Candles Sentence Examples
Do you have any candles or a flashlight?
Morel brought candles and a bottle of wine.
The stage kitchen was dark, except for red candles around the counter area where he did the prep for whatever he was making.
To continue the theme, add candles or flowers inside the cage.
His golden eyes blazed like two candles.
The cake is ready and the candles are on the counter over there.
If you choose to use candles, make sure they are placed inside hurricanes so the flame does not cause a safety hazard.
If you are looking for something other than flowers for your centerpieces, consider candles.
Similar to the vases used for tall flowers, hurricane glasses can be placed over white or silver pillar candles for a simple but elegant look.
For beach weddings, add small sea shells to a vase or hurricane and use with or without candles.
AdvertisementTo create a floating candle centerpiece, shop for candles specifically designed to float.
Most arts and craft stores sell floating candles.
If you plan to use floating candles in your centerpiece, make sure the candle's flame is below the rim of the bowl.
Adding colored votive candles gives an extra gleam of romantic lighting to the ceremony atmosphere.
Fall wedding favors can be anything from lip balm or small candles in fall scents like cinnamon or fig, to metal leaf bookmarks with mahogany tassels.
AdvertisementMirrors and candles can go far in creating beautiful, yet inexpensive, centerpieces.
In a dimly lit room with rich fall colors in the other decorations (especially tablecloths) like plum and burgundy, setting up candles on small mirrors on the tables can bring the atmosphere to life with a warm glow.
You can even find leaf-shaped candles for an extra fall-inspired look.
I don't think there's enough room on the cake for twenty-five candles.
Soap, candles and tobacco are also manufactured, and the town is a centre for local agricultural trade.
AdvertisementUse deep autumn-colored candles accented in gold to suggest the abundance of the autumn harvest, creating an elegant, well-lit table.
For venues with candle or flame restrictions, LED candles provide the right amount of spooky, flickering light with just a few batteries.
Check beforehand with your venue prior to purchasing candles, lights, and decorations.
Other venues may have restrictions on items like candles or fog machines.
Use baskets, ribbons, and candles to set the mood.
AdvertisementThe manufactures comprise sheet-iron, boilers, zinc, brick and tiles, paraffin, petroleum, soap and candles.
It was an elaborate construction of polished brass, and, contrary to the usual custom, seems to have been placed in the centre of the altar-step, long branches stretching out towards the four cardinal points, bearing smaller candles.
Other paschal candles seem to have been of scarcely less size.
The simplex is worn on Good Friday, and at masses for the dead; also at the blessing of the candles at Candlemas, the singing of the absolution at the coffin, and the solemn investiture with the pallium.
Other leading manufactures are malt liquors ($21,620,794 in 1905), railway rolling-stock consisting largely of cars ($21,428,227), men's clothing ($18,496,173), planing mill products ($17,725,711), carriages and wagons ($16,096,125), distilled liquors ($15,976,523), rubber and elastic goods ($15,963,603), furniture ($13,322,608), cigars and cigarettes ($13,241,230), agricultural implements ($12,891,197), women's clothing ($12,803582), lumber and timber products ($12,567,992), soap and candles.
The poorer grades are employed in the manufacture of soap, candles and phonograph records.
The process of manufacturing soaps by boiling fatty acids with caustic alkalis or sodium carbonate came into practice with the development of the manufacture of candles by saponifying fats, for it provided a means whereby the oleic acid, which is valueless for candle making, could be worked up. The combination is effected in open vats heated by a steam coil and provided with a stirring appliance; if soda ash be used it is necessary to guard against boiling over.
Violet vestments are also worn on days of intercession, at votive masses of the Passion, at certain other masses of a pronouncedly intercessory and penitential character, at intercessory processions, at the blessing of candles on Candlemas Day, and at the blessing of the baptismal water.
Among other manufactures are butter and cheese, canned fruits and vegetables, glass and earthenware, printing and wrapping paper, furniture, matches, hats, clothing, pharmaceutical products, soaps and - p erfumery, ice, artificial drinks, cigars and cigarettes, fireworks anc candles.
Industrially and commercially Lemberg is the most important city in Galicia, its industries including the manufacture of machinery and iron wares, matches, stearin candles and naphtha, arrack and liqueurs, chocolate, chicory, leather and plaster of Paris, as well as brewing, corn-milling and brick and tile making..
From 1416 citizens were obliged to hang out candles between certain hours on dark nights to illuminate the streets.
The so-called "stearin" of candles is a mixture of stearic and palmitic acids.
Industries include the manufacture of cotton fabric, flour and wax candles.
Tallow candles as a substitute for whale-oil had been introduced, and the British market was closed by a duty of £r8 a ton on oil; a bounty offered by the Massachusetts legislature (£5 on white and £ 3 on yellow or brown spermaceti, and £2 on whale-oil per ton) was of slight assistance.
About 1750 sperm candles were first manufactured.
The mud from the Ysel furnishes the material for large brick-works and potteries; there are also a celebrated manufactory of stearine candles, a yarn factory, an oil refinery and cigar factories.
Dijon is well known for its mustard, and for the black currant liqueur called cassis de Dijon; its industries include the manufacture of machinery, automobiles, bicycles, soap, biscuits, brandy, leather, boots and shoes, candles and hosiery.
When acetylene is burnt from a 000 union jet burner, at all ordinary pressures a smoky flame is obtained, but on the pressure being increased to 4 inches a magnificent flame results, free from smoke, and developing an illuminating value of 240 candles per 5 cubic feet of gas consumed.
By means of lighted candles violently dashed to the ground and extinguished the faithful were graphically taught the meaning of the greater excommunication - though in a somewhat misleading way, for it is a fundamental principle of the canon law that disciplina est excommunicatio, non eradicatio.
The clergy were bidden to exhort their hearers to the " works of charity, mercy and faith, specially prescribed and commanded in Scripture, and not to repose their trust or affiance in any other works devised by men's phantasies beside Scripture; as in wandering to pilgrimages, offering of money, candles or tapers to images or relics, or kissing or licking the same, saying over a number of beads, not understood or minded on, or in such-like superstition."
The filtering medium in this, as in other filters of the same kind, takes the form of a hollow cylinder or "candle," through the walls of which the water has to pass from the outside to the inside, the candles often being arranged so that they may be directly attached to a tap, whereby the rate of flow, which is apt to be slow, is accelerated by the pressure of the main.
But even filters of this type, if they are to be fully relied upon, must be frequently cleaned and sterilized, and great care must be taken that the joints and connexions are watertight, and that the candles are without cracks or flaws.
Other industries include shipbuilding, glass-blowing and the manufacture of stearine candles.
Velvet, cloth, machinery, bricks and candles are manufactured, and there are flour-mills, breweries, distilleries and lignite mines.
There are various important manufactures, such as soap and candles, subsidiary to the packing industry; and the city has large flour mills, railway and machine shops, and foundries.
It is also formed in ordinary fermentation processes, in the combustion of all carbon compounds (oil, gas, candles, coal, &c.), and in the process of respiration.
The chief are tanning, fellmongery, wool-washing, bacon-curing, flour milling, brewing, iron-founding, brick-making, soap-boiling, the manufacture of pottery, candles, cheese, cigars, snuff, jams, biscuits, jewelry, furniture, boots, clothing and leather and woollen goods.
It is also a centre for hat-making, and produces cloth-fabrics, lace, umbrellas, casks, chairs, wooden shoes, candles and pastries.
The industries include the building of small vessels, distilling, flour-milling, and the manufacture of oil and candles.
Other important products were automobiles and sewing machines, hosiery and knit goods, candles, furniture, flour, crockery, and canned goods (especially mince-meat).
When the pope rode in procession to the station an acolyte, on foot, preceded him, bearing the holy chrism; and at the church seven regionary acolytes with candles went before him in the procession to the altar, while two others, bearing the vessel that contained a pre-consecrated Host, presented it for his adoration.
Rio de Janeiro has manufactures of flour from imported wheat, cotton, woollen and silk textiles, boots and shoes, readymade clothing, furniture, vehicles, cigars and cigarettes, chocolate, fruit conserves, refined sugar, biscuits, macaroni, ice, beer, artificial liquors, mineral waters, soap, stearine candles, perfumery, feather flowers, printing type, &c. There are numerous machine o nd repair shops, the most important of which are the shops of the Central railway.
It manufactures cotton fabrics, boots and shoes, iron safes and stoves, carriages, furniture, butter and cheese, macaroni, preserves, candles, soap and paper.
The kukui grows along streams and gulches; from its nuts, which are very oily, the natives used to make candles, and it is still frequently called the candlenut tree.
In the West, however, in the middle ages, the procession with candles and banners outside the church was taken as symbolical of Christ's triumphant entry into heaven.
Brescia has considerable factories of iron ware, particularly fire-arms and weapons (one of the government small arms factories being situated here), also of woollens, linens and silks, matches, candles, &c. The stone quarries of Mazzano, 8 m.
There are manufactures of cloth, linen, leather, caps, boots, soap, candles, ropes; as well as breweries and distilleries.
Goat skins, eggs and beeswax are the principal exports, cotton goods, tea, sugar and candles being the chief imports.
She had once hurt her mother's feelings by refusing to use some wax candles.
Chemical manures, glue, gelatine, brushes, chocolate and candles are also produced.
The friars met her with lighted candles, and at the foot of the altar Francis shore off her hair, received her vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and invested her with the Franciscan habit, 1212.
When the " candles " of carbon monoxide appear, the pasty mass is quickly drawn out of the furnace into iron " bogies," where it solidifies into a grey, porous mass, the " black-ash."
There are minor manufacturing interests in tanneries, and in the manufacture of sweetmeats, malt and distilled liquors, especially rum, besides soaps, candles, starch, perfume, &c. There is one large and complete petroleum refinery (1905).
Other industries include manufactures of leather, boots and shoes, furniture, bricks and pottery, cigars and cigarettes, beer, wine and spirits, candles and soap. The largest and most numerous commercial firms are German, but there are also French, British, and even Chinese establishments, although the immigration of Chinese is prohibited by law.
The industry comprises establishments for the manufacture of woollen and linen cloth, paper, sugar, candles, soap, earthenwares, as well as breweries and distilleries.
The manufactures include steam flour-mills, iron and machinery works, manufactories of ropes and candles, distilleries and potteries.
The great mining industries have led to a noteworthy development in the production of chemicals, and a considerable number of factories are engaged in the production of pharmaceutical preparations, perfumeries, soaps, candles, &c.
Can he be thought sane who offers the light of lamps and candles to the Author and Giver of all light?"
A great honour to the blessed martyrs, whom they think to illustrate with contemptible little candles (de vilissimis cereolis) !
If candles are lit before their tombs, are these the ensigns of idolatry ?
There can be no harm if ignorant and simple people, or religious women, light candles in honour of the martyrs.
As to the blessing of candles, according to the Liber pontificals Pope Zosimus in 417 ordered these to be blessed, 8 and the Gallican and Mozabaric rituals also provided for this ceremony.9 The Feast of the Purification of the Virgin, known as Candlemas, because on this day the candles for the whole year are blessed, was established - according to some authorities - by Pope Gelasius I.
In the Eastern Church, to this day, there are no lights on the high altar; the lighted candles stand on a small altar beside it, and at various parts of the service are carried by the lectors or acolytes before the officiating priest or deacon.
A later development, however, by which certain lights themselves came to be regarded as objects of worship and to have other lights burned before them, was condemned as idolatrous by the synod of Noyon in 1344.10 The passion for symbolism extracted ever new meanings out of the candles and their use.
That even in the 7th century the blessing of candles was by no means universal is proved by the 9th canon of the council ofiToledo (671),;" De benedicendo cereo et lucerna in privilegiis Paschae."
This canon states that candles and lamps are not blessed in some churches, and that inquiries have been made why we do it.
When only the central one is left it is taken clown and carried behind the altar, thus symbolizing the 1 All three conceptions are brought out in the prayers for the blessing of candles on the Feast of the Purification of the B.V.M.
On Easter Eve new fire is made 3 with a flint and steel, and blessed; from this three candles are lighted, the lumen Christi, and from these again the Paschal Candle.
Lighted candles certainly continued to decorate the holy table in Queen Elizabeth's chapel, to the scandal of Protestant zealots.
There is, however, no mention of ceremonial candles in the detailed account of the services of the Church of England given by William Harrison (Description of England, 1570); and the attitude of the Church towards their use, until the ritualistic movement of the 17th century, would seem to be authoritatively expressed in the Third Part of the Sermon against Peril of Idolatry, which quotes with approval the views of Lactantius and compares " our Candle Religion " 3 This is common to the Eastern Church also.
The archbishop of Canterbury, in whose court the case was heard (1889), decided that the mere presence of two candles on the table, burning during the service but lit before it began, was lawful under the first Prayer-Book of Edward VI.
The custom of placing lighted candles round the bodies of the dead, especially when " lying in state," has never wholly died out in Protestant countries, though their significance has long been lost sight of.
There seems to be no record of candles having been carried in other processions in England since the Reformation.
The home markets are supplied, by native industry, with cigars and cigarettes, soap, candles, hats, gloves, starch, cheese and pottery.
It appears as a by-product in the manufacture of candles.
No other article of import approaches cotton in importance, but a considerable trade is done in arms and ammunition, rice, sugar, flour and other foods, and a still larger trade in candles and matches (from Sweden), oil, carpets (oriental and European), hats and umbrellas.
Other industries include sugar refineries, soap, oil, glass, iron, dye and chemical works; distilleries, breweries, tanneries; tobacco and snuff factories; shipbuilding and the manufacture of machinery and stearine candles.
It made provision, as became a great servant of the most Christian king, for masses to be said and candles to be offered in three different churches of Amboise, first among them that of St Florentin, where he desired to be buried, as well as for sixty poor men to serve as torch-bearers at his funeral.
The custom of blessing the candles for the whole year on this day, whence the name Candlemas is derived, did not come into common use until the i 1 th century.
San Salvador is the only city in the republic which has important manufactures; these include the production of soap, candles, ice, shawls and scarves of silk, cotton cloth, cigars, flour and spirits.
Associated with petroleum is ozokerite, converted by the peasantry into candles.
Among the products of local industry are leather, tobacco, cement, beer, aerated waters, lime, candles and soap. Fishing is carried on, and there are steam saw-mills and flour-mills.
Here the Grail is wrought of gold richly set with precious stones; it is carried in solemn procession, and the light issuing from it extinguishes that of the candles.
Among the manufactured products are cotton, woollen and "pita" fibre fabrics, sugar, rum, mescal, beer, furniture, pottery, soap, candles, leather, matches, chocolate, flour and cigarettes.
The fact that coal gas of an illuminating power of from 14 to 16 candles can be made from the ordinary gas coal at a fairly low rate, while every candle power added to the gas increases the cost in an enormous and rapidly growing ratio, has, from the earliest days of FIG.
These prisoners do not seem to have felt any of the severer pangs of hunger, for they were not tempted to eat their candles.
Among other industries that have largely contributed to the welfare of the town are dyeing and bleaching, brass and iron founding, tanning, machine-making, brewing and distilling, milling, rope-making and the making of soap and candles,while the collieries in the immediate vicinity are numerous and flourishing.
The town is one of the most prosperous in the duchy, and has machine works, foundries, tanneries, sawmills, breweries, distilleries, and manufactories of tobacco, glue, candles and soap. There is also a considerable trade in wool, corn, wood, butter and cattle, and an annual cattle show and horse races are held.
There are numerous breweries, saw and flour mills, and manufactures of preserves, soap, candles, glass and paper, especially in the busy suburb that has sprung up on the right bank of the Urumea.
It possesses a few manufactures (leather, candles, beer, shoes, bricks), and carries on a considerable trade, but has always been of importance mainly as a military post, defending one of the most frequented passages of the Dniester.
The device is common in ecclesiastical art, but the name is especially given in the Church of Rome to a small cake made of the wax of the Easter candles and impressed with this figure.
The other industries include manufactures of arms, paper, chocolate, candles, alcohol, leather, coarse linens and cloth.
Besides large tobacco, glass and porcelain factories, Gijon possesses iron foundries and petroleum refineries; while its minor industries include fisheries, and the manufacture of preserved foods, soap, chocolate, candles and liqueurs.
The principal imports are cotton goods, food-stuffs (flour, rice, sugar, provisions), timber, tobacco, spirits (in large quantities), iron and machinery, candles, cement and perfumery.
The leading manufactures of the city are flour and grist mill products (valued at $4,242,491 in 1905), lumber and timber products - Nashville is one of the greatest hard wood markets in the United States, and in 1905 the value of lumber and timber products was $1,119,162 and of planing-mill products, $1,299,066 - construction and repair of steam railway cars ($1,724,007 in 1905), tobacco ($1,311,019111 1905), fertilizers ($846,511 in 1905), men's clothing ($720,227 in 1905), saddlery, harness, soap and candles.
Candles were then brought, which enabled the people to see the king with the duke by his side.
Spermaceti is a comparatively unimportant article of commerce; and of Chinese wax small quantities only are imported, as the home consumption takes up the bulk of the wax for the manufacture of candles, polishes and sizes.
It is said that during a discussion at night over the surrender of the charter the candles were extinguished, and the document itself (which had been brought to the meeting) was removed from the table where it had been placed.
She mimicked Annie from the beginning—wearing the white dress—dying her hair—candles in the room.
The season is marked by lighting Advent candles set in an Advent wreath at the front of the church.
Candle Comfort Quality Candles Quality made candles including aromatherapy, pillars, votives, wedding candles.
Walls are light and creamy, banquettes are checkered hunting pink, candles and silver and linen are everywhere.
All of our candles are made from local English beeswax with pure essential oils in the floating candles.
Candles made from natural and colored beeswax Created by the bees, constructed by Miranda, empowered by Cassandra, made magical by you!
Create and decorate your own natural beeswax candles by transforming beeswax sheets into original candles in our easy kit.
Avoid patio heaters and electric lights in the garden - use citronella beeswax or vegetable-based candles to deter insects.
Last thing before you go to bed extinguish all candles, empty ashtrays, check the kitchen and close all doors.
Naturally, this features a red carpet, flanked on either side by a row of chunky, flickering candles.
Never take anything in with you except maybe some sample votive candles.
The candle Company is a UK producer of high quality handmade candles.
The soft light of the tealight candles immerses the room.
These aromatherapy candles will be what makes or breaks your romantic evening.
You even have a few choices of candles such as regular wax candles and soy candles.
The tall wax candles showing a sufficient light to note it well.
Today it investigates why modern candles don't fit into older candlesticks.
Near the entrance to the reception area, be sure to have lovely floral centerpieces, or perhaps candles, at eye level.
Decorative Candles Our decorative candles make lovely home accents and stunning table centerpieces.
Raw spinach is also being used as a natural green colorant for soaps and candles.
We also personalize candles for your wedding for a very reasonable cost.
She made collages of pictures cut from magazines and messy candles out of melted crayons.
However the inherent drawback with single candles is that pause between each shot.
Wires and candles stuffed into a jacket made it look like he was carrying explosives.
Used in cosmetics, soaps, lubricants, candles, hairspray, conditioners, deodorants, creams, chewing gum, food flavoring.
All candles and chocolate bar wrappers uniquely personalized by Tina Bourke a professional freelance graphic designer.
Gifts & Crafts Blueberry Barn Ltd Unique and memorable hampers, gift baskets, candles and pampering gifts for any occasion.
Hurricane candles / hurricane candles / Hurricane Shell Photo Album Our hurricane shell candles are each a piece of candle art.
It is suitable for burning loose incense on a charcoal block, incense on a charcoal block, incense cones and tealight candles.
Sourcing candles, sand and gas lighters - you could perhaps do this from local businesses that may like to support the event.
A few things to include might be lace pillows, freshly cut flowers, candles or low lighting.
Candles from 14mm up to 60mm stood ready to be attached to fanned racks.
Three fat candles shimmered a warm glow, but barely penetrated the darkest recesses of the tiny croft kitchen.
Hundreds of flowers still line the roadside at the spot where the accident happened and candles are lit there each evening.
Decorated with abundant fresh flowers and perfumed candles, the shop provides a wonderfully ambient setting for a little self-indulgence.
To complete the romantic ambiance of soft lighting and candles, have a string quartet playing up in the minstrels gallery.
Children are at the center of the service and celebrate the light of christ through the candles and other symbology of the Christingle orange.
In fact there's hardly a book in sight, just white table linens, twinkling candles and gleaming cutlery.
The coal owners were much too thrifty to supply candles to trapper boys.
There were two house fires last Saturday night, both attributed to leaving candles unguarded for the Indian festival of Diwali.
An evening dinner is set aglow by placecard holders that incorporate votive candles.
Since one horse was capable of doing the work required, Rumford remarked that one horse can generate heat as rapidly as nine wax candles burning in the ordinary manner.
It is usually held in the afternoon or evening, sometimes at the conclusion of Vespers, Compline or the Stations of the Cross, and consists in the singing of certain hymns and canticles, more particularly the 0 salutaris hostia and the Tantum ergo, before the host, which is exposed on the altar in a monstrance and surrounded by not less than ten lighted candles.
Clad in Eastern paraphernalia, he officiated at the numerous sacrifices indicated by the remains of iron and bronze knives, hatchets, chains, ashes and bones of oxen, sheep, goats, swine, fowl, &c. There was pouring of libations, chanting and music, and bells and candles were employed in the service.
Other sources of revenue are stamp taxes on business transactions, domestic consumption taxes (usually payable in stamps) on manufactured tobaccos, beverages, boots and shoes, textiles, matches, salt, preserved foods, hats, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumeries, candles, vinegar, walking sticks and playing cards, and taxes on lotteries, passenger tickets, salaries and dividends of joint-stock companies.
The socalled "stearin" of candles is a mixture of stearic and palmitic acids (see Candle).
According to a British consular report for 1904 there were 153 manufacturing establishments in the city producing cotton, linen and silk textiles, leather, boots and shoes, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, beer, flour, conserves and candied fruits, cigars and cigarettes, Italian pastes, chocolate, starch, hats, oils, ice, furniture, pianos and other musical instruments, matches, beds, candles, chemicals, iron and steel, printing-type, paint and varnish, glass, looking-glass, cement and artificial stone, earthenware, bricks and tiles, soap, cardboard, papier mache, cartridges and explosives, white lead, perfumery, carriages and wagons, and corks.
Shipbuilding is carried on at Las Palmas; and the minor industries include the manufacture of cloth, drawn-linen (calado) work, silk, baskets, hats, &c. A group of Indian merchants, who employ coolie labour, produce silken, jute and cotton goods, Oriental embroideries, wrought silver, brass-ware, porcelain, carved sandal-wood, &c. The United Kingdom heads the import trade in coal, textiles, hardware, iron, soap, candles and colonial products.
In 1875 the London Argand, giving a duty of 3.2 candles illuminating power per cubic foot of ordinary 16 candle gas, was looked upon as the most perfect burner of the day, and little hope was entertained that any burner capable of universal adoption would surpass it in its power of developing light from the combustion of coal gas; but the close of the century found the incandescent mantle and the atmospheric burner yielding six times the light that was given by the Argand for the consumption of an equal volume of gas, and to-day, by supplying gas at an increased pressure, a light of ten times the power may be obtained.
Let the candles be lighted.
The candles were brought in.
Anatole brought two candles and placed them on the window sill, though it was already quite light.
Now this same room was dimly lighted by two candles.
The wax candles burned brightly, the silver and crystal gleamed, so did the ladies' toilets and the gold and silver of the men's epaulets; servants in scarlet liveries moved round the table, the clatter of plates, knives, and glasses mingled with the animated hum of several conversations.
It seemed as if the very light of the candles was focused on those two happy faces alone.
Where are the candles?...
The nurse lit the gilt candles before the icons and sat down by the door with her knitting.
After a while he re-entered it as if to snuff the candles, and, seeing the prince was lying on the sofa, looked at him, noticed his perturbed face, shook his head, and going up to him silently kissed him on the shoulder and left the room without snuffing the candles or saying why he had entered.
Some twenty men were gathered round a table at which Dolokhov sat between two candles.
The candles were then extinguished and some spirit lighted, as Pierre knew by the smell, and he was told that he would now see the lesser light.
It really was Melyukovka, and maids and footmen with merry faces came running, out to the porch carrying candles.
Hussars, ladies, witches, clowns, and bears, after clearing their throats and wiping the hoarfrost from their faces in the vestibule, came into the ballroom where candles were hurriedly lighted.
Natasha lit the candles, one on each side of one of the looking glasses, and sat down.
She sat a long time looking at the receding line of candles reflected in the glasses and expecting (from tales she had heard) to see a coffin, or him, Prince Andrew, in that last dim, indistinctly outlined square.
The scene of the third act represented a palace in which many candles were burning and pictures of knights with short beards hung on the walls.
When Michael Ivanovich returned to the study with the letter, the old prince, with spectacles on and a shade over his eyes, was sitting at his open bureau with screened candles, holding a paper in his outstretched hand, and in a somewhat dramatic attitude was reading his manuscript-- his "Remarks" as he termed it--which was to be transmitted to the Emperor after his death.
Toward night candles were burning round his coffin, a pall was spread over it, the floor was strewn with sprays of juniper, a printed band was tucked in under his shriveled head, and in a corner of the room sat a chanter reading the psalms.
There are two roman candles in the range - both being candle bundles.
We happily scoff down mayonnaise, take a deep breath of sea air or light candles yet all of these things produce free nanoparticles.
Our richly scented soy wax candles will complete the ambiance.
Amazing Soy Candles & Bath Products Affordable, quality, triple scented, 100% soy candles, cotton wicks, & soot free.
Not sweaty flesh, not guttering candles, not overly strong perfume trying to hide the rot beneath.
Use a white tablecloth, two loaves of crusty bread challah, two candles, wine.
In fact there 's hardly a book in sight, just white table linens, twinkling candles and gleaming cutlery.
The incident involved a small fire in the kitchen which was caused by unattended candles.
Light votive candles to invite the Spirits of the Masks to enter.
Where Salvadoran immigrants order shmear with their Noah 's Bagels and every Andronico 's sells yahrzeit candles.
The golden chandelier lit up the ballroom with its many candles.
A gift basket filled with candles, lotions, scented soaps, and even herbal tea will make the mother not feel forgotten in all of the baby attention.
You should also use caution when burning candles.
Memorable moments-these might be statements concerning how your baby reacted to her cake, candles, gifts, etc. If she cries at her party, write it down.
Once the candles are hardened, remove them from the cutter or mold.
Candles-Nothing softens a room more than a selection of candles.
Group candles together on tables throughout the room, and soften electric lights to add to the ambience.
Instead, keep it simple and pick up some modest prizes such as scented lotions or candles that match the shower colors and won't cost a fortune.
Candles are well-liked favors for women, and you can easily adapt it to fit a Care Bear theme.
Just choose small glass votives or jar candles in a color that matches the bear of choice for the shower theme.
Since the rainbow is a well-known Care Bears symbol, any favor in a rainbow theme could be used as the shower favor, such as multi-colored candles, rainbow keychains.
Anything can be purchased through catalog shopping, for sports equipment to yarn, clothing to DVDs, candles to garden supplies.
Besides wreaths, you can also purchase tons of other items like candles, mugs, jewelry, flower arrangements, and books written by authors from Maine.
You can get ornaments, yard art, wreaths, candles, snow globes, or just about anything you can think of to decorate your house and yard this Christmas.
Unfortunately, the company offers a much smaller selection list that some of the other online suppliers, though the primary contenders like rockets, Roman candles and firecrackers are certainly included on it.
Overall, some of the cheapest types of fireworks include sparklers, Roman candles, and poppers.
Other baskets have relaxation items like soap, bath bubbles and candles.
If you want to add to it, put in some relaxation candles and matches.
Champagne, romantic music, a romantic movie (or even a romantic comedy), chocolates and candles can help spur on a night or relaxing with a loved one.
The products sold by this site include repeaters, tubes, finale racks, rockets, Roman candles, novelties and firecrackers. has green fireworks, finale repeaters, artillery shells, bottle rockets, firecrackers, firing systems, foundations, novelty products, Roman candles, parachutes and wedding fireworks.
The products available from Captain Boom include firing systems, novelties, parachutes, rockets, Roman candles, wedding sparklers, water lanterns, artillery shells, assorted fireworks and sparklers.
If you burn scented candles, save any wax bits left over and add them to a wax potpourri burner.
Examples include cards with images of baby booties to congratulate new parents and cards with images of cupcakes with candles for birthdays.
Making candles to decorate the dinner table is another activity that is not only fun to do, but creates functional items.
Indiana, the state that has marketed the country's first soybean oil candles, desires to get enough signatures on a petition in order to move Indiana forward in ethanol and soybean production.
Go green with soy candles is the latest thing in a long history of candle making to make a huge impact.
Environmentally and economically friendly, going green with soy candles offer many advantages offer other candles.
Their existence promotes a resurgence in the love affair the world has always had with candles.
Even with the event of electricity, candles are still part of American life.
Soy candles are made of soy wax, which is hydrogenated soybean oil.
Soybean oil, also known as soya oil, makes candles that burn cleaner.
Soy candles are less expensive then candles made of paraffin and beeswax.
Soy candles take more time to burn, burning up to 50 percent longer than paraffin candles.
Soy candles are natural, whereas paraffin is made from petroleum, which is an import for the United States.
Soy candles produce less soot - that dark, ashy substance that coats walls, ceilings is a particulate matter made up of carbon and is dangerous to human lungs.
Soy candles, in the manufacturing process, are quicker to pour.
They also stick easier to containers and produce candles of an even texture and consistency.
Making and selling candles is also an entrepreneurial venture and is big business for thousands of independent contractors and sales persons across the United States.
While general candle safety is standard, it is wise to remember some things when burning soy candles.
Soy Candles burn at a lower burning point, thus causing their fragrance to diffuse faster.
Trimming of the candlewick may be necessary in some soy candles.
Wicks will need to be trimmed back to an eighth or one fourth of an inch when relighting candles for burning.
Use your candle in a container meant specifically to hold candles.
Never burn soy candles, or any kind of candles, without careful supervision.
The traditional incandescent light bulbs that replaced oil lamps and candles actually produce more heat than light.
Burning lavender scented votive candles in your home is a wonderful way to end the day.
Votive candles are small. cylinder-shaped candles that measure approximately 2.5 inches x 1.5 inches, or 6 cm x 4 cm.
Votive candles are relatively safe, since they are used with a glass container, and will burn for between five and eight hours.
Be sure not to place lit candles near drapes or in places where pets or children have access to them.
Wait until the glass has cooled down before deciding to pick it up after you have enjoyed the lit candles instead, or choose one location in the room where you will place your candles and leave them there.
It's a good idea of have a supply of votive candles in case of a power outage.
They are considered safer than taper or pillar candles, which are easier to knock over.
When you choose to burn lavender scented votive candles, you reap the benefit of inhaling the lavender fragrance.
Lavender is known for having a light sedative effect, and if you have trouble getting settled down to sleep at night, you may want to consider making a habit of burning these types of candles in the evening before you turn in for the night.
Even if getting to sleep (or sleeping through the night) is not a problem, you can still enjoy the lovely fragrance the lavender scented votive candles add to a room.
Lavender scented votive candles can be found in a number of locations, including grocery stores, drug stores, and department stores.
The company offers a number of gift items, from books and games to candles and incense.
You may want art and candles as focal points.
The family pet stays at home, as do space heaters, cooking appliances, toaster ovens and candles; as a rule of thumb, remember the only thing burning in your room should be the midnight oil.
Candles are another great way to add warm light to a room - while adding some winter time fragrance to the air.
Even if your fireplace is more for show than function, fill it with pillar candles to get that warm glow.
Then, you'll need 18 gauge wire, which you will form into a circle slightly larger than the base of candles you'll be using.
Scented candles are a great choice for giving your bedroom that "spa retreat" feel you need at the end of a long, hard day, and small water features can bring that peaceful sound of a gently rushing stream indoors to help you unwind.
Perform a House Cleansing or House Blessing - Burn Sage, incense or candles after someone in your family has been ill, after an argument or any other type of emotional upset.
Think of a farmhouse that is lit by the sunlight during the day and by candles at night.
Add a few taper candles in ornate holders and dine in the flicker of the soft light.
If you're dining with a lot of children, you might want to leave the real candles in the cupboard, but you can get the same effect by using battery operated candles for that warm holiday glow.
Battery operated candles on window sills are extremely popular at Christmas time, but these candles can be used anywhere in the house you want a warm glow.
Candles - Battery operated candles are great, but Christmas is also a good time for real candles.
Yankee Candle has Christmas themed scented candles that will spread the Christmas cheer throughout your home.
Scented Candles - Even if you don't have time to do all the baking you might expect to find in a country kitchen, your home can still have the inviting smell thanks to scented candles with Christmas themes.
The traditional arrangement of matching vases or candles on each end of the mantel with a painting hanging above the fireplace makes an excellent choice for many homes.
Adding small candles or mementos can finish off the arrangement.
For added emphasis at night you might decide to add a row of votive candles.
In traditionally decorated rooms, the mantel could include balanced arrangements of candles, art, antiques and vases.
In modern stylings, the mantel is usually kept clear with only minimal amounts of art or candles.
Arranging candles of all shapes, textures and sizes in the front of the fireplace grate.
Mixed colored candles provide a casual, country look.
Candles all in one color give a more elegant, contemporary display.
Your centerpiece can incorporate any number of items, from glass bubbles and flowers to candles and plants.
As a general rule of thumb, stay away from scented candles or strongly scented flowers - they detract from the taste of your food.
That goes for walls, towels, bath mats, candles, potpourri and any other accessories you choose.
Think of candles with calming, soothing scents like lavender or vanilla.
Wine bottles, bottles of spices, wicker baskets, fruit, nuts, and candles are inexpensive accessories that can really add texture to a room as well.
Scented candles, flowers, fluffy towels, plenty of pampering tools like loofah sponges, bath salts, foot scrubs and more will also make your bathroom sleek and inviting.
If you have sufficient light from other fixtures, candles give the room a cozy feeling.
Add plush, large white towels, white candles, and aromatherapy oils to increase the feel of a health resort.
Jar candles are also perfect compliment for a cottage inspired room.
Lavender is a must - dried springs, fresh lavender, lavender scented candles - however you want to bring it in (and as an added benefit, lavender is known to be calming and to encourage sleep!).
Fluffy white towels, candles, and beautiful containers to hold everyday items help create a calming, peaceful atmosphere.
Just be sure to keep the candles, vases and picture frames up high and out of reach.
Add a handmade rug on the floor, and place some candles around the room.
For a safer more modern option, check out the latest battery-operated flameless candles such as those made by Candle Impressions.
If there will be lots of little ones gathered around the table, lit candles, your best china and crystal and family heirlooms might be best left in the cupboard for another time.
You could also opt to fill the bowl with floating candles.
Taper candles/pillar candles - just be sure to pick unscented as scented candles can affect your taste buds and ruin your delicious meal!
Silver candles, silver candle holders, silvery streams of ribbon, silver ornaments, and other objects can help your design have continuity.
Table and floor lamps cast softer light in your living room, and wall sconces, candles and lanterns lend a romantic atmosphere.
Don't forget to add some decorated or dyed Easter eggs and candles for a very fluid and fun centerpiece.
Place tall column yellow candles set on white candle holders among the streamers for a polished look.
Another idea would be to use a painted pastel Easter egg garland as a runner for your table, add a few pastel column candles.
A sofa table can help define a conversation area and offer the design opportunity to light ambiance with a candlestick lamp, a plant and groups of candles.
Don't forget to add candles and a strand or two of lights.
Sterling silver candelabra and white taper candles make a bold formal and elegant statement for any tabletop decoration or mantle.
Try making a centerpiece from pine boughs, assorted pinecones, a plaid ribbon and two taper candles in sturdy holders.
The countertops - Scented candles, soft stacked guest towels or a decorative apothecary jar filled with brightly colored ornaments (or better yet, little soaps shaped like ornaments) will add some pop and interest.
You can also use candles for accent lighting in the bedroom especially if you're trying to create a romantic mood.
You can also install some simple shelves around the room for things like candles, figurines and other knickknacks.
For large tables, white floating candles drifting in a white ceramic bowl also adds a nice touch.
Beware of heavily scented candles and flowers.
This can be achieved with candles, small white lights on indoor trees or specialty lamps such as lava lamps.
For a great smelling living room, burn scented candles, use an oil burner or incense.
Candles are another great light source, and they add warmth to the room.
If you're afraid of using candles or have kids or pets, you can opt for electric candles instead.
Assured to all be genuine brands and not imitations, they provide over 8,000 products in women's and men's perfumes, gift sets, aromatherapy, skincare, hair products and even candles.
Providing all authentic products, retails women's and men's perfumes, gift sets, testers, hair and skin care, and candles.
Joining the crowds of Tupperware, candles and lingerie, mineral makeup parties are growing in popularity.
Five candles, each poured into elegant white jars, are packaged in an elegant round box.
Among the products Pacifica offers are body soaps, spray and solid perfumes, candles, gift sets and body butters.
At a birthday party, for example, most people take pictures of the cake, the birthday boy or girl blowing out the candles, etc. Those types of photos are expected.
Items such as small kitchen gadgets, toys, personal grooming items, candles, glasses, and mugs are a short list from endless possibilities.
Light the room with candles and choose a collection of relaxing music to play in the background.
Pleasant scents (scented candles or flowers) are encouraged, but avoid sharp, tangy scents (citrus) that may distract.
Candles or dim lights can set the mood while bath salts, oils or bubbles can be used to add a pleasant scent.
Light some aromatherapy candles or have essential oils available to smell in times of chaos.
You can either purchase candles or buy essential oils.
Put on a favorite soothing CD and light scented candles, such as lavender or chamomile, to increase your sensory pleasures and reduce the built up stress.Another great place to soak away your tension is in a hot tub.
Light some stress relief scented candles such as lavender and play some soothing music.
Use candles, wax melts, or scent diffusers to distribute the aromas.
You may need to take a trip to get away from life for a while or you may just need to light some candles, play soft romantic music, and take a bubble bath to create a come hither mood.
A stress reliever kit can be as fancy as a store-made kit with aromatherapy lotions, CDs, and boutique candles, or as simple as a few tea bags and an eye pillow kept in your desk.
You can complete your kit with a few candles and a meditation card.
Do things that promote feeling good, such as lighting candles, reading a page from a book, visiting a store or coffee shop, stating a positive affirmation, or whatever else resonates with you.
Use the time for anything that you want to do such as soaking in a bubble bath complete with relaxing aromatherapy candles burning nearby, playing outside with your dog or settling in your favorite easy chair with a good book.
In terms of your dancing skills, you can't go wrong with a basic slow dance - if you watch most any high school movie out there, (Sixteen Candles is a fun one) there are some very basic things to do that are very easy.
Finally, add the finishing touch to your personal décor with scented candles.
Photos of happy couples in decadent frames, red or pink candles and a focus low light lamps can really pull the look together.
Even if they don't dig the idea, you can use a collection of tab lights or flameless candles to get your catwalk on.
Things like ring bearer pillows, unity candles, and containers to use for wedding card boxes can be purchased cheaply from discount and dollar stores.
While they can be as simple as tea light candles arranged in a group of three or as lavish as a crystal wedding tree, they are necessary for taking a plain table and turning it into one fit for a wedding reception.
Some suggestions for wedding reception centerpieces with candles are hurricane lamps, candelabras and decorative crystal votives grouped together.
When using centerpieces that contain candles, make sure there is nothing flammable within reach of the candle.
Intertwine small white holiday lights around railings and balconies for a merry, yet elegant display and don't forget candles.
If candles are real, keep them away from flammable decor; otherwise, use LED candles.
Guests were settled in, the mothers had been seated and candles were being lit.
Candles spark the memory of the special day each time they are lit.
Typically the bride and groom light one candle from two taper candles to symbolize their union in marriage.
The unity candle is typically a pillar style of candle, and the accompanying candles used to light it, tapers.
The candles in the ceremony are usually white or ivory, but the ornamentation varies widely.
Some candles are intricately carved and elaborately beaded, while others are more simplistic.
If choosing the latter, many companies, like Keepsake Candles design candles so that you can simply slip the invitation so it rests in front of the candles.
Another popular idea for wedding candles is a personal monogram, with the couple's names or initials, often along with the wedding date.
There are dozens of places to purchase wedding candles.
Many brides and grooms choose to purchase a candle stand along with their unity and taper candles.
This is the perfect solution to display your candles before and after the lighting.
For a different take on the typical candle, some companies, like American Bridal are now offering oil candles.
These are beautiful glass candles filled with oil that can be chosen to match the colors of your wedding, or virtually any color you wish.
The oil candles can be personalized with a saying, the couple's names or initials, and the date etched in the glass for a long-lasting and breathtaking keepsake.
Alternately, candles could be used on or around the cake itself to represent the light of your love.
Candles and Flowers-Incorporate some lovely candles which echo the colors in your wedding theme.
Glass or Crystal Dishes-These can hold a beautiful arrangement or a combination of floating candles and flowers.
There is a wide variety of designs and motifs available, and candles are part a part of home décor everyone loves.
Small candles or tealites in silver tins can be customized with a sticker with your names and the date on the lid.
Closeout stores often have small items for sale such as trinket boxes, picture frames, scented soaps, candles, kitchen accessories, and much more at very low prices, but only in a limited quantity.
Candles - Picture your beautiful wedding cake bathed in the warm glow of a candle.
Tiny votives are fine for a short reception, but a dance that lasts all night will probably require taller pillar candles.
Leaf shaped favors such as candles, coasters, book marks, wine stoppers and vases.
To truly turn the room into a winter wonderland, deck the door frames and windowsills with tiny white Christmas lights and place white candles on each table.
Beau Coup offers fun, whimsical favors and decorations such as the mini-Christmas ornament candles, personalized tins of lip butter, Christmas cookies and crystal paperweights.
Wedding candles are an essential part of the event.
Candles often are all ready at the front of the altar in many churches.
Large pillar candles may grace the altar as well.
Testing out the lighting level a few nights before will tell you whether or not you need to add candles, and where they should go.
Candles stay in the decorations when it comes to the reception.
Guests' tables can have centerpieces that feature candles.
You really have no limits when it comes to having centerpieces with candles.
Placing floating candles in tinted water on a mirror.
Use varying lengths of tapered candles to make and arrangement.
Purchase shaped candles that fit in with your theme.
You can also make your own wedding candles for your reception.
To add a little pizzazz, pour the candles into wine or champagne glasses, and then decorate the stems with small flowers.
Giving out small candles is a popular favor.
You have no limit when it comes to choosing these candles.
You can start from scratch, or simply add a little to drugstore candles.
Once you have made your candle (or purchased votive candles), tie a ribbon or two around it in your wedding colors.
Wedding candles are a simple but lovely way to decorate all aspects of your wedding.
Add floating candles in the shape of fish.
Purchase candles with seashells in them all ready (or make your own).
Make an arrangement of three to five tapered candles in varying height in small fish tanks.
Decorate around the candles using tank accessories.
Butterflies as part of the artwork on chocolate wrappers, CD wedding favor covers, bookmarks, candles (especially if they are floral scented), or glassware.
Chocolate bars or candles using Disney's Cinderella clipart as an accent.
Incorporating the warmth and light of candles into floral arrangements as the days grow cooler and shorter.
Incorporate spicy scents such as nutmeg, cloves, or cinnamon through scented candles or whole spices for warm aromas reminiscent of Thanksgiving dinner.
Make luminaries using candles and plastic jugs or white lunch bags to line the walkway to the entrance.
Lighting candles in the windows of the entire room and having a candlelit service.
Use red or green pillar candles to light up the table.
Use candles in the center of your tables that can double as wedding favors, or cover small boxes in wrapping paper and tie with a ribbon.
Use candles and string lights along seams of the tent to light the area.
Choices may include diamond rings, wedding cakes, flowers, wedding paraphernalia, landscapes, candles, champagne bottles or glasses, seasonal images, or abstract designs.
Arrange themed candles or candleholders around the border for a spooktacular effect.
Wine has an innate elegance about it, conjuring up images of Old Italy, jazz music, and relaxing nights in a bubble bath surrounded by candles.
Favors by Serendipity offers plants, a unique "tears of joy" hanky, sachets, candles, ornaments, and more to give your wedding the touch of class you desire.
My Wedding Favors has candle sets, bottle openers, candles, coasters, and more.
Food is another easy and simple centerpiece, while centerpieces made out of candles or flowers are classic choices for any wedding.
Classic centerpiece designs often involve flowers, mirrors, fish bowls, and candles.
Tie ribbon around the top of a fishbowl, fill with water and add floating candles.
Use candles in autumn leaves frosted votives to highlight the cake.
Check with your reception site to find out any restrictions on candles or open flames.
Use citronella candles in lighting to help ward off mosquitoes and gnats.
In addition to the extensive listings of wedding day accessories, from napkins to unity candles to wedding ring pillows, supply catalogs often help spark a bride and groom's creativity.
Next, consider the bedroom, which may include a new bedding set, bathroom towels, and even tiny details such as candles and vases.
Light the candles before everyone arrives at the reception.
Sea Glass Candle Holder allows you to use tapered candles in your centerpiece.
Sea Glass Mosaic Candlesticks are a pretty way to display taper candles on your beach wedding tables.
Sea Glass Wreaths would be perfect around thick pillar candles in a wedding centerpiece.
Lighted trees, candles, and garlands are perfect Christmas wedding decorations, but equally gorgeous are centerpieces of pine boughs and glass ornaments, miniature decorated trees, gingerbread houses, or candy cane bouquets.
Set up tall shepherd's hooks and hang lighted luminaries or candles from them for evening lighting.
Cut fruit slices into shapes and place in a large bowl of water, allowing the fruits to float amongst candles.
Cut the rind of citrus fruits into one long spiral and glue around plain pillar candles that sit in water, with slices of the fruit surrounding them.
Add tapered candles in groups of three about two feet apart down the length of the table.
Consider candles with sturdy hurricane surrounds or tiki torches.
After dark, simple clear rope lights can outline the entire pagoda, or floating candles or lanterns can be used on nearby ponds.
Candles are a traditional favor and are appropriate for many weddings.
Look for candles shaped like skulls, witches' hats and brooms, or jack o-lanterns for your wedding favor.
For a more elegant take on candles, seek out ones scented with pumpkin, cinnamon, or other fall aromas instead of shaped Halloween candles.
A jack-o-lantern lit from within using real or LED votives makes a great starting point, and can be combined with other elements such as small candles or miniature pumpkins.
For a Gothic touch, use black or wrought iron candelabra to hold candles on each table.
For evening receptions, candles on the tables add a romantic touch.
Orange and black pillar candles placed on candelabra or mirrors will cast a soft light over your guests and add to the ambiance.
Decorate your reception tables with flowers, ivy, and candles to create a unique garden ambiance.
Candles, wicker baskets, pottery, and plants are always great additions to any room regardless of the theme.
However, in this case, candles and plants are just what the interior decorator ordered!
Many of these websites also have accessories such as tiles, towels, bathroom finishes, faucet fixtures, and even candles, and aromatherapy equipment, to complete your bathroom makeovers.
To set a romantic mood, use your satin bed sheets, light some scented candles, scatter a few rose petals, and open a bottle of wine or champagne and perhaps, even don some satin lingerie.
Interspersing a few tea light candles throughout the table will help create a sophisticated or romantic look to the cupcake display.
Drop the cupcakes in thin glasses and top with birthday candles, serve them in sundae cups with whipped cream and a cherry on top, or stack them on a cupcake stand.
Try picking up colorful candles, piping gel, cupcake toppers, or other equipment to save you time and make your cake look great.
Place black over the hill candles on top of the cake.
Try placing 40 birthday candles around the cake in a fun design and snapping a photo of the birthday person just as he or she blows them out.
Use letter candles, available at most cake decorating specialty and supply stores, to form a "Congrats" message on the cake.
For many months, individuals left cards, flowers and candles outside Kensington Palace.
Whether they're blowing out a handful of candles like the young Justin Bieber, or have a cake that's a little more flammable, all of these celebrities have a reason to celebrate in March.
From an international soccer star to a gorgeous supermodel to a teen heartthrob, the celebrities that are blowing out birthday candles in May are an interesting mix of talents!
The designs include cupcakes, candles, monkeys in party hats, numbers and names.
Sconces are reminiscent of wall-mounted candles and lanterns of times past.
If the idea of fiddling with electrical wiring scares you, why not opt for a chandelier that uses candles instead of electricity?
If you reserve it for special occasions, the addition of candlelight via some dripless candles might work just fine.
You may see skis, snowy mountaintops, boughs of holly, candy canes, candles, penguins, wreaths and other images that relate to the season, but don't necessarily have anything to do with Christmas itself.
In addition to organic mattresses, bedding, and linens, the store also offers organic carpet, cleaning supplies, candles, paint, furniture, clothes, water filters, totes, and more.
For a special romantic evening at home, light your favorite scented candles, put on your special song, pour two glasses of a drink you love and forget your clothes.
In addition to clothing, the TADASHI brand product line also includes home décor products like candles, bedding and bath items.
Use your flashlight if you need light; lighting candles near a gas leak is a recipe for disaster.
Candles provide warm lighting as scented potpourri simmers in an electric pot filling the house with beautiful scents.
Never leave lit candles in a room unattended.
Following simple safety precautions regarding the use of fireplaces, space heaters and candles greatly reduces the chance of an accidental fire.
Candles should never be used inside a tent.
While it can be tempting to throw 50 candles on just any cake, with a little thought, you can find a cake that suits the recipient.
A hot chocolate lover's basket may contain a mug or chocolate-scented candles.
Luxurious bath oils, sensuous body lotions and silky body creams are often combined with beautifully-scented candles, CDs of tranquil music and soft comfortable bath pillows in gift baskets made to indulge the retiree.
However, don't hide from the black candles or balloons.
Or how about the jokes teasing about having the fire extinguisher handy when the candles are lit on your birthday cake?
From specialized pillows to sleep masks to nature sound machines to candles and to products like Unisom and Tylenol PM, the number of "help you get a better night's sleep" products on the market is astounding.
Fill it with soft scented candles, cozy linens and calming colors.
Speak to Mayor Tortimer at anytime during the show to get a few fun items, such as Roman Candles and Sparklers.
Beds, rugs, boxes, candles, showers -- I can't even begin to list them all.
Think about the occasion - If you are giving this as an engagement or wedding shower gift, you may want to include a romantic touch, such as candles or beautiful chocolates.
Instead of buying candles or kitchen accessories, you and your guests will be buying wine and wine accessories.
Keep your room's lighting subdued, almost as if lighted by many candles.
They were frequently used as an alternative to candles because they were considered safer and more practical.
Hanging oil lamps outside to light up outdoor areas is a wonderful alternative to using candles.
They were often about a foot and a half high and were used as a safer and more practical alternative to candles.
Glass lamp shades were originally used to protect the flames on oil lamps, gas lamps, and even candles.
Some families release balloons after a funeral; others light candles and let them burn down; both activities express the release of the deceased from life to death.
If the family lives in an apartment building, the parent should point out emergency exits or fire escapes and leave candles and flashlight handy in case of a possible power failure.
Ear candles cannot legally be sold as health devices in the United States because they do not have Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.
Candles in particular hold significant importance; they encourage positivity and create just the right sort of ambiance for a couple, which in turn helps strengthen the relationship.
You can bring the elements into your living space in their pure forms through items such as a plants (wood element), candles (fire element) or table top water fountains (water element).
If your chart indicates that you need more fire elements, then you should introduce wood furniture and candles or a fireplace.
To create a Golden Ratio symmetry design for your fireplace mantle using candles, you'll need to place the same configuration of number, order of height, color of candles and spacing of the arrangement on both sides of the mantle.
It you have candles in this area or other objects that activate fire elements, then you may only need to remove them in order to restore the proper metal balance.
Aveda produces cosmetics, skin care products, candles, perfume, and other items in addition to their popular hair products.
There are companies selling kitchen accessories, scented candles, home décor, makeup, scrapbooking supplies, and rubber stamps.
Aromatherapy candles are available from many different retailers, although you will need to read labels carefully to make sure the candle is made with real essential oils and not synthetic fragrances.
It feels like a sanctuary filled with candles and waterfalls.
The proprietary Truman Cell electrostatically charges the smaller air particles, and uses dehydration, high-voltage and ionization to kill microbes.Air fresheners, candles and incense only mask the odors in your home.
Tea light candle lamps are a great way to incorporate candles into any room of your home.
The tea light candle lamp is a style that has recently become very popular, perhaps because it is a different way to use candles than simple taper candles that can add to the personality of a room.
You'll also find tons of accessories and lamps for other sizes of candles here.
As mentioned earlier, you don't want to leave these or any other candles where a child can get to them without supervision.
Even small votive candles may be tall enough to catch the shade on fire.
Making floating candles is easier than you might think.
Molds for making floating candles can generally be purchased wherever candle making supplies are sold.
Mini muffin tins work well for basic floating candles.
If you're looking for more decorative candles, most individual Jello or candy molds will work as well.
Once you've selected the appropriate mold, the process for making floating candles is essentially the same as the steps you'd use to make any other small votive candle.
Let candles cool completely before trimming the wicks.
A few simple supplies can result in some wonderful handmade candles.
Candles can be created from traditional wax or from one of the vegetable alternatives such as soy.
You can make candles in shapes ranging from thin taper candles to large ornately decorated candles.
Whether you are looking for a free gel candle making guide or a recipe for making floating candles, the Internet may well have the answer.
Making your own candles can be a satisfying and rewarding hobby.
LoveToKnow Candles will light up your life with a range of informational articles on different types of candles, decorating with candles, candle crafts, and more.
Candles are a popular decorative and practical item, and LoveToKnow is here to fill in everything you'd love to know about them.
The LoveToKnow Candles community is made up of candle collectors, experienced crafters, and candle enthusiasts of all levels.
Whether you have made hundreds of candles or you simply enjoy the relaxation of a peaceful scented candle, you are welcome to make comments that will benefit the entire community.
The staff writers at LoveToKnow Candles have years of writing and candle-related experience both as consumers and as crafters, and they bring their expertise to every article.
All of our staff members strive to present unbiased information that provides visitors with the best know how and advice on candles available.
Feel free to explore the site and learn more about candles for fun and practical uses.