Capitulated Sentence Examples
In July of that year the sultan Abd-ul-Hamid capitulated to the Young Turks and restored by Irade (July 24) the constitution which he had granted in December 1876 and suspended on the 14th of February 1878.
On the following day Harper's Ferry capitulated after a weak defence.
On the 4th of July in that year a French army under General de Bourmont attacked the city, which capitulated on the following day.
A force of Tuscan volunteers was attacked by a superior body of Austrians at Curtatone and Montanaro and defeated after a gallant resistance on the 27th of May; Charles Albert, after wasting precious time round Peschiera, which capitulated on the 3oth of May, defeated Radetzky at Goito.
Ferdinand at once re-established autocracy in Naples; though the struggle in Sicily did not end until May, when Palermo, after a splendid resistance, capitulated.
At Tiberias a little squadron of the brethren of the two Orders went down before Saladin's cavalry in May; at Hattin the levy masse of the kingdom, some 20,000 strong, foolishly marching over a sandy plain under the heat of a July sun, was utterly defeated; and after a fortnight's siege Jerusalem capitulated (October 2nd, 1187).
This place had been held by a French garrison, but had capitulated only twenty-four hours beforehand, a fact of which Napoleon was naturally unaware.
Failing to dislodge them, and surrounded by hostile troops and an infuriated peasantry, Dupont capitulated with over Battle of 20,000 men.
In October 1805 General Mack with 23,000 Austrians capitulated here to Napoleon.
The castle capitulated, after siege, to General Mytton (1646).
AdvertisementOn the 18th of July 1806 it was captured, after an heroic defence, by the French under Massena; and on the 18th of July 1815 it capitulated, after a three months' siege, to the Austrians.
The garrison held out till the 30th of July 1885 when owing to lack of food they capitulated.
To the great alarm of the inhabitants a body of about 1400 men disembarked, but it quickly capitulated, practically without striking a blow, to a combined force of the local militias under Sir Richard Philipps, Lord Milford and John Campbell, Lord Cawdor; the French frigates meanwhile sailing away towards Ireland.
In 1757 the conqueror laid siege to the city of Pegu, which capitulated, on condition that their own king should govern the country, but that he should do homage for his kingdom, and should also surrender his daughter to the victorious monarch.
On the arrival, however, of Prince Rupert on the 22nd of July the place was in no condition to resist an attack, and Fiennes capitulated.
AdvertisementIn 1640 the Generar Court of Massachusetts declared that the representatives of Aquidneck were " not to be capitulated withal either for themselves or the people of the isle where they inhabit," and in 1644 and again in 1648 the application of the Narragansett settlers for admission to the New England Confederacy was refused except on condition that they should pass under the jurisdiction of either Massachusetts or Plymouth.
Having been set free towards the end of that year by John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy, whom she had called to her assistance, she went to Troyes and established her government there, returning afterwards to Paris when that city had capitulated to the Burgundians in July 1418.
In September 1882 the town was assaulted by the troops of the mandi, who, being repulsed, laid siege to the place, which capitulated on the 17th of January 1883.
From 1797 Onwards, When The French Took It, It Frequently Appears In History As An Important Fortress, Until Lamoriciere Capitulated Here On The 29Th Of September 1860, Eleven Days After His Defeat At Castelfidardo.
In one point he seems to have taken a false step; with a warmth and pertinacity worthy of a better cause he maintained the identity of Caesar's Alesia with Alaise (Doubs), and he died without becoming a convert to the opinion, now universally accepted, that Alise Sainte-Reine (Cote d'or) is the place where Vercingetorix capitulated.
AdvertisementOn the 4th of July the fort de l'Empereur was blown up. On the 5th of July Algiers capitulated.
Oaxaca city, under Porfirio Diaz,' capitulated to Bazaine - who had superseded the too pro-clerical Forey in October 1864 - in February 1865, and by the autumn of that year the condition of the Juarists in the north seemed desperate.
The count of Monte Verde, the Bourbon governor, had little difficulty in defeating Miranda, and on the 26th of July the general capitulated on condition that he should be deported to the United States.
In 1814 it was blockaded by the allies and capitulated, whereupon its fortifications were demolished.
Ezekiel says that Nebuchadrezzar and his host had no reward for their heavy service against Tyre, and the presumption is that the city capitulated on favourable terms; for Ithobal's reign ends with the close of the siege, and the royal family is subsequently found in Babylon.
AdvertisementHaving passed through Kelso, on the 9th of November he laid siege to Carlisle, which capitulated in a week.
Amsterdam capitulated, the country was occupied, and the patriot leaders declared incapable of holding any office.
With these we have no present concern; it is sufficient to say that Alaric's invasion of Greece lasted two years (395-396), that he ravaged Attica but spared Athens, which at once capitulated to the conqueror, that he penetrated into.
On the 5th of November their combined fleets sailed for the coast of Holland, and, on the 18th, a French army of 60,000 men, under the command of Marshal Gerard, crossed the Belgian frontier to besiege French Antwerp. The Dutch garrison capitulated on the 23rd of December, and on the 31st the town was handed over to the Belgians, and the French troops withdrew across the frontier.
The Confederates, however, immediately ordered its reduction, and after a thirty-four hours' bombardment the garrison capitulated on the 13th of April 1861.
In the winter Potidaea capitulated, receiving extremely favourable terms.
That there might be no doubt of the friendly feeling of the French to the Porte, villages and towns which capitulated to the invaders were required to hoist the flags of both the Porte and the French republic, and in the thanksgiving prescribed to the Egyptians for their deliverance from the Mamelukes, prayer was to be offered for both the sultan and the French army.
The withdrawal of the Suakin force began on the 17th of May, and the friendly tribes, deprived of support, were compelled to make terms with Osman Digna, who was soon able to turn his attention to Kassala, which capitulated in August, nearly at the same time as Sennar.
In 1648, after the royalist defeat at Winwick by Cromwell, part of the royal forces under General Baillie rallied at Warrington, hoping to effect the passage of the bridge, but failed, and the general with 4000 men capitulated.
On the fall of the Venetian republic in 1797 the treaty of Campo Formio, which gave Venice to Austria, annexed the Ionian Islands to France; but a Russo-Turkish force drove out the French at the close of 1798; and in the spring of 1799 Corfu capitulated.
The rumour of a pretender to the throne saved them from destruction, and they capitulated, exchanging the strongholds they had for their lives.
After this victory Omar's army marched against Jerusalem, which after a feeble resistance capitulated.
On the 11th a part of the royalists capitulated and the rest retired on Capua.
It was again taken by the English in 1 4 17, and was retained by them till 1 4 50, when it capitulated to the French.
After six days the unconstitutional government - already much shaken by events in Russia and Manchuria - capitulated.
With an army of 80,000 men he marched through Khorasan and Seistan to Kandahar, which city he blockaded ineffectually for a year; but it finally capitulated on the loss of the citadel.
Bordeaux capitulated on the 9th of October, and the Hundred Years' War was terminated by the expulsion of the English, who were by this time so fully occupied with the Wars of the Roses as to be unable to take the offensive against France anew.
But the successes of King William soon put an end to their ex pectations; and the town, after undergoing another siege, again capitulated to the force brought against it by General Ginkell.
All the assaults of the sceptical Academy had failed, and within fifty years of the death of Carneades his degenerate successors, unable to hold their ground on the question of the criterion, had capitulated to the enemy.
The Moorish garrisons of Palmella, Cintra and Almada soon capitulated, and in 1158 Alcacer do Sal, one of the chief centres of Moorish commerce, was taken by storm.
And now, when the fortress seemed quite safe from further assault, it suddenly capitulated on April 22.
The Austrian commander, Prince Windischgratz, bombarded the city, which finally capitulated unconditionally.
King Guthrum settled down as a Christian sovereign in East Anglia, with the bulk of the host that had capitulated at Chippenham.
In 1777 a British army under Burgoyne capitulated at Saratoga; and early in 1778 France, eager to revenge the disasters of the Seven Years War, formed an alliance with the revolted colonies as free and independent states, and was soon joined by Spain.
The royal government was too much exhausted to overthrow even a decaying power like that of the parlements, and being still more afraid of the future representatives of the French people than of the supreme courts, capitulated to the insurgent parlements.
The whole feudal system crumbled before the revolutionary insistence of the peasants; for their masters, bourgeois or nobles, terrified by prolonged riots, capitulated and gradually had to consent to make the resolutions of the 4th of August a reality.
Dupont capitulated at Bailen into the hands of Castanos, and Junot at Cintra to Wellesley; while Europe trembled at this first check to the hitherto invincible imperial armies.
Paris capitulated on the 3oth of March, and the Delenda Carthago, pronounced against England, was spokenof Napoleon.
During the wars between Great Britain and France, Grenada capitulated to the British forces in 1762, and was formally ceded next year by the Treaty of Paris.
In the same month Kassala capitulated, but just as the Mandi had practically completed the destruction of the Egyptian power he died, in this same month of June 1885.
The town suffered severely during the Civil Wars, undergoing two sieges, firstly in 1644 when the parliamentarian, Colonel Laugharne, took the place by storm, and secondly in 1648 when it capitulated to Colonel Horton.
The Twinstead innings quickly capitulated with the two youngsters bowling at the end.
Full of artificial confidence I carried on until she eventually capitulated.
Time fought the case through the courts to the last minute of the last hearing and then capitulated.
It is a railway junction of some consequence, with cultivation of vines, fruit and vegetables, brewing, tanning, &c. Diedenhofen is an ancient Frank town (Theudonevilla, Totonisvilla), in which imperial diets were held in the 8th century; was captured by Conde in 1643 and fortified by Vauban; capitulated to the Prussians, after a severe bombardment, on the 25th of November 1870.
On the 4th of July in that year a French army under General de Bourmont attacked the city, which capitulated on the following day (see ALGERIA, History).
On the 24th the city, reduced by famine, capitulated on favorable terms. Manin, Pepa and a few others were excluded from the amnesty and went into exile.
Sigismund attempted to relieve the fortress, but was decisively defeated by the Hussites on the ist of November near the village of Pankrac. The castles of Vysehrad and Hradcany now capitulated, and shortly afterwards almost all Bohemia fell into the hands of the Hussites.
He was, however, pardoned, and the facility with which Bristol subsequently capitulated to the parliamentary army induced Cromwell and the generals to exonerate him completely.
The island remained a Spanish province until the War of the Spanish Succession, when in 1708 Cagliari capitulated to an English fleet, and the island became Austrian; the status quo was confirmed by the peace of Utrecht in 1713.
At this period the religion of Mahomet was spreading over the east, and in 637 the caliph Omar marched on Jerusalem, which capitulated after a siege of four months.
On the 5th of November 1823 it capitulated to the French.
The rebels abode by their decision to stop the daily sacrifice for the emperor; Agrippa's troops capitulated and marched out unhurt; and the Romans, who surrendered on the same condition and laid down their arms, were massacred.
In March 1318 the town and soon afterwards the castle of Berwick capitulated, and Bruce wasted the English border as far as Ripon.
In 1757 it capitulated to the French, who, however, vacated it in the following year.
When the annalistic tablet of Cyrus was translated, it was made to appear, to the consternation of Bible scholars, that the city of Babylon had capitulated to the Persian - or more properly to the Elamite - conqueror without a struggle.
On the 8th of June 1191 Richard of England arrived, and on the 12th of July Acre capitulated without Saladin's permission.
On the refusal of the citizens to accept the "Interim," issued by the emperor Charles V., Magdeburg was besieged by Maurice of Saxony in 1550, and capitulated on favourable terms in November 15 51.
The parliamentary committee capitulated g P y P with the extremists, who sent friendly messages to Cromwell, and Argyll met him on the Tweed.
Two days after, the Spanish president of Quito, Don Melchor de Aymeric, capitulated, and the independence of the country was secured.
In 1806 the island capitulated to the captain of another British ship, but again no garrison was left, and it was not until after the capture of Mauritius in 1810 that the Seychelles were occupied by the British, to whom they were ceded by the treaty of Paris in 1814.
The governor of Cape Town at first refused to obey the instructions from the prince, but on the British proceeding to take forcible possession he capitulated.'
When the place capitulated the great church of St John was divided between the Christians and Moslems, an arrangement which apparently lasted until the arrival of the Turks.