Cap Sentence Examples
She twisted the cap from the bottle and held it out to him.
I have only my cap to pin on.
Jeff loved his Phillies cap.
I shall wear my lovely cap and my new riding dress.
Even the root tip, which shows a certain differentiation into root cap and root apex, cannot be said to be a definite sense organ in the same way as the sense organs of an animal.
Zach jerked suddenly, knocking his cap off and exposing a scalp full of red hair.
A true mushroom is never large in size; its cap very seldom exceeds 4, at most 5 inches.
They wear a black cap, about 12 ft.
A form of cap much worn in Bengal and western India is known as Irani kullah, or Persian cap. It is made of goatskin and is shaped like a tarbush but has no tassel.
From the first the white conical cap seems to have been decorated round the lower edge by a band or orphrey (circulus).
AdvertisementThen added, "Except the bathing suit—and his cap."
The priests deserted the Temple for the palaestra and the young nobles wore the Greek cap. The Jews of Jerusalem were enrolled as citizens of Antioch.
Circlet and arches are richly chased and jewelled; they are filled out by a cap of stiff material, often red velvet, ornamented with pictures in embroidery or appliqué metal.
The larger species of fungi, such as the Agaricini and Polyporei, &c., are prepared for the herbarium by cutting a slice out of the centre of the plant so as to show the outline of the cap or pileus, the attachment of the gills, and the character of the interior of the stem.
In it he discusses the "notes" which distinguish Catholic truth from heresy, and (cap. 2) lays down and applies the famous threefold test of orthodoxy - quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus credi-tum est.
AdvertisementThese parsissoks, elected at the rate of about one representative to 120 voters, wear a cap with a badge (a bear rampant), and aid the European members of the council in distributing the surplus profit apportioned to each district, and generally in advising as, to the welfare of that part of Greenland under their partial control.
In general it is laid down (cap. i.) that the priest, in benedictions outside the Mass, shall be vested in surplice and stole, and shall give the blessing standing and bare-headed.
In the blessing of the holy water (cap. ii.), the essential instrument of all benedictions, the object is clearly to establish its potency against evil spirits.
The story of Hop's expedition is told in the Nouvelle description .du Cap de Bonne Esperance (Amsterdam, 1778).
Or it falls over the nape of the neck and is kept in position with a band; or again as a cloth cap has lappets to protect the ears.
AdvertisementWorkmen wore a close-fitting felt cap (Taos).
The frec end of the hilt was crowned with a metallic cap or pommel (kashira), the other extremity next the tsuba was embraced by an oval ring (fuchi), and in the middle was affixed on each side a special ornament called the menuki, all adapted in material and workmanship to harmonize with the guard.
On the 1st, they marched in procession through the city, dressed in an embroidered tunic, a brazen breastplate and a peaked cap; each carried a sword by his side and a short staff in his right hand, with which the shield, borne on the left arm, was struck from time to time.
We know from Einhard (Vita Karoli, cap. xxix.) that the Frankish heroic ballads were drawn up in writing by Charlemagne's order, and it may be accepted as certain that he was himself the subject of many such during his lifetime.
In large levels only the cap pieces for the roof are made of steel joists, but in smaller ones complete arches made of pieces of rails fish-jointed at the crown are used.
AdvertisementIt is composed of a circlet of gold, adorned with precious stones and pearls, heightened with fleurs-de-lys, and is raised above the circlet in the form of a cap which is opened in the middle, so that the lower part is crescentshaped; across this opening from front to back rises an arched fillet, enriched with pearls and surmounted by an orb, on which is a cross of pearls.
This was done by investing them with a sword, a cap of maintenance or estate, and with a circlet of gold set with precious stones, which was imposed on the head.
Caxton in 1481 has "lapwynches" (Reynard the Fox, cap. 27).
In archaic art he was portrayed as a full-grown and bearded man, clothed in a long chiton, and often wearing a cap (Kvvij) or a broad-brimmed hat (74Tao-os), and winged boots.
The culminating summits of the ranges generally present the appearance of a flat, rounded swelling, and when they are crowned with glaciers, as many of them are, these shape themselves into what may be described as a mantle, a breastplate, or a flat cap, from which lappets and fringes project at intervals; nowhere do there exist any of the long, narrow, winding glacier tongues which are so characteristic of the Alps of Europe.
Aristotle is commonly supposed to be the first author who mentions a parrot; but this is an error, for nearly a century earlier Ctesias in his Indica (cap. 3),2 under the name of fib-Taws (Bittacus), so neatly described a bird which could speak an "Indian" language - naturally, as he seems to have thought - or Greek - if it had been taught so to do - about as big as a sparrow-hawk (Hierax), with a purple face and a black beard, otherwise blue-green (cyaneus) and vermilion in colour, so that there cannot be much risk in declaring that he must have had before him a male example of what is now commonly known as the Blossom-headed parakeet, and to ornithologists as Palaeornis cyanocephalus, an inhabitant of many parts of India.
In Loango a prince's cap is put upon the head of a dead leopard, and dances are held in its honour.
Although the relief is strong, the mountain forms are rounded rather than rugged; few of the summits deserve or receive the name of peaks; some are called domes, from their broadly rounded tons, others are known as balds, becatise the widespread forest cover is replaced over their heads by a grassy cap.
The god is usually clothed in a short sleeveless tunic, and wears a round close-fitting cap. His face is that of a middle-aged man, with unkempt hair.
E, The cap of small cells has increased in number by repeated formation of pellucid cells in the same way, and by division of those first formed.
The cap will spread over and enclose the four segment-cells.
If 1 2 and t l are thicknesses traversed by the extreme rays, t = t 2 - t,, and if, as is usually the case, the prism is filled right up to its refraction cap, = o, and t becomes equal to the greatest thickness of the medium which is made use of.
In the following year Napper Tandy took a leading part in organizing a new military association in Ireland modelled after the French National Guards; they professed republican principles, and on their uniform the cap of liberty instead of the crown surmounted the Irish harp. Tandy also, with the purpose of bringing about a fusion between the Defenders and the United Irishmen, took the oath of the Defenders, a Roman Catholic society whose agrarian and political violence had been increasing for several years; but being threatened with prosecution for this step, and also for libel, he fled to America, where he remained till 1798.
The only things missing were the swim suit and baseball cap.
The second, smaller knapsack contained a bulky sweater, rain gear, three sweatbands and a rolled up cap.
That was you who came out of his room and waved to the busboy—wearing Byrne's baseball cap.
You made a mistake taking the Phillies baseball cap.
She stepped into the cold, snowy day and pulled on a cap.
In Ine's Laws (cap. 70) we find a list of payments specified for a unit of ten hides, perhaps the normal holding of a twelfhynde man - though on the other hand it may be nothing more than a mere fiscal unit in an aggregate of estates.
It consists of five principal parts - the card, the needles, the bowl, a jewelled cap and the pivot.
The mica card is generally mounted on a brass framework, F F, with a brass cap, C, fitted with a sapphire centre and carrying four magnetized needles, N, N, N, N, as in fig.
The combination of card, needles and cap is generally termed "the card"; on the continent of Europe it is called the "rose."
Great steadiness of card under severe shocks and vibrations, combined with a minimum of friction in the cap and pivot, is obtained with this compass.
As the power of the Spanish crown was gradually concentrated and consolidated, royal pragmaticas began to take the place of constitutional laws; 1 Cap. xx.
The turkey, so far as we know, was first described by Oviedo in his Sumario de la natural historic de las Indias 2 (cap. xxxvi.), said to have been published in 1527.
The adventures of Odysseus were a favourite subject in ancient art, in which he may usually be recognized by his conical sailor's cap.
They rode out in state together, and if he kept cap in hand as a subject she would snatch it from him and clap it on his head again; while in graver things she took all due or possible care to gratify his ambition, by the insertion of a clause in their contract of marriage which made their joint signature necessary to all documents of state issued under the sign-manual.
T, Part of resonating pipe, the upper end with cap and vent hole being shown separately at the side.
The cap is flattened above with a central depression and a thick lobed irregular margin.
Running down into the stem from the cap are a number of shallow thick gills.
After the great ice cap had thawed and a period of general desiccation set in, the Caspian began to shrink in area, and simultaneously its connexions with the Black Sea and the Sea of Aral were severed.
It was, historically, only a personal nickname of Geoffrey, as was " Beauclerc " of his father-in-law (Henry I.) and " Curtmantel " of his son (Henry II.), and was derived from his wearing in his cap a sprig of the broom (genet) plant, "which in early summer makes the open country of Anjou and Maine a blaze of living gold."
Beneath each cap, and near the upper end of the shaft, are a number of vertical slits through which the drainage water which rises passes out into the conduit or trench from which the irrigating streams originate.
The drill was worked by a stock with a loose cap (53), rotated by a drill bow, in the XIIth to Roman dynasties.
The bow drill (56) was used as a fire drill to rotate wood (55) on wood (57); and the cap (54) for such use was of hard stone with a highly polished hollow.
That volcanic influences are still present may be inferred from the circumstance that the snow cap on Popocatepetl disappeared just before the remarkable series of earthquakes that shook the whole of central Mexico on the 30th and 31st of July 1909.
An interesting, rather fantastic, portrait of a blonde girl wearing a wide cap, now in the Berlin museum, is dated 1507 and may have been done in the early months of that year at Venice.
Several details, but only one name, are added in the De Nobilitate et Rusticitate Dialogus (cap. 33) of Felix Hemmerli, a canon of Zurich, who wrote it after 1451 and before 1454; in this last year he was imprisoned by the Schwyzers, whom he had repeatedly insulted and attacked in his books.
The Grande Plage is more than half a mile long and stretches to the Cap St Martin, on which stands a lighthouse.
The cap or topi is not bound round the head, but is placed 1 This has been Englished by Anglo-Indians into " puggaree " or " pugree " and applied to a scarf of white cotton or silk wound round a hat or helmet as a protection against the sun.
Some varieties are dopallari, a skull-cap; kishtinuma, or boat-shaped cap; goltopi, a round cap of the kind known in England as " pork-pie "; bezwi, or egg-shaped cap; sigoshia, or three-cornered cap; chaugoshia, or four-cornered cap; tajdar, or crown-shaped cap; &c. Many other caps are named after the locality of manufacture or some peculiarity of make, e.g.
Kashmire-kitopi; jhalardar, fringed cap, &c.
In Kashmir a small round cap, goltopi, is worn.
In Gaya a peculiar cap made of tal leaves is worn in rainy weather, called ghunga.
It thus became synonymous with robber or freebooter, and in 1707 appears in the title of an act (6 Anne, cap. 11) "for the more effectual suppression of.
The coral beds of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago are of unsurpassed beauty, and Guimaras, Cebu and Siquijor are completely covered with a thick cap of coral limestone.
One of the greatest favourites for the table is Boletus edulis, recognized by its brown cap and white pores which become green when old.
For administrative convenience the "stars" - whose name comes from the scrap of crimson cloth worn on cap and jacket sleeve - have been generally concentrated at Portland, and employed in labours specially allotted to them, for the most part demanding a higher rate of intelligence than the general average shown by convicts.
It is because of the failure of this endeavour to bring the technique of induction within the setting of his Humian psychology of belief that the separation of his contribution to the applied logic of science from his sensationism became necessary, as it happily 1 Mill, Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, cap. 17.
The head is covered with a turban, or a cap of a fashion peculiar to the Parsees; it is made of stiff material, something like the European hat, without any rim, and has an angle from the top of the forehead backwards.
The popular name of the Blue-coat school is derived from the dress of the boys - originally (almost from the time of the foundation) a blue gown, with knee-breeches, yellow petticoat and stockings, neckbands and a blue cap. The petticoat and cap were given up in the middle of the 19th century, and thereafter no head-covering was worn.
The flamens were held to be elected for life, but they might be compelled to resign office for neglect of duty, or on the occurrence of some ill-omened event (such as the cap falling off the head) during the performance of their rites.
The characteristic dress of the flamens in general was the apex, a white conical cap, the laena or mantle, and a laurel wreath.
The official insignia of the flamen Dialis (of Jupiter), the highest of these priests, were the white cap (pileus, albogalerus), at the top of which was an olive branch and a woollen thread; the laena, a thick woollen toga praetexta woven by his wife; the sacrificial knife; and a rod to keep the people from him when on his way to offer sacrifice.
She was with him, too, during his earlier Caspian campaigns, and was obliged on this occasion to shear off her beautiful hair and wear a close-fitting fur cap to protect her from the rays of the sun.
The general distress occasioned by their drastic reforms had found expression in swarms of pamphlets which bit and stung the Cap government, under the protection of the new press laws.
Then the Cap senate gave way and the estates were convoked for the 19th of April 1769.
The Cap senate resigned en masse to escape impeachment, and an exclusively Hat ministry took its place.
The non-noble Cap majority now proceeded to attack the senate, the last stronghold of the Hats, and, on the 25th of April, succeeded in ousting their opponents.
Gustavus first intervened actively in politics in 1768, at the time of his father's interregnum, when he compelled the dominant Cap faction to summon an extraordinary diet from which he hoped for the reform of the constitution in a monarchical direction.
Under the sway of the Cap faction, Sweden, already the vassal, could not fail to become the prey of Russia.
The plotters were at this juncture reinforced by an exranger from Scania (Skane), Johan Kristoffer Toll, also a victim of Cap oppression.
On the 16th of August the Cap leader, Ture Rudbeck, arrived at Stockholm with the news of the insurrection in the south, and Gustavus found himself isolated in the midst of enemies.
This tableland is formed by a huge cap of coral limestone, estimated by Griesbach at from 4000 to 5000 ft.
With regard to the Gepidae we have less information; but since the Goths, according to Jordanes (cap. 17), believed them to have been originally a branch of their own nation, it is highly probable that the two languages were at least closely related.
The cap stones should always be brought to the most accurate bed possible, with grouting used as a thin cement and not as a backer.
Accurate redressing of the cap stones after setting is much to be preferred.
A feature of interest in connexion with the phylogeny of cycads is the presence of long hairs clothing the scale-leaves, and forming a cap on the summit of the stem-apex or attached to the bases of petioles; on some fossil cycadean plants these outgrowths have the form of scales, and are identical in structure with the ramenta (paleae) of the majority of ferns.
In the ripe seed the integument assumes the form of a fleshy envelope, succeeded internally by a hard woody shell, internal to which is a thin papery membrane - the apical portion of the nucellus - which is easily dissected out as a conical cap covering the apex of the endosperm.
A papery remnant of nucellus lines the inner face of the woody shell, and, as in cycadean seeds, the apical portion is readily separated as a cap covering the summit of the endosperm.
Partial exploration in this region was conducted by the French Mission du Cap Horn in 1882-1883, and the geological foundations are granite and basic volcanic rocks.
The lowlanders' head-dress is generally a high cylindrical cap of rough cloth or felt, while the mountaineers prefer a, small round straw hat.
Having thus determined the outer profile under the conditions hitherto assumed, it must be similarly ascertained that the water face is everywhere cap able of resisting the vertical pressure of the masonry when the reservoir is empty, and the base of each compartment must be widened if necessary in that direction also.
The word "cope," now confined to this sense, was in its origin identical with "cape" and "cap," and was used until comparatively modern times also for an out-door cloak, whether worn by clergy or laity.
In later art they approach the model of Artemis, wearing a thin dress, girt high for speed; while on the later painted vases their dress is often peculiarly Persian - that is, close-fitting trousers and a high cap called the kidaris.
The head-dress is a small red cap, tambourineshaped, and strings of coins are coiled in the hair, or worn as necklaces and bracelets.
With his head encircled by a coronet of dogs teeth, and covered with a network cap or piece of bark-cloth, the septum of the nose transfixed by a pencil of bone or shell, and perhaps a shell or fibre armlet or two, the Papuan is in complete everyday attire.
In Scotland, at the date of the only statute respecting bigamy, that of 1551, cap. 19, the offence seems to have been chiefly considered in a religious point of view, as a sort of perjury, or violation of the solemn vow or oath which was then used in contracting marriage; and, accordingly, it was ordained to be punished with the proper pains of perjury.
A shallow cap covers the head, and from the middle of it there is always a sort of tail or plume, blown back by the wind.
A thin halo seen above the new moon was pictured as a cap, and the association between this and the symbol of royalty, which was a conical-shaped cap, led to interpreting the phenomenon as an indication that the ruler would have a successful reign.
In the course of his wanderings he met Alexander the Great, and, according to Plutarch (Alexander, cap. 62), encouraged him to invade the Ganges kingdom by enlarging on the extreme unpopularity of the reigning monarch.
The existing parochial districts being found unsuited to the ecclesiastical requirements of the time, a general act was passed in 1581, which made provision for the parochial clergy, and, inter alia, directed that "a sufficient and competent" district should be appropriated to each church as a parish (1581, cap. ioo).
In the year 1707 the powers exercised by the com - missioners were permanently transferred to the court of session, whose judges were appointed to act in future as "commissioners for the Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds" (Act, 1707, cap. 9).
At the outset there was little to distinguish the biretum from the pileus or pileolus (skull-cap), a non-liturgical cap worn by dignitaries of the Church under the mitre and even under the biretta.
When the word biretum first appears in the 13th century, it practically means no more than "cap," and is used as a synonym of pileus.
As an ecclesiastical vestment the cap can be traced, under the name of pileus, to the 12th century; under that of infula, to the end of the ioth.
The "cap of maintenance" still borne before the English sovereign on state occasions is a barret-cap of the type of the 14th and 15th centuries; it symbolized the cherished feudal right of maintaining a personal armed following.
Originally this had been a round cap, low or moderately high, slightly bulging out at the top, and ornamented with a round knob.
In England, in the 17th century, the square flat top began to be enlarged, forming a rim of thick stuff projecting beyond the close-fitting cap. This was the "square cap" so virulently denounced by the Puritans as a symbol of High Church Erastianism.
With the triumph of High Church principles at the Restoration it was natural that a loyal clergy should desire to emphasize this squareness, and the consequent exaggeration of the square top of the cap necessitated a further stiffening.
It is clear that there is no historical justification for this; for though both college cap and biretta are developed from the same "square cap," the biretta in its actual shape is strictly associated with the postReformation Roman Church, and its actual ceremonial use is of late growth.
Of late years the old square cap of soft padded cloth or velvet has been revived in the Anglican Church by some dignitaries.
In May she would receive her cap, and the hospital was already considering her application for a job in the nursery.
Can we even trust Julie to keep her mouth shut the first time Howie leaves the cap off the tooth paste or pisses her off some other way?
Short red hair crept from underneath her cap and even Dean's untrained eye could tell her makeup was carefully applied and her uniform cut to exhibit a knock-out figure.
Then added, "Except the bathing suit—and his cap."
That was you who came out of his room and waved to the busboy—wearing Byrne's baseball cap.
Jenn's dark hair was hidden under a knit cap, her lithe frame moving with a cat's grace through the snow and boulders.
The CAP does little to help small scale farmers but enormously benefits rich agribusinesses.
A four storied brick tower mill with ogee cap, eight bladed fantail and four single sided patent sails rotating anti clockwise.
Section 65 of the Act enables the parties to ask the arbitrators to place a cap on legal costs.
There is a car parking warden, with his white cap, and there is a bicycle warden with his red armbands.
The cap badge Much of the Regiment's history can be read from the cap badge.
They allowed me to wear a beanie (a snow cap) during school to help minimize the pulling.
Some machines have an instrument binnacle mounted on the fuel tank with the filler cap or caps offset to one or both sides.
If you like a proper boozer and a chat with friends go there Mother Red Cap - big up yourself " "
In the first innings, Randall had infuriated Lillee by doffing his cap to him after a vicious bouncer.
His impressive form saw him win a call-up into the Wales squad and he won his first senior cap in May against Canada.
I just take the top off, unscrew the cap, put my funnel in and pour away!
What singles Pedro out from the crowd is the soulful elements and the doffed cap toward nature.
During the second reading earlier this month, a majority of Peers voted to overturn plans to remove the current cap on night flights.
This picture taken around 1928 shows Percy Read (on the right with flat cap) in front of the gasoline pumps.
Screw protective black cap back on to cylinder valve outlet.
The mill had a boat shaped cap, patent sails and a fantail, which between them drove 2 pairs of 4 foot stones.
Mithras shakes hands with the king, he wears the Phrygian cap, the Persian trousers, and a cape.
I wondered whether the baseball cap gang knew how dose they had come to national stardom.
Head gaskets fail on the 1.4 gasoline engine; check the underside of the oil filler cap for white emulsion.
Collarless shirtwaister style dress with squared neckline, short cap sleeves, darted bust and nipped waist.
A 2 liter plastic carton with screw cap is perfect.
If you don't need the belt clip, the stud can be removed and a blanking cap inserted in its place.
The simple cap was made of thick, coarse woolen cloth.
In that context, we would see the setting of or operation of a cap on hours as best approached through sectoral collective bargaining.
The cap comforter was long gone, but some guys would have worn the Green Beret.
From Nice toward Monaco drive along the beautiful corniches of the Riviera and visit St Jean Cap Ferrat, Villefranche and Beaulieu sur Mer.
Such events occur in the dayside cusp and polar cap regions during southward IMF conditions.
The cap cuticle disarticulated strongly and was of type B2.
To cap it all, I've got dandruff!
He got out and started directly into the woods, wearing a faded denim billed cap and carrying machete and two flashlights.
Cradle Cap Treatment Shampoo Cradle cap is a form of seborrhoeic dermatitis, which can cause a dry, flaky, itchy scalp.
They do not wear a Naval type uniform but instead wear a sweatshirt and baseball cap embellished with the Sea Cadet Corps badge.
One way of doing this would be for Europe to adopt a science-based and globally equitable cap for its Emissions Trading Scheme.
The Saudi stock exchange has a market cap of around $ 750 billion.
The boat shaped cap with a gallery held a 6 bladed fantail, underneath was the striking chain wheel and tailpole.
In most states, it is perfectly legal to bust a cap in someone who is involved in committing a violent felony.
The gasoline filler cap and the flint replacement cap are both located underneath alongside the details ' McMurdo Pat.
Using a sterile dressing pack and sterile gloves, thoroughly swab the distal end of the catheter and cap with Betadine and methylated spirits.
The problem is the extreme hardness of the ' cap ', thus the Kango.
Antarctica is a large land mass buried under a vast ice cap and surrounded by oceans.
While Dessalines massacred the French in Cap Haitien, winning infamy among white historians, the mulattos plotted.
Remove the cap from the mouthpiece and shake the inhaler vigorously.
The handsome radiator cap mascot provides an excellent sighting device as you navigate this great leviathan of an MG.
To help combat the thieving lowlifes that would stoop to stealing fuel, Mike Hurley has developed a locking gasoline cap for his TVR.
The Original Bottle Cap lure Company Beer, soda & custom printed bottle cap fishing lures.
To be one of those 1,000, consumers must find a specially marked bottle cap on a Pepsi product.
Tina Cullen, winning her 150th England cap, scored a field goal after a goal mouth melee.
A warm cap and woolen muffler in winter were a must.
Each cap is about 1cm across, much like small oyster mushrooms.
The firearms on the wall in the Museum Rotunda are percussion cap muskets.
The boat shaped cap had a petticoat, a gallery and a 6 bladed fan.
Objectives The primary objective is to explore the safety of 13% of cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP) as a vaginal microbicide.
He also wears the pileus, the felt cap worn by ex-slaves when they have received their liberty.
The waitress wore a black dress, white pinny and bob cap, the service was friendly and attentive, and breakfast superb... .
The valve cap was apparently used to depress a little plunger in the valve, allowing air to be pumped into the tire.
This involved receiving an electric shock every single time we screwed on the cap of a bottle of chemical reagents through the static build-up.
From 6 April 2006 there will be no cap on pensionable salary.
All equipment is white except the cap box and bayonet scabbard which are black.
Once this cap reaches a certain length, cell division stops and the cell becomes senescent.
Common attribute include serif, sans-serif, weight, cap height, x-height, spacing, language, and posture.
They will put on a skull cap (Kippur) and wrap a prayer shawl (Tallit) around their shoulders.
Supplied in pairs complete with hardened steel socket cap style mounting screws and stainless steel bearing shims.
The head is shaved an the cap has a natural sponge soaked in salt water stuck in it.
Remove the cap from the base of the pre-filled syringe by pulling.
The tip cap of the pre filled syringe contains dry natural rubber, which may cause allergic reactions.
Another bright red toadstool is a conical shiny Wax Cap, growing in old grassland.
It jus ' called him Cap'n Kidd, " replied trot.
As ink in the bottle runs down, you can carefully unscrew the cap and pour more ink in!
The second species, with at least two discovered, was the Pale Wax Cap, Hygrocybe pratensis var pallida.
Dressed all over in black velveteen with a black cap sporting a gorgeous green feather on his curly brown hair.
A true mushroom is never large in size; its cap very seldom exceeds 4, at most 5 in.
To summarize the characters of a true mushroom - it grows only in pastures; it is of small size, dry, and with unchangeable flesh; the cap has a frill; the gills are free from the stem, the spores brown-black or deep purple-black in colour, and the stem solid or slightly pithy.
The cap D, E is fleshy, firm and white within, never thin and watery; externally it is pale brown, dry, often slightly silky or floccose, never viscid.
The gills underneath the cap L, ht, N are at first white, then rose-coloured, at length brown-black.
A point of great importance is to be noted in the attachment of the gills near the stem at 0, P; the gills in the true mushroom are (as shown) usually more or less free from the stem, they never grow boldly against it or run down it; they may sometimes just touch the spot where the stem joins the bottom of the cap, but never more; there is usually a slight channel, as at r, all round the top of the stem.
There is thus a thrust outwards of the spring upon the hollow cap W (attached outside the box), and a thrust of the rod upon the end of the screw s.
The story of his death is given in two widely different forms, by Saxo in his Gesta Danorum (ed Holder, pp. 69 ff.) and in the prose Edda (Gylfaginning, cap. 49).
Thus the statute of 2 and 3 Edward VI., cap. 9 (1 549), while inculcating that "due and godly abstinence from flesh is a means to virtue," adds that "by the eating of fish much flesh is saved to the country," and that thereby, too, the fishing trade is encouraged.
Mitra, even as late as the 15th century, retained its simple meaning of cap (see Du Cange, Glossarium, s.v.); to Isidore of Seville it is specifically a woman's cap. Infula, which in late ecclesiastical usage was to be confined to mitre (and its dependent bands) and chasuble, meant originally a piece of cloth, or the sacred fillets used in pagan worship, and later on came to be used of any ecclesiastical vestment, and there is no evidence for its specific application to the liturgical head-dress earlier than the 12th century.
Formerly the upper end of the highest canister was fitted with a " firing-head," consisting of a circular plate of iron, slightly smaller than the bore of the well, and having attached to its underside a vertical rod or pin carrying a percussion cap. The cap rested on the bottom of a small iron cylinder containing nitroglycerin.
The disk is dispensed with, and the percussion cap is exploded by the impact of a leaden weight running on a cord.
The manumissio minus justa was effected by a sufficient manifestation of the will of the master, as by letter, by words, by putting the pileus (or cap of liberty) on the slave, or by any other formality which had by usage become significant of the intention to liberate, or by such an act as making the slave the guardian of his children.
For a hundred years after the Elizabethan settlement the battle raged round the compulsory use of the surplice and square cap, both being objected to by the extreme Calvinists or Puritans.
The typical bas relief, which is found in great abundance in the museums of Europe, invariably represents Mithras, under the form of a youth with conical cap and flying drapery, slaying the sacred bull, the scorpion attacking the genitals of the animal, the serpent drinking its blood, the dog springing towards the wound in its side, and frequently, in addition, the Sun-god, his messenger the raven, a fig-tree, a lion, a ewer, and torch-bearers.
As the plant develops the veil is ruptured; the lower portion forms a sheath or volva round the base of the stem, while the upper portion persists as white patches or scales or warts on the surface of the cap. The stem usually bears an upper ring of tissue, the B C Amanita muscaria.
Along with Kai and Bedwyr (Bedivere), Peredur (Perceval), Gwalchmai (Gawain), and many others, we have such figures as Sgilti Yscandroed, whose way through the wood lay along the tops of the trees, and whose tread was so light that no blade of grass bent beneath his weight; Sol, who could stand all day upon one leg; Sugyn the son of Sugnedydd, who was "broad-chested" to such a degree that he could suck up the sea on which were three hundred ships and leave nothing but dry land; Gweyyl, the son of Gwestad, who when he was sad would let one of his lips drop beneath his waist and turn up the other like a cap over his head; and Uchtry Varyf Draws, who spread his red untrimmed beard over the eight-and-forty rafters of Arthur's hall.
Having adopted the second of these alternatives, he was cap tured at Vienna in a mean disguise (December loth, 1192) and strictly confined in the duke's castle of Dürenstein.
The orgies of Adonis in the temple of Baalit (Aphrodite Byblia) are described by Lucian, De Dea Syr., cap. vi.
See Peter Edvard Holm, Danmarks indre Historie under Enevaelden (Copenhagen, 1881-1886); Adolf Ditleva Jorgensen, Peter Griffenfeldt (Copenhagen, 1893); Robert Nisbet Bain, Scandinavia cap. x., xi.
Martagon, candidum, chalcedonicum, Szovitzianum (or colchicum), bulbiferum, croceum, Henryi, pomponium - the "Turk's cap lily," and others, will grow in almost any good garden soil, and succeed admirably in loam of a rather heavy character, and dislike too much peat.
Cardinal Jacques de Vitry, bishop of Acon in Palestine, in his History (cap. 89), written about the year 1218, speaks of the magnetic needle as "most necessary for such as sail the sea"; 1 and another French crusader, his contemporary, Vincent de Beauvais, states that the adamant (lodestone) is found in Arabia, and mentions a method of using a needle magnetized by it which is similar to that described by Kibdjaki.
He concealed them under a Phrygian cap; but the secret was discovered by his barber, who, being unable to keep it, dug a hole in the ground and whispered into it "Midas has the ears of an ass."
The second obliged him to abide, not by the decision of all the estates together, as heretofore, but by that of the majority only, with the view of enabling the actually dominant lower estates (in which was a large Cap majority) to rule without, and even in spite of, the nobility.
Most Persians wear a shah kulah, or night hat, a loose baggy cap of shawl or quilted material, often embroidered by the ladies.
In addition to the foliage-leaves several genera also possess scale-leaves of various kinds, represented by budscales in Pinus, Picea, &c., which frequently persist for a time at the base of a young shoot which has pushed its way through the yielding cap of protecting scales, while in some conifers the bud-scales adhere together, and after being torn near the base are carried up by the growing axis as a thin brown cap. The cypresses, araucarias and some other genera have no true bud-scales; in some species, e.g.
He introduced the words cosine and cotangent, and he suggested to Henry Briggs, his friend and colleague, the use of the arithmetical complement (see Brigg's Arithmetica Logarithmica, cap. xv.).
The term is also used for a meshed cap of refractory oxides employed in systems of incandescent lighting (see Lighting).
The maximum wage you can earn, though, is defined by supply and demand for labor, and by your negotiating ability, but it also has a cap.
Lady made me a pretty cap.
Rostov, his eyes avoiding Denisov, began buttoning his coat, buckled on his saber, and put on his cap.
One with a bleeding head and no cap was being dragged along by two soldiers who supported him under the arms.
He gave the reins to a Cossack, took off and handed over his felt coat, stretched his legs, and set his cap straight.
The man was wearing a bluish coat of broadcloth, he had no knapsack or cap, his head was bandaged, and over his shoulder a French munition pouch was slung.
However, at nine o'clock the prince, in his velvet coat with a sable collar and cap, went out for his usual walk.
He had no lambskin cap on his head, nor had he a loaded whip over his shoulder, as when Rostov had seen him on the eve of the battle of Austerlitz, but wore a tight new uniform with Russian and foreign Orders, and the Star of St. George on his left breast.
The little princess lay supported by pillows, with a white cap on her head (the pains had just left her).
With a sinking heart he watched Dolokhov's hands and thought, "Now then, make haste and let me have this card and I'll take my cap and drive home to supper with Denisov, Natasha, and Sonya, and will certainly never touch a card again."
Turning her mother's head this way and that, she fastened on the cap and, hurriedly kissing her gray hair, ran back to the maids who were turning up the hem of her skirt.
At that moment, with soft steps, the countess came in shyly, in her cap and velvet gown.
This person was a gray-bearded old man in a woman's cloak, with a tall peaked cap on his head.
The count turned and saw on his right Mitka staring at him with eyes starting out of his head, raising his cap and pointing before him to the other side.
Two huntsmen galloped up to the dogs; one in a red cap, the other, a stranger, in a green coat.
While still at a distance he took off his cap and tried to speak respectfully, but he was pale and breathless and his face was angry.
Hardly had he passed an angle of the wood before a stout gentleman in a beaver cap came riding toward him on a handsome raven-black horse, accompanied by two hunt servants.
Having ridden up to Nicholas, Ilagin raised his beaver cap and said he much regretted what had occurred and would have the man punished who had allowed himself to seize a fox hunted by someone else's borzois.
After refusing it for manners' sake, he drank it and wiped his mouth with a red silk handkerchief he took out of his cap.
Anatole went out of the room and returned a few minutes later wearing a fur coat girt with a silver belt, and a sable cap jauntily set on one side and very becoming to his handsome face.
A French noncommissioned officer of hussars, in crimson uniform and a shaggy cap, shouted to the approaching Balashev to halt.
He frowned before his looking glass, gesticulated, shrugged his shoulders, and finally, without saying a word to anyone, took his cap and left the house by the back door, trying to avoid notice.
But before the words were well out of his mouth, his cap flew off and a fierce blow jerked his head to one side.
Kutuzov was impatiently urging on his horse, which ambled smoothly under his weight, and he raised his hand to his white Horse Guard's cap with a red band and no peak, nodding his head continually.
He was wearing the white Horse Guard's cap and a military overcoat with a whip hanging over his shoulder by a thin strap.
Napoleon walked about in front of his tent, looked at the fires and listened to these sounds, and as he was passing a tall guardsman in a shaggy cap, who was standing sentinel before his tent and had drawn himself up like a black pillar at sight of the Emperor, Napoleon stopped in front of him.
A crowd of military men was assembled there, members of the staff could be heard conversing in French, and Kutuzov's gray head in a white cap with a red band was visible, his gray nape sunk between his shoulders.
The major raised his hand to his cap with a smile.
That same evening-- without even asking himself what they were wanted for--he procured a coachman's coat and cap for Pierre, and promised to get him the pistol next day.
Robbery is not permitted to anybody now a days! shouted the publican, picking up his cap.
Take off your cap... your caps!
Having tied a girdle over his coat and pulled his cap low on his head, Pierre went down the corridor, trying to avoid making a noise or meeting the captain, and passed out into the street.
On the ground, beside the trunks, sat a thin woman no longer young, with long, prominent upper teeth, and wearing a black cloak and cap.
The youngest child, a boy of about seven, who wore an overcoat and an immense cap evidently not his own, was crying in his old nurse's arms.
The woman's husband, a short, round- shouldered man in the undress uniform of a civilian official, with sausage-shaped whiskers and showing under his square-set cap the hair smoothly brushed forward over his temples, with expressionless face was moving the trunks, which were placed one on another, and was dragging some garments from under them.
A beard and mustache covered the lower part of his face, and a tangle of hair, infested with lice, curled round his head like a cap.
Then he took off his nightcap, combed his hair over his temples, and donned his cap.
Denisov in a felt cloak and a sheepskin cap from which the rain ran down was riding a thin thoroughbred horse with sunken sides.
Beside Denisov rode an esaul, * Denisov's fellow worker, also in felt cloak and sheepskin cap, and riding a large sleek Don horse.
A little ahead of them walked a peasant guide, wet to the skin and wearing a gray peasant coat and a white knitted cap.
Beside him rode an hussar, with a boy in a tattered French uniform and blue cap behind him on the crupper of his horse.
Denisov, the esaul, and Petya rode silently, following the peasant in the knitted cap who, stepping lightly with outturned toes and moving noiselessly in his bast shoes over the roots and wet leaves, silently led them to the edge of the forest.
He was clean-shaven and wore a Guardsman's padded coat with an Order of St. George at his buttonhole and a plain forage cap set straight on his head.
Something was boiling in a small cauldron at the edge of the fire and a soldier in a peaked cap and blue overcoat, lit up by the fire, was kneeling beside it stirring its contents with a ramrod.
Morel, a short sturdy Frenchman with inflamed and streaming eyes, was wearing a woman's cloak and had a shawl tied woman fashion round his head over his cap.
In undress naval uniform, with a dirk, and holding his cap under his arm, he handed Kutuzov a garrison report and the keys of the town.
But in spite of much that was interesting and had to be discussed, the baby with the little cap on its unsteady head evidently absorbed all his attention.
The countess was now over sixty, was quite gray, and wore a cap with a frill that surrounded her face.
The fruiting bodies are reddish in color with a cap 6-15 cm in diameter.
This happens quite frequently if you do n't refit the cap tight enough after filling up.
We also believe there is a need for further reform of the CAP.
This would be classed as retaking the module(s) and are not subject to the 40% cap for marks.
Usually, within a few hours the slime has completely disappeared, exposing the cap with its distinctive reticulate pattern.
She had discarded her roses with a shudder; cap, goggles, duster, lay advance boy game video in her lap.
The polypropylene flip off cap should be removed to expose the central portions of the rubber stopper.
And to cap it all, there 's a saboteur on board, and most of the evidence points to it being her !
Curve enhancing fit with little cap sleeves, fitted darted bodice with nipped waist and scoop neckline edged with blue piping.
Cap woman generaly can have very good sex with scorpio man.
A self-sealing female coupling with protective cap is fitted to the adjacent hose end for the air supply connection.
He threw up arms to protect face, hair on forearm singed off, burned holes in cap....
Overhead a squadron of bombers were just returning to their base on the Cap Bon Peninsular.
This will be carried out by detailed ice cap survey; ice sheet modeling; and subglacial process.
It jus ' called him Cap'n Kidd, replied Trot.
This RbK trucker cap is 60% cotton, 40% Nylon.
As ink in the bottle runs down, you can carefully unscrew the cap and pour more ink in !
Gas vesicles are hollow cylindrical tubes, closed by a hollow, conical cap at each end.
The west tower has the basic form of a 13th C. Sussex build, finished with the ubiquitous Sussex Cap of red tiles.
Cisco has done over 200 acquisitions, but again rarely paid more than 2% of market cap.
Parents who are wondering how to get rid of cradle cap should know that cradle cap is a fairly common symptom in children under one year of age.
However, for some babies, cradle cap persists despite treatments.
Cradle cap is represented by a waxy yellowish build-up on your infant's scalp.
Cradle cap is typically an infant problem; hence, the name's reference to a "cradle".
A popular natural home remedy for infant cradle cap includes the use of warm oil that is rubbed on the infants scalp in an effort to loosen up the plaque.
Should the cradle cap persist beyond the aid of dandruff shampoo, your child's pediatrician may prescribe a prescription hydrocortisone cream that works to control the irritation and hormonal activity in affected areas.
One final step a parent can consider that may help to control a cradle cap situation from returning or increasing in severity is to increase the washings of your infant's scalp.
Cradle cap is a condition marked by overactive sebaceous glands that are generating too much sebum.
In cases of cradle cap, too much stimulation is already present for hormonal reasons and not washing the scalp enough contributes to the buildup of cradle cap.
It may be a cap per procedure, per year or per lifetime, leaving you to pay the balance.
Some companies also put a fixed cap on rebate redemption, limiting the total savings per cardholder.
Cardholders earn $1 in rewards for every $100 worth of purchases, with an annual cap of $750.
The lender will add a certain amount to this, such as one percent over prime, and there should be a cap to the total interest rate you will pay.
Most bank issued debit cards have zero fraud liability or a cap on the amount of consumer responsibility of around $50.
There is a maximum monthly cap of $500 in gas purchases.
Determine if there is a cap on balance transfer fees.
Some companies cap the amount of the fee for transfers, while other companies have dropped this cap.
A cap means the lender will not charge excessively for the transfer.
New reform would cap the alimony amount ordered at 30 to 35 percent of the payer's gross income.
You can use any clean bottle with a tight-fitting cap or lid if you don't want to purchase special bottles to store the tincture.
When the mixture is finished, cap it carefully with a clean jar lid and store in a cool, dark place.
A finial is the end cap of the rod which serves two purposes.
Lotion is applied to the areas that you do not want to tan, like the palms of hands and fingernails, and a cap over your head to protect your hair.
The whitener comes in a small bottle with a paint brush affixed to the cap.
Applied with a lip gloss style applicator, each side of the container has a unique color and soft tip brush inserted into the cap.
Discreet silver script and a contrasting black cap lend to its masculinity without taking away from the bottle's watery ambiance.
If there is any downside, it's that the lip brush is not retractable, nor does it feature a proper cap.
What's more, the product's lock-on cap means you're less likely to spill it.
It comes with a mirror fixed in the barrel and a tiny LED light built right into the cap.
Remove the cap and hold the can about six inches from the face.
The cap on the "welcome bonus" is $10,000, with a payout rate of 98.7 percent.
Another interesting style of fantasy basketball is playing in a salary cap league.
Although some of the rules may be similar to other fantasy basketball leagues, salary cap leagues give owners the opportunity to incorporate the business side of professional sports into fantasy play.
You might be given a $50 million salary cap.
If you are intrigued, but you want to add some extra flair to your fantasy fun, you might try a fantasy NBA salary cap game.
For many years there was a cap on what contestants could win.
If players went over the cap, then that excess was donated to a charity of that player's choice.
The first cap was $75,000, then raised to $100,000 and then $200,000.
With this device, you'll need to pull off the cap to access the pen.
The cap has a connector designed to attach to the headphone jack on your tablet, making it easy to store and transport along with your iPad.
With the cap in place, the device looks - and works - like a sleek, silver-tone rubber tip stylus.
What lies beneath the cap, however, is a quality "paint" brush head designed to work with popular artistic apps like SketchTime and ArtRage.
You'll need to remove the cap to access the brush end, but the cap will fit snugly over the reverse end of the device while you're using the brush.
Use more glue or pushpins to add fun mementos from their school days such as a tassel from a graduation cap, a copy of a locker key, a ticket from a special sporting event, or a dried flower from prom night.
Now, you can just face this fact and decide to deal with it gracefully, or you can be that 45-year-old guy who hangs out at the coffee shop wearing his baseball cap backwards and dressing like the 18-year-olds who serve the coffee.
The Xyron Wishblade uses a blade with a cap to cut shapes out of paper.
The blue cap is for fine paper, yellow is for medium and pink is for heavy weight paper like photo paper or cardstock.
To change the blade cap, simply screw a cap on the blade and insert it into the Wishblade's blade compartment.
Some of the most reliable predictors for rain and snowfall is the current state of El Niño versus La Niña, recent climate factors and how fast the arctic ice cap is melting.
Cap sleeves will make arms look longer and slimmer.