Carbon-footprint Sentence Examples
Multi-fuel vehicles offer all the style, performance, and comfort of traditional automobiles with a much smaller carbon footprint.
It is also important to weigh up the carbon footprint of bamboo sheets.
The smallest carbon footprint is generated, of course, by growing food at home, but even if this is not practical, there are many farmers markets and local stores which supply food grown locally.
People looking to both save money on their power bills and reduce their carbon footprint are becoming increasingly interested in home wind power kits.
Many people are looking for ways to reduce carbon footprint concerns.
Buying locally reduces the carbon footprint of a product.
All scooters are electric powered, meaning that in addition to having a stylish ride you will be lowering your carbon footprint.
People who are interested in the effects of different purchasing patterns on the environment, may wish to compare the carbon footprint of bamboo sheets with those of home grown cotton sheets.
There are many ways to reduce carbon footprint concerns.
Reducing our carbon footprint is an important part of green living.
AdvertisementThere are plenty of options available to computer users who would like to reduce their carbon footprint.
I am happy to discuss my carbon footprint with the hon.
This supports a local community as well as being a way to reduce carbon footprint concerns.
Whether you are able to live a completely self sufficient life, or simply take a step towards a more self sufficient style of living, every step that you take helps to reduce your carbon footprint and impact on the environment.
The HP LaserJet 1018 allows you to get a quality product without adding to your carbon footprint.
AdvertisementAmericans tend to have a larger carbon footprint than the rest of the world, sadly, and also tend to be the least interested in doing much to reduce it.
Part of living a greener and more environmentally friendly lifestyle involves looking at ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint.
Everyone can take steps towards reducing their carbon footprint.
In return, this reduces the amount of carbon that is emitted and thus reduces the carbon footprint.
One way that many people and organizations reduce their carbon footprint is to offset the carbon generated in some way.
AdvertisementThis united effort keeps the resulting carbon footprint relatively small but brings in enough money so that the project costs will be covered.
Reusing gray water is a great way to recycle and lower your carbon footprint.
By learning how to stop global warming and making changes in your daily life, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.
The best place to start reducing your carbon footprint is right inside your home.
Buy fresh, buy local is a nice thought, but it is also a great way to help reduce your carbon footprint.
AdvertisementThere are many ways that we can each move towards being more self sufficient, however, reducing our carbon footprint and impact on the earth.
Buy Fresh, Buy Local - reduce your carbon footprint by buying locally produced food.
Last, we take great effort to ensure that both manufacturing and shipping of TAP leaves the smallest carbon footprint possible.
Always look first for locally produced seeds, as the corn you grow will be more likely to do well in your region and you will reduce your carbon footprint by buying local.
However, by buying and supporting organic products, you are making an environmentally-conscious decision to reduce your carbon footprint.
Organic meat offers health advantages which will also reduce your carbon footprint.
Also, buying locally allows you to reduce your carbon footprint since you won't be responsible for the fuel consumption needed to have the plants shipped to you.
As well, the hills on the roof draw cool air into the center of the building, and skylights open and close throughout the day to bring sunlight to the exhibits - all helping to further reduce the museum's carbon footprint.
The food that you eat can also have a significant effect on the size of your carbon footprint.
In addition to its health benefits, biking helps you reduce your carbon footprint while saving money as well as the environment.
You can lower your carbon footprint by using a form of transportation that neither releases harmful emissions nor greenhouse gases.
Opportunities exist to reduce society's carbon footprint even at the individual level.
Home energy is the primary contributor to your carbon footprint.
Cut your electricity bill and you save money while reducing your carbon footprint.
According to, you can make the greatest reductions in your carbon footprint by reducing your home energy needs for heating and cooling costs.
It gives you the opportunity to choose a clean source of energy that will have a significant impact on your carbon footprint.
Home energy, which also includes heating and cooling energy needs, account for over one-quarter of your environmental impact, estimates Carbon Footprint Ltd., a company that provides services related to carbon management.
By promoting renewable energy, the Midwest would be able to reduce its carbon footprint drastically and the pollution that causes global warming.
By purchasing electricity through a plant that generates renewable energy, people can reduce their carbon footprint.
Whatever your motivation, a few simple changes can help you accomplish both goals, while reducing your carbon footprint.
With a Mediterranean home style, you can easily use green technology and leave a smaller carbon footprint with your home choice.
This will list the city and highway mileage, plus it gives you an estimated annual fuel cost, air pollution score, and carbon footprint.
This special section teaches the environmental issues of today, yesterday and the future and shows you how to reduce your carbon footprint on the world as well as how to teach others to do the same.
Santa Fe Community College employs several environmentally friendly designs and equipment in order to reduce the school's carbon footprint while increasing its intellectual sustainability.
From battery chargers that use kids' movements to create energy to a solar generator, kids can play and learn to reduce their carbon footprint.
This is a great way to cut down on your crafting costs and introduce children to the concept of reducing your carbon footprint.
The restaurant uses environmentally-conscious practices; you can dine on healthy fare and know you are doing your part to minimize your carbon footprint at the same time.
This is an eco-friendly venue, which reduces its carbon footprint by composting waste, conserving water and using wind power.
Many people wonder exactly what is a carbon footprint?
Once you understand what a carbon footprint is, the next important step is determining the size of your own footprint.
This is easily done with a carbon footprint calculator, and they are all over the Internet.
Fears about how the carbon footprint of individuals, corporations and organizations are affecting the environment means that action needs to be taken now.
The term carbon footprint is used to describe the impact that we have on the environment.