Cant Sentence Examples
Swift inoculated the Scriblerus Club with his own hatred of pedantry, cant and circumlocution.
Back to the top i cant view or read the application forms?
In this light, their request for guidelines in attacking " unruly " pupils carries the stench of cant.
In the form germania it has acquired the significance of "thieves' Latin" or "thieves' cant," and is applied to any jargon supposed to be understood only by the initiated.
I think you cant beat a good roast potato !
The essential parts of one type of bale opener are three specially shaped rollers, the peri pheries of which contain a number of 1 Also in the forms "streek," "strick" or "strike," as in Chaucer, Cant.
Cant's frequent and bitter attacks on various members of his congregation led in 1660 to complaints laid before the magistrates, in consequence of which he resigned his charge.
Run the stove (which most cant by emptying the boiler) and rely on your ducting and burn less fuel.
Much more signifi cant is their divergent stance toward the Gospels.
It aint my favorite one of his, but YA cant deny its a masterpiece!
AdvertisementNearly all cars are very considerate - I cant wait to get back!
No I am sorry, in traditional Chinese feng shui you cant do this.
Yet they cant leave the guild once inside which makes making the entire guild non-smoking impossible.
It looks (and reads) better in Microsoft Word, unfortunately i cant seem to get italics to work on the interweb.
In case you cant find a spot, Kew Gardens has a pay and display parking lot off of Kew Green.
AdvertisementOriginally posted by merlin i cant see you getting banned from here Merlin?
Make them catch a train or walk because they cant read maps and only nag.
For heavens sake, we cant wait that long!
John Cant and John Boreham were charged with stealing a wether sheep the property of Rev Newman of Sudbury.
My father has just turned 80 and doubts any former shipmates could be still around, he cant remember any names apart from nicknames.
AdvertisementAnd by the way, he hasn't got gray hair, it's just Cuban cigar smoke that cant get out.
Meanwhile R Kelly is at the helm on the soul stepper ' Special Occasion ', think it cant get any better than this?
I cant be convinced that Gallas is so supernatural that he stops goals singlehandedly.
Ocean Terminal I cant believe Ocean Terminal - pity about the air traffic tho ' .
But todays metrosexual cant have Jesus alone without feeling uncool.
AdvertisementI cant vouch for the truth of it, but it seems no strange thing, notwithstanding S r.
He cant keep away from the amazing wooden xylophones.
The lily of the Old Testament (shoshan) may be conjectured to be a red lily from the simile in Cant.
School for years or would any sara lawson cant consultants and staffers.
I need to establish a career path i am not getting younger i cant just keep shunting around in entry level stuff forever.
And by the way, he has n't got gray hair, it 's just Cuban cigar smoke that cant get out.
The problem cant be solved when there is no such thing.
And theres tons more that I cant remember, probaly more later on but I stoped about there.
Specific program names would be great, I cant find a good terminal emulator for it.
Oh yeah we all cant wait til we go out on the piss !
Ocean Terminal I cant believe Ocean Terminal - pity about the air traffic tho '.
Offering a 2 year manufacturers warrantee you really cant go wrong.
I cant imagine to live without your products, they have become an essential part of my daily wellness program.
If you cant play it, place it on the bottom of the stack in your hand and proceed to the next card.
I don't want to think about it anymore but I cant help it... it's driving me crazy.
Just make sure that you know how your intended recipient feels - otherwise your sweet I CANT W8 2 HOLD U N KISS UR LIPZ might not go over well.
Bangor has various manufactures, the most important of which (other than those dependent upon lumber) are boots and shoes (including moccasins); among others are trunks, valises, saws, stoves, ranges and furnaces, edge tools and cant dogs, saw-mill machinery, brick, clothing, cigars, flour and dairy products.
The general condemnation of " shams " and cant had, of course, particular applications, though he left them to be inferred by his readers.
By the aid of this arrangement the natural cant of the machine when making a turn could be checked, if it became excessive.
And as a poet Lull takes a prominent position in the history of Catalan literature; such pieces as El Desconort (1295) and Lo Cant de Ramon (1299) combine in a rare degree simple beauty of expression with sublimity of thought and impassioned sincerity.
His grandfather was an emigrant from Scotland, and the name Cant is not uncommon in the north of Scotland, whence the family is said to have come.
Leave when you're a teen and cant stand your parents, and are really excited to go, that helps any seperation anxiety!
I cant completely rule out that some areas were not bulldozed as an " armchair critic " .
I'm not saying that femmes cant be femme whatever size they are.
To be honest I cant wait to see the paed now.
There is 3 gold sucking loaches also plus others that i cant remember the name to.
Oh well, whinge over - i know what i need to do, just cant seem to do it.
This deprives parliament of control over the administrative departments, all the ministries being thus " armour-plated " - to use the cant phrase current in Russia - except that of ways and communications (railways).
There had been a time when the cant of such fools would have made Bunyan miserable.
But sentiment of any "high-flying" description - to use the cant word of his time - was quite incomprehensible to him, or rather never presented itself as a thing to be comprehended.
Donnie won the first game with "cant" which Dean questioned, unsuccessfully, assuming the boy meant the more common version, "can't," which was unacceptable.