Cancers Sentence Examples
Their investigations on cancers found in the lower animals, and the successful transplantation of such growths into a new host of the same species (mice and rats), have greatly advanced our knowledge of the etiology of this disease.
The irritant may be chemical, as is seen in the skin cancers that develop in workers in paraffin, petroleum, arsenic and aniline.
Others may have a broader, more general affect, perhaps causing cell growth to become abnormal, leading to cancers.
It contains the cancer antigen carcinoembryonic antigen, which is present on most colorectal cancers.
Not all large bowel blockages are due to cancers originating in the bowel.
Mouth cancers have a higher proportion of deaths per number of cases than breast cancer, cervical cancer or skin melanoma.
In parallel, we are growing stem cells from prostate cancers.
Senegal can also claim the lowest level of cancers on the African continent.
High levels of dioxins found in bottom ash of Bernard Road incinerator - dioxins found in bottom ash of Bernard Road incinerator - dioxins are linked to cancers, notably breast cancer.
High levels of cancers in fish have been associated with polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs ).
AdvertisementNon-invasive molecular imaging of epithelial cancer It is estimated that more than 85% of all cancers originate in the epithelium.
There is also abundant observational information showing that frequent use of NSAIDs or aspirin is associated with reduced incidence of some cancers.
Members noted that mutations are found in all chemically induced cancers.
Intra-arterial infusions of methotrexate have been used in the treatment of head and neck cancers.
Medical Teams Radiologists read the mammograms to identify possible cancers.
AdvertisementMelatonin Years ago, a preliminary study suggested that melatonin Years ago, a preliminary study suggested that melatonin may help stabilize the condition of some people with advanced cancers.
Like many other cancers, smoking greatly increases the risk of contracting mesothelioma.
For all studied cancers we found genes specifically methylated in malignant cells.
They are used to treat these problems in many types of cancers, including myeloma.
These include omega 3 and omega 6 and they may also help protect against heart disease and certain cancers.
AdvertisementMoreover, mortality data show an increased rate of cancers for the digestive organs in the Department.
Bowel cancers can develop from small growths in the gut, called polyps.
They may feel falsely reassured that regular hospital attendance means that any cancers will be picked up anyway.
Estrogen replacement therapy has also been shown to significantly reduce the risk for colon cancer but not rectal cancers.
All cancers occur due to abnormalities in DNA sequence.
AdvertisementThe genetics of cancer susceptibility The common cancers tend to cluster in families.
Their main priority has been to ensure a uniform process for registering cancers region-wide, which will deliver timely, comparable, high-quality data.
Read more... The best way to avoid these cancers is to never start smoking or chewing tobacco in any form.
After all, we do have strategies to face drug resistant tuberculosis, malaria and cancers.
Over exposure to ultra violet rays measured by the UV Index causes skin cancer, one of the most common cancers in the UK.
The pioneering Crusade team are developing variants of the herpes simplex virus that can be used in novel treatments in cancers.
Serous ovarian cancers account for about 40 percent of ovarian cancers.
There is suggestive evidence that parental smoking may increase the risk of some childhood cancers.
A number of studies suggest that telomerase expression is an adverse prognostic factor for lung cancers.
Radioactive thorium is known to cause leukemia and other cancers.
A baby will receive antibodies through her mom's milk, and breastfeeding your baby will lower her chances of contracting meningitis, diabetes, allergies, respiratory illnesses, obesity, and childhood cancers, such as leukemia.
McDaniel and Goldman and published in the Archives of Dermatology followed four patients who used black or bloodroot salve as part of their treatment for various skin cancers.
It can help to fight free radicals in your body, improving your skin quality, your digestive system, and reducing the risk of cancers and heart disease.
The study examined extracts from the acai berry and their effects on various cancers.
As additional studies are conducted, the use of milk thistle may be targeted at the cancer cells that cause prostate, cervical, and breast cancers as those are the ones that show the most reaction to milk thistle in laboratory studies.
Free radicals are thought to be risk factors for certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes and other serious ailments.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps with iron absorption, healing, repairing tissue and bone, and can even help to prevent certain cancers, colds and flu, and other health conditions.
These seeds also contain reasonable levels of Vitamin E which is important for the prevention of certain cancers as well as cardiovascular diseases.
Sunflower seeds also contain dietary fiber, particularly the insoluble fiber that can aid the body against colon cancers.
Long term effects include dropping the risk of lung cancer, other cancers, and stroke.
In both sexes, smoking is linked to cancers of the lung, bladder, pancreas, kidney, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus.
There are over 100 specific cancers, and within those types there are various categories as well.
Cigarettes or chewing tobacco are outside influences that can damage your cells and cause various cancers.
Together cigarettes and chewing tobacco are responsible for more cancers of the larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, and bladder than any other agents.
Smoking and chewing can also cause cancers such as kidney, pancreatic, cervical, and stomach, acute myeloid leukemia, and numerous oral cancers such as lip, tongue, cheeks, gums, and the floor and roof of the mouth.
Tobacco not only increases the risk of developing tobacco related cancers but also harms the immune system in such a way that the risk for all kinds of non-cancer related diseases goes up.
Cancers affecting the lips, gums, cheeks, gums and palate are not uncommon.
Autoimmune disorders, hip dysplasia, various cancers, and blood disorders are just a few of the health conditions the AKC is currently tackling with the support of your generous donations.
These foods are a source of fiber and phyto-nutrients that play a role in protecting dogs from certain types of cancers.
Saturated animal fats can cause heart disease and certain cancers in dogs just like they do in human beings.
Saturated animal fat and chemical additives may contribute to the development of heart disease and certain canine cancers.
Non-organic baby toys could contain phthalates, melamine, polyvinyl chloride and other materials that some have tied to cancers and other serious health problems.
Some have pointed to the tea as an organic cure for their own cancers.
Organic grooming products for your pet can keep his coat healthier and more luxurious as well as guard against cancers and other illnesses stemming from toxins and harsh chemicals associated with grooming products.
Both of these types of cancers are treatable in almost all cases.
The incidence of most cancers increases greatly with age.
Most colon and rectal cancers arise from benign growths called polyps.
Also, some prostate cancers grow so slowly that the value of treatment is uncertain.
Patients who regularly get less sleep than needed are prone to heart disease, cancers and diabetes.
Talk to your doctor about medications that could be causing insomnia, especially those used to treat arthritis, depression, and cancers.
Since we know that direct UV light causes numerous medical concerns, namely skin cancers, sunburn and cataracts, it makes sense to keep a little one's eyes as protected as possible.
These flavenoids, which are most prevalent in dry red wines, may inhibit tumor development in pancreatic cancer, other cancers and Alzheimer's disease.
However, mutant cells may escape immune detection and become tumors or cancers.
Many cancers have been shown to result from exposure to environmental toxins (carcinogens) and related alterations in DNA.
Faulty DNA can also be inherited, predisposing an individual to develop cancer, although fewer than 10 percent of cancers are purely hereditary.
Hereditary links have been shown in cancers of the breast, colon, ovaries, and uterus.
Leukemias and lymphomas are cancers of the blood and lymph glands.
Gliomas are cancers of the nerve tissue.
The most common cancers affecting adults are cancer of the skin, lung, colon, breast, and prostate.
Cancer of the kidneys, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, bladder, rectum, and the leukemias and lymphomas are among the 12 major cancers affecting Americans of all ages.
Smoking is also the leading cause of bladder cancer and has been shown to contribute to cancers of the upper respiratory tract, esophagus, larynx, kidney, pancreas, stomach, and possibly breast as well.
Generally, the earlier cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the chance of a cure, although not all cancers have early symptoms.
In adolescent females, a pelvic exam may be conducted to detect cancers of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina.
By examining certain cell characteristics, abnormalities can be identified and the presence of specific types of cells can be diagnostic for certain cancers.
Genetic testing uses molecular probes to identify gene mutations that have been linked to specific cancers.
Hormone therapy is standard treatment for cancers that are hormone-dependent and grow faster in the presence of specific hormones, such as cancer of the prostate, breast, and uterus.
Gynecologist-oncologists and pediatric-oncologists, as their titles suggest, are physicians who treat women's and children's cancers.
Most cancers show good cure rates if detected and treated at early stages.
Similarly, retinoids derived from vitamin A are being tested for their ability to slow the progression of or to prevent head and neck cancers.
Certain foods, including many vegetables, fruits, and grains, are believed to offer protection against various cancers.
Hormone therapy-Treating cancers by changing the hormone balance of the body, instead of by using cell-killing drugs.
A number of cancers are more common in individuals who have NF-1.
When cancers develop as a result of NF, prognosis worsens according to the specific type of cancer.
Having a history of diseases that damage the bone marrow, such as aplastic anemia, or a history of cancers of the lymphatic system puts people at a high risk for developing acute leukemias.
Like all cancers, acute leukemias are most successfully treated when found early.
Like all cancers, the prognosis for leukemia depends on the patient's age and general health.
Most cancers can be prevented by changes in lifestyle or diet, which will reduce the risk factors.
About 50 percent of metastatic cancers that infiltrate the central nervous system and about 10 percent of central nervous system tumors will shed cells into the CSF.
There are also gender differences among ethnic groups and specific cancers.
Lung cancers in African American and Hawaiian men are evaluated compared with Caucasian males.
Additionally, Alaskan native men and women have a greater propensity for cancers in the rectum and colon than do Caucasians.
Additionally many cancers can occur due to lack of interest in and/or lack of availability for screening and educational programs.
Regular physicals and special screening tests can potentially prevent certain cancers in high-risk groups.
Wilms' tumor makes up about 6 percent of all childhood cancers and ranks as the second most frequent cancerous abdominal tumor in children.
A low-grade fever that lasts for several weeks is associated with autoimmune diseases such as lupus or with some cancers, particularly leukemia and lymphoma.
Children who are overweight have an increased risk for long-term conditions and diseases, including cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, and certain cancers.
Over time, people with albinism may develop skin cancers if they do not adequately protect their skin from sun exposure.
Most of these are cancers of the lymphoid tissues (leukemias and lymphomas), but one fifth of the cancers occur in the stomach, brain, ovary, skin, liver, larynx, parotid gland, and breast.
Researchers are testing how effectively this protocol prevents immune abnormalities and immune-related cancers in these mice.
Lymphoma-A diverse group of cancers of the lymphatic system characterized by abnormal growth of lymphatic cells.
Nearly twice as many children die from congenital cardiovascular defects in the United States than from all forms of childhood cancers combined.
Malignant primary bone tumors account for less than 1 percent of all cancers diagnosed in the United States.
Malignant primary bone tumors are characterized as either bone cancers which originate in the hard material of the bone or soft-tissue sarcomas which begin in blood vessels, nerves, or tissues containing muscles, fat, or fiber.
Osteogenic sarcoma, or osteosarcoma, is the most common form of bone cancer, accounts for 6 percent of all instances of the disease, and for about 5 percent of all cancers that occur in children.
A bone that has been broken or exposed to high doses of radiation used to treat other cancers is more likely than other bones to develop osteosarcoma.
It is part of the immune system, which protects against and fights infections, inflammation, and cancers.
It may be responsible for sunburms, skins cancers, and cataracts in humans.
A person infected with HIV gradually loses immune function, becoming less able to resist other infections and certain cancers.
It is, however, a relatively rare childhood cancer and accounts for approximately 3 percent of childhood cancers.
It can also sometimes help guide treatment choices, since patients with an inherited form of retinoblastoma may be at increased risk for developing recurrent tumors or other types of cancers, particularly when treated with radiation.
People with an inherited form of retinoblastoma have an increased risk of developing other cancers as a result of this therapy.
Most of the secondary cancers are skin cancers, bone tumors (osteosarcomas), and soft-tissue sarcomas.
Brachytherapy-A method of treating cancers, such as prostate cancer, involving the implantation near the tumor of radioactive seeds.
Cryotherapy is used in the treatment skin lesions, Parkinson's disease, some cancers, retinal detachment, and cataracts.
Steroid hormones-slow the growth of some cancers that depend on hormones.
For example, tamoxifen is used to treat breast cancers whose growth depends on the hormone estrogen.
This method is more common in treatment of certain types of skin cancers.
In fact, many cancers are cured by chemotherapy.
Some widespread, fast-growing cancers are more difficult to treat.
Ten percent of all testicular cancers are in undescended testes.
Malignant tumors, most commonly non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or cancers of the gall bladder and liver.
Teenagers and adults, as well as children with leukemia or other cancers or with impaired immune systems, are at particular risk for severe chickenpox and its complications.
Radiation. Radioactive iodine used to treat hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or radiation treatments for head or neck cancers can destroy the thyroid gland.
In some cases, computed tomography scans (CT scans) can be used to evaluate people for possible cancers in the urinary tract.
The term variable applies to this range of possible complications, which also includes gastrointestinal disorders as well as certain cancers, such as lymphomas and leukemias.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that causes genital warts and can increase the risk of developing some cancers.
A person with an immunodeficiency disorder may get more frequent infections, heal more slowly, and have a higher incidence of some cancers.
It helps prevent cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and some cancers.
As more individuals with corrected TEFs reach adulthood, there is some evidence that suggests they are more susceptible to esophageal cancers.
Severe diseases in the liver or kidneys, certain infections, sickle cell anemia, and some cancers also affect gonads.
To treat some male cancers, it is necessary to remove the testicles, thereby preventing the androgens from stimulating cancer growth.
Diagnose, monitor, and treat abnormalities of the skin, hair, nails, including skin cancers, tumors, moles, acne, eczema, and contact dermatitis.
If you have any known conditions, diseases, cancers, or hormonally-related health problems, inform your physician.
Women with a history of certain cancers, including breast cancer, should not use the patch, because it may increase the risk that the cancer could return or worsen.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) points out that a major factor regarding the pill and an increased cancer risk is the fact that some cancers are hormone dependent.
There are some cancers that birth control pills are not known to create a risk for at all.
It's not conclusive, but many studies show that the hormone based birth control can increase the risk of some cancers, such as liver and cervical cancer.
Some of the benefits to this type of birth control pill include a decreased chance of ovarian and endometrial cancers, decreased likelihood of ectopic pregnancy, regular cycles, reduced acne, decreases blood loss and intensity of cramps.
Many treatment options for female cancers also cause fertility problems.
Once they are damaged, they can not be saved.Treatment options for other types of female cancers may include removing the ovaries, uterus, or cervix.
However, the data has since shown that a vasectomy does not increase the risk of these cancers.
While sunscreen does help to prevent skin cancer, vitamin D can help to prevent many cancers as well.
Prevents cancer - The potent concoction of antioxidants in bee pollen work together to prevent cancers.
There is some evidence that using DHEA for long periods of time may increase the risk of several cancers, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer.
Women with estrogen-dependent cancers shouldn't take DHEA without consultation with their oncologist.
Inadequate vitamin D can lead to a number of health problems besides rickets, including increased risk of coronary disease and certain cancers.
There is some association between megadoses of vitamin B12 and certain cancers.
Known for their thoughtfulness and generosity, it's no wonder that Cancers are as beloved as they come!
Cancer connects best with other Cancers, Scorpio, Taureans and Pisces.
Virgo helps Cancer become more organized, and Cancers help Virgos bring out their passions.
Cancers love to feel needed, so allow them the pleasure of cooking for you, occasionally running your errands and helping you out in your garden.
Just take care not to hurt their feelings because Cancers are one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac.
Cancers are also naturals with money and are excellent providers for their families.
Cancers, Scorpios and Pisceans are the best astrological love matches for earth sign Taureans.
This may be why Cancers and Geminis tend to differ; a Cancer could never endure a Gemini's flirtations with others.
Cancers love the affection and understanding they get from Taurus and Virgo, while they revel in the romance and dependability of the Pisces and the passion the Scorpio brings to the table (and the bed!).
Contrary to what you might think, Cancers should typically stay away from romance with Sagittarians.
Whether fairly or not, many people view Cancers as quite capricious.
Cancers do the same exact thing as they respond instinctively to the situations around them.
It's no secret that Cancers are easily hurt; Once hurt, those wounds take a very long time, if ever, to heal.
Many Cancers are unable to distinguish the difference between their feelings and those they sense in others.
Most Cancers treat their jobs much the same way as they do their homes.
According to reports, one in every 150 children born is autistic, making autism more prevalent than childhood cancers or cystic fibrosis, among other disorders.
For example, Cancers might choose a tattoo incorporating honeysuckle and pomegranate.
Researchers did quantify, however, that 9 percent fewer breast cancers occurred in the low-fat diet group, although diet was not determined to be the sole reason.
Examples include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and some cancers.
Secondly, a high fat intake has been linked to certain cancers.
The opposite scenario is seen in countries with high fat diets and an elevated rate of cancers, such as Finland, England, and the United States.
For example, it has been shown that a decreased risk of heart disease, certain cancers such as colon and breast, stroke, diverticulitis, cataracts, and macular degeneration are outcomes of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.
By supplying your body with a vast range of colorful foods, for example, you will also be feeding it a rainbow of phytonutrients known to lower your risk of cancers, premature aging, glaucoma, and other diseases.
Eating foods that are good for you can reduce your risk of health problems, like diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and even some cancers.
They can also aid in lowering blood pressure, and some suggest a fiber rich diet will actually reduce the risk of cancers.
Gaining fat around your belly is one of the worse areas of the body to add fat; this increase in belly fat can lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancers like breast cancer and colorectal cancer and diabetes.
Most skin cancers fall under the category of basal cell.
Some cancers seem to prefer areas that get a lot of sun exposure, but even parts of the body that are usually covered can have cancerous growths.
Even skin cancers that aren't likely to spread can leave disfiguring scars if they're allowed to progress.
With cancers that metastasize, what you see on your skin may be the tip of the iceberg.
It's important to remember that skin cancers don't always look like the classic examples.
However, since moles and even some skin cancers can look like benign tags, it's best to see a physician for removal.
One of the most prominent of those cancers covered is skin cancer.
Unlike other cancers, skin cancer does not discriminate between men and women, and it has been diagnosed within all races and age ranges.
Melanoma is the most dangerous of skin cancers, and often when you hear about fatalities, this genre of the disease played a large part.
While close to half the reported cases of cancer in the US are skin cancer, it's actually one of the easiest cancers to cure if caught early.
For those who live in hot and sunny climes it is often the opinion that they are excluded from the risks of cancers compared to those who don't.
While medical advancements have made it possible to survive a number of cancers that would have been an immediate death sentence not many years ago, the process of treatment is very harsh and invasive.
It should also be noted that the ingredients include parabens and other problematic chemicals that are associated with hormone disruption and cancers.
Blue light bulbs do not produce UV rays, so there is no risk of sunburn or melanoma cancers.
Mouth Problems Mouth Care Overview chemotherapy drugs are a group of strong drugs that are used to treat cancers.