Capital gains tax Sentence Examples
Capital gains relief Gifts of shares to a charity are entirely exempt from capital gains relief Gifts of shares to a charity are entirely exempt from capital gains tax.
The economy may be tight, but the lure of ten per cent capital gains tax has encouraged many owner-managers to consider a sale.
But the timing of the Schedule E emoluments charge does not affect the date of acquisition which applies for Capital Gains Tax purposes.
Capital gains Tax The annual exemption on an individual's chargeable gains for capital gains tax will increase to £ 7,100 from 6 April 1999.
As a consequence of these revisions, transfers into and out of trusts will potentially be eligible for capital gains tax holdover relief.
Instead, you have to find small things over which to argue, like whether the capital gains tax should be raised.
It has advantages in the absence of stamp duty, stockbrokers ' commissions and capital gains tax liability.
I would end taper relief on capital gains tax.
After the notary evaluates your real estate transaction, the capital gains tax (normally paid by the seller) and fees are paid.