Caravan Sentence Examples
It is an important centre for caravan routes and has a considerable trade.
A caravan road to the south goes through the oasis of Kurkur.
Kilossa and Mpapua are farther inland on the same caravan route.
The conquest of the central Sudan states by France - completed in 1910 by the subjugation of Wadai - has practically ended the caravan trade in slaves across the Sahara.
Touring by caravan has always been a favorite pastime in Britain.
On the 14th a small tornado damaged a caravan camp at Pwllheli.
The new caravan road to Isfahan, opened for traffic in 1900, promised, if successful, to give Ahvaz greater commercial importance.
The caravan route to the Red Sea was superseded in 1906 by a railway, which leaves the Wadi Halfa-Khartum line at the mouth of the Atbara.
His first considerable exploit was to destroy the "great water caravan" consisting of the treasury-barges and the barges of the patriarch and the wealthy merchants of Moscow.
The straw that broke the camel 's back was a caravan weekend at the end of October.
AdvertisementWhether you're looking for a holiday home or a touring caravan, these pages should provide you with some guidance.
Plas Ganol caravan is a three bedroomed static holiday caravan equipped for six.
A static caravan was broken into at Twelve Mile Lodge.
Phantom uses a Global Positioning Satellite System and 24 hour monitoring center to greatly improve the chances of recovering a stolen caravan.
Adventurous couples can even partake in a camel caravan or try their hand at deep sea fishing.
AdvertisementVara motioned her out from under the tent and led her toward the caravan.
The rafts used are the so-called kelleks, of wood supported on inflated skins, which are broken up at Bagdad, the wood sold and the skins carried back by caravan.
Travelling down from Damascus in 1875 with the Haj caravan, he stopped at El Hajr, one of the pilgrim stations, with the intention of awaiting the return of the caravan and in the meantime of exploring the rock-cut tombs of Medain Salih and El Ala.
The annual pilgrim caravan or haj, numbering some 6000 people with Io,000 pack animals, is escorted by a few Turkish irregulars known as agel; small fortified posts have been established at the regular halting-places some 30 m.
It lies in the valley between Ebal and Gerizim, on the main caravan route from Jerusalem northward.
AdvertisementThe present caravan road keeps the high ground to the west near the watershed, and avoids the Pass of Michmash altogether.
In Ifli, the central portion, formerly existed the town of Sagilmasa, founded by Miknasa Berbers in 757 B.C. It was on the direct caravan route from the Niger to Tangier, and attained a considerable degree of prosperity.
Ghadames itself is the centre of a large number of caravan routes, and in the early part of the 19th century about 30,000 laden camels entered its markets every year.
The caravan trade was created by the Ghadamsi merchants who, aided by their superior intelligence, capacity and honesty, long enjoyed a monopoly.
In 1893 came the invasion of Bornu by Rabah, and the total stoppage of this caravan route for nearly ten years to the great detriment of the merchants of Ghadames.
AdvertisementThe value of the goods brought in yearly by caravan exceeds on the average £100,000.
Revenue is obtained principally from caravan taxes, liquor licences, rents from government land and contributions from the gold-mining companies.
The Australasian colonies got their supplies direct, and part of the Russian supplies went by the caravan routes.
It doubtless arose from the necessity of reducing bulk to a minimum for conveyance by caravan across the great trade routes of Asia, and now B r cks a ad that the railway and the steamship have supplemented tablets.
This route has displaced much of the protracted caravan business through Manchuria and Mongolia.
When successful, the journey, although about seven times the mileage of the old direct caravan route, took four months instead of eighteen, and was of course much less expensive.
On the opposite (west) bank of the Nile is the village of Metemma, whence there is a caravan route across the Bayuda Desert to the Merawi (Merowe) by Jebel Barkal; this was the route followed by the desert column under Sir Herbert Stewart in 1884 in the Gordon relief expedition.
There are also old established caravan routes from Kano to Ashanti and neighbouring countries.
There was also a very considerable caravan trade in native goods which the industrious Hausa population carried for great distances through the western and central states of the Sudan.
For Mahomet proclaimed it the duty of every Mussulman, once at least in his life, to visit Mecca; the result being that the birthplace of the Prophet is now the religious centre of the whole Mahommedan world (see Mahommedan Religion; Caravan; Mecca) .
Apart from the railways, communication is by ancient caravan routes and by ox-wagon tracks in the southern district.
There are also two caravan routes from Assab Bay, across the Danakil country to southern Abyssinia.
The chitet yields between 3000 and 4000 men, to be employed on the lines of communication or in caravan service.
In December 1891 he sent off his companion, Dr Stuhlmann, with the bulk of the caravan, on the way back to the east coast.
It runs somewhat south of the Berber-Suakin caravan route.
At the same time river communications were improved and the numbers of wells on caravan roads increased.
He all but flung her onto a horse, and she righted herself, joining a long caravan of well-armed men.
Caravan appliances Similar rules apply to the above portable appliances.
A caravan will be required for the female artistes to change in and refreshments will be required by the cast.
The more numerous we are and the more media attention we awake, the more successful the caravan will be.
Can anyone guide me to a dealer or site etc. where I can view a selection of erected caravan awnings?
These marquees can also be used for any outside event, caravan awnings or in the garden.
Half the year he tours the country towing the caravan behind his lorry.
The fitting of the Powrtouch caravan mover to the caravan mover to the caravan does NOT require any welding or drilling of the chassis making fitting simple.
They provide self catering holiday accommodation in static caravans and cottages as well as touring caravan pitches.
On the site there's also a caravan park for up to five touring caravans, open all year round.
Frank Skinner is putting the finishing touches to an old Gypsy caravan in the Bull Inn's yard.
Once, about three years ago, I passed a real Gipsy caravan on this track.
J include curtilage of dwelling in permanent caravan park.
Was this too in reference to the caravan site on the south denes?
Following the rally, a huge car caravan accompanied the Cuban diplomat to the capital's international airport.
Richard is an accomplished drummer who lays the foundations for Caravan's style of playing.
A pig farm was established on ground where later the Burgh Caravan site was laid out.
Club Secure employ nationwide fitters who will travel to your home address or to a caravan dealer to install the device.
The crag stands above a steep woody hillside, with a caravan site down on the right of the road.
Dad is currently toying with the idea of setting up a vast caravan site at Shearwater - which sounds horrible to me ears.
It's also quite hypnotic; sounding a bit like rain falling on a caravan roof.
A caravan of loving help inviting people to hear about Jesus or or a cavalcade of crusaders bent on smiting infidels with their swords?
The Trust's modern caravan is a marvel of engineering ingenuity with every basic amenity built into the construction.
The birth has brought such joy into the family, the whole caravan even.
A pursuit that caravan long-wheelbase minivans cuts add-on personal could surely have.
The fitting of the Powrtouch caravan mover to the caravan does NOT require any welding or drilling of the chassis making fitting simple.
Vehicle Technology Caravans overrun devices Standard Spring Cylinder Most AL-KO overrun devices supplied to the caravan market are fitted with a standard spring cylinder.
Under the management of HG & B Marshall Ltd, the park was named the best caravan park in England in 2003.
Driving Licenses A full (not provisional) driving license is required to tow a caravan.
The LCP is, from the outside, no more sophisticated than a caravan protected by an earth revetment.
I have a caravan and about to purchase a satellite dish.
One of the most beautifully secluded Lakeside caravan estates offering exclusive lake frontage for 1km onto Windermere, set on a farm.
Hut on fowls legs, since something died I sleep in the caravan and often serenade her from the bunk.
Motor Caravan Magazine's campaign aims to make motorhome stopover points a common sight in the UK.
Team Manager, Capt Rod Lambert sings " I'm a little teapot " to some young visitors to the caravan!
Motor Caravan Magazine proudly upholds many traditions - our annual Quality Awards, for example, or our comprehensive Insurance Survey.
This was the Apamea-Zeugma, where the high road from east to west crossed the river, and it is still one of the most frequented of all the passages into Mesopotamia, being the regular caravan route from Iskanderun and Aleppo to Urfa, Diarbekr and Mosul.
It is the centre of caravan routes leading to the Caspian Sea and the Uralsk province.
Ghat is an important centre of the caravan trade between the Nigerian states and the seaports of the Mediterranean (see Tripoli).
On the 3rd of May "the sea caravan" sailed from Voronezh, "Captain Peter Aleksyeevich" commanding the galley-flotilla from the galley "Principium," built by his own hand.
The only protracted camel or mule caravan journeys remaining in connexion with the tea trade are those in Persia and Morocco, where the conservatism of race delays the introduction of even wheel roads, not to mention railways.
The Syrian caravan intercepted, on its return, at Badr (see Mahomet) represented capital to the value of X20,000, an enormous sum for those days.'
A further Caravan recording was released in April 1996, a remake of early classics entitled ' All Over You '.
A cool dark garage is ideal as it cuts down the cleaning required and keeps the showroom shine on the caravan almost indefinitely.
Hidden at the back of a huge lot, the Fiesta snuggled neatly next to a grotty old caravan.
Motor Caravan Magazine 's campaign aims to make motorhome stopover points a common sight in the UK.
Team Manager, Capt Rod Lambert sings " I 'm a little teapot " to some young visitors to the caravan !
Morfa Bychan on the coast has a hospice with a well timbered roof, which is now the lounge bar of a caravan site.
Tregoad Park - A superb, friendly family touring caravan & camping site in beautiful surroundings with 150 southerly facing terraced electric pitches.
There are fishing, boating & water-skiing facilities on Loch Earn (Permits for fishing obtained at caravan park).
For example, you might have to provide safe travel for a caravan or help a spy escape.
Wally Byam Caravan Club International - The founder was famous for traveling all over the world in Airstream trailers.
In 1955, Airstream enthusiasts formed the Wally Byam Caravan Club International.
Kennedy steps out of an Airstream trailer at the White Sands Missile Range, and a caravan of Airstreams are parked at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
One of the best ways to get the most valuable use out of your travel trailer is to join the Coachmen Caravan Club (COA).
Consider becoming a member of the Wally Byam Caravan Club (WBCCI).
The Dodge Grand Caravan shares a mechanical platform with the Chrysler Town and Country, which means this van is also known for having reliability problems.
Typically a bit more affordable than the Town and Country, the Grand Caravan's engine performance also tends to be less impressive.
The Grand Caravan features many of the same options as the Town and Country, including seats that can be configured in several ways, entertainment packages, power sliding doors, and available leather seats.
If you own a Caravan and are a do-it-yourself mechanic, you'll need a service manual for a Dodge Caravan.
Service manuals for Dodge Caravans can be purchased online from collectors, or you can opt for a generic Dodge Caravan service manual.
The Dodge Caravan is manufactured by the Chrysler Corporation - specifically, by the Dodge division.
For model year 2009, the Dodge division did away with the Caravan model and now produces only the Grand Caravan.
Older model Dodge Caravan repair manuals, since they are harder to find, will sell at higher prices.
At SRM, you can get a Dodge Caravan service manual in a CD format for $60.00.
At Chilton, you can get their Total Car Care Manuals for most makes and models, however for the Dodge Caravan, they only offer the service manual for model years 1996 through 2002.
This site offers service manuals for the Dodge Caravan for model years 2008 and older.
You can also purchase an aftermarket Dodge Caravan service manual in book form for model years 2003 to 2006 for $29.95.
Keep in mind that if you decide to purchase an aftermarket Dodge Caravan service manual, it may not have all the manufacturer specifications.
But, if you're a do-it-yourself mechanic, it may be best to visit TechAuthority and invest the $395 to obtain a manufacturer certified service manual for a Dodge Caravan.
In the 1980s, Chrysler's Lee Iacocca created the idea of developing the Plymouth Voyager and the Dodge Caravan on the same basic platform.
The trade was enormously profitable, not only to the merchants but to the town, which levied a rigorous duty on all exports and imports; at the same time formidable risks had to be faced both from the desert-tribes and from the Parthians, and successfully to plan or convoy a great caravan came to be looked upon as a distinguished service to the state, often recognized by public monuments erected by " council and people " or by the merchants interested in the venture.
In 1186 he attacked a caravan in which the sister of Saladin was travelling, thus violating a four years' truce, which, after some two years' skirmishing, Saladin and Raymund of Tripoli had made in the previous year owing to the general prevalence of famine.
The caravan trade with the East has almost entirely ceased, and the great trade routes from Damascus northwards to Aleppo and eastwards through the wilderness are quite abandoned.
An alternative route went from the Indian ports to the Persian Gulf, and thence found the Mediterranean by caravan across Arabia from the country of Gerrha to Gaza; and to control it was no doubt a motive in the long struggle of the Ptolemaic and Seleucid houses for Palestine, as well as in the attempt of Antiochus III.
Ghat is an important centre of the caravan trade between the Nigerian states and the seaports of the Mediterranean.
The camels make excellent mounts, swift and hardy; and the extensive caravan trade is everywhere carried on exclusively by means of these pack-animals.
Bagdad also lies on a natural line of communication between Persia and the west, the ancient caravan route from Khorasan debouching from the mountains at this point, while another natural caravan route led up the Euphrates to Syria and the Mediterranean and still another up the Tigris to Armenia and the Black Sea.
Throughout the greater part of its course in Tibet, where it is called the Dza-Chu, it flows south-eastwards to Chiamdo, on the great east and west caravan route from China to Lhasa.
It is calculated that ioo,000 camels are used for the transport of tea only from Kalgan to Siberia, and that no less than 1,200,000 camels and 300,000 ox-carts are employed in the internal caravan trade.
Shammar was crossed without difficulty, and the party was welcomed by the amir and hospitably entertained for a month, after which they travelled northwards in company with the Persian pilgrim caravan returning to Kerbela and Bagdad.
It stands at the centre of the great S-shaped bend of the Nile, and from it the railway to Wadi Halfa strikes straight across the Nubian desert, a little west of the old caravan route to Korosko.
He then reluctantly turned back by way of Herat, where he took leave of the dervishes, and returned with a caravan to Teheran, and subsequently, in March 1864, through Trebizond and Erzerum to Constantinople.
Wiedhafen is on the east side of Nyasa at the mouth of the Ruhuhu, and is the terminus of the caravan route from Kilwa.
Appeals for help were sent to Frederick John Jackson (subsequently lieutenant-governor of British East Africa), who had arrived on the east of the lake with a caravan of some Soo rifles, sent by the newly-formed East African Chartered Company.
After Lugard's return a lull occurred till the coast caravan left, when lawlessness again broke out and several murders were committed.
Berber derived its importance from being the starting-point of the caravan route, 242 m.
The best known are Koroko, Kong and Bona, entrepots for the trade of the middle Niger, and Bontuku, on the caravan route to Sokoto and the meeting-place of the merchants from Kong and Timbuktu engaged in the kola-nut trade with Ashanti and the Gold Coast.
The queen of Sheba who visited Solomon may have come with a caravan trading to Gaza, to see the great king whose ships plied on the Red Sea.
Instead of showing the Romans the caravan route, he induced them to sail from Cleopatris to Leucocome, and then led them by a circuitous way through waterless regions, so that they reached South Arabia too much weakened to effect anything.
Here also is the northern terminus of the caravan route across the desert, which, passing through the Kharga oasis, goes south-west to Darfur.
The caravan route south from Ghardaia brings the traveller, after a journey of 130 m., to the oasis and town of El Golea (pop. about 2500).
The place is an important station for the caravan trade between Algeria and the countries to the south.
Rejoining his caravan he turned westward, and passing through the country previously traversed by Bower and Littledale he reached Leh on the 10th of December Igo 1.
Situated on the main road from Trebizond into north-west Persia, the town has always a large caravan traffic, principally of camels, but since the improvement of communications in Russia this has declined.
From the Nile, caravan routes lead westward to the various oases and eastward to the Red Sea, the shortest (120 to.) and most used of the eastern routes being that from Kena to Kosseir.
Following the order of the lunar year, the next festival is that of the Return of the Pilgrims, which is the occasion of great rejoicing, many having friends or relatives in the caravan.
A few days after, the Kiswa, or new covering for the Kaba at Mecca, is taken in procession from the citadel, where it is always manufactured, to the mosque of the Hasanhn to be completed; and, later, the caravan of pilgrims departs, when the grand procession of the Mahmal takes place.
Until 1892 communication through the country was entirely by caravan, and this primitive method is still followed over the greater part of its area.
In the " Amarna" age the little kings had a certain measure of inde pendence, provided they guarded the royal caravan routes, paid tribute, refrained from conspiracy, and generally supported their suzerain and his agents.
There is also an ancient caravan route which runs through Kanem and across the Sahara to Tripoli.
Bihe, the capital of the plateau district of the same name forming the hinterland of Benguella, is a large caravan centre.
But, to avenge their defeat, they lay in wait for the great pilgrim caravan on its return from Mecca in the first days of 294 (906), and massacred 20,000 pilgrims, making an immense booty.
The caravan which left Bagdad towards the end of this year returned in all haste before it had covered a third of the way.
With the fall of Kazan, and the opening of free navigation on the Volga, it became the starting-place for the "caravan" of boats yearly sent to the lower Volga under the protection of a military force, whilst the thick forests of the neighbourhood favoured the development of shipbuilding.
The Sudan produce (ivory, ostrich feathers, &c.) formerly brought to Bengazi by caravan, has now been almost wholly diverted to Tripoli, the eastern tracks from Wadai and Borku by way of Kufra to Aujila having become so unsafe that their natural difficulties are no longer worth braving.
Osage, Liberty, Sibley, Lexington, Independence and Westport had successively been abandoned as terminals, as the transferpoint from boat to prairie caravan was moved steadily up the Missouri.
From Dire Dawa to Harrar there is well-made carriage road, and from Harrar to Adis Ababa the caravan track is kept in good order, the river Hawash being spanned by an iron bridge.
The caliphs substituted a covering of figured brocade, and the Egyptian government still sends with each pilgrim caravan from Cairo a new kiswa of black brocade, adorned with a broad band embroidered with golden inscriptions from the Koran, as well as a richer curtain for the door.'
The caravan routes mostly followed between China and the more populous centres (Kashgar and Yarkand) of East Turkestan start from An-si-chow and Sa-chow respectively, converge upon Hami on the north side of the Pe-shan swelling, and continue westward along the south foot of the Tian-shan Mountains through the oases of Turfan, Kara-shahr, Korla, Kucha, Ak-su and Uch-turfan.
From Hami other routes proceed to Barkul and to the main caravan road which skirts the southern edge of the Dzungarian valley and leads to Vyernyi in the Russian province of Semiryechensk.
The journey being a long one and across a difficult desert, requiring a caravan well equipped with camels, the princes of Moab waited till Balaam was ready to accompany them.
The country was swarming underAbwith brigands, and the communications were so durrahman dangerous that seven years had been known to pass during which no caravan travelled from Cordova to Saragossa.
The ancient caravan routes Korosko-Abu Hamed and BerberSuakin have been superseded by the railways, but elsewhere wells and rest-houses are maintained along the main routes between the towns and the Nile.
He also saw that the revenue of Egypt was falling through the diversion, since about 1800, of the caravan routes from the Nile to the Red Sea ports, and may have wished to recapture the trade, as well as to secure a country whence thousands of slaves could be brought annually.
The belief that the torrent, almost dry except after rains, which flows by Caravan bridge, is the ancient Meles, flatly contradicts the ancient descriptions.
Though still the market of the nomads, the surer and cheaper sea route has almost destroyed the transit trade to which it once owed its wealth, and has even diminished the importance of the annual pilgrim caravan to Mecca.
Sfax was formerly the starting-point of a caravan route to Central Africa, but its inland trade now extends only to the phosphate region beyond Gafsa, reached by a railway which, after skirting the coast southwards from Sfax to Mahares, runs inland past Gafsa.
In the north are the large native towns of Yendi and Sansane Mangu, both on caravan routes between Ashanti and the Niger countries.
Here it is joined by the Sharian Su from the west, and the two valleys form, a great trough through which the caravan road from Erzerum to Persia runs.
The Turkish government also levies taxes on the inhabitants of the river valley, and for this purpose, and to maintain a caravan route from the Mediterranean coast to Bagdad, maintains stations of a few zaptiehs or gens d'armes, at intervals of about 8 hours (caravan time), occupying in general the stations of the old Persian post road.
Sheikh, Burao and Bohotle are all on the caravan route from Ogaden to Berbera.
Jackson arrived in April with 180 gun-men (a portion of his caravan having mutinied), and presented a new treaty, which was refused by the French.
A great caravan annually passes through Air, consisting of several thousand camels, carrying salt from Bilma to the Hausa states.
He didn't even mind the caravan of slow moving campers and motor homes that crawled along the summer byway, frequently stopping for photos of the majestic scenery before them.