Capernaum Sentence Examples
It was followed by the entry of Jesus into Capernaum, where He was asked to heal the servant of a Roman officer.
But that it is not in its right position here, before any mention of the work in Capernaum, appears from verse 23.
Since the 4th century Tell Hum has been pointed out by all the Christian writers of importance as the site of Capernaum.
Some modern geographers question this identification, but without sufficient reason (see Capernaum).
This is another suggested identification for Capernaum; but all the remains belong to the Arab period.
After this he went with them to Capernaum, preached in the synagogue, and healed Peter's wife's mother.
According to him the visit to Capernaum and the healing of the wife's mother preceded the call of Peter, and this was associated with a tradition of a miraculous draught of fishes.
Presently He is in Capernaum again.
The city that rejects them shall have a less lenient judgment than Sodom; Tyre and Sidon shall be better off than cities like Chorazin and Bethsaida which have seen His miracles; Capernaum, favoured above all, shall sink to the deepest depth.
Capernaum shall go to perdition; Jerusalem shall be a desolate ruin.
AdvertisementIn the neighbourhood is a watersource, Ain et-Tabighah, an Arabic corruption of Heptapegon or Seven Springs (referred to by Josephus as being near Capernaum).
It must be admitted that if it be not Capernaum it is impossible to say what ancient place it represents.
According to the so-called Pseudo-Methodius there was a tradition 251 that Antichrist would be born at Chorazin, educated at Bethsaida and rule at Capernaum - hence the curse of Jesus upon these cities.
Clothed in a visionary body, in the likeness of a man of thirty years old, the Son made his appearance in the fifteenth year of Tiberius, and preached in the synagogue at Capernaum.
Was the roman centurion from Capernaum there, or that other centurion who with a deep stirring of the spirit watched Him die?
AdvertisementWyldfire was founded for middle school students, and the Capernaum Project was inspired by and started for disabled youth.