Candlestick Sentence Examples
He put the letter under the candlestick and closed his eyes.
At Winchester the paschal candlestick was of silver, and was the gift of Canute..
In the Holy of Holies was a " cloud of light " (shekinah), symbolical of the presence of Yahweh, and before it stood the candlestick with six branches, on each of which and on the central stern was a lamp eternally burning; while in the forecourt was an altar on which the sacred fire was never allowed to go out.
At most pontifical functions, moreover, the bishop - as the representative of Christ - is preceded by an acolyte with a burning candle (bugia) on a candlestick.
The Menorah, the eight branched candlestick, is given prominent place in the home.
Under the light of a large candlestick several youths pursued the amusement of the popular game of drafts.
This flat brass candlestick is a typically eighteenth century design, as candlesticks became taller during the nineteenth century.
Some of the fittings of the house were on a luxurious scale too, a particularly striking example being an elegant wrought iron candlestick.
The orderly was striking a light and Shcherbinin was fumbling for something on the candlestick.
Also we have candlestick designs based on those of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and a classic table lamp based on a Pugin design.
AdvertisementA sofa table can help define a conversation area and offer the design opportunity to light ambiance with a candlestick lamp, a plant and groups of candles.
Jack runs along and you must press the space bar to jump over the candlestick.
Many people across the country remember seeing the quake occur in real time, due to the fact that a World Series game involving the Oakland Athletics and San Francisco Giants was being televised live at nearby Candlestick Park.
In 1960, the Giants moved to Candlestick Park for forty foggy years before the current jewel of a stadium was opened on the shores of China Basin in 2000.
Centuries ago shoe cobblers were just as important as the baker, the butcher and the candlestick makers.
AdvertisementIf at night, she holds a candlestick with a flickering candle.
This was a candle of very large dimensions, set in a candlestick big enough to hold it, which was usually placed on the north side, just below the first ascent to the high altar.
The central stem of the candlestick was about 38 ft.
The interior has a fine Cosmatesque pulpit supported by ancient columns resting on lions, a Paschal candlestick of 1245, and a good pavement of the same period with beasts and dragons.
Beside a lighted golden candlestick of seven branches stand two olive trees - Zerubbabel and Joshua, the two anointed ones - specially watched over by Him whose seven eyes run through the whole earth.
AdvertisementIn vain Savonarola besought them to lay down their arms. When the church was finally stormed Savonarola was seen praying at the altar, and Fra Domenico, armed with an enormous candlestick, guarding him from the blows of the mob.
The cathedral, constructed in 1074 at the summit of the hill, is externally plain; it has a fine Gothic interior, somewhat spoilt by restoration, with a good Cosmati pavement, and a canopy and paschal candlestick in the same style.
Go back and do the first works all over again or I'll remove the candlestick.
At my home we had a double twist candlestick made of fired London Clay.
Jewish shekels were first coined by Simon the Hasmonean, probably in 139-138 B.C. These bear inscriptions in the archaic Hebrew and various emblems, such as the cup or chalice, the lily branch with three flowers, the candlestick, the citron and palm branch and so forth.