Camille Sentence Examples
He was in Paris in 1789, and entered into relations with Marat, Camille Desmoulins and Robespierre.
Camille Lemonnier has given in one of his Causeries a striking picture of this faded scene of former greatness, now a solitude in which the few residents seem spectres rather than living figures.
The Cordeliers were combated by those revolutionists who wished to end the Terror, especially by Danton, and by Camille Desmoulins in his journal Le Vieux Cordelier.
In this school, in which Robespierre was also a bursar and a distinguished student, Camille Desmoulins laid the solid foundation of his learning.
Camille heralded its meeting by his Ode to the States-General.
On the 12th of July 1789 Camille, leaping upon a table outside one of the cafes in the garden of the_ Palais Royal, announced to the crowd the dismissal of their favourite.
Camille was dubbed "Procureur-general de la lanterne."
It ceased to appear at the end of July 1791.1 Success attended the Revolutions from its first to its last number, Camille was everywhere famous, and his poverty was relieved.
In July 1791 Camille appeared before the municipality of Paris as head of a deputation of petitioners for the deposition of the king.
On the 7th of January 1 794 Robespierre, who on a former occasion had defended Camille when in danger at the hands of the National Convention, in addressing the Jacobin club counselled not the expulsion of Desmoulins, but the burning of certain numbers of the Vieux Cordelier.
AdvertisementCamille sharply replied that he would answer with Rousseau, - "burning is not answering," and a bitter quarrel thereupon ensued.
Camille on being asked his age, replied, "I am thirty-three, the age of the sans-culotte Jesus, a critical age for every patriot."
Since his arrest the courage of Camille had miserably failed.
On the 29th of December 1790 Camille had married Lucile Duplessis, and among the witnesses of the ceremony are observed the names of Brissot, Petion and Robespierre.
The only child of the marriage, Horace Camille, was born on the 6th of July 1792.
AdvertisementHe is the chief tragic poet of the revolutionary period, and as Camille Desmoulins expressed it, he decorated Melpomene with the tricolour cockade.
Hence the name Brissotins, coined by Camille Desmoulins, which was sometimes substituted for that of Girondins, sometimes closely coupled with it.
The occupation of Bougie by General Camille Alphonse Trezel in October 1833 gave theFrench a footing at another point of this eastern province.
De Coster died in 1879, and Pirmez in 1883, and the new movement in Belgian literature dates from the banquet given in the latter year to Camille Lemonnier whose powerful personality did much to turn " Young Belgium " into a national channel.
He was implicated by Francois Chabot in the falsification of a decree relative to the East India Company, and though his share seems to have been simply that he did not reveal the plot, of which he knew but part, he was accused before the Revolutionary Tribunal at the same time as Danton and Camille Desmoulins, and was executed on the 5th of April 1794.
AdvertisementCamille Pelletan was educated in Paris, passed as licentiate in laws, and was qualified as an " archiviste paleographe.
Through the influence of Camille de Villeroy, archbishop of Lyons, Pere de la Chaise was nominated in 1674 confessor of Louis XIV., who intrusted him during the lifetime of Harlay de Champvallon, archbishop of Paris, with the administration of the ecclesiastical patronage of the crown.
On the outbreak of the revolution Freron, who was a schoolfellow of Robespierre and Camille Desmoulins, established the violent journal L'Orateur du people.
His family was ruined, however, by a lawsuit while he was still young, and Hebert came to Paris, where in his struggle against poverty he endured great hardships; the accusations of theft directed against him later by Camille Desmoulins were, however, without foundation.
The splendid declamation of Camille, and the excellent part of the elder Horace, do not altogether atone for these defects.
AdvertisementAmong the middle class there already existed a party, consisting of men like Danton or Camille Desmoulins, which was prepared to go much further than any of the leaders of the Assembly.
On the r 2th of July Camille Desmoulins announced the dismissal of Necker to the crowd in the Palais Royal.
He became the advocate of mercy, and his friend Camille Desmoulins pleaded for the same cause in the Vieux Cordelier.
They considered it time to re-establish the reign of ordinary laws and Tparty justice; sick of bloodshed, with Camille Desmoulins ance.
But he overlooked the possibility of increasing the distance between the objectives; Camille Nachet introduced this improvement in 1875, but his instruments did not meet with much popularity.
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Kryten, Red Dwarf's on board mechanoid, rescues a female droid - Camille - from a crashed vessel.
He was a son of the great French impressionist Camille Pissarro and painted in the impressionist style.
Camille Desmoulins said that the piece had done more for the Revolution than the days of October, and a contemporary memoir-writer, the marquis de Ferriere, says that the audience came away "ivre de vengeance et tourmente d'une soif de sang."
Camille Desmoulins, in jest and mockery, said of Saint-Just - the youth with the beautiful countenance and the long fair locks- "He carries his head like a Holy Sacrament."
But on the 12th of June in the following year she succeeded, after great difficulty, in making a debut at the Theatre Francais, as Camille in Corneille's Horace, when her remarkable genius at once received general recognition.
The splendid soliloquies of Medea which, as Voltaire happily says, "annoncent Corneille," the entire parts of Rodogune and Chimene, the final speech of Camille in Horace, the discovery scene of Cinna, the dialogues of Pauline and Severe in Polyeucte, the magnificentlycontrasted conception and exhibition of the best and worst forms of feminine dignity in the Cornelie of Pompee and the Cleopatre of Rodogune, the singularly fine contrast in Don Sanche d'Aragon, between the haughtiness of the Spanish nobles and the unshaken dignity of the supposed adventurer Carlos, and the characters of Aristie, Viriate and Sertorius himself, in the play named after the latter, are not to be surpassed in grandeur of thought, felicity of design or appropriateness of language.
Because of her finicky attitude, Camille throws fits often.
Camille's conceit about her beauty is quite annoying.
With Pinkett, he has had two children, Jaden Christopher Syre and Willow Camille Reign.
Nicole Richie was born Nicole Camille Escovedo on September 21, 1981, in Berkeley, California.
The Marc by Marc Jacobs 2007 swimwear line brought in a similar style labeled the Camille suit which is also committed to a floral pattern.
Popular platform styles include Isis, Camille and Stella.
Their vintage Twilfit garter belt in white cotton is simple and demure, while a garter belt by Camille is a bit racier in black with red floral details.
Preston was already engaged to his French girlfriend Camille, but there have been rumors since Preston left the Big Brother house that he and Chantelle are now in fact an item.
Camille is an overachiever who struggles to balance school, sports, shopping, shopping and more shopping.
Viewers should brace themselves when Camille appears on the screen.