may not have as much cargo room or as much power, but they also tend to cost significantly less.
He hastily reached into his cargo pocket and retrieved the keypad.
She touched the small vault containing the Horsemen in her cargo pants and sipped water.
She searched his pockets, surprised when she didn't even find her micros in the cargo pocket where he'd kept them.
He pulled her micro free from his cargo pocket and set it on the coffee table beside the keypad.
Jack waited for her by the door, and she tucked the weapon Mrs. Watson gave her into one cargo pocket.
Shortly before this the protests of Hungary had succeeded in procuring the rejection of a cargo of Argentine frozen meat which had been destined for Vienna.
The larger passenger steamers of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd to Netherlands India and of the Holland-American Steamship Company (the two principal passenger and cargo steamship companies at Rotterdam) have their berths on the south side of the river.
Cargo is transferred directly to the railway trucks.
Chief rivers are the Bhagirathi, Damodar, Ajai, Banka, Kunur and Khari, of which only the Bhagirathi is navigable by country cargo boats throughout the year.
In bills of lading and charter parties, when "days" or "running days" are spoken of without qualification, they usually mean consecutive days, and Sundays and holidays are counted, but when there is some qualification, as where a charter party required a cargo "to be discharged in fourteen days," "days" will mean working days.
Damage done to or loss of cargo necessarily caused in the act of discharging, storing, reloading and stowing shall be made good as G.A.
It is not sufficient "that an expenditure should have been made to benefit both cargo owner and shipowner."' Thus expenses incurred after ship and cargo are in safety, say at a port of refuge, are not generally, by English law, to be treated as G.A.; although the putting into port may have refuge ex- been for safety, and therefore a G.A.
Moreover, expenditure in the port which is incurred in protecting the cargo as in warehousing it, is by English practice treated as a charge to be borne by the cargo for whose benefit it was incurred.
It was held that the damage suffered by ship and cargo ought not to be made good by G.A.
It had been done in the interest of ship and cargo, and there was no evidence of any other motive.
And the corresponding damage in the case of cargo discharged at a port of refuge to enable repairs to be done to the ship is allowed by Rule XII.
The case of a stranded ship and cargo often gives rise to difficulty as to whether the cost of operations to lighten the ship, and afterwards to get her floated, should be treated as G.A.
Which of these two views should be adopted in any case seems to depend upon the motives with which the earlier operations (usually the discharge of the cargo) were presumably undertaken.
Take the case of a stranded ship carrying a bulky cargo of hemp and grain, but carrying also some bullion.
There ship, freight and cargo all belonged to the same person.
He had insured the cargo but not the ship. The cargo underwriters were held liable to pay a contribution to damage done to the ship by cutting away masts for the general safety.
The loss was in theory spread over all the interests at risk, and they had undertaken to bear the cargo's share of such losses.
The " Itata " was then forced to return to San Diego without landing her cargo for the insurgents.
Large liners from Liverpool, Southampton, London, Hamburg, Havre and Antwerp call regularly for passengers or cargo at Leixoes or Lisbon, or both ports, on their way to and from South America (especially Brazil).
The Brahmaputra and its channels, together with three minor streams, the Bangali, Karatoya and Atrai, afford admirable facilities for commerce, and render every part of the district accessible to native cargo boats of large burden.
Up to that date the amount imported did not exceed 200 chests, and was usually brought from India by junks as a return cargo.
They started to smuggle cargo onto the shore.
In the summer of 1774 the captain of the ship " Greyhound," bound for Philadelphia with a cargo of tea, on account of the state of opinion in that city, put in at Greenwich and stored his tea there in a cellar.
The railway company has constructed jetties at which steamers can discharge their cargo.
He thus drew an important distinction between the " Deutschland," which had peacefully brought a cargo to America, and the U53, which had raided several ships off the New England coast Oct.
It receives a number of tributaries, sends off several offshoots, and is navigable throughout the year by native cargo boats of the largest size.
At first the navigation was principally confined to the main river; and even in 1857 a modification of the government contract only obliged the company to a monthly service between Path and Manaos, with steamers of 200 tons cargo capacity, a second line to make six round voyages a year between Manaos and Tabatinga, and a third, two trips a month between Path and Cameta.
At Lobito steamers can come close inshore and discharge cargo direct.
For some distance outside the Galata bridge, both shores of the Golden Horn have been provided with a quay at which large steamers can moor to discharge or embark their passengers and cargo.
A cargo of 200,000 bushels can thus be unloaded in two hours, while spouts on the other side of the elevator reload it into cars, five to ten at a time, filling a car in from five to ten minutes, or the largest canal boat in an hour.
At that rate the cargo of 250,000 bushels will fill 360 American cars, or 9 trains of 40 cars each.
At 20 bushels to the acre, this single cargo would represent the yield of two and a half farms of 5000 acres each, like that described above, with every acre in cultivation.
Anson took his prize back to Macao, sold her cargo to the Chinese, keeping the specie, and sailed for England, which he reached by the Cape of Good Hope on the 15th of June 1744.
Sulina and the St George, the central or Sulina branch, owing to its greater depth of water over the bar, had from time immemorial been the principal waterway for sea-going vessels; its average depth throughout its course, which could not always be counted on, was 8 ft., but it contained numerous shoals where vessels had to lighten, so that cargo had often to be shifted several times in the voyage down the river.
Formerly ships of heavy burden bound for Stettin discharged or lightened their cargo at Swinemiinde, but since the recent deepening of the river Oder they can proceed direct to the larger port.
Another and a very serious consequence was that England secured the Asiento, or contract, which gave her the monopoly of the slave trade with the Spanish colonies, as well as the right to establish factories that is to say commercial agenciesin several Central and South American ports, and to send one cargo of manufactured goods yearly in a ship of 500 tons to New Carthagena.
Globally, over 48 million full cargo containers move between major seaports each year.
All vessels were now to discharge their cargo only at designated " legal quays " in the Pool of London.
There are now plans to re-develop the pier so that it can be used more often for cargo shipments.
Holds The lowest cargo stowage compartments in a ship.
Euro Cargo Rail is a wholly owned subsidiary of English Welsh & Scottish Railroad Holdings Limited.
If you can imagine, the tons of food and equipment are brought to the jetty in a small cargo tender.
Taiwan has been continuing to promote concrete measures, such as passenger and cargo charter flights, to alleviate cross-strait tension.
In total cargo tonnage was down 7.6% on last year.
Electric cars are a nice idea, but they won't work for mass transit or cargo.
Famagusta, the principal sea port of North Cyprus is also important for cargo transportation.
In March, there was a sharp upturn of 5.7% in cargo traffic for a 1.5% increase in capacity.
A Kirkwall lifeboat crewman was injured during a rescue operation which saw a cargo vessel drifting out of control in Kirkwall Bay.
The adjustable waist, and trim front and cargo pocket are practical and flattering.
Transporters are largely used for dealing with general cargo between vessels and warehouses, and also for coaling vessels; they have a great advantage in not interfering with the rigging of vessels.
Phillimore, whose tenure of office covered the whole period of the queen's reign till the creation of the High Court of Justice, the valuable assistance rendered by the nautical assessors from the Trinity House, the great increase of shipping, especially of steam shipping, and the number and gravity of cases of collision, salvage and damage to cargo, restored the activity of the court and made it one of the most important tribunals of the country.
Rule Ii.-Damage By Jettison And Sacrifice For The Common Safety Damage done to a ship and cargo, or either of them, by or in consequence of a sacrifice made for the common safety, and by water which goes down a ship's hatches opened, or other opening made for the purpose of making a jettison for the common safety, shall be made good as G.A.
Cargo handling thames hotels takes place on about 100 riverside wharves between Deptford and Canvey Island as well as at enclosed docks at Tilbury.
However during the flight, the cargo comes alive in the form of an army of killer robots !
Wooden shelving had been placed on top of the cargo in each hold, making two tiers each with about a meter of space.
Sam led the way to show how it was done, then Teal'c was given a helping shove out of the cargo bay door.
On the return trip, the aircraft, an 707 cargo container carried two shrink-wrapped pallets containing US$4 billion each.
She was delivered on 11th March 1945 to carry fruit from South Africa on the northbound voyage and general cargo on the southbound voyage.
The port 's licensed stevedoring company, DA Harrison, discharged the cargo for Carrs in under 16 hours.
On 23 October 1992, they stowed away on MC Ruby, a cargo ship bound for Le Havre.
Studies of lost cargo have shown litter can travel thousands of miles around the world 's oceans.
It handles some 50 million tons of cargo per annum.
A crane once transhipped cargo here from boats into trucks which would then descend the 237 feet inclined plane.
Electric cars are a nice idea, but they wo n't work for mass transit or cargo.
The project 's goal was to replicate a twenty-one foot cargo boat.
The Port of Durban, is Africa 's busiest port, and handles cargo valued in excess of R50 billion annually.
The average SUV does offer quite a bit of roomy seating and good cargo space.
Check the passenger capacity and examine cargo capacity with the back seats up and down.
In addition to getting a vehicle that has more seats, cargo space or towing power than you actually need, one common upsell is four-wheel drive.
If you do purchase an SUV, don't load more cargo than the vehicle is equipped to handle.
The best SUV may be the one with the highest towing capacity, the biggest cargo space or the highest safety rating.
If it weighs heavier than this, you will not be able to maneuver that well or carry that much cargo.
If you're wondering where to buy a Margaritaville Frozen Concoction maker, the first place you'll probably want to check is the official website, Margaritaville Cargo.
Also hot tickets are military-inspired jackets and cargo pants, and Nordic-patterned sweaters are expected to heat up the sales forecast.
If you are planning on taking long flights with kitty onboard, even sitting next to you, then you will be choosing quite a different carrier from the style that would be used when your cat flies in the cargo hold.
From its early role as a mouser on British cargo ships, the American Shorthair has found its rightful place in people's hearts.
It's easy to find a train case that fits your personality while also serving to stow your precious cargo.
The newest approach to beauty takes on a decidedly greener stance, and that's especially evident in the Cargo PlantLove Botanical Lipstick.
The Cargo PlantLove lineup originated with the lipstick, which was introduced to much fanfare and consumer interest.
Cargo is one of the beauty industry's leading names, and the lineup is as glamorous and stylish as the company's other well-reputed products.
It didn't take long for me to flip for Cargo PlantLove Botanical Lipstick.
Cargo even ensures that they're manufactured only in countries that have records of solid environmental practices.
Teens wear capris tight and cuffed at the bottom or in a cargo style with extra pockets.
When it's warm outside, it's all about flip-flops, bathing suits, cargo shorts, tanks, and t-shirts.
Cargo pants, especially ones that can turn into shorts, are another great option.
Either give the men options for buying their own with a set list of "rules" to follow (such as no cargo pockets and no pleats), or purchase them for the groomsmen either by gift certificate with the style name and number or shop together.
Jeans, cargo pants and khakis work well year-round, so these are the pants boys will likely turn to much of the time.
A camo jacket looks great with a pair of jeans or cargo pants--basically with whatever else your child puts on that day.
A sturdy pair of boys' cargo pants is ideal for little boys on the go.
For the rare person who doesn't know, cargo pants are loose, often khaki, pants with large flap pockets on each thigh.
Many cargo pants are water repellent, so they are a great option for whitewater rafting or hiking in damp weather, as well as playing on the beach on a colder day.
Almost any store that carries boys' active and casual clothes will have boys' cargo pants and shorts.
They make cargo pants in slim and regular sizes and the waistband is adjustable, allowing for growth and comfort.
Land's End, always a good choice for outdoor and cooler weather clothes, offers boy's cargo pants in cotton twill, which is pre-washed so it already looks broken in.
L.L. Bean has an unusual pair of boys' cargo pants as well - they are in plaid, which might make someone think they are outdoor pajamas.
Items like cargo pants do get hard wear, but they are also built to last.
As children grow so quickly, a quality pair of cargo pants will often have a lot of life left in them once the boy for whom they were bought has grown out of them.
That way, the cargo pants quickly find a new home - and you might find a new pair of cargo pants!
Rather, the company was responsible for ferrying immigrants to the United States, to the tune of 850,000, and ran numerous cargo ships, increasing its fleet considerably.
Take off whenever you want, go where you will, and let your dog ride right beside you, not in a stuffy cargo hold.
Although the number of incidents have declined in recent years, dogs do still sometimes get lost in transit, escape on the tarmac, and even die in the cargo hold.
Draw arrows and write, "This side up," to indicate how the crate should be placed in cargo.
You can try your creative hand at cargo or canvas pants, but know that nothing breaks in, frays apart and unearths the same boho cool charm as a pair of denim shorts.
These shorts are simple and durable, made from 100 percent cotton, and are available in stonewashed, cargo, relaxed or slim fit.
Cargo shorts are a great choice for the weekends.
For example, cargo shorts are not dress shorts and shouldn't be worn as such.
King Size Direct, where you can get cargo shorts that give you plenty of room to store keys, your wallet, and anything else you need, plus t-shirts, polos, and jeans.
There are two cargo pockets on the front, slash pockets and two rear pockets so you can carry everything you need.
The only complaints are that the slash pockets can catch foliage and the cargo pockets are a bit too deep - although it is acknowledged that this is good for security.
Croft & Barrow® Side-Elastic Denim Cargo Shorts are sold exclusively at Kohl's.
They are done in a cargo style and have elastic inserts on each side of the waist band.
You can't get much more casual than cargo pants for men.
Cargo pants are often found in muted earth tones like khaki and olive green, and have the traditional pants pockets at the hips, plus the two in the back.
They also have larger cargo (hence the name) pockets on each side for storing even more.
Since they're often worn in rugged environments because of their utilitarian nature, cargo pants are typically made of durable materials, and can even come with UV protection.
The REI Ripstop Cargo Pants are a good example.
If you want an outdoor adventure, cargo pants may be the ideal clothing option.
Cargo pants are perfect for casual days because they're usually lightweight with a relaxed fit, and they pair well with a T-shirt and sneakers, the ultimate weekend wear.
Cargo pants are perfect for the guy who likes to carry quite a few essentials when he can, rather than being limited to the bare minimum that will fit in the pockets of his jeans or work pants.
In most cases, shirt choices that will complement cargo pants for men include T- shirts, tanks, and polo shirts.
Some may feel that every man should have at least one pair of cargo pants in his closet for lazy or active casual days, depending on your hobbies.
Slide into a pair of cargo pants when you want something that looks more interesting than blue jeans while being functional, too.
The ultimate in casual summer wear is a pair of cargo shorts for men.
If you are looking for a comfortable pair of stylish summer shorts, consider cargo shorts.
Like cargo pants, cargo shorts are a great option for men since they can store items such as keys, wallet, cell phone and even tools.
Cargo shorts just may be one of the most versatile summer staples that a man can own.
There are endless brands that include cargo shorts in their summer collections.
Length for cargo shorts varies from short cargos that are above the knee to longer shorts that reach mid-calf.
Anything goes for cargo shorts as long as they are comfortable to wear.
Docker's Classic Cargo Short is a great option for men of all ages and sizes to consider.
The Classic Cargo comes in regular and big and tall sizes.
Old Navy offers several styles of cargo shorts that are as affordable as they are comfortable.
For a pair of camouflage cargos, check out the Arizona Camo Cargo Short found at JCPenney.
Lee Wyoming Cargo Short comes in regular as well as big sizes.
Storage is not an issue with this style since it has two front pockets, four cargo pockets and two back flap pockets.
Shopping for cargo shorts should not be a problem since they remain a popular choice for men.
Many outdoor stores such as Cabela's carry a selection of rugged cargo shorts for men.
Cargo pants were first designed for outdoor activities like fishing and hiking, both of which require lightweight, comfortable pants that are sturdy and can hold a lot of equipment.
Virtually every clothing designer who makes cargo pants for men provides at least one pair with an elastic waist, so there are many from which to choose.
At JC Penney, the classic shop for such basic wear, you can get Towncraft flat-front elastic cargo pants that have an adjustable drawstring to give you an individual fit.
Rugged clothing specialist Duluth Trading Co. has jersey cargo pants with a drawstring waist, zip fly and button closure, deep side pockets and button-close back pockets.
They have front quarter pockets, back flap pockets and deep cargo pockets.
There is one front cargo pocket and a large back pocket.
For those who need some UV coverage built into their pants, Coolibar offers men's cargo pants designed to keep cool even in hot, sticky weather.
Elastic waist cargo pants are also worn by men in the medical field, as they make for a comfortable and practical uniform.
At Pulse Uniform, you can get a pair by Cherokee that comes in sizes up to 5XL and has four cargo pockets, perfect for carrying the many small items a medical professional needs to have at hand.
At Uniform Corner, you can choose from a range of medical scrubs cargo pants for men, all with comfortable elastic waists.
A name badge can be clipped to the cargo pocket and they come in several colors.
Plus size petite cargo pants can take you anywhere; the key to a successful look is all in the fit and how you accessorize them.
Cargo pants aren't always designed with a baggy fit, and they come in a rainbow palette of shades from muted to vivid.
These black yoga pants feature cargo pockets and a relaxed fit in sizes XP to 4XP.
August and September are usually the best months to shop for petite cargo pants, and many stores will feature them as part of their back-to-school promotions.
If you prefer a more fitted style, cargo shorts with a zip front closure are a sure way to flatter your figure.
Inseam lengths on zip front cargo shorts generally range from six to ten inches.
Sometimes called pedal length shorts, or pedal pushers, the longer length cargo shorts fall just slightly past knee length.
With a contrasting drawstring and cute banded hem, these cargo shorts from Lane Bryant are sure to become a favorite for daytime or a casual evening get-together during the spring or summer.
Cargo shorts for plus size women are available in retail locations both on and off line.
When the weather turns warm, cargo shorts take the center stage on store displays and shelves.
A great looking pair of plus size cargo shorts is offered at Junonia.
With two Velcro closure cargo pockets, two slash side pockets and a back pocket that zips closed, there is plenty of room and security to carry everything you need.
Travel Smith offers cargo shorts for plus size women in sizes up 26W.
Add a pair of your favorite plus size cargo shorts to your wardrobe and enjoy the warm weather in style and comfort.
Women's plus size cargo shorts are an ideal choice for the warmer weather that comes with spring and summer.
Cargo shorts are available in a variety of colors, lengths and styles, so you're sure to find the perfect cargo shorts for you.
When combined with a nice top, cargo shorts can be a practical and stylish addition to your wardrobe.
Cargo shorts are typically a knee length short in a neutral color (such as khaki, olive drab or black) that have a large number of pockets.
While most are knee-length, you can find variations on women's plus size cargo shorts in a shorter, mid-thigh length and a longer, mid-calf-length, typically known as a Capri length.
Many cargo shorts also have the ability to wick moisture away from your body, keeping you cool and dry.
One of the main features of cargo shorts is the pockets.
Well-fitting cargo shorts look less slouchy and more attractive.
Footwear is versatile with cargo shorts, as well.
Choose a cargo style short and pair with a polo shirt and tennis shoes (or golf shoes) for a day on the golf course or tennis court.
Cargo pants are made from cotton and are typically khaki in color, but also come in greens, blues and black.
Cargo pants look best with a casual top, such as a tank top, and a pair of flip flops or flat heeled shoes.
Cargo pants are identified by their pockets, which allow their wearers to carry lots of cargo in them.
Of course, cargo pants just would not be cargo pants without their signature pockets, but do not limit your selections to those with the traditional pocket-on-the leg styles.
Include some garments with side cargo pockets or buttoned cargo pockets in your clothing arsenal.
Look for dropped waist styles of cargo pants to compensate for this.
With these tips in mind, you should have no trouble finding a pair of plus size cargo pants that flatters you and your budget!
In Arcade Mode you must transport trailers of cargo across the USA.
Load 'er up with cargo, shop around the best price, and reap the benefits of your hard work as you upgrade your vessel to the absolute best ship it can be.
Many are designed for strict functionality while others shoot for imaginative style and design to draw attention to itself and its precious cargo, the wine.
Loose-fitting pants like sweats and cargo pants, combined with some sort of tank top (usually with a hoodie or loose shirt covering it) are all that's necessary.
Load and unload cargo - Some drivers, such as those who operate moving vans, will have local workers help load and unload heavy furniture.
In some cases, the driver may be the only person certified to handle special cargo they are transporting.
Try on jeans with cargo pockets, buttons, flap pockets, and decorative stitching.
The Belted Cargo Pant-A white pant with detailing on knees and calves, it includes a wide belt for adjusting during your pregnancy.
You'll love the Maternity Cargo Trousers for $128 or the Black Split Leg Pants for $89.95.
If you would like your swimming trunks to stand out from among a sea of Hawaiian patterned trunks, then consider interesting details like cargo and mesh-lined pockets.
Other details include flap cargo pockets and a self-adhesive key pocket.
In addition to these basic features, you'll delight in the extra two side cargo pockets, both with a velcro closure and interior mesh coin pocket.
With its elastic waistband, cargo pocket and six-inch inseam, this pair is priced at $44.00.
Complete with a mesh lining, a back right pocket, as well as two cargo pockets, these $5.00 trunks are disarming in their simplicity.
These shorts also have cargo pockets, are made of a lightweight fabric and come with a mesh lining.
With its side cargo pocket, you can stick your essentials like your lip gloss and cell phone inside for easy access.
Done in the "cargo" style, these shorts offer convenient pockets, a poly mesh liner and metal grommets that help release air and water.
This canvas in varying shades of black, deep green and grey features a Velcro fly with a lace-up closure, a cargo pocket that is embroidered with the Quicksilver logo and sizes that range from 28 to 40.