Capitalize Sentence Examples
Speedy Life Experience Degrees offer accelerated, career-focused physical education degrees on the basis of life experience for experienced individuals looking to capitalize on their physical education profession.
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Most people love to provide their opinions about products, so capitalize on this tendency.
Building materials that contain only a fraction of recycled materials may be trying to capitalize on the trend towards more sustainable design and offer very few concrete benefits.
Proper placement can capitalize on the maximum efficiency from the existing land base.
This will give you another opportunity to capitalize on a beach theme.
This technology allows the stone industry to capitalize on a faster and more precise method of cutting stones.
The tremendous conflicts Spiderman faced in Spiderman 3 introduced significant opportunities for game makers to capitalize on the excitement and action that took place throughout the movie.
Radio. Around the time of graduation, many radio stations capitalize on the trend and tend to play more popular graduation songs.
AdvertisementBut Earl wanted more; he wanted to capitalize on the appeal of television, film and celebrities -- in other words, all that is Hollywood.
Along with the move to Los Angeles came more opportunities for movie roles, and Anna Paquin was able to capitalize on her early acting success.
Other middle children capitalize on the injustice they feel as children and become trial lawyers or social activists because such roles allow them to fight against other social injustices.
Pre-cooking is preferable since the process of cooking the vegetables can capitalize on the sugars.
This Strawberry Fields Laptop Sleeve is a prime example of the company's ability to capitalize on the teen market while still providing quality products.
AdvertisementDinosaurs are so popular with little ones, that many stores have popped up across the country to provide products to capitalize on that interest level.
Once you have determined the child's strengths, then you can begin to design activities that help him to capitalize on those strengths in a learning environment.
What better way to capitalize on this sense of pride than having them write letters to the students who will be coming to fill their empty desks?
When Brown returned to daytime in 2004 on As the World Turns, the show hoped to capitalize on her popularity and when word that her character's name was Julia, fans feared and hoped that Julia Lindsay was returning.
Understand the trend and you can capitalize on the potential for startups during the remainder of this decade.
AdvertisementHowever, they could never really capitalize on this.
As stated, Bravo launched The Real Housewives of Orange County in 2006 to capitalize on the Desperate Housewives craze by offering a glimpse into the real life versions of Wisteria Lane.
Titles may either capitalize only the first word, or may capitalize only the first word, or may capitalize each word.
However, unless these products are complemented by Epson consumables to match, users cannot expect to fully capitalize on their investment.
You should have won but you did n't capitalize on a poor Margate performance.
AdvertisementThe second half saw Leamington unable to capitalize on a number of chances with Redditch scoring a breakaway goal midway through the half.
Symantec Event Manager for Firewall enables organizations to leverage that data and capitalize on their existing investments in firewall security.
The new gold rush Expat South Africans and Britons alike have been quick to capitalize on the weak rand.
Cook was on hand to capitalize, lifting a left-footed volley over Matt Clarke.
Because he didn't capitalize "Pole" Sam's teacher confused it with its homonym "pole."
A startup unfolds in a predictable pattern; the more aware you are of this pattern, the better able you will be to capitalize on it.
Being open to the unknown is the best way to capitalize on the opportunities and solve the problems that pop up regularly.
While millions of Americans ditch their perfectly working model for the newest technology, you could capitalize on their loss by purchasing their used computer.
Students who can capitalize on their unusual hobbies or skills can find more money for college and rising tuition costs.
Sporting dogs may be born with basic field and/or tracking instincts, but the right dog training videos and DVDs can help you capitalize on your pet's natural talents.
Leading American jeans companies have worked vigorously throughout the years to capitalize on the casual wear trend, and the long-established Levi Strauss had a winner indeed with Dockers denim shorts.
They also capitalize on the unique user experiences that we can have with some of our favorite games.
Given the choice, many children would rather play games than read a book, so why not capitalize on that enthusiasm and take advantage of the available video game educational benefits?
Now, a slew of video game vixens are gracing popular games, attempting to capitalize on the interest in video game girls.
Most line dance lessons capitalize on this by teaching the basic choreographic theme at the beginning of the class.
In feng shui, you capitalize on this cycle so it can benefit you individually and the energy throughout your home.
It's also important to time home purchases and refinances to capitalize on trends that are in your favor as a consumer.
One of the primary reasons that people seek to refinance their home loans is to capitalize on decreased interest rates during times of low interest rate trends.
Because swim season runs primarily though the Spring and Summer, you can capitalize on bargains at the beginning of the Fall season when stores are looking to unload their Summer stock.
Snuggie has been quick to capitalize on the sudden hotness of its product.
It's no surprise that another online success story, dating websites, would find ways to capitalize on the popularity of dating sims RPG games.
In an attempt to capitalize on the zeitgeist associated with cougars, ABC debuted a new sitcom in 2009 starring former Friends actress Courtney Cox called Cougar Town.
You can be like others and learn to capitalize on your personal numbers.
Since then, movie studios have been among the many to capitalize on the platform.
Today others capitalize on the original popularity of this diet.
Low Calorie Diet Plan - Many hCG plans seek to capitalize on the fat-burning elements of the hormone supplements and therefore recommend a low-calorie diet plan.
The Lingerie Bowl became so popular, so fast, that founders scrambled to find a way to capitalize on the phenomenon, thus the LFL was born.
Tours with likeminded bands such as Brand New and The Used followed, and the band joined the Vans Warped Tour for a brief period of time, allowing the band to capitalize on their nascent success.
Mobile texting is a common type of social networking technology that many sites are beginning to capitalize on.
Again, once you are contacted by one of their representatives, they are looking to make money and capitalize on a government mortgage modification plan.
Lost is Space was clearly meant to capitalize on that popularity, by setting a resourceful family (also named Robinson) adrift in space in order to make a home as best they could.
You can use the information learned to discover what weaknesses your competitor sites have and therefore capitalize on those weaknesses.
Atari's Pong made the system slightly popular, but over the next few years, Magnavox tried to capitalize on the Pong craze and the new gaming industry by attempting to release Pong for its own systems.
Setting up a candle making business can be a relatively costly project and in order to fully capitalize on the investment of both time and money it is important that good research is carried out and a business plan prepared.
Since so many people prefer getting information online and receiving information in video format, companies hope to capitalize on the video craze by turning it into an advertising medium.