Camerawork Sentence Examples
Kohner, Melford and Robinson worked closely as a team determined to improve upon the American version utilizing more fluid camerawork and enhanced lighting.
To further enhance this incredible visual spectacle, Headgate has incorporated the most stunning camerawork to grace any golf game.
It shares with The Dentist 1 and 2 extensive use of disorientating camerawork that emphasizes the peaks of insanity the characters suffer.
There's a lot of hand-held camerawork in the film, there's a lot of dynamism in the cutting.
Ayer goes for the jugular at all times and the grainy, handheld camerawork adds to the scuzzy authenticity.
It introduced them to digital camerawork, animation and editing in Final Cut Pro we ran schools workshops during Animated Exeter 2002.
On the other hand, another stylistic device, shaky handheld camerawork, doesn't add anything to the scenes in which it is used.