Carbs Sentence Examples
It contains moderate amounts of complex carbs such as wholegrain bread, with most vegetables being free foods, and fruit included daily.
You might want to skip the excessive carbs right before the competition.
Low-carb eating is popular, with around 3 million Britons having counted carb eating is popular, with around 3 million Britons having counted carbs, not calories, to manage their weight.
What about adding some carbs to the drink to help replace the lost energy from the workout?
In order for your brain to function properly it needs carbs!
Jim had said he had set the carbs up on the bench and apart from the idle speed they wouldn't need any adjustment.
The inlet port is opened to its maximum matched and race flowed to 30 - 34mm carbs and manifolds.
Have veggies sliced and ready in the fridge and reach for those instead of refined carbs for a healthy snack.
On the other side of the engine, Mick has taken the inlets out to 32mm to match the twin carbs.
My complex carbs come from oats or sweet potatoes.
AdvertisementThe use of standard carburetors and exhausts can be retained, or larger carbs and performance exhausts can be added to boost power.
Could anyone tell me how to check that the automatic chokes are working correctly on my twin carbs?
The protein for muscle growth, and the carbs to replenish the glycogen depleted from your workout.
A raging ectomorph will need more carbs than a carb-sensitive endomorph at the same protein level.
Think of carbs as the match needed to ignite the fat-burning flame.
AdvertisementMy base diet is always the same for contest prep all that changes is the amount of carbs.
Nigel Bird adds " After getting the carbs in balance, blip the throttle.
I know that spurning inferior sweets and quickie carbs could turn your life around.
You steer clear of sugar, refined carbs, chips, mashed potatoes, alcohol and so on.
Think of how you feel after you've eaten a meal high in simple carbs.
AdvertisementFor the average 2,000 calorie a day diet that would be about 1,100 calories from carbs.
When there are no carbs to burn, the body starts to use muscle as fuel, which causes a state called Ketosis.
Diets that are high in protein and low in carbs can put a tremendous strain on the liver and kidneys.
People avoiding carbs and focusing on proteins alone can overlook the fact that the foods they are eating can be high in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
For those looking to increase their fiber intake, while keeping their carbs low, oats are a great option.
AdvertisementIf you eat too many carbs, you'll end up feeling sluggish and have trouble concentrating in your classes.
The southern Indian diet is also heavy in rice and breads, which are high in carbs, and there is a lot of sugar used in the cooking as well.
Fruits in general tend to be high in sugar and carbs, and many people agree that the nutritional benefits of pineapple outweigh the negatives.
According to Us magazine, she also gave up carbs, and was eating fish, vegetables and doing yoga.
Everyone knows about carbs in food, but what about wine carbohydrates?
You've got your "good" carbs, your "bad" carbs, simple carbs and complex carbs.
Even though you may have heard in the past that carbs are evil and should be avoided at all costs, carbohydrates are actually a very necessary part to any healthy diet because they are a major source of your body's energy.
Simple carbs get a bad rap as so-called "bad carbs", while this may be true for most foods containing simple carbs, it isn't true for all.
When consumed, the body converts these simple carbs into energy.
Complex carbs are mainly foods high in starches and fiber.
Many fruits and vegetables contain complex carbs.
The reason why complex carbs are better then simple carbs is because the body takes longer to break them down to be used for energy, therefore you burn more calories.
Just as with simple carbohydrates, if you consume an excess amount of complex carbs, unless you burn them off through activity, your body stores the unused carbs as fat.
So, whenever you're drinking a glass of red, just round the number of carbs up to one, multiply it by the number of ounces you're drinking and you will have your carb count.
The average amount of carbs in white wine is lower than that of red wine, at about .6 grams.
With various beers touting low carbs for years, the wine industry had slowly begun catching on, but is it really that necessary?
Don't give in to the low carb craze, drink the wine you love in moderation and you will never have to compromise on quality for the sake of shaving a few carbs from your diet.
Thank you Lisa Curran for giving us a reason to cut out carbs the rest of our lives.
That's her choice, but if your goal is a Stacy Keibler bikini body, you should consult with a qualified nutritionist before opting to cut the carbs.
Have half the carbs, sugar and calories of competition, containing only 70 calories per 9.5 oz bottle.
It is suggested that eating foods higher in carbs increases tryptophan absorption and as a result serotonin production.
If you're worried about weight gain related to eating carbs, a supplement may be a consideration.
Serve a healthy lunch loaded with carbs and protein.
The theory behind cutting back on carbs and eating a higher percentage of protein is that the body begins to have less insulin responses to carbohydrates.
South Beach counts carbs through portion size while Atkins counts grams of carbohydrates, which may be more difficult to keep track of.
The theory behind cutting back on carbs and eating a higher percentage of protein is that the body will begin to have less insulin responses to carbohydrates, which can pack on the pounds.
Some good examples of this are the low-fat/no-fat diets of the 1980's and 1990's, and the extreme versions of low-carbohydrate diets that completely eliminate carbs.
In Phase Two, intended for those who have less than 20 percent of body weight to lose, or for those who have begun on phase one and have stabilized their health, you are limited to 55g of carbs daily.
In the first phase, which is to be followed for only two weeks, carbohydrate intake is restricted to 20g daily -- dieters are encouraged to get these carbs from salads and green vegetables.
The third and fourth phases are more liberal, and by the time they reach these levels, most dieters are eating 75 or more grams of carbs daily.
Again, vegetables and low-sugar fruits are encouraged, rather than empty carbs from non-nutritive desserts.
We often run to carbs and sweets for relief from bad moods, but the crash after the sugar or carb high can be even worse than the initial low feeling.
You can eat a huge salad without worrying about consuming too many carbs.
These include things like pineapple (4.8 carbs) and grapes (7.9 carbs).
Other fruits are very high in carbohydrates, such as mangos (35.2 carbs) or dried fruit (63.6 carbs).
Limit your consumption of mussels, oysters and organ meats to four ounces per day because they are higher in carbs that other meats.
While plain, strained yogurt is very high in protein and fairly low in carbs, yogurt with added fruit and flavors may not be.
While fats may be restricted in other diets, some low-carb diets allow you to eat as many fats as you would like, provided that they are low in carbs.
As with any diet plan, make sure you check with a physician before you begin to restrict carbs.
The protein slows down the absorption of the carbs and keeps your blood sugar on a more even level.
You'll do away with bad carbs and bad fats, and start eating good fats and good carbs.
Dr. Atkins believes that the real reason people suffer from weight problem is the over abundance of refined carbs, including sugars and white flour in their diet.
How about a nice dinner with baked salmon and steamed broccoli with lemon juice and pepper or a crust-less quiche that has only seven carbs?
This Hawaiian chicken recipe is yummy, too, and one serving has only four carbs!
Once the body no longer takes in carbs to produce glycogen, and after the glycogen is depleted from the liver, a change in metabolism uses stored fat and dietary fat for fuel.
For low carb dieters, a big culprit is eating too many carbs.
Some people can handle more carbs than others.
Play with the amount of carbs you are eating to see if that helps.
You might also be getting some hidden carbs in foods you wouldn't think about as being high carb, so start scouring ingredient lists to make sure you're not overdoing it.
Check on your carb situation and cut back if you've been eating more carbs than normal lately.
The insulin produced by your body when you eat carbs will actually inhibit your ability to burn fat while you sleep.
A vinegar and oil or cheese-based dressing keeps the carbs low and adds some protein.
An average portion of shrimp has more than 15 grams of protein and no carbs (as is true for most meats).
According to some sources, eating foods low in carbs can help you lose weight.
Some contest that it is the type of carbs you eat, not the amount, that makes a difference.
Most meats including poultry and fish carry virtually no carbs.
Another great thing about sticking to foods low in carbs is the fact you don't have to give up yummy dairy products.
Eating foods low in carbs is only one way to lose weight.
It seems like everyone goes through a phase of counting carbs at one time or another.
Whether you're taking part in a structured low carb diet like The Atkins Diet or you're just hoping to lose a little weight by cutting down on carbohydrates, keeping track of the carbs you eat is a good idea.
Carbs are found in food, and they're what our body uses for fuel.
While carbs are vital to good functioning of the body, it is possible to eat too many carbs, just as it is possible to overeat fat or protein.
Counting carbs is particularly important to diabetics who use insulin, because they need to take enough insulin to balance the carbs and keep their bodies healthy.
People on low carb diets count carbs in an effort to stay in ketosis, a phase in which more fat is burned because the body isn't getting enough carbs to fuel its activities.
Whatever the reason you're counting carbs, there are a few basics that can make it a little easier.
The most valuable weapon you have when counting carbs is the nutritional information printed on food packages of all kinds, from cheese to candy bars.
The federal government requires packaged foods to list information including serving size, how many servings are in a package, the number of calories, amount of fat and carbs, and other basic nutritional information.
This is the place to start if you want to know how many carbs you are eating.
Before you open a package of food, check out the serving size and how many carbs are in one serving.
If you're making yourself a sandwich, you need to add up the carbs in everything you're eating and, again, make sure you're sticking with or below the serving size.
The most difficult part for people keeping track of their carbohydrate intake is figuring carbs for all the ingredients in a meal, especially a meal that didn't come out of a box.
At best you are only going to be able to come up with an estimate of how many carbs were in a particular meal.
While complex carbs are better for you, there is no need to cut out simple carbs entirely for a healthy diet.
The bulk of your diet should be made up of unprocessed, whole foods and grains, which do have a lot of carbs, but they are good for you.
Low carbs means that protein is not spared.
Protein sparing is a complicated process but in the most simple terms, when the body is low on carbs there is limited glucose.
As mentioned above, Sugar Busters limits carbs, but not all carbs are treated equally.
It is thought that people should eat around 40 percent of their calories from carbs, while 30 percent comes from protein and 30 percent from fat-the more unsaturated fat the better, of course.
The carbs that aren't recommended, as you can imagine from the name of the diet, are sugar and products with added sugar such as jams and jellies.
Complex carbohydrates that don't cause the blood sugar spikes of simple carbs, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread and flour, legumes and the vast majority of fruits and vegetables are allowed on the diet.
This diet controls your intake of those simple carbs that are found in pastas and breads.
There are low carbs frozen dinners, low carb snacks, low carb recipes, and low carb desserts.
Even certain vegetables are higher in carbs, such as potatoes and corn.
Watch your choice of fruits as well, because fruits like bananas have almost twice the carbs of oranges.
It tells you where your calories should come from (fat, carbs, protein), how to gain muscle, and how to adjust your calorie intake if you're pregnant.
Protein is great for dieting in that it is relatively low in calories compared to the amount of food you get on your plate, and protein doesn't mess with your blood sugar and insulin levels the way carbs do.
If you are able to eat every two to three hours and abstain from fruit, bread, tortillas, and other simple carbs, this could be the plan for you.
This initial stage is similar to the Atkins diet in that it translates to lots of protein and fat with little carbs.
Remember, though, not all carbs are created equal.
When you're looking at carb content of foods, it's easy to lump all carbs together, but resist the temptation.
Good carbs do not cause dramatic changes in blood sugar level, while bad carbs cause a quick spike in blood sugar followed by a rapid drop.
Good carbs are unrefined, complex carbohydrates that are close to their natural state.
Bad carbs are simple, processed carbohydrates that are virtually unrecognizable compared to their original form.
When trying to lose weight on a low carb diet, the bulk of your carbs should be in the form of nonstarchy vegetables, especially salad greens.
These carbs are turned to glucose much like simple carbohydrates but more slowly.
They concentrate on taking in all of the good carbs which include complex carbohydrates and some simple carbohydrates but the following carbohydrates list consists of primarily vegetables that are low in carbs and low in starch.
Carbs and simple carbs, such as sugar in particular, trigger a massive release of insulin.
In this example, you're trying to lose weight, so we cut the 2000 calories to 1500 and aim for upping protein to 40 percent, 20 percent from fat, and 40 percent from carbs.
Carbs would make up the same amount, 150 grams, and fat would be about 35 grams -- enough to keep you healthy without overloading you with calories.
The tuna can tells you that you have 160 calories with 38 grams of protein and zero fat carbs and half a gram of fat.
The bread tells you the loaf you're about to use has 300 calories, almost all of it carbs (75 grams).
This should be a pure protein drink, no carbs, milk or juice -- just water and powder.
Few simple carbs - Simple carbs, ie. sugary, highly processed and white flour-based foods, tend to wreak havoc on the blood sugar balance.
It aids digestion and overall gut health, while also slowing down the release of simple carbs into the blood.
Choosing any foods you want for your meals sounds good, until you look back at the Atkins plan and see that it allows 12-15 net carbs per day.
You can choose the foods you want, but the idea is to count carbs and stay within the guidelines.
Considering a cup of grapefruit juice has about 8 carbs and a cup of grapefruit sections has around 18 carbs, I'd say there is a conflict with calling this the "Atkins" Grapefruit Diet.
This stance also translates to the carbohydrates you are allowed to eat on this diet, where high-GI carbs such as sugars and highly processed foods are eschewed in favor of high-fiber vegetables, nuts and so on.
Finally, the third phase is the maintenance regimen where you're allowed decent amounts of carbs and other "normal" food every day.
These meal plans contain no more than 20 grams of net carbs per day - all that is allowed during this phase.
The sample meals here include no more than 45 grams of net carbs per day - all that is allowed during this phase.
The sample meals here include no more than 60 grams of net carbs per day - all that is allowed in this phase.
The meal plans here contain no more than 75 grams of net carbs per day.
If you're looking for a better understanding of the consumption of protein, carbs and fat, this site's easy-to-understand language makes the perfect stop to gather your free information.
According to some physicians, drastically reducing carbs on a daily basis can cause the body to experience ketoacidosis.
The meal plans here contain no more than 75 grams of net carbs per day and are designed to help you maintain your healthy body.
The Atkins carb counter diet imposes strict rules about how many carbs participants can eat during the various phases.
However, successfully following the Atkins Diet takes discipline and beyond that an understanding of how the diet works and how many carbs are in the foods you're eating.
These guides are to serve as a quick reference for you to find out how many carbs are in the foods you're considering eating.
You can be sitting in a restaurant and instantly find out how many carbs that side dish you're thinking of ordering has by looking it up on your mobile device or smart phone.
Using a carb counter guide is a very useful tool for tracking your carbs, especially if you dine out frequently.
Additionally, by carefully tracking your carbs you're more likely to stay within the guidelines of the diet and lose weight.
Men burned more fat and women more carbs.
To help manage your diabetes, a proactive approach includes learning about nutrition, because the best diet for diabetics is a low-fat diet that includes complex carbs.
Complex carbs are absorbed more slowly and help to keep sugar levels stable.
Be sure to talk over your dietary choices with your nutritionist or dietician to help determine the balance of carbs, fat and protein needed.
Simple carbs are sugars and complex carbs are starches.
It is necessary to balance carbohydrates, whether simple or complex, with protein or fat in order to slow the breakdown of carbs in to glucose in the bloodstream.
Most low carbohydrate diets range in carbs from about 20 grams a day to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.
Some cereal manufacturers are making low carb versions, such as Special K, and high fiber cereals like All Bran and Fiber One tend to be lower in sugar and carbs than many others.
When ordering a smoothie out, ask them to use soy milk instead of regular milk, as it contains less carbs.
Those looking for how many carbs are in vodka have quick access to the information using this resource.
Fat-burning food combinations typically include carbs, fats, and proteins.
Begin your day with a combination of carbs, fats, and proteins, but do so wisely.
Food combinations that burn fat typically include a specific combination of carbs, protein, and fats.
Consider the types of foods your body needs, particularly fats, proteins, and carbs.
Do not combine proteins and carbs in the same meal.
Do not combine acidic foods with carbs in the same meal.
It doesn't require calorie counting or tracking carbs.
If you include complex carbs in your meals they can help use stomach acid.
Carbs are what the body burns for energy.
If you don't supply adequate carbs, the body burns protein and then burns fats as reserve fuel.
The first phase puts you in ketosis, and when you enter the next phase the amount of carbs is increased just enough to keep your system fueled.
Dr. Atkins' theory was that by restricting carbs in your diet, your body would be forced to tap your stored body fat as a source of energy in a process called ketosis.
In theory, it worked, however, doctors and scientists soon identified risks from severely restricting carbs.
While restricting carbohydrates will help you lose weight, your body cannot function in the long term without carbs.
Instead, as part of the low carbohydrate dieting instructions, you need to begin with evaluating the carbs you are getting for their health value and quality.
Simple carbs are, as the name implies, simple sugar molecules which your body can easily break down and use.
The risk of a diet high in simple carbs is that you will likely take in more energy in the form of sugar than your body can use at one time.
Complex carbs, on the other hand, are more complex, chemically.
It takes your body longer to break them down, which is why you feel sated for a relatively long period of time after eating foods high in complex carbs.
According to USDA, you should aim for 130 grams of carbs a day for a woman aged 31 to 50.
Of those 130 grams of carbs, you should include at least 25 grams of total fiber.
Finally, your low carb diet instructions should include a plan for including carbs throughout the day to provide a continued supply of energy and sugar.
You may find that consuming the majority of your carbs during the day will give you the best opportunities to take advantage of their energy properties.
Choosing healthy carbs can help you work and concentrate better on your daily chores without feeling ravenous when meal time comes.
Stick to snacks with no more than 30 grams of carbs.
Combining high quality carbs with some protein or fat will go a long way in keeping you satisfied.
You want to avoid simple carbs like candy or baked goods.
Snacks should include foods which have a high nutritious value such as high protein foods and those with complex carbs.
Combine high quality carbs with a little fat for a snack which will keep you feeling full longer.
One big difference between calories and carbs is that all foods contain calories, while many foods do not contain carbs.
That means people eating low carb diets can have cheese, butter, poultry, pork, beef and they all count as zero carbs.
People counting calories, on the other hand, have to count 100 calories in a tablespoon of butter, 90 calories for a fried egg, two slices of bacon at 86 calories, but for carb counters, it's still zero carbs.
From a practical standpoint, this is the main difference between counting calories and carbs.
People count carbs for more than one reason.
In fact, diabetics who take insulin before meals regularly calculate how much insulin they need by counting carbs.
In the Introduction Phase, carbs are severely restricted.
These foods are all carbohydrates, so while counting calories and counting carbs is different, many high calorie foods are also high in carbs.
Counting carbs takes the guess work out of how many carbohydrates are in meals and snacks, and a healthy low carb diet includes complex carbs which are part of a healthy diet.
Whether you're counting carbs or just trying to eat healthy, it helps to understand the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbs.
That's why you've probably heard carbs referred to as good carbs and bad carbs.
Foods still in their natural form or close to their natural form are good carbs also known as complex carbs.
The reason simple carbohydrates are known as bad carbs is because, for the most part, they are bad for you.
Complex carbs generally have a lower glycemic index because eating a carbohydrate with a low glycemic index helps keep your blood sugar from dropping during mild activity.
When we eat high glycemic carbs, blood sugar rises quickly and triggers a rapid response from the pancreatic gland.
On the flip side, choosing complex carbs with lower glycemic index ratings helps blood glucose to rise slower and we stay satisfied for longer.
It's pretty clear that unprocessed complex carbs are good for you.
This is why they have become known as "bad" carbs.
It would be better to choose a cereal consisting of complex carbs like oatmeal, which is 48 on the glycemic index and will keep you satisfied.
While the glycemic index can be helpful in determining which carbs are good or bad, it's important to note that sometimes what you eat with your carbohydrates can change their glycemic index.
For example, if you add protein, fat or increase acidity it could alter the glycemic index of the carbs you eat.
Choosing complex carbs over simple carbs will also help reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes and will help you lose weight and keep it off.
The diet plan is high in carbs and proteins, while reducing fat.
If you are considering eating carbs after low carb dieting, you must use a bit of caution in order to prevent gaining back the weight which you have undoubtedly lost.
There are several reasons which may cause you to start including carbs in your diet.
You may have experienced gastrointestinal issues or muscle weakness from giving up carbs.
Whatever your reason, the choice of eating carbs after low carb dieting is a healthy option.
Just because you have decided to eat carbs again doesn't mean you should overindulge in forbidden breads and pasta.
Rather, you should make good choices regarding the carbs you add to your diet so you can gain the vital benefits of adding carbs.
The so-called empty carbs of cakes and bakery items should still remain on your forbidden list.
Stick with healthy carbs found in fruits and vegetables to supply your carb cravings.
Some foods, such as leafy greens and mushrooms, are very low in carbs.
Continue to add these foods to your diet to prevent any guilt you may feel by eating carbs after low carb dieting.
When you first begin re-introducing carbs, go slowly to prevent overindulging, especially if going low carb meant you had to give up some of your favorite foods.
This is especially important if you followed a very restricted diet of low to minimal carbs.
Bear in mind too that you may experience gastrointestinal issues from adding carbs again to your diet, depending upon your sensitivity.
When you add carbs again, you help ensure that you are eating a more complete diet.
Adding carbs to your diet after low carb dieting is a healthy transition to getting a diet that meets all of your nutritional needs.
Others find the lack of carbs makes them feel too weak and that the program is extremely limiting, especially for those who enjoy sweets.
The most effective snacks include a balance of protein and carbs, and even a little (healthy) fat is okay, since it keeps you feeling full until your next meal.
If you are following the Atkins Diet or the South Beach Diet and you're still in the first phase, you should avoid carbs entirely.
However, if you are in the "maintenance" phase of a low carb plan, you can eat a moderate amount of carbs and still lose or stay at your goal weight.
However, unlike carbs and fats, your body does not store protein.
If you reduce your carbs by too much, you may be missing out on these important benefits.
However, there are some very good reasons not to limit calories or carbs too severely over the long term.
South Beach Diet - The South Beach Diet is divided into a three-stage program that emphasizes the elimination of "bad carbs," which purportedly helps to reduce cravings over time.
Now before you get worried about eating carbs, realize that complex carbs are healthy carbs.
Simple carbs are the ones responsible for weight gain.
As your body processes complex carbs it keeps your insulin levels low which signals your body to burn calories instead of storing them.If you enjoy a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, you get an added bonus.
Some dairy products are higher in carbs than others.
Certain fruits are moderately low in carbs and can be included in portion controlled amounts on low carb diet plans.
Instead of cutting out veggies and fruits totally, for a more balanced approach, the carbs to limit are the ones found in refined products that rank high on the glycemic index such as breads, rice, and grains.
Typically, a low carb diet limits carbs to 50 to 150 grams a day.
Even though there is a lack of scientific data to back up the blood type diet claims, one reason people like this diet is that it doesn't require counting calories or carbs.
During this period you will learn how to pair fast-digesting carbs with slow-digesting carbs, proteins, and fats to keep your insulin levels even and low throughout the day.
Along with eating the appropriate carbs with your meals, you will be taught about portion sizes that maximizes your fat-burning abilities.
One of the main points of the Zone Diet is to find balance in regard to how much protein, carbs and fats you eat.
Carbs found in grains and condiments are limited.
The Zone Diet is said to help the body produce the perfect amount of insulin, based on eating the right about of protein, carbs and fat.
If you're about to lift weights, have some complex carbs beforehand to fuel your workout.
However, this is balancing on the razor's edge in that you could cannibalize some muscle tissue in the process; chug a pure protein drink (no carbs) and a fistful of fish oil capsules before you leave for the gym to prevent this.
Although the plan does recommend cutting down on "bad" carbs, no foods are completely off-limits.
Whole grains, complex carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean meats should take the place of fatty, processed foods.
This is because carbs are stored as glycogen in the muscles.
The harder you work, the more oxygen you need, and the more fats and carbs your body breaks down to sustain the activity.
Whenever your body breaks down macronutrients to fuel movement, your body uses both fat and carbs.
Your body breaks down fats slowly, but when you work harder and your body needs fuel faster, it increases the number of carbs that it breaks down.
As you increase your intensity level, you start burning more calories overall, and a greater percentage of them come from carbs, which theoretically takes you out of the fat burning zone.
Of this, six might come from carbs, and five from fats.
For my first contest in June I was scared to death to eat carbs.