Carbamate Sentence Examples
It possesses a strong ammoniacal smell, and on digestion with alcohol the carbamate is dissolved and a residue of ammonium bicarbonate is left; a similar decomposition taking place when the sesquicarbonate is exposed to air.
It unites directly with ammonia gas to form ammonium carbamate, NH 2 00ONH 4.
The majority of samples 114 (56 per cent) contained ethyl carbamate in the range 11-30 microgram/l.
A small number of samples from the present survey were found to have elevated levels of ethyl carbamate.
In 1870 urea was produced by heating ammonium carbamate in a sealed vessel.
Pesticides found included organophosphate and carbamate insecticides and fungicides [3] .
In order for the carbamate to reform, the enzyme must undergo transition to the open conformation.