Cardiovascular Sentence Examples
Walking is one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise you can take up.
During exercise and for several hours afterward, your metabolic pathways suppress the synthesis of new proteins while your muscle cells and cardiovascular system are busy responding to the the energy demands of physical activity.
Step - Is a great cardiovascular workout to music using a step.
There is a joint program with cardiovascular medicine on the molecular genetics of myocardial contractile proteins, and on integrated cardiac neurobiology.
Acute changes in blood rheology and coagulability are also considered to provide a mechanism linking physical exercise to acute cardiovascular events.
A deficiency can cause blindness and cardiovascular issues in your pet.
The objective of the exercise program for Class I muscles or limbs is to increase muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Indeed, the extent to which the earlier NSAIDs might also predispose to cardiovascular events has still not been resolved.
June 2005 To use the data to investigate the economics of cardiovascular disease prevention in primary care.
All the clinical problems associated with a high spinal will reverse when cardiovascular and respiratory support are provided.
AdvertisementPreclinical development is much higher than for efforts in cardiovascular disease, although the latter has a higher impact on mortality statistics.
In this study, the authors evaluated the usefulness of cardiovascular tests for diagnosing convulsive syncope in patients with apparent refractory epilepsy.
Comment Ultimately we want to know whether including walnuts in the diet can reduce cardiovascular disease.
Analyzes involved proportional hazards modeling and adjustment for confounding by known cardiovascular risk factors and for regression dilution bias.
Cardiovascular status Hypertension may be a primary problem, secondary to chronic salt and water retention or to excess renin production.
AdvertisementDandelion root tincture lowers blood pressure and keeps your heart and cardiovascular system healthy and happy.
Cardiovascular Increases in systemic blood pressure, central venous pressure and heart rate have been reported immediately after tourniquet inflation.
Data on the impact of this regimen on long-term patient compliance, cardiovascular disease risk and urogenital atrophy are lacking.
Warm up (i.e. stretch and do cardiovascular exercise) before going in for a lesson-your body will need to be loosened up if you plan on keeping up with your tennis instructor!
There have been numerous, significant animal studies that have suggested that garlic has cardiovascular benefits.
AdvertisementFrom metabolism to cardiovascular system, cayenne seems to be the hardest working herb on the planet.
Other benefits attributed to acai berries include cardiovascular benefits.
Cholesterol buildup in the arteries often precedes cardiovascular problems, and doctors often recommend that patients reduce their cholesterol or improve the ratio of so-called "good" HDL cholesterol to "bad" LDL cholesterol.
Olive oil, as studied in the Mediterranean diet, provides healthy fats that are good for cardiovascular health.
The health benefits of pomegranate juice include cardiovascular benefits, cancer prevention, and much more.
AdvertisementThe tannins and anthocyanins reputedly buffer against numerous cardiovascular problems.
Pomegranate juice provides several benefits for cardiovascular health.
Although these studies are not as conclusive as those demonstrating cardiovascular benefits, they do promise new avenues in the fight against cancer.
Garlic is a well-known cardiovascular system healer, helping to improve the function of your heart and the rest of your cardiovascular system.
To improve your cardiovascular system's health, follow the instructions your doctor has provided to you.
It acts as a cardiovascular tonic and overall heart-health boosting herb.
Since the likelihood of cardiovascular disease increases substantially among people with Type 2 diabetes, the combined results of both lowered blood sugar levels and improved lipid profiles was especially promising.
You use a balance board to do yoga, strength training, balance exercises, and cardiovascular exercises.
Breathing increases to improve oxygen consumption, and the cardiovascular system goes into overdrive to ensure our muscles have access to the nutrients and blood necessary to escape danger.
Physical activity helps control weight, strengthens your cardiovascular system, and boosts your immune system.
There is a higher risk of cardiovascular problems including stroke, heart attacks and high blood pressure.
Doing cardiovascular exercise such as running, biking, aerobics are all good ways to burn fat and calories.
To help prevent injury, always start your workout with cardiovascular exercise for at least 10 minutes.
The American Heart Association also published papers linking soybean product consumption, such as eating tofu and soy burgers, as beneficial to cardiovascular health.
Essential fatty acids in cold-pressed oils have been used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.
These seeds also contain reasonable levels of Vitamin E which is important for the prevention of certain cancers as well as cardiovascular diseases.
Delirium tremens-a condition in which mental and neurological changes cause confusion, disorientation, hyperactivity, hallucinations, and cardiovascular changes.
They don't need to get a gym membership to get the benefits of exercise; going for a walk regularly get the blood pumping throughout the body and increase cardiovascular fitness.
Left untreated, Kawasaki disease leads to further complications of the heart and cardiovascular system.
The cardiovascular system supplies nutrients and oxygen to the dog's body and also carries away metabolic waste.
You get a great workout for your legs, improve your cardiovascular fitness and also fit in some strength training, depending on the weight of what you carry.
Not only are they great fun for the entire family, they also provide an excellent form of heart-pumping cardiovascular activity.
Beyond this immediate benefit, you'll also feel good knowing that your loved ones are getting the cardiovascular benefits they need.
Bodybuilders usually recommend adding regular cardiovascular exercise to burn fat and keep the body strong.
Both men and women who report having regular and satisfying sex as seniors tend to run less risk of cardiovascular disease.
When you engage in cardiovascular activity, you will feel less stressed and your body will process foods much better.
Things like cardiovascular heath, improving strength and flexibility, and balance are all important.
This full body workout engages your arms, legs and cardiovascular system and helps keep muscles strong.
Whether or not you have chronic health conditions, you can gain strength, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular benefits, while exercising with the support of a chair.
Regular exercise and a nutritionally-balanced diet can help a patient to lose weight, thus decreasing the pressure on the chest cavity and improving the overall functioning of the cardiovascular system.
In some cases, the repeated disruption in breathing during the night decreases oxygen levels in the body, leading to serious cardiovascular issues that may need to be addressed.
In some cases, the orthognathic surgeon will recommend that a patient be a sleep study participant in order to measure oxygen levels and to determine if serious cardiovascular damage has occurred.
If left untreated, sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure, headaches, weight gain, memory problems, and impotency.
Untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of serious and potentially fatal health conditions, including stroke, cardiovascular disease and heart attack, and high blood pressure.
Prolonged sleep deprivation may also contribute to cardiovascular problems, obesity, and diabetes.
Patients who have cardiovascular disease should exercise caution.
During REM sleep, the body experiences many cardiovascular changes, such as increased heart rate, breathing and blood pressure.
There are some possible correlations between hypopnea syndrome and sleep apnea and people who have an increased risk for heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular problems.
A person might not end up with not only cardiovascular problems, but also emotional and productivity problems.
The effects of sleep on the cardiovascular system are profound, and when a person has a sleep disorder that affects breathing, he or she may experience cardiovascular problems.
It may not lose you 50 pounds in 2 months, but it will help your cardiovascular system and strengthen your legs.
The game Wii Fit came bundled with the balance board and it offered many exercises and mini-games to improve balance, strength, and your cardiovascular system.
Hill Climbs combine cardiovascular and strength training.
Containing over 20 activities and exercises, you may find that this fitness game holds a better workout if you are looking for high cardiovascular and strength exercises.
In recent years, studies began to immerge about the health benefits of wine, including cardiovascular system improvements and decreases in certain types of cancer.
Not only does red wine benefit the heart and cardiovascular system, it also benefits the brain.
Risk factors for childhood stroke include a family history of stroke, cardiovascular disease or diabetes, as well as the presence of the conditions listed below.
The child's family medical history is evaluated to determine if there is a history of cardiovascular or neurological diseases that might increase the risk of blood clots.
The meta-analysis reviewed the effect of these antioxidants on death from cardiovascular disease or from any other cause ("all-cause mortality").
A diet rich in antioxidant-containing foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Less commonly, heart murmurs can result from a valve defect, narrowed blood vessel, or other cardiovascular defect.
Congenital cardiovascular defects that may cause pathologic heart murmurs affect 36,000 infants (about nine of every 1,000 infants or 1 percent of live births) annually in the United States.
Murmurs caused by congenital cardiovascular disease are often heard at birth or during infancy.
To determine if the child has any conditions or disorders that might increase the risk of a cardiovascular defect, the physician will review the child's family medical history.
Although not commonly used to diagnose heart murmurs, it may be used to help physicians evaluate certain congenital cardiovascular defects.
Children with an underlying congenital cardiovascular defect tend to gain weight slowly.
The most common reason for poor growth among children with congenital cardiovascular defects is they are not taking in enough calories or nutrients.
For infants with congenital cardiovascular defects, nutrition supplements may need to be added to regular formula or breast milk.
Babies with congenital cardiovascular defects tire quickly during feedings, so frequent feedings are necessary.
Along with routine medical care and standard immunizations, periodic heart check-ups are necessary in children who have congenital cardiovascular defects.
If an underlying congenital cardiovascular defect is diagnosed, there are many treatment options that allow children to be fully active and grow up to be healthy adults.
Support groups are available to help parents and caregivers cope with the challenges of providing care for a child with a congenital cardiovascular defect.
These specific health issues include infant mortality rates, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, HIV infection, and immunizations.
One of the major health problems in the United States is overweight and obesity, which lead to increased risks for a wide variety of conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of disability and death, about equal to the rate of death from all other diseases combined.
Cardiovascular disease can affect the patient's lifestyle and function in addition to having an impact on family members.
Among ethnic and racial groups cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death.
African American women have higher rates of being overweight, which is a major risk factor of cardiovascular disease.
Cardiovascular diseases are higher among persons with high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Cardiovascular disease is responsible for over 50 percent of the deaths in persons with diabetes.
Cardiovascular diseases can be detected by medical check-up.
Cardiovascular diseases may require surgical procedures for establishing a diagnosis and initiating treatment.
Depending on the extent of disease, cardiovascular management can become complicated requiring medications and daily lifestyle modifications.
The prognosis for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes is variable.
Educational programs concerning lifestyle modifications, diet, exercise, and testing may prevent the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Marfan syndrome is an inherited disorder of the connective tissue that causes abnormalities of a child's eyes, cardiovascular system, and musculoskeletal system.
In many cases, a heart murmur or suspected heart disorder may lead a cardiologist to suspect Williams syndrome, since an estimated 70 to 75 percent of people with WS have mild to severe cardiovascular problems.
Children who are overweight have an increased risk for long-term conditions and diseases, including cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, and certain cancers.
Its use can result in cardiovascular collapse and death.
Surgery should be performed by a pediatric cardiovascular surgeon.
Damage to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is highest at time of injury.
Diagnosis relies on the information gathered about the circumstances of the electric shock, a thorough physical examination, and monitoring of cardiovascular and kidney activity.
According to the National Institutes of Health, cardiovascular, or heart and blood vessel disease, is the leading cause of diabetes-related death.
Research is ongoing, and at least 35 congenital heart or cardiovascular defects have been identified.
Most congenital cardiovascular defects obstruct the flow of blood in the heart or nearby blood vessels, or cause an abnormal flow of blood through the heart.
Although rare, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a condition in which the left side of the heart is underdeveloped, is the most serious congenital cardiovascular defect.
Atrial septal defects account for 4-10 percent of all cases of congenital cardiovascular defects in the United States; ventricular septal defects account for about 14-16 percent.
Nine to fourteen percent of cases of congenital cardiovascular defects in the United States are tetralogy of Fallot, which includes four defects.
Transposition of the great arteries comprises 10-14 percent of congenital cardiovascular defect cases in the United States.
Brugada syndrome is another rare congenital cardiovascular defect that appears in adulthood and may cause sudden death if untreated.
About 44,000 infants (about eight of every 1,000 infants or 1 percent of live births) are born every year with congenital cardiovascular defects, the most common birth defect.
Nearly twice as many children die from congenital cardiovascular defects in the United States than from all forms of childhood cancers combined.
Overall, the mortality rate from congenital cardiovascular defects has significantly declined in the past few decades.
About one million adults (over age 20) with cardiovascular defects are currently living in the United States.
In most cases, the causes of congenital cardiovascular defects are unknown.
The likelihood of having a child with a congenital cardiovascular defect increases if the mother or father, another child, or another relative had congenital cardiovascular defects, or there is a family history of sudden death.
Many cases of congenital cardiovascular defects result from the mother's excessive use of alcohol or history of taking illegal drugs, such as cocaine, while pregnant.
The mother's exposure to certain prescription drugs such as anticonvulsant and dermatologic medications during pregnancy also can cause congenital cardiovascular defects.
The occurrence of some infections during pregnancy, including viral infections such as rubella (German measles), can cause congenital cardiovascular defects.
In addition, there are many genetic conditions, such as Down syndrome or Turner's syndrome, which affect multiple organs and can cause congenital cardiovascular defects.
Children with oral clefts are 16 times more likely to have a congenital cardiovascular defect than the normal population, although the reason for this association is unknown.
Some infants and children have no signs or symptoms of congenital cardiovascular defects.
Severe congenital cardiovascular defect is diagnosed in infancy and usually becomes evident shortly after birth.
However, significant cardiovascular defects may be found anytime during childhood.
In a few cases, a cardiovascular defect is not detected until the child is a teenager or adult.
The medical and family history help the physician determine if the child has any conditions or disorders that might contribute to or cause the cardiovascular defect.
A family history of cardiovascular defects might suggest a genetic predisposition to the disease.
Blood and urine tests are performed to detect the presence of any abnormal substances that may indicate congenital cardiovascular defects.
Echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used to confirm congenital cardiovascular defects when suggested by the child's symptoms and physical exam results.
Fetal echocardiography is used to diagnose congenital cardiovascular defects in utero, usually after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Cardiac MRI, a scanning method that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create three-dimensional images of the heart, can help physicians evaluate congenital cardiovascular defects, but is not always necessary.
In some cases, these tests are not conclusive enough to confirm the diagnosis of congenital cardiovascular defects.
Treatment should be provided by a pediatric cardiologist, a specialist trained to diagnose and treat congenital cardiovascular defects.
Surgery for most congenital cardiovascular defects has low risk of death (less than 2 percent), compared to 80-100 percent in the 1940s.
Infants and children with congenital cardiovascular defects tend to gain weight more slowly.
The most common reason for poor growth among children with congenital cardiovascular defects is that they do not consume enough calories or nutrients.
Babies with congenital cardiovascular defects tire quickly during feedings, making frequent feedings necessary.
Children with congenital cardiovascular defects require lifelong monitoring, even after successful surgery.
The outlook for children with congenital cardiovascular defects has improved markedly since the 1980s.
Many types of congenital cardiovascular defects that were once fatal can be treated successfully.
Most children with congenital cardiovascular defects grow up to be healthy adults.
Research on diagnosing cardiovascular defects when the fetus is in the womb may lead to future treatment to correct these conditions before birth.
Promising new prevention methods and treatments include genetic screening and the cultivation of cardiac tissue in the laboratory that could be used to repair congenital cardiovascular defects.
As scientists continue to advance the study of genetics, they also will better understand the genetic causes of many congenital cardiovascular defects.
Congenital cardiovascular defects cannot be prevented.
Most children with congenital cardiovascular defects can be fully active and are encouraged to exercise.
With some congenital cardiovascular defects, certain athletic activities such as competitive sports may be limited, depending on the child's diagnosis and medical condition.
Since a child with congenital cardiovascular defects may tire easily, frequent breaks and rest periods should be encouraged, as needed, during activities.
Even though most children with congenital cardiovascular defects do not have any mental limitations, some children with congenital cardiovascular defects have developmental delays or other learning difficulties.
A child with a congenital cardiovascular defect has a greater adulthood risk of having a child with a cardiovascular defect.
Genetic counseling and further testing, such as chromosome analysis before pregnancy or amniocentesis during pregnancy, may be recommended in adults with congenital cardiovascular defects.
Treatment and care for a child with congenital cardiovascular defects can be costly, and some health insurance plans may not cover all the expenses associated with a child's hospitalization or surgery.
Caring for a child with congenital cardiovascular defects is demanding.
When this pocket of fluid is thickened, it may indicate that the infant will be born with a congenital cardiovascular defect.
Exercise consists of cardiovascular conditioning, strength and resistance training, and flexibility.
Exercise is essential for improving overall health, maintaining fitness, and helping to prevent the development of obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.
Exercise consists of cardiovascular conditioning, strength and resistance training, and flexibility to improve and maintain the fitness of the body's heart, lungs, and muscles.
Cardiovascular conditioning involves moderate to vigorous physical activity that results in an elevated heart rate for a sustained period of time.
Regular cardiovascular exercise improves the efficiency of the functioning of the heart, lungs, and circulatory system.
For healthy children, cardiovascular exercise that elevates the heart rate to no greater than a maximum heart rate of 200 beats per minute is recommended.
Cardiovascular conditioning activities should be appropriate for the age, gender, and emotional status of the child.
Obesity may cause other cardiovascular diseases if it is not managed or treated properly.
Sorof, Jonathan M., et al. "Cardiovascular risk factors and sequelae in hypertensive children identified by referral versus school-based screening."
The absence of adequate estrogen increases the risk of osteoporosis, repeated bone fractures, and cardiovascular disease in later life.
These solutions should be avoided by diabetics and those with cardiovascular or other circulatory disorders whose skin may be insensitive and not appreciate irritation.
The risk for cardiovascular disease can be slightly reduced for a large fraction of the population by folic acid supplements.
Physical postures strengthen and tone muscles, and when performed in rapid succession, can provide cardiovascular conditioning.
About 20 percent of patients with Kawasaki syndrome develop complications of the cardiovascular system.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends cholesterol screening of children over age two whose parents have a history of cardiovascular disease before age 55, or have blood cholesterol levels above 240mg/dl.
It helps prevent cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and some cancers.
Silicon is important in preventing cardiovascular disease.
Other side effects include dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating, blurred vision, sedation, weight gain, central nervous system and cardiovascular toxicity, delirium, and risk of suicide by overdose.
Endothelial cells-The cells lining the inner walls of a body cavity or the cardiovascular system.
Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and stroke.
Estrogen and testosterone help to maintain bone mass and strength and may protect the cardiovascular system.
Women who smoke should be advised that it increases the cardiovascular risks of taking the pill.
Combination estrogen-progestin pills are not recommended for women who smoke, women who are over age 35, or women with a history of cardiovascular disease.
For those interested in a "challenging, fun and interesting" way to see San Francisco, as well as some stellar cardiovascular exercise, choose Stairways Across San Francisco with tour guide Dennis Macheel.
Hailed as the holy grail for skin and hair care, they also double as cure-alls for everything from the common cold to cancer, cardiovascular disease and other serious ills.
These benefits include, but are not limited to, vital bodily functions like cardiovascular health, bone metabolism, embryonic development in pregnant women and maintaining genetic integrity.
Free radicals cause damage to cells and may be a factor to the development of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
If you have a medical condition or otherwise, you should be careful with your cardiovascular system, this type of supplement may not be for you.
This study concludes that the use of Salba, a trademarked variety of white chia seeds, improves both major and emerging cardiovascular risk factors in those with type 2 diabetes.
It seems almost everything is fortified with folic acid these days thanks to its proven ability to prevent birth defects in unborn children, but it also has a positive impact on cardiovascular health for those with diabetes.
This healthy fat actually help to improve cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol, prevents arrhythmias, and prevents the accumulation of triglycerides.
This dietary dose of vitamin D is necessary for those who do not get adequate exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, and in turn helps to keep their immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems running strong.
Such fish and their oil extracts provide omega-3 fatty acids, which help with cardiovascular health and calm inflammation.
One of fish oil's benefits for cardiovascular health is that it prevents blood platelets from sticking together.
High blood pressure indicates your cardiovascular system is working harder than it should to circulate blood throughout your body.
Looking at cardiovascular health alone, several vitamins and minerals are essential for proper body function.
When it comes to cardiovascular health, obtaining a doctor's advice is imperative, especially when dealing with a serious condition such as high blood pressure.
Levy MD. JD., both of whom encouraged high doses of Vitamin C to counter cardiovascular disease, as well as several other medical conditions.
This is significant because chronic inflammation is related to a variety of serious medical conditions, including Alzheimer's Disease, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.
Some believe resveratrol can partially help explain what is referred to as "the French paradox," in which French individuals consume a diet higher in fat, but experience less cardiovascular problems.
Folate also supports circulation, and obtaining adequate levels of this vitamin may prevent homocysteine build-up, which has been linked to cardiovascular disease.
Soy and almond flours are good additions to your diet when it comes to improving your cardiovascular health.
Aerobics can be a fun substitute for running, and while you get the same cardiovascular benefits, it's still wise to wear a different kind of shoe.
She next falls in love with Noah Barnes, a cardiovascular surgeon and the husband of one of her pregnant patients..
The focus you will find within the classes will be on stretching, cardiovascular exercise, and deep breathing.
Yoga can help athletes with flexibility, range of motion, concentration, stress, tension, and cardiovascular health.
Some women do many of their favorite cardiovascular activities through most of the cycle, while others may have to take it easy in the last few months of the pregnancy.
Yale University School of Medicine research into yoga and cardiovascular health reports that a control group notably lowered their blood pressure in just six weeks by practicing yoga for 90 minutes per day three times a week.
Bikram Yoga classes, which last 90 minutes, are an incredible cardiovascular workout.
This class develops the Hot yoga principle into a flow series, adding a cardiovascular element to your yoga class.
Warm-ups, weight lifting, and cardiovascular exercises will help a cheerleader achieve optimal fitness for the cheer season.
For people who are struggling to lose weight, the point of exercise is not only to increase cardiovascular fitness, but also to burn as much fat as possible.
It is too high in fat and cholesterol for keeping the cardiovascular system healthy and protected from disease.
The causes of cardiovascular disease and cancer go far beyond the consumption of fat.
Types of exercise that you might want to consider include cardiovascular workouts, aerobic exercise, flexibility training, strength training, and interval training.
Examples include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and some cancers.
Severe obesity with a BMI of 35 to 39.9 WITH serious medical conditions related to the obesity status, such as hypertension, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or hypercholesteremia to name a few.
The American Heart Association (AHA) diet is a wonderful way to eat a healthy diet while protecting your heart from cardiovascular disease.
This function is critical for a lifetime of healthy cardiovascular function.
By understanding how the glycemic index actually works, you can avoid or manage health issues such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems while increasing your energy and losing weight.
A diet low in cholesterol is a great way to protect yourself from heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular problems.
As things deteriorate, anemia and color blindness can set in, as does a higher risk of cardiovascular ailments.
Little or no "bad" fats - Bad fats, like trans-fat packed fries, seem almost designed to clog up the cardiovascular system.
Obesity increases your risk of diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other diseases.
Cardiovascular activity keeps your heart healthy, and strength training improves bone and joint health.
Green tea may have a number of cardiovascular effects including a positive effect on blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as prevention of heart disease.
Try exercises designed to improve cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility.
Bicycling, walking, running and swimming build cardiovascular health.
Diets containing a higher proportion of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat grams result in lower blood pressure and a lower overall risk of cardiovascular disease.
Some, like high impact cardiovascular exercises, burn many hundreds of calories.
As always, any healthy diet should be accompanied by regular cardiovascular and strength training exercises most days per week.
Your cardiovascular system and metabolic pathways will be accustomed to exercise and as such, will operate at high efficiency.
According to Science News, "Consuming an average of 2.5 servings of whole grains each day is associated with a 21 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease […]."
A diet low in cholesterol is often recommended for people who have either been diagnosed with, or who are at increased risk for developing, cardiovascular disease.
Medical and health professionals suggest following a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and lean meats and plenty of regular cardiovascular and strength training exercise.
Not only are most of them low-calorie, they are also high in fiber and provide phytochemicals and antioxidants that help prevent cardiovascular disease.
Eating a balanced diet and getting regular cardiovascular and strength training exercise is vital for helping you reach and maintain a normal weight for your height, age, gender, and body type.
Many medical professionals suggest instead that a regimen of a balanced diet including fresh foods and regular cardiovascular and strength training exercises be followed.
Daily cardiovascular exercise helps tone your body and helps you lose weight.
Besides brisk walking, other forms of cardiovascular routines include jogging, running, bicycling (indoors and out), roller-blading, swimming, step aerobics, dancing and rowing.
The effects of exercise on the heart show how beneficial regular activity is for general health maintenance and improvement of cardiovascular fitness.
By lowering your cholesterol, you help maintain your cardiovascular health by reducing your risk of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
The effects of exercise on the heart extend beyond the cardiovascular system.
When you regularly engage in physical activity, you strengthen and tone your muscles, improve your cardiovascular health and ward off disease.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regular physical exercise can help prevent cardiovascular disease, Type 2 Diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and stroke.
You can reap the benefits of physical exercise by engaging in forms of activity that improve muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and body composition.
These exercises improve cardiovascular health, muscular endurance, body composition and flexibility.
The benefits extend beyond the cardiovascular system.
While some benefits of working out are well known, there remain several cardiovascular benefits of exercise which make it a vital addition to your lifestyle.
Another of the cardiovascular benefits of exercise involves high blood pressure prevention and treatment.
Your body responds to exercise by increasing the efficiency of your cardiovascular system.
Changes also occur within the respiratory system which influences cardiovascular health.
The cardiovascular benefits of exercise can increase your longevity and improve your quality of life, enabling you to function normally into your later years.
While there are some risk factors you cannot control, exercise is one way to take charge of your cardiovascular health and make the necessary lifestyle changes to live a healthy life.
If time is a factor, you can engage in vigorous exercises for 20 minutes, three times a week and still realize the same cardiovascular benefits.
Cardiovascular training, sports participation, strength training, yoga, Pilates, and other forms of exercise all yield both physical and psychological benefits.
It's a common fact that dancing is her favorite form of cardiovascular exercise.
With just a few simple adjustments you can easily change your cardiovascular workout session from intense to light on these strong and sturdy exercise machines.
Elliptical machines, known also as cross trainers, stair masters and steppers, are a great way to get a good cardiovascular workout.
Bouncin' in the House is a rebounding DVD aimed at meeting the needs of women's cardiovascular health.
This is anaerobic training that increases your overall stamina and cardiovascular capacity, while also providing a good spike in your natural hormone production.
The most effective strategy to accomplish this goal is to adopt a fitness regimen that includes both cardiovascular conditioning and weight lifting.
For starters, it boosts the cardiovascular system, increasing overall capacity.
However, following a balanced exercise plan that's more rounded also helps reduce other health risks such as cardiovascular disease.
Now, as part of the fat-loss portion of the effort as well as general health, you should make this part of an overall exercise scheme that includes cardiovascular training and more general weight training to boot.
Thus, in this article we'll look at training for muscle building, weight reduction, and enhanced cardiovascular health and performance.
For overall health, you should still do some cardiovascular training, of course, but don't do more than necessary.
Those intending to live long, athletes looking to boost performance in another sport, and others with a vested interest in keeping the cardiovascular system in tip-top shape should focus on this type of fitness training.
There are many benefits of aerobic exercise, not the least of which is strengthening your cardiovascular system.
There are many exercise activities that you can do to promote cardiovascular health, both at home and in the gym.
Having too much fat can contribute to a number of diseases including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
If you have a family history of cardiovascular health problems, you'll be interested to know that a proper warm up opens up the blood vessels.
When you perform any type of cardiovascular exercise, your heart pumps large quantities of blood to your working muscles.
Exercisers who are focusing on cardiovascular goals seek a different heart rate per minute than those with fat burning goals.
Heart rates are important for improving cardiovascular health, and there are several cardio workout benefits for the heart.
Once you determine your target heart rate, you can take your pulse during cardiovascular exercise to see if you are within the range of your target.
Always consult a doctor for any questions concerning your cardiovascular health or exercising.
This way you get better stamina and explosiveness, your cardiovascular system gets trimmed with new capillaries and enhanced blood flow, and you get a nice metabolism boost.
As you exercise, your entire cardiovascular system gets a workout.
In either scenario, you should mix it up with some cardiovascular training for optimal overall health.
This is directly related to your cardiovascular and respiratory endurance.
Calisthenics can improve muscle and cardiovascular endurance.
Any sport that intersperses bursts of speed and power with lower levels of running, walking and jogging can help to improve strength, endurance and cardiovascular health.
In addition, the fluid motions of kettlebell workouts add a cardiovascular element to your workout once you have become versed enough in the exercises to perform them fluidly.
Designed to provide ideal cardiovascular as well as muscular workout benefits, the workouts have traveled beyond Russia and are now practiced particularly by martial artists.
The best kettlebell workouts include both cardiovascular and muscular benefits.
As your workout becomes more naturally flowing, you will gain cardiovascular benefits alongside the strength exercise results for your muscles.
But the Big Kahuna is of course your cardiovascular system.
Cardiovascular training is essential for building a healthy heart and lungs.
Any type of activity that causes your heart rate to get into your target heart rate zone (as defined by the American Heart Association) for a sustained period of time is considered cardiovascular activity.
A good way to ease into cardiovascular activity is to achieve a target heart rate of about 60% of your maximum heart rate and sustain it for 10 minutes.
Cardiovascular exercises are an essential component of any type of fitness program.
Fortunately, there are many types of cardiovascular fitness programs.
Cardiovascular exercise is also known as aerobics and aerobic conditioning.
As such, cardiovascular exercise can be defined as any type of continuous, long-duration activity that uses the large muscle groups while increasing oxygen consumption.
If your caloric intake remains the same, a regular cardiovascular fitness program will help you maintain your weight.
When planning your workout schedule, it pays to put your heart into it and include cardiovascular exercise.
Gold's Gym offers two primary types of home exercise equipment - weight training equipment and cardiovascular training equipment.
Another type of Gold's Gym exercise equipment is cardiovascular training equipment.
In addition to dietary modification and cardiovascular exercise, hydration plays an important role in obtaining those coveted flat abs.
Cardiovascular fitness is one of five components of physical fitness.
Doing different cardio workouts can improve your cardiovascular fitness, which, in turn, can help prevent heart disease, obesity and other diseases.
Cardiovascular exercise is any repetitive exercise that is done in your target heart rate zone for a sustained period of time.
Doing cardiovascular exercises will not only strengthen your heart, but also strengthen your pulmonary system and allow your body's oxygen delivery system to operate optimally.
Cardiovascular fitness doesn't need to be boring.
If that's the case, then the treadmill is an excellent source of cardiovascular exercise provided you are working in your target heart rate zone.
This video game for the Wii system includes a balance board and a number of personalized exercises to help you meet your cardiovascular fitness goals.
Hiking - If you love the outdoors, then hiking may be the perfect form of cardiovascular exercise.
Circuit classes - This type of aerobics class combines formal instruction with a combination of cardiovascular stations and strength training stations.
Power yoga - These classes combine traditional yoga poses with a cardiovascular workout.
The list above has just scratched the surface of the different types of cardiovascular workouts you can do.
With a little creativity, anything can become a cardiovascular workout that keeps you interested and motivated.
The 15-second to three-minute aerobic segment can either use aerobic equipment or traditional cardiovascular exercise such as jumping jacks.
Warming up is good for your cardiovascular system and for your muscles and joints.
Exercising is not only important for losing weight, it is also important for maintaining weight, for muscle and bone strength as well as for psychological and cardiovascular well-being.
Pushups can strengthen your cardiovascular system.
The short bursts of high energy activity during an interval training session can increase the caloric expenditure of the entire cardiovascular workout.
Interval training also adds fun and variety to your cardiovascular routine.
Cardiovascular exercise has some important health benefits.
As such, cardiovascular fitness programs can provide a natural cure for stress and depression.
Aquatic physical therapy is a water exercise technique that is prescribed for patients with cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary, as well as muscular-skeletal and neuro-muscular disorders.
What's more, exercising in the water, whether you are swimming at a moderate pace or participating in water aerobics, is excellent for cardiovascular development and helps you build muscle.
Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise increases your heart rate and helps your body function better.
Whereas strength training is excellent for building muscle mass and toning your physique, aerobic activity is essential for peak cardiovascular health.
Aerobic activity is very important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease because it keeps the blood effectively circulating, thereby encouraging the transport of fats and toxins out of the body.
Many homes have at least one piece of cardiovascular fitness equipment such as a treadmill, elliptical trainer or exercise bike.
If you own one of these, then your choice for cardiovascular training at home is clear.
Before you do any weight lifting, warm up your muscles with at least ten minutes of cardiovascular exercise.
When you interval train, you maximize both muscle growth for long-term metabolic effects and cardiovascular activity for calorie burning while exercising and in the minutes and hours following your workout.
This type of interval training can be done with any type of cardiovascular exercise, such as the elliptical trainer or stair climber.
Weight/aerobics circuits alternate 60 seconds to two minutes of cardiovascular activity with a set of weight lifting activity.
All of them work the entire body as well as the cardiovascular system.
To get the most out of your strength training routines, it's important to pair them with regular cardiovascular exercise and a proper diet.
Cardiovascular exercise - Spend 20 minutes to an hour (depending on your level of fitness) doing some type of aerobic activity.
The cardiovascular exercise will help you to burn fat.
Cardiovascular exercise can be done three to six times a week depending on your goals and fitness level.
Interval training - As an alternative to doing cardiovascular training and strength training, you may opt to do interval training.
He or she may also be able to recommend a cardiovascular routine and nutrition tips to help you get healthier all around.
Cardio Recovery - This cardiovascular workout is only slightly lighter, so your body can recover enough for even more workout insanity.
Cardio Abs - This DVD is another mix of cardiovascular exercises and abdominal training that will whip your butt (and your core) into top shape.
Max Cardio Conditioning and Abs - This DVD is the ultimate blend of cardiovascular exercises and abdominal strength conditioning.
Workout - The Total Dream Body Sculpting Workout offers a circuit-style cardiovascular workout that will not only sculpt your trouble areas, but will also burn fat and calories.
Weighted hoops can be easier to use than traditional hoops, with great cardiovascular and core strengthening results.
Outfit your home exercise room or enjoy your gym membership using a variety of cardiovascular exercise gym equipment.
Most cardiovascular exercise gym equipment is designed for heavy use and is therefore high-quality and made to last.
Beginners may want to keep their total workout time to about 20 minutes until their cardiovascular systems become stronger.
Your home workouts can provide numerous opportunities to build your muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance just as easily.
Many individuals choose to split up their workouts into strength and cardiovascular training routines.
Cardio activities are vital for cardiovascular health and provide the sure way to lose fat.
Who says you need to leave home to get in a good heart-pumping cardiovascular workout?
This fun exercise is a great way to get in your cardiovascular workout.
This type of cardiovascular workout is a great way to have fun, make friends, and lose weight all at the same time!
Swimming is a terrific form of cardiovascular exercise, but did you know that you can also use the water's resistance for strength training activities?
There are a number of terrific workouts that incorporate strength training and cardiovascular fitness into a single workout that you can follow.
Tae Bo - Billy Blanks' workout provides a combination of strength training and cardiovascular fitness with fun martial arts moves that will have you feeling like Chuck Norris in no time.
That run at the gym can do more than improve your cardiovascular fitness.
In addition to the cardiovascular benefits, the reasons behind why is exercise good for us extend to your risk of developing diabetes.
Some exercises require constant and sustained movement that increases your heart rate and adds a cardiovascular component to the Pilates routine.
They will also improve your cardiovascular health.
Sustained cardiovascular exercise raises your heart rate and burns calories, helping boost your daily calorie expenditure, contributing to overall fat loss.
Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that uses your major muscle groups in a sustained and rhythmic fashion.
The great thing about cardiovascular exercise is that you can choose from any number of activities for your workout.
Any way you cut it, cardiovascular exercise is the best exercise to lose belly fat.
Aqua jogging gives you the same great cardiovascular workout as running on land, without the impact.
Start running in the water and gain the great cardiovascular benefits of running without the extra stress today.
Exercise bikes engage the major muscle groups of your legs to provide you with an effective cardiovascular workout.
Most people choosing a stationary bike are using it for cardiovascular exercise, so the type of stationary cycle should be based largely on personal preference.
Exercise bikes get your heart thumping and your legs pumping as you work, providing you with a cardiovascular and a strengthening routine.
Using a heart rate monitor, you can get a better workout for optimal cardiovascular health.
Cardiovascular equipment engages your major muscle groups in a rhythmic and repetitive fashion in order to increase your heart rate and breathe volume.
Cardiovascular fitness is an essential part of health.
Improving your level of cardiovascular fitness provides a number of benefits.
How strong is your cardiovascular system?
If you'd like to improve your level of cardiovascular fitness, there are many things that you can do to be successful.
The perfect music for cardiovascular exercise is between 120 and 150 beats per minute.
If you are new to cardiovascular exercise, start with low intensity activity a few times a week, and work your way up to higher intensity and longer time.
Consider interval training, which combines cardiovascular activity with muscular strength and endurance exercises.
By creating a simple plan and following it through, you can increase your level of cardiovascular fitness, leading to better overall health.
Building gradually allows your muscle as well as your cardiovascular system to adapt to this sudden change of activity.
Aerobic activity strengthens your cardiovascular system and increases aerobic endurance.
Incorporate strength training, cardiovascular activity, and stretching.
A jump rope provides a terrific cardiovascular or interval training workout.
Combine isotonic type exercise with cardiovascular exercise in order to improve your overall fitness.
The increased oxygen and blood circulation encourages good cardiovascular health and can lower blood pressure.
Cardiovascular exercises, such as aerobic activity, are the best type of exercise to lower blood pressure because these exercises work out the heart by getting it to pump more blood to the muscles during workouts.
At-home cardiovascular fitness training equipment may also be hydraulic.
Anyone interested in a well-rounded workout routine knows about the importance of combining cardiovascular exercise, strength training and flexibility.
Engaging in moderately intense cardiovascular activity, such as walking or aerobics, is unlikely to increase pulmonary arterial pressure.
You can also strengthen and shape your thighs by performing cardiovascular exercises that target the legs.
Cardiovascular exercise like walking, biking, group exercise classes or swimming can kickstart your flat-belly plans, allowing the efforts from your abdominal work to really shine through.
In addition to your cardiovascular exercise, you also need to start paying attention to what you put in your mouth.
Any high-intensity cardiovascular exercise that elevates your heart rate to the higher end of your target heart rate zone will help you burn fat and lose weight.
Monitoring your heart rate during cardiovascular activity such as running or biking is one way to form an effective workout program.
If you're looking to kick your workout a few notches or find your way out of a fitness rut, a relatively simple set of kettlebell routines can lead to fast results and increased cardiovascular fitness.
Bicycling provides an effective form of cardiovascular and muscular endurance exercise that targets a number of muscles in your body.
If you're cycling outdoors, try to incorporate hills or periods of sprinting into your workout - these more difficult bursts of exercise will help strengthen your legs while also improving your cardiovascular capacity.
A true full body workout is one that works all of the major muscle groups, incorporating the components of fitness, including muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.
Some people wish to obtain an overall level of fitness, while others focus on cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, or other factors of fitness.
The result is a fun, high-intensity workout that can strengthen your cardiovascular system while improving both muscular strength and endurance.
By focusing on what you are doing and maintaining intensity throughout your workout, you can use a stationary bicycle to burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness and stay in shape.
Medicare Plan B also provides for certain preventative testing like diabetes and cardiovascular screenings, mammograms, bone density scans, and flu shots.
This makes it ideal in preventing arteriosclerosis and assisting in protecting against cardiovascular disease.
Drugs are used outside of their license e.g. aspirin for cardiovascular reasons or dihydrocodeine for opioid detoxification.
This relationship between VaD and AD is highlighted by their common risk factors especially cardiovascular.
The focus of research is on NHS priorities namely cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Studies had also to give information on total cardiovascular events, myocardial infarction, stroke, bleeding complications, and all cause mortality.
Cardiovascular disease and use of oral and injectable progestogen-only contraceptives and combined injectable contraceptives.
In addition he coordinates the Cardiovascular Gene Therapy Group which is seeking ways to prevent coronary arteries from narrowing following balloon dilatation for angina.
The study brings together a multi-disciplinary team who have worked together over the last decade studying the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Both trials demonstrated efficacy in these elderly patients, who are at high risk of cardiovascular events.
Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids on factors related to cardiovascular disease.
A controlled study of the effects of a supervised cardiovascular fitness training program on the manifestations of primary fibromyalgia.
Professional instructors will be on hand in health clubs to administer the test, which is a well-respected measurement of cardiovascular fitness.
Monitoring and treating the cardiovascular system in neonatal foals.
We therefore hypothesize that elevated t-PA antigen may be a novel mechanism contributing to increased cardiovascular risk in South Asians.
Taking flavonoid supplements can help you get all this cardiovascular support and still enjoy the benefits of a low-carb lifestyle.
Cardiovascular disease remains the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in most of the Western world and in Scotland in particular.
I like to train five or six days a week for two hours, doing weight lifting and cardiovascular.
In the longer term sex hormone replacement reduces the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease in both men and women.
One of the best cardiovascular workouts is running and jogging.
So that the proper treatment can be provided in the event of an emergency, children with congenital cardiovascular defects should wear a medical identification bracelet or necklace to alert healthcare providers of their condition.
Gaining fat around your belly is one of the worse areas of the body to add fat; this increase in belly fat can lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancers like breast cancer and colorectal cancer and diabetes.
These groups have not been studied as extensively as cigarette smokers, but there is evidence that they may be at a slightly lower risk of cardiovascular problems but a higher risk of cancer and various types of circulatory conditions.
Just like breaking into a fast sprint without warming up is a bad idea, stopping from a fast sprint without cooling down will leave your muscles sore in the long term and will shock your cardiovascular system in the short term.
Cardiovascular benefits of consuming more omega-3's include lowered blood pressure and improved ratio of the so-called "good" HDL cholesterol to "bad" LDL cholesterol, while simultaneously lowering overall blood cholesterol readings.
A healthy eating plan and regular fat-burning exercise, however, are part of a complete toning routine, so don't forget to eat well and walk, jog, run, swim or play a cardiovascular sport, like tennis or basketball, a few times per week.
However, as always you should be aware that abdominal training is merely one piece of the puzzle; if you're overweight and looking to get in shape, you must also engage in diet and/or cardiovascular training to actually to drop the pounds.