Camera Sentence Examples
Tell me there's a camera out there!
I wish I had a camera.
Jackson turned the camera on and stood beside her.
Connor still held the camera, recording the action.
Grabbing a camera, he hopped out into the fury of the storm, "for a few quick lightning shots."
This camera was positioned further away and the picture blurry, and more intermittent.
Oh, if I only had a camera.
He was well acquainted with the use of magnifying glasses and suggested a kind of telescope for viewing the moon, but does not seem to have thought of applying a lens to the camera.
He dropped the camera and peered over the edge of the cliff but the outcropping blocked his view of anything below.
In his later book, Dioptrice (1611), he fully discusses refraction and the use of lenses, showing the action of the double convex lens in the camera obscura, with the principles which regulate its use and the reason of the reversal of the image.
AdvertisementDid he have some sort of camera installed?
The first published account of the simple camera obscura was discovered by Libri in a translation of the Architecture of v.
It is interesting to note this early employment of the camera obscura in the field of astronomical research, in which its latest achievements have been of such pre-eminent value.
These are probably the earliest distinct accounts of the natural phenomena of the camera obscura, but remained unpublished for some three centuries.
She held up a disposable camera.
AdvertisementSome of his early Mantuan works are in that apartment of the Castello which is termed the Camera degli Sposi - full compositions in fresco, including various portraits of the Gonzaga family, and some figures of genii, &c. In 1488 he went to Rome at the request of Pope Innocent VIII., to paint the frescoes in the chapel of the Belvedere in the Vatican; the marquis of Mantua (Federigo) created him a cavaliere before his departure.
In an earlier form the image is thrown upon a vertical thin paper screen and viewed through a hole in the back of the camera.
This forms an image of the solar spectrum in its focal plane on the camera slit (1).
Further, he extended the work of Maurolycus, and demonstrated the exact analogy between the eye and the camera and the arrangement by which an inverted image is produced on the retina.
The earliest mention of the camera obscura in England is probably in Francis Bacon's De Augmentis Scientiarum, but it is only as an illustration of the projected images showing better on a white screen than on a black one.
AdvertisementWotton's letter of 1620, already noted, was not published till 1651 (Reliquiae Wottonianae, p. 141), but in 1658 a description of Kepler's portable tent camera for sketching, taken from it, was published in a work called Graphite, or the most excellent Art of Painting, but no mention is made of Kepler.
Robert Boyle seems to have been the first to construct a box camera with lens for viewing landscapes.
There is a great deal of practical information on lenses in connexion with the camera and other optical instruments, and the book is valuable as a repertory of early practical optics, also for the numerous references to and extracts from previous writers.
Most of the writers already noticed worked out the problems connected with the projection of images in the camera obscura more by actual practice than by calculation, but William Molyneux, of Dublin, seems to have been the first to treat them mathematically in his Dioptrica Nova (1692), which was also the first work in English on the subject, and is otherwise an interesting book.
Sir Isaac Newton, in his Opticks (1704), explains the principle of the camera obscura with single convex lens and its analogy with vision in illustration of his seventh axiom, which aptly embodies the correct solution of Aristotle's old problem.
AdvertisementHe also made great use of the simple dark chamber for his optical experiments with prisms, &c. Joseph Priestley (1772) mentions the application of the solar microscope, both to the small and portable and the large camera obscura.
The camera obscura was first applied to photography (q.v.) probably about 1794, by Thomas Wedgwood.
Its labors embraced not only Egypt and Nubia (as far as Khartum) but also the Egyptian monuments in Sinai and Syria; its immense harvest of material is of the highest value, the new device of taking paper impressions or squeezes giving Lepsius a great advantage over his predecessors, similar to that which was later conferred by the photographic camera.
The awkward silence behind her was soon filled by the clicking of Laurencio's camera.
Briefcase Digital Video Recording System This is simply a high quality leather briefcase Digital Video Recording System This is simply a high quality leather briefcase containing a cleverly concealed high-resolution color camera and high gain microphone.
This requires two coaxial cables to be run from each camera.
This involves examining the rectum for colon cancer by using a camera fitted on a flexible tube.
The camera shoots close-ups, and you almost feel the person breathing.
He squinted at the camera and started trying to read the autocue in a totally deadpan manner.
Smiling at the camera we can see the vampire fangs of his teeth.
This is the simplest form of the camera lucida.
About the beginning of the 19th century Dr Wollaston invented a simple form of the camera lucida which gives bright and erect images.
Before the application of photography, the camera lucida was of considerable importance to draughtsmen.
The advantages claimed for it were its cheapness, smallness and portability; that there was no appreciable distortion, and that its field was much larger than that of the camera obscura.
These belong to the 7th century B.C., and are followed by the tombe a camera, in which the tomb is a chamber hewn in the rock, and which can be traced back to the beginning of the 6th century B.C. From one of the earliest of these came the famous Francois vase; another is the tomb of Poggio Renzo, or della Scimmia (the monkey), with several chambers decorated with archaic paintings.
Mariae were published at Bologna in 1734, as also twelve Sonate d'intavolatura; six Sonate per l'organo ed it cembalo in 1747; and Duetti da camera in 1763.
The Five-foot Spectroheliograph of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory (camera lens, camera slit and plate carrier in section).
The telescope serves to examine the image of the slit and to measure the angular separation of the different slit images; when photographic methods are employed the telescope is replaced by a camera.
By suitably replacing the ocular of the observing telescope in an angular vision spectroscope by a photographic camera, it is possible to photograph spectra; such instruments are termed spectrographs.
In the Camera della Segnatura he depicted the four intellectual powers - theology, philosophy, poetry and law.
It was afterwards applied to the judges' private room behind the court, and, hence, in the phrase in camera, to cases heard in private, i.e.
Finally, the popes have devoted to the missions the income arising from the Chamber of Spoils (Camera Spoliorum), i.e.
In its simplest form it consists of a direct-vision spectroscope, having an adjustable slit (called "camera slit"), instead of an eyepiece, in the focal plane of the observing telescope.
Suppose a fixed image of the sun to be formed on the collimator slit of this spectroscope, and a photographic plate, with its plane parallel to the plane of the solar image, to be mounted almost in contact with the camera slit.
The platform carries the two slits, the collimator and camera objectives and the prism-train.
Beyond the camera slit, and almost in contact with*it, the photographic plate-carrier (j) is mounted on a fixed support.
In order to bring a spectral line upon the camera slit, the slit is widely opened and the plane mirror (f) rotated until the line is seen.
By setting the camera slit so as to admit to the photographic plate the light of the denser calcium vapour, which lies at low levels, or that of the rarer vapour at high levels, the phenomena of various superposed regions of the atmosphere can be recorded.
Rutherfurd's photographs of the Pleiades in 1866 entitle him to rank as a pioneer in the use of the camera as an instrument of precision; and he secured at Cordoba 1400 negatives of southern starclusters, the reduction of which occupied the closing years of his life.
The profits on publications were to be divided between Paolo Manuzio and the Apostolic camera.
The proceedings in the courts are, as a rule, public. Only in exceptional circumstances are cases heard -in camera.
To prevent this overlapping of images, and yet to admit a good deal of light, is one main object of the lens which usually forms part of the camera obscura.
The arc being struck in the usual way between two carbons, a concave mirror, placed close behind it, caused a large part of the radiation to be directed through an aperture in the camera and concentrated to a focus outside.
A simpler arrangement, also employed by Tyndall, is to cause the rays to be reflected outwards parallel to one another, and to concentrate them by means of a small flask, containing the iodine solution and used as a lens, placed some distance from the camera.
But in the execution of these protracted undertakings, the human eye has been, to a large and increasing extent, superseded by the camera.
Stellar lineof-sight work, however, made no satisfactory progress until, in 1888, Vogel changed the venue from the eye to the camera.
Dean fixed his wife a sandwich and was pleased to see she was more herself as she chatted with the elderly man about various flowers and camera settings, all beyond Dean's comprehension or interest.
He made the entire trip up without seeing another vehicle, and the lords of luck were with him—Jennifer Radisson's camera was sitting in the crevice of a rock as if it were waiting for him.
Donald bought him a camera at the Variety store.
The video camera sat on the counter, and as Sarah made up a plate for Elisabeth, Jackson grabbed it.
Is the adage "The camera never lies" true?
Smile, you are on Candid Camera.
Camera shake looks plain amateurish, and we all know the ' professional look ' is the holy grail of any aspiring amateur.
This quarter plate ambrotype was made using a dry plate camera with a darkslide converted for wet plate.
If I were going to catch an arapaima on camera, it would have to be somewhere else.
All photos on this page taken with digital camera Nikon Coolpix 900 using autofocus.
He also said that there were several barracuda who would be attracted to the shiny lens on my camera.
This rechargeable battery may not recharge on camera docking stations.
His rifle is raised with a fixed bayonet, threatening the camera.
With Lisa in front of me, and my camera in my hand, I let out a loud belch.
However, the camera looks further into the small bowel.
However I think it shows that even a simple box camera is quite capable of taking reasonably sharp photos.
A fantastic vintage box brownie camera, dating to circa 1930.
Fast camera changes relay the frenzy of battle and close-ups reveal the brutality of it.
In 2004 JVC made history by launching the world's first MPEG-2 hard disk camcorder - the " Everio " Digital Media Camera.
Like vinyl records, the 35mm camera has fallen victim to the digital age.
Offers the first twin dial in a compact digital camera.
So use the fastest synchronized speed that the camera will allow to help eliminate blurred pictures caused by camera shake.
The Photo option allows you to either view images pre loaded on the device or actually taking them via the included 1.2 megapixel camera.
The users have a small video camera mounted on top of their computer monitor.
I was being filmed by a cameraman using official ORTF camera.
The new Lynx Controller allows the cameraman to operate the remote camera in a traditional style.
These two facets of his work have led several experts to believe that the artist used a camera obscura - Philip Steadman among them.
The museum also houses an 1836 camera obscura which gives panoramic views of the town and surrounding area.
Bridge dating from 15th century is oldest of five across River Nith, and 18th-century windmill contains camera obscura and local history museum.
Steve, master carpenter, caught by the camera.
How to send a photo Caught on camera - how we're fixing the problem What is caught on camera - how we're fixing the problem What is Caught on Camera?
The camera further uses an imaging CCD with over 1,000,000 pixels giving a high image resolution.
Ya, this camera actually doesn't even have a single CCD in it.
It has a 1/3 " format CCD and is controlled via the main camera, thus avoiding extra cables and computers.
The camera has eight 4096 x 2048 pixel CCD detectors and performs imaging over a 52 arcmin wide field.
Their camera flashes lit up the pale, delicate face of a woman in a black chador, who turned out to be Shirin.
Liability or malpractice lodged with state handled claims says camera recommends Charles brown.
Boyle doesn't let the camera stay on the " infected " long enough for their red eyes to look too cheesy.
The good bits were good but they were too overshadowed by the big clangers that were made in terms of camera work and script.
With the camera still placed through portal 3 the anchor is inserted into the under surface if the distal clavicle.
Drivers are already furious at the rising number of speed camera fines which are boosting police coffers.
Conventional SPECT data was also acquired for these phantoms using the camera's scintillation detector with a lead collimator.
What follows, in this Cannes Camera d'Or-winning gem, is an absurdly comic farce in the best Eastern European tradition.
Nevertheless, being thus strangely compelled, the man descended and focused his camera on the snowy roadway.
Outside the Body Zone there were two camera crews.
Frank and Steve were working on the lhs front valve crosshead slidebars (below ), reaming the hole nearest the camera.
At the Photokina exhibition in Germany, Olympus recently wowed everyone with a Japanese cypress encased camera.
All of which are created in the camera and then hand printed in my own color darkroom.
Asked if there was any danger of falling, Greene smiled A camera is quite deceptive.
The site is protected by a full coverage camera system, signals are centralized and recorded on our fully digital recorder.
Of course this state-of-the art camera also allows for still digital imaging.
If you really want to take good quality pictures, buy a digital camera!
In this activity, the children will use a digital camera to capture images of the local area for their work.
Madina won a digital camera and some photography vouchers for her efforts.
If you have a digital camera, an example of typical geeky attire, and a hilarious human body then you can help.
The handheld inspection system electronically captures data regarding the condition of the vehicle, including multiple digital images captured using the built-in digital camera.
A huge camera isn't necessary as many programs are shot on tiny digital cameras.
The Ricoh DC-1 was the world's first digital camera to support video.
Meanwhile, Baird asked the American pioneer Philo Farnsworth to come over to Britain to demonstrate his image dissector camera.
Photoshop Elements also allows consumers to easily correct camera lens distortion.
One shot showed Stratford Johns walking along a corridor with a very visible camera dolly following him all the way.
Why didn't I have my camera with me - I could have posted pics to make you all drool.
Read our digital camera buying guide DVD What the CD did for listening to music, the DVD is doing for watching movies.
Sold complete with her own night vision camera, for catching fake mediums producing fake ectoplasm from their corsets.
The camera peers up at them through the rippling waves, linking them together in subtle ways, instead of being overly emphatic.
But these days, mobile phones are fast encroaching on the camera market and you might be thinking of upgrading.
The EOS Rebel 2000 is Canon's newest entry-level 35mm SLR camera, featuring a variety of enhancements at an attractive price.
The latest entry-level compact digital camera from Pentax is designed especially for beginners.
All the guys are very talented and seeing them have epileptic fits along to their music for the camera was a treat.
In fact, our only major gripe would be a sometimes erratic camera.
It has excellent videoing, camera, and vioce recording, the best fone Eva!
Terry West also displays a fine knack for composition, most of the camera shots are quite exquisite.
With an elegant aluminum exterior, the camera features a stylish grip design which comes as standard to the Coolpix range.
Temporarily remove the eyepiece and clamp the Camera lucida to the top of the eye tube, then replace the eyepiece.
All the above captures were taken with the camera fitted to the eyepiece tube without any eyepiece tube without any eyepiece.
As she throws up in the toilet, the camera focuses on the dripping faucet in the sink.
In this mode, the camera fires a fill-in flash to illuminate your subject and give you balanced lighting.
Sparks argues that Trent remained rooted at the spot and must have used the waist-level finder due to his concern about stabilizing the camera.
Police grabbed his camera leaving greasy fingerprints across the lens.
But this looks worse under the camera flashlight, and is really not very noticeable.
Greg got a bit flustered under the glare of the camera.
Also just bought a digital camera in advance of a holiday to johnny foreigner land so something like Flickr seems useful.
Aperture If you care about taking pictures in low light look at the maximum f-stop your camera can support.
The perfect gent, Astin turned around, stepped back and looked straight at the camera.
Set to the equivalent of ISO 100, the camera certainly offers superior tonal gradations.
There is this enormous gulf between them, which is amplified by Haynes's use of distanced camera takes.
The heavy-duty, padded camera compartment inside is fully customizable while the outer shell comes complete with a technical backpack harness.
Michael is the good looking hunk with his back to the camera.
The only way to escape the ignominy of being caught asleep on camera was to play a game.
An auto focus illuminator also helps the camera to focus in the dark.
I operated the camera and I guarantee that you'll not see a more technically incompetent film.
We use hard glue around all the cables inside the camera to stop water ingress.
If these moments are caught on camera and you can provide instant replays - go ahead.
Tells his camera cafe Kevin shepherd are world class.
You can walk many kilometers with your camera ready on your shoulder for occasional shoots.
The optical lens of the video camera focuses the image on the chip mounted behind the lens.
Unlike interchangeable lenses, this one's fixed to the camera for ever.
The images were taken using a small magnifying lens in front of the camera lens held in place with putty.
She stepped back as Jennifer Radisson pointed her camera at Faust and his Jeep—and the blue sweater—and snapped a picture.
The camera also features an AF illuminator that aids auto-focusing in low-light situations.
The camera is equipped with 6 x infrared led 's for night vision mode.
Most desktop video magnifiers have a camera, which is in a fixed position some distance above the desktop.
Consequently, as Nikon focuses more on the digital camera business, the company must adopt appropriate measures to ensure its continued success.
Our Sunday " graduation exercise " was to swim 25 meters for the video camera a second time.
The camera will come with a built-in mic too, allowing anyone nearby to communicate across Xbox Live.
Alternatively, a headset mic can be plugged into a 3.5mm jack on the back of the camera.
From a camera feds heard mickey that the numbers mimi rogers is.
Images were taken using a CCD camera attached to the eyepiece tube of a stereo microscope using a x1 paired objective with no eyepiece.
Using a special bracket the camera is mounted directly onto the windshield next to or below the rear-view mirror.
Combining satellite navigation with speed / safety camera alert devices to get you from A to B safely.
This means it can be screwed onto a standard camera eyepiece nosepiece or included in a filter wheel.
Away from the camera, I'm not a complete nutter.
And then Newman uttered a quiet oath as he drew back from the binocular display of the stereo television camera.
The contestants were, at least, vintage Countdown material - studious, resolute, utterly oblivious to the camera.
The new hardware design is based around a commercial off-the-shelf CCD camera head with a back illuminated detector.
The " candid camera " shows Stretton, in several instances, talking one-on-one with the young candidates.
Spend a fortune on a camera Spend months making a movie Spend oodles on a brand new projector Show it on the wall.. .
This housing will give your camera the best possible protection whilst being fully operable.
Failing to budget for those extra expenses can result in buying a camera just to find out it is not operable without spending more.
The camera optics were surprisingly good for what looked like a tiny pinhole lens.
The camera's generous 56MB internal memory is complemented by storage using optional Memory Stick Duo or Memory Stick PRO Duo media.
They catch these orbs on camera, with the lights always off.
Around the bed we all saw bright orbs which we could follow with the camera.
The initial outlay is for a digital video camera.
Immediately the camera's viewfinder showed a grossly overexposed image.
The worst aspect of the camera for underwater use is its small, pale display which is easily overpowered by ambient light.
You'll also see the Windsor Changing of the Guard in all its colorful pageantry and splendor - don't forget your camera!
The unit allows focusing of the specimen and camera image through the parallax focus periscope.
Philharmonic choir gave a spirited interpretation of Messiah with the accompanying Orchestra da Camera, under the excellent direction of the eminent Nicholas Cleobury.
What services do you offer for camera phone users?
The result is a camera with exceptionally low distortion, often used for stereo photogrammetry because of the accuracy of its images.
For macro photography the camera can focus within 1cm of the subject.
Anything you see can become a superb photomicrograph by aligning your camera to capture the image coming out of the monocular microscope's eyepiece.
A high quality transmitting color pinhole camera with sound, complete with a matching receiver.
At over two and half hours long it's extremely ponderous and the hand-held camera work is more distracting than artful.
Not being able Master Z's Dart & Pool Supply the scenes camera believe quarterback is tone that congress.
The camera has a unique swivel lens design that gives users the flexibility to capture images from nearly any angle - including self-portraits.
Inside the box you get a small camera and a USB connecting lead along with a pc serial cable.
The NV7 has built-in OPS, an optical anti-shake technology, to minimize camera shake technology, to minimize camera shake and to deliver clearer resolution.
This camera also has optical image stabilization to help combat blur caused by camera shake.
I guess seeing all the various holiday snappers through to professional photographers made me think about getting my own camera.
Featuring on-board camera footage from many of the most famous classics being used under racing conditions at Silverstone, accompanied by a stereo soundtrack.
The color of over 70 gold alloys was measured using a spectrophotometer, a special camera that measures the color of reflected light.
These casualty reductions are the result of reducing speeding by 70% at camera sites.
The number of people speeding has come down and there has been a significant reduction in deaths and injuries at camera sites.
Still digital camera image stabilizers - keep your images sharp Taking stable and sharp photos is hard in some situations.
Ensure camera is held very steady on a sturdy tripod or similar.
Took the video camera again, even as we descended we spotted a sleeping stingray and another bigger one further on.
The foam inside the camera was found to have a strain of the bacterium streptococcus mitis still living inside it.
Test Facility This fires the strobe at the flick of a switch and does not require the strobe to be attached to a camera.
There are four principle methods of getting the right exposure with off camera strobes.
Did we also mention not to leave your camera in your tent if it's not submersible?
I resisted the temptation to take a film camera backup ' just in case ' .
Armed with a digital camera, each had to illustrate the theme of " old and new Cardiff " .
Yvonne used tic ' s Media Vault facilities for camera and lighting equipment.
Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets for a camera, worth £ 50.
Dinah operated the still camera and took the time exposures.
Their photographers use a wireless transmitter to link their camera to a laptop.
I'll dip my toes but you'll just have to use camera trickery and CGI for the rest.
A mechanic who was carrying the camera tripod for us told me who he was.
Merely walking around the streets with a professional camera prompts disapproving tuts from locals.
Canon's DIGIC processor works ultra fast to process all the camera's electronic functions simultaneously, from Auto White Balance to Autofocus.
I have done some in the Camera on paper silvered as yet without decided success; but the weather has been very unfavorable.
Take a peek at a corner of England previously relatively unknown to me through the eyes of my camera.
Kirkwall vandal caught on camera An alleged act of Vandal caught on camera An alleged act of vandalism in Kirkwall's town center has been caught on camera.
The range of the macro facility, which extends down to 1cm, also makes the camera very versatile.
What makes matters worse is that like many camera manufacturers, HP has opted not to include an optical viewfinder.
I must say that watching a game through a camera viewfinder is an odd experience.
Can you capture the perfect animal picture every time you look through your camera's viewfinder?
Each of the members who attend the vigil will have to stay in the cell for 10 minutes with only a camera for company.
If he's looking straight at you instead of the hay wagon, you know he's conscious of the camera.
Seasoned number watchers will remember it in relation to the false claims for speed camera successes.
This false color image was made by combining infrared camera images at 9 & 18 µm wavelength.
The wide converter optional lens features an ultra wide-angle 21 mm (when converted to 35 mm format camera ).
In just a few years, virtually all phones will be camera phones.
If you wish to bring a camera to capture some of the pyrotechnic displays please feel free to do so.
Do n't forget to buy your raffle tickets for a camera, worth £ 50.
Viewers of the work were invited into the same tense and intimate relationship as Lloyd 's characters have with the unblinking camera.
The job was working in, er, a camera shop, retouching photographs.
Retro styling makes using the camera quite easy to use, no trying to look for features hidden in a plethora of buttons.
Good photographers revel in making you comfortable before their camera.
To reload the camera for the next shooting, the film should be rewound back into the magazine.
The early morning rostrum camera had not yet been invented.
But film was very, very expensive, in real terms, and the camera was rudimentary to say the least....
The person with the highest points tally will win a digital camera, a rugger shirt and 100 FF credits.
Gas scintillation detectors have also been considered for use in a Compton camera with medical applications.
Camera angle moves to just show her face as she screams in terror, then pain.
Fishing for the camera, I scuttled off across the ridge to await the sunrise.
When you watch it you can see that the actors are n't as relaxed, they 're so self-conscious in front of the camera.
The photographer has opened the door of the camera to expose the sensitized metal plate to the light.
Inside the box you get a small camera and a USB connecting lead along with a PC serial cable.
The NV7 has built-in OPS, an optical anti-shake technology, to minimize camera shake and to deliver clearer resolution.
The Doctor gazed back at the camera with a sheepish expression.
With the camera set to manual, you can choose aperture priority, shutter priority or full manual.
A silver-plated sheet of copper was sensitized with the fumes of chlorine or bromine and exposed in the camera.
I know I certainly am not bringing a 300 quid camera where i 'm going to get sloshed.
I first started to record snowflake images with a 35mm camera and a set-up to yield 10x magnification on the film.
Snooper Radar Detectors - Snooper speed camera and speed trap warning systems help you drive within the law and protect your license.
Sadly I do n't have a camera technically capable of capturing the splendor.
Spotter telescopes of between 60mm and 100mm aperture may be used to photograph the Moon simply by holding the camera lens to the eyepiece.
Also gory is the scene in which the creature is shot - a spurt of very red blood aims right toward the camera.
A camera stabilizer function compensates any small movement of your hand when you 're taking a picture and shooting video.
Image stabilizers, which adjust for camera shake - useful with pupils holding the camera.
Being able to hold the camera steadier can lead to better shots.
Over 1,000 photographs were used to map the surface of the artists ' faces using digital camera and stereoscopic microscope.
The foam inside the camera was found to have a strain of the bacterium Streptococcus mitis still living inside it.
There are no notes, no player names to refer to, and the camera struggled to cope with the blinding rain.
Did we also mention not to leave your camera in your tent if it 's not submersible?
We see through the surveillance camera at Mulder looking at the camera.
Rather than load yourself down, make room for a camera in your tackle bag and get out and explore the miles of shoreline.
I resisted the temptation to take a film camera backup ' just in case '.
Armed with a digital camera, each had to illustrate the theme of " old and new Cardiff ".
I took this one with my phone camera up on the ridge between the Glade and the tipi field.
Peter Taylor suffered a torrid time whenever the Sky camera 's arrived to watch his team.
The ball on the podium is a robot camera that can trundle about under Bluetooth control beaming what it sees back to the phone.
And when used in conjunction with your laptop and portable USB camera, Polycom PVX provides the ultimate in portability.
The wide converter optional lens features an ultra wide-angle 21 mm (when converted to 35 mm format camera).
Canon 's DIGIC processor works ultra fast to process all the camera 's electronic functions simultaneously, from Auto White Balance to Autofocus.
Armed with a hidden camera, the undercover investigator revealed the shocking reality of the animal experiment world.
Ritchie allows his camera to linger for bafflingly long periods on Statham 's uncompromisingly unexpressive face with its unwonted beard and long hair.
Secondly, the top part of the handle unscrews to reveal a handy camera mount.
Kirkwall vandal caught on camera An alleged act of vandalism in Kirkwall 's town center has been caught on camera.
The one on the right here is quite nice - the flying camera thing narrowly avoids being swallowed by a venus fly trap !
A camera crew was filming the interview, so why did n't Van Linden simply play the unedited videotape of the interview?
It has a vidicon tube, unlike a modern CCD camera.
Can you capture the perfect animal picture every time you look through your camera 's viewfinder?
If he 's looking straight at you instead of the hay wagon, you know he 's conscious of the camera.
If you want an ultra wide-angle camera, the Nikon Coolpix 8400 is the only game in town.
Capacity around 120 reckoned Mark the inhouse wisecracking camera man.
It might be worth investing in a tape recorder or even a video camera.
The z co-ordinate is the height of the camera lens above sea level.
His new remote-controlled drone is equipped with a camera to capture stunning, aerial footage.
After taking the camera back to the store, they determined that the damage was in the aperture.
Along with the camera, go ahead and give them a photo album that they can fill up as time goes by.
These monitors are equipped with a camera and a small television.
The camera is focused on the baby's crib, and the television is either placed in a stationary area or carried around, if it is portable.
Let others run the video camera, take pictures, and hand out refreshments.
You know you should take lots of baby pictures, but sometimes it is hard to step back and get the camera to capture those special moments.
Since you are with your baby night and day, make sure to have a camera handy for those incredibly cute expressions.
More importantly, they have a high quality camera that will allow them to capture a really stunning image of your infant.
Try to take many impromptu pictures by leaving your camera close by.
Video monitors rely on a small camera that is mounted on a table or wall and directed towards a specific area where baby will be.
The camera then transmits images to a television-like monitor.
Load up the camera with film; it is time to learn about babies and newborn photography.
High chair photos - Don't forget to get your camera out when baby is eating a nice helping of pureed green beans or spoon-feeding himself a heap of mashed potatoes.
Try to take photos from different angles, and use different speeds if your camera has the capabilities.
Finally, be sure you use a camera that you are familiar with.
Don't make the mistake of trying out a new camera at this very special event!
Pictures should be of your child looking directly at the camera instead of a side view or a view of him looking at a prop.
There is a large difference between a mere baby monitor and a baby camera.
The baby camera takes monitoring potential a step further.
Some baby monitors add a camera feature to the mix so that the handheld remotes now provide visual displays of baby's proceedings.
When it comes to baby cameras, whether you choose the monitor/camera combination or the more traditional baby camera will depend largely on a few factors.
If you live in a larger house that does not host multiple televisions and computers, the traditional baby camera will keep you bound to a room that features a television or computer screen.
Persons with smaller houses may not even need a baby camera, as simple sound assurance will suffice.
This is not to say that parents with baby cams will have their eyes riveted to the display every second, but the chances of a parent foreseeing dangerous occurrences are notably higher with a camera feature.
The cheapest sound-only baby monitors will typically cost less than 40 US dollars whereas a full-featured baby camera setup will be sold for upwards of several hundred dollars.
This is particularly important for the more complicated baby camera models, some of which are miles from user-friendly.
There is a camera that you can mount in the baby's room as well as a hand-held or small television where the camera transmits images.
With this feature, you can actually set the time the camera will remain on one child or another.
Home Sentinel Digital Wireless Camera-This camera can be connected to a DVD recorder, VCR, or TV and features up to 300 feet in range.
The best pricing, however, is for the purchase of a multiple camera package.
The camera function can also be turned off for audio feed only, giving flexibility to the parents.
A fourth camera can be added to the system if the family grows.
Lorex makes a two camera system that also offers two way audio.
Other basket items might include picture frames with spaces for each month of the baby's first year and a disposable or digital camera, depending on your overall budget.
If you're a digital camera junkie and want hard copies of your pictures, go with an inkjet.
Media configurations can be used for games, music and video that have front ports where digital camera flash memory cards can be plugged in and downloaded.
With digital cameras and camera phones, it's easier than ever to take tons of photographs each and every day.
Most of us are not technical wizards, so it should be very easy for you to upload your photographs directly from your camera to the online photo web site.
Ofoto is run by Kodak, the venerable American camera and film pioneer.
These steps can help you select a digital camera perfect for you.
Still, it is easy to start shopping for a modestly priced digital camera and end up buying an $800 model.
The other fundamental issue to consider is how you will use the camera.
If you want a camera that stores a couple hundred images, that is easy to operated and that fits into your pocket, then the less expensive models will suit you just fine.
The detail that catches up most people when they go shopping for a digital camera is megapixels.
The amount of megapixels a camera reproduces essentially equals the quality of the image resolution.
This becomes important when you print photographs from your digital camera, especially if you are printing photos that are bigger than the standard 4x6 size.
The more megabytes a digital camera has, the more photos it can store.
The casual photographer who snaps photos of family and friends at gatherings can usually get by with 200 shot storage capacity, which a digital camera with 32 megabytes or less will deliver.
A digital camera of up to 128 megabytes will store up to 400 photos.
You can buy a digital camera that stores over 400 photos if you think you will need that kind of capacity.
The amount of control you have over these features will effect the price of the camera.
Make sure you are familiar with the kind of batteries your digital camera uses and that you always have some extra ones one hand.