Cantor Sentence Examples
Reading that little lot makes a moderately confident cantor feel thoroughly inadequate.
In that year he matriculated at the university, and took lessons in composition from Theodor Weinlig, cantor at the Thomasschule.
Cantor and Dedekind were of the greatest importance in the progress of the subject.
Cantor's Vorlesungen fiber Geschichte der Mathematik is the standard authority.
Moritz Cantor suspects the influence of Diophantine methods, more particularly in the Hindu solutions of indeterminate equations, where certain technical terms are, in all probability, of Greek origin.
Cantor, Vorlesungen fiber Geschichte der Mathematik (Leipzig, t880); P. Tannery, " Thales de Milet ce qu'il a emprunte a l'Egypte," Revue Philosophique, March 1880; " La Tradition touchant Pythagore, Oenopide, et Thales," Bul.
He became the exclusive accompanist to Cantor Stephen Robins in over 300 concerts as well as accompanying many other cantors.
Cantor held that these transfinite numbers had an actual existence, drawing on his early religious training to justify the assertion.
It had already been helpfully worked on by his grandson, the late Dr. Isaac Gottlieb, himself an accomplished part-time cantor.
He is regularly in demand as a synagogue cantor.
AdvertisementFixed gender for " cantor " added diaeresis for " da%ed " .
Cantor published a six part treatise on set theory from the years 1879 to 1884.
Fleming, The Principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy (London, 1906), chap. vii.; also Cantor Lectures on Hertzian wave telegraphy, Lecture iv., Journ.
Moritz Cantor has suggested that at one time there existed two schools, one in sympathy with the Greeks, the other with the Hindus; and that, although the writings of the latter were first studied, they were rapidly discarded for the more perspicuous Grecian methods, so that, among the later Arabian writers, the Indian methods were practically forgotten and their mathematics became essentially Greek in character.
Martin, Hultsch and Cantor took this Ctesibius to be a barber of that name who lived in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes II.
AdvertisementC. Roberts-Austen's six Reports (1891 to 2904) to the Alloys Research Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, the last report being concluded by William Gowland; the Cantor Lectures on Alloys delivered at the Society of Arts and the Contribution a l'etude des alliages (2902), published by the Societe d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale under the direction of the Commission des alliages (2896-2900), should be consulted.