Capitalism Sentence Examples
That is inherent in capitalism.
Railways were the iron sinews that had drawn industrial capitalism to its feet.
Capitalism as an ideology is the belief that if everyone pursues self-interest, the outcome will be common good.
The co-operative way runs counter to the merger mania inherent in global capitalism.
It is important that groups on the Left acknowledge our common desire to rid society of capitalism.
Can capitalism, as the only real economic game in town, be retooled to deliver a sustainable future?
Both protests were joined by the Socialist Stockbrokers, and in the City of London people vacuumed up after capitalism !
Capitalism could be seen to represent the western culture and as a market dynamism for the rising China.
In contrast, Net users are engaged in the slow process of superseding capitalism.
The goal, communism, the overthrow and supersession of capitalism, also seemed something new, seemed to be a change of circumstances.
AdvertisementThe European stage is the platform for economic reform to begin taming the beast of global capitalism.
This, we must remember, was the result of a process almost universally described as " the triumph of capitalism ".
The monopoly of foreign trade remains a bulwark against the economic intervention of capitalism.
Under capitalism, the system of commodity production par excellence, the product completely dominates the producer.
The Soviet Union quarantined itself and many of its often unwitting captives and clients from the rigors of international capitalism.
AdvertisementThis was another thing I loved - the benevolent communists going wide-eyed into the unrestrained free-market capitalism of New Mars.
This is a struggle not against the foundations of capitalism but for purging all the remnants of feudalism.
Black people become the scapegoats for the ills of capitalism.
In this way, British state monopoly capitalism has been consolidated.
After all the current political system is simply a way of keep the current economic status quo and the inequalities of capitalism.
AdvertisementIn recent struggles against capitalism, anarchist groupings have taken a prominent role.
Being as most western countries now operate as free market capitalist societies, the idea of development is essential for the continual expansion of new markets that capitalism requires.
In fact, as Roberto Unger has demonstrated, there is no elective affinity between capitalism and democracy.
This last problem was consonant with Marx's own appeal to workers to overcome the alienation of capitalism.
The task of overthrowing capitalism is hard enough, without adding tasks like ' the perfection of the human spirit ' .
AdvertisementHistory has, perhaps, come to an end with the worldwide reach of a globalized free market capitalism.
The purpose of the October Revolution, however, is to abolish capitalism in order to establish socialism.
The Internet bubble is finished, but the transition to informationalized capitalism continues.
The cold marshaling of facts paints a terrifying picture of what neo-liberal capitalism is doing to humanity.
Such forms of oppression are pivotal for the functioning of neoliberal capitalism and do affect all social relations.
Mandel's Late Capitalism has a historical schema based on productive forces determinism.
The second echelon was the destruction of capitalism through by their own money through drugs " .
A phenomenon greatly exacerbated by the development of the imperialist stage of capitalism.
Such a formal equality would, he argued, continue to ameliorate the worst excesses of capitalism's ' free market ' .
The first, ' Anglo-American capitalism ', comes closer to the requirements of laissez-faire liberalism.
For them the success or failure of the Soviet Union depended on the working class of other countries successfully overthrowing capitalism.
A get-together at Chelsea College of Art which appears to pit ' identity politics for artists ' against global capitalism.
The effects of this legal quagmire on capitalism are crippling.
Both protests were joined by the Socialist stockbrokers, and in the City of London people vacuumed up after capitalism!
In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism.
Chavez, Lula, Morales... Can Reformism Fight Capitalism?
But in 2003, the US is the global cop for transnational capitalism.
In fact the very triumphalism of capitalism has rebounded on it.
The defeat of Communism should not mean the triumph of unbridled capitalism.
If you find the feudal system boring or hackneyed, why not modify early Dutch capitalism for your world-model?
Schrempp had been pushing for a style of management much more like the Anglo-American model of deregulated free market capitalism.
Capitalism's decline requires a method of stabilization and, to put it in the starkest form, the existence of Stalinism stabilized capitalism's decline requires a method of stabilization and, to put it in the starkest form, the existence of Stalinism stabilized capitalism.
There are two factors, which help to show the real outcome of free-market capitalism in Poland.
The crisis of globalized capitalism will provide modern Marxists with an opportunity to finish the job the Bolsheviks began.
No alternatives to global capitalism can be pointed to.
In much of Europe there has been a real center politics which was quite distinctive from free market capitalism.
The destructive forces of capitalism are driving us headlong into the sixth great species extinction of the earth's 5 billion year history.
The point is I waste enough of my money on pointless gewgaws of modern capitalism already.
Like all liberal critiques of capitalism, class exploitation is either rubbed out completely or quickly glossed over.
Until the Second World War, on a world scale only the Soviet Union had abolished landlordism and capitalism.
Capitalism condemns every third child in the world to suffer malnutrition.
Instead of destroying the market economy, Americans are engaged in the slow process of superseding capitalism.
But the problem lies deeper than mere crony capitalism.
The purpose of the French Revolution was to abolish feudalism in order to establish capitalism.
Capitalism, in his teachings, was not unchristian, but could be used for the glorification of God.
Today the internal weakness and corrosion of capitalism are so evident that they serve as the main theme for fascist demagogy.
A better way to oppose dictatorship is for people to make revolution against it and every other aspect of capitalism.
The horrors of corrupt gangster capitalism are impressed upon people's minds every day that passes.
So far, not exactly a towering tribute to stakeholder capitalism, is it?
Eric Williams, author of Capitalism and Slavery, argued that colonialism had fertilized every root and branch of industrial capitalism.
Their bohemian way of living would challenge the dull conformity of everyday life under capitalism.
The Bush administration is seizing advantage of the present conjuncture in order to shift the terms further in the favor of US capitalism " .
This conscious capitalism has caught the eye of many top flight, professional musicians who now play First Act instruments.
This is in essence a crisis of state monopoly capitalism in Britain, which is in turn part of the general crisis of imperialism.
The Belgian capitalist class was seeking to cripple the workers organizations; the workers were moving to sweep capitalism away.
The Church does not offer a 'third way ' between liberal capitalism and Marxist collectivism.
Create and run an economy - Every kid ages 8 to 15 knows about the concepts of macro and micro economics, free market economies, capitalism, laissez faire, supply, demand and opportunity cost, right?
This is what he called " state capitalism " .