Camel Sentence Examples
The camel is found in the northern regions bordering the Sahara.
There is also an important camel and cattle market.
Eight days after birth the young Arabian camel stands 3 ft.
Of these the camel and the ass are the most common.
The pure-bred riding camel is only found in perfection in inner Arabia; for some unexplained reason when taken out of their own country or north of the 30th degree they rapidly degenerate.
There were four batteries, eight battalions, and a camel company.
Of domestic animals the camel and sheep are the most important.
It may be mentioned that the Bactrian camel, which is a shorter-legged and more ponderous animal than the Arabian species, grows an enormously long and thick winter coat, which is shed in blanket-like masses in spring.
We booked a camel safari in two weeks time.
Dr Leche also institutes a comparison between the skeletons of the wild and the tame Bactrian camel with the remains of certain fossil Asiatic camels, namely, Camelus knoblochi from Sarepta, Russia, and C. alutensis from the Aluta valley, Rumania.
AdvertisementThere is a various reading «aµuAos (cable) for Ka/lfXos (camel), but Cheyne, in the Ency.
The chief domestic animals are the camel, horse, ass, ox, buffalo (used both as a beast of burden and for riding), sheep with a short silky fleece, the goat and the pig, which last here reaches its southernmost limit.
The remainder of the day, so far as family life is concerned, is spent in the serdab, a cellar sunk somewhat below the level of the courtyard, damp from frequent wettings, with its half windows covered with hurdles thatched with camel thorn and kept dripping with water.
In the Green Mountains the highest point, Mansfield, is 4364 ft.; Lincoln (4078), Killington (4241), Camel Hump (4088); and a number of other heights exceed 3000 ft.
Be this as it may, the identification of a North American type of camel from the Tertiary strata of eastern Europe forms another connecting link between the extinct faunas of the northern half of the Old World and North America, and thus tends to show that the claim of America to be the exclusive birthplace of many Old World types may have to be reconsidered.
AdvertisementIt is picturesquely situated at the head of the estuary of the river Camel, 7 m.
The Arabian camel belongs to the one-humped species, though there are many varieties differing in appearance as much as the thoroughbred race-horse from the English cart-horse.
The ordinary load for a pack camel is about 400 lb, and in hot weather good camels will march 20 to 25 m.
The road is a mere camel track across the desert, the chief places passed are Ma`an on the Syrian border, a station on the old Sabaean trade route to Petra, and Medain Salih, the site of the rock-cut tombs and inscriptions first brought to notice by Doughty.
In the Sheep and the Camel the long compound bone, supporting the two main (or only) toes is the cannon-bone.
AdvertisementThe wild camel approaches the north outliers of the Astin-tagh, but rarely, if ever, ventures to enter their fastnesses.
The western strait, opening into the Gulf of Gabes, is a mile and a half broad; the eastern strait is wider, but at low water it is possible to cross to the mainland by the Tarik-el-Jemil (road of the camel).
There are remains of ancient forests consisting of wild olive trees and the camel thorn, near which grows the ngotuane, a plant with a profusion of fine, strongly scented yellow flowers.
The Bedouins bring wool and camel's hair to the market; and glass bracelets, lamps and leather waterskins are manufactured in the town.
The nomad Arabs are of two classes, camel owners (Slat El Ilbil) and cattle owners (Baggara), the first-named dwelling in the dry northern regions, the Baggara in southern Kordofan.
AdvertisementIn addition to the above there is an extraordinary North American Miocene giraffe-necked camel (Alticamelus), a creature of the size of a giraffe, with similarly elongated neck and limbs, and evidently adapted for browsing on trees.
The camel, the horse and the donkey are the draught animals; the flesh of the first Geology and Geography of Arabia Petraea, Palestine and adjoining Districts (London, 1886).
The camel is of a more robust and compact breed than the tall beast used in India, and is more carefully tended.
The twohumped Bactrian camel is commonly used in the Oxus regions, but is seldom seen near the Indian frontier.
Poshtins (sheepskin clothing) and the many varieties of camel and goat's hair-cloth which, under the name of " barak," " karak," &c., are manu factured in the northern districts, are still the chief local products of that part of Afghanistan.
The fauna includes, in the low country, the lion, panther, elephant, camel, and antelope of numerous species.
The whole territory is crossed by camel and mule paths between the sea and the high plateau, and between the various centres of population.
Choose the rabbit, deer, fluffy doggy, dinosaur, crow or camel.
Of domesticated animals the camel is far the most useful to the Arab.
The men's winter collections include smart, sleek ankle boots in neutral colors (usually black, brown and occasionally some variation of camel).
Neutral shades, like camel, black and brown, are best because they play well with the majority of winter wardrobes.
Available in camel suede and black vintage suede colors, these boots feature a wide shearling cuff in either zebra or cheetah prints.
However, it's important to remember that no one expects you to know the difference between the Locust Pose and the Camel Pose on your first day!
Camel Pose is a good seated back strengthener.
If you want to find a neutral robe but not a white one, look for one in oatmeal, tan, or camel, with a multi-dimensional tufted look or a waffle weave.
Just east of the town is the broad ridge of the Deveboyun ("Camel's Neck"), across which the road passes to Kars.
In The Wisdom of God, &c., Ray recites innumerable examples of the perfection of organic mechanism, the multitude and variety of living creatures, the minuteness and usefulness of their parts, and many, if not most, of the familiar examples of purposive adaptation and design in nature were suggested by him, such as the structure of the eye, the hollowness of the bones, the camel's stomach and the hedgehog's armour.
Seven officers were employed with the artillery, six with the camel corps.
It is thought that the camel is shown in rude figures of the earliest age, but it is scarcely traceable again before the XXVIth Dynasty.
Every beast, camel, cow, sheep, donkey and horse is made to pay.
A camel corps of 1100 men selected from twenty-eight regiments at home was added, and the fighting force to,be placed in line somewhere in the neighborhood of Shendi was fixed at 5400.
His force consisted of Gatacres British brigade (1st Warwicks, Lincoins, Seaforths and Camerons) and Hunters Egyptian division (3 brigades under Colonels Maxwell, MacDonald and Lewis respectively), Broadwoods cavalry, Tudways camel corps and Longs artillery.
Lyttelton (1st Northumberlands and Grenadier Guards, 2nd Lancashire and Rifle Brigade); Egyptian division, under Major-General Hunter, consisting of four brigades, commanded by Colonels MacDonald, Maxwell, Lewis and, Collinson; mounted troops2Ist Lancers, camel corps, and Egyptian cavalry; artillery, under Colonel Long, 2 British batteries, 5 Egyptian batteries, and 20 machine guns; detachment of Royal Engineers.
On arriving at Fongor it was ascertained that the khalifa had gone north, and the cavalry and camel corps having reconnoitred Jebel Gedir, the expedition returned.
A flying column, comprising a squadron of cavalry, a field battery, 6 machine guns, 6 companies of the camel corps, and a brigade of infantry and details, in all 3700 men, under Wingate, left Faki Kohi on the 21st of November.
Part of the cannon-bone of a camel from another district in Russia is provisionally assigned to the same species.
Possibly this Russian camel (Procamelus khersonensis), as it is called, may form the connecting link between the typical Procamelus of North America and the fossil camel (Camelus sivalensis) of the Siwalik Hills of India.
The Algerian Pleistocene camel was doubtless the direct ancestor of the living African species, which it serves to connect with the extinct C. sivalensis.
In the skull the socket of the eye is surrounded by bone; while the dentition begins to approximate to the camel type - notably by the circumstance that the lower canine is either separated by a gap from the outermost incisors, or that its crown assumes a backwardly curved shape.
In the Upper Miocene we come to a distinct type - Procamelus - which is entitled to be regarded as a camel, and approximates in size to a small llama.
The new caliph, however, found means of disposing of their opposition, and at the battle of the Camel, fought at Basra in November 656, Talha and Zobair were slain, and Ayesha was taken prisoner.
He forgot that Ali himself, before the Battle of the Camel, appealed likewise to the decision of the Koran, and began the fight only when this had been rejected.
In 1352 the restless man started for Central Africa, passing by the oases of the Sahara (where the houses were built of rock-salt, as Herodotus tells, and roofed with camel skins) to Timbuktu and Gogo on the Niger, a river which he calls the Nile, believing it to flow down into Egypt, an opinion maintained by some up to the date of Lander's discovery.
Amongst the domestic animals are the buffalo, the Syrian camel, and a mule camel, bred from a Bactrian sire and Syrian mother.
Large districts passed out of cultivation and were abandoned to the nomads, who replaced wheeled traffic by the pack horse and the camel.
The rebel army was defeated at the "Battle of the Camel," near Bassorah (Basra), the two generals being killed, and Ayesha taken prisoner.
A more curious case is that of the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius), a beast only known in domestication, and that in arid countries; yet a number of these have become feral in the Spanish marshes, where they wade about like quadrupedal flamingoes.
In front of the southern facade, which looks on to Khedive Avenue, is a bronze statue of General Gordon seated on a camel, a copy of the statue by Onslow Ford at Chatham, England.
Stewart stated that the Khorasan camel is celebrated for its size and strength, that it has very long hair, and bears cold and exposure far better than the ordinary Arabian or Persian camel, and that, while the ordinary Persian camel only carries a load of some 320 lb and an Indian camel one of some 400 Ib, the Khorasan camel will carry from 600 to 700 lb.
The best animals, he notes, are a cross between the Bactrian or two-humped and the Arabian or one-humped camel, Sheep, goats, dogs and cats are good of their kind; but not all the last are the beautiful creatures which, bearing the name of the country, have arrived at such distinction in Europe.
Among other remarkable discoveries were those of the wild camel, ancestor of the domesticated species, and of the early type of horse, now known by his name (Equus prjewalskii).
It is situated two camel marches (the resting-place being Bahra or Hadda), or about 45 m.
The wild camel inhabits the lonely plateaus south of the Ala-shan.
The wild camel frequents the scattered oases along the margins of the desert and roams into the desert itself.
The single-humped camel - as a domestic animal - is especially characteristic of the northern deserts and steppes.
The Sudanese camel is lighter, faster and better bred than the camel of Egypt.
The camel, horse and ostrich are not found south of Kordofan and Sennar.
Whalebone's best sons were Camel (1822) and Sir Hercules (1826).
Camel was the sire of Defence (1824) and Touchstone (1831), while Sir Hercules was the sire of Birdcatcher (1833) and Faugh-a-Ballagh (1841), own brothers, and of Gemma di Vergy (1854).
A spacious gateway, high and wide enough to admit the passage of a loaded camel, forms the sole entrance, which is furnished with heavy doors, and is further guarded within by massive iron chains, drawn across at night.
There's coffee and dates on arrival, a well-stocked bar for the sedentary and camel rides and sandboarding for the adventurous.
Explore lively bazaars, wander around a camel fair or take on the challenge of ordering dinner from a Chinese menu!
River Camel Cornwall The Camel represents bullhead Cottus gobio in the extreme southwest of its range in England.
Abdul the camel seemed happy enough tho, despite his smoking bum fur.
To get them to swallow the camel of abolishing the pound, there is not a spoonful of sugar in sight.
The straw that broke the camel 's back was a caravan weekend at the end of October.
Once you've ridden a camel to school, you tend to have an open mind about how things work.
She claimed to have seen a young camel arrive at the zoo in a circus trailer.
The other new addition to the Zoo is a two-week old baby Bactrian camel, Becky.
A new baby camel was born to one of our female camels in mid May.
The time they are aiming to beat as camella, the pantomime camel, is 4 hours 36 mins.
In his youth Muhammad traveled widely with camel trading caravans.
A delightful rural hamlet of natural stone cottages, set deep in the wooded Camel valley.
A view showing a man, possibly a correspondent, beside his camel watching a wounded dervish on the battlefield.
He then instructed the Sheikh's servant to bring in his own, somewhat disreputable, camel.
You may find yourself gathering camel dung to put on the fire.
Now John was clothed with camel's hair, and had a leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey.
The camel's hair garment speaks of separation; the leathern girdle of a certain severity of restraint on himself, restraint upon nature.
Then on to Linda's Arabic dancing - great being in the desert and dancing like a camel's hump.
If you combine this with a ride that offers a kaleidoscope of Autumn colors the Camel Trail is " a must do " .
Now John was clothed with camel's hair and wore a leather belt around his waist and ate locusts and wild honey.
Also check out the zoo page for camel riding!
A family of nomadic shepherds assists the births of their camel herd.
Quizzed by the Emir, the camel driver related his story confidently enough but he always seemed uneasy and rather shifty.
Camel riding and sand surfing Dubai is one of the few places in the world where you can try sand surfing using a snowboard.
Showing a native warrior seated on a camel and brandishing a spear.
I should ride more joyously on the young camel than on the richly caparisoned steed.
This is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back.
Did I mention the weathercock on Queen Camel church, which goes to drink for the river when it hears the clock strike twelve?
Then from their Turkish baths we built art galleries and placed museum vitrines in the inns where camels and camel drivers once slept.
This agreement is represented on coins of Scaurus - Aretas kneeling by the side of a camel, and holding out an olive branch in an attitude of supplication.
The Arabian camel, which is used not only in the country from which it takes its name, but also in North Africa and India, and has been introduced into Australia and North America, is known only as a domesticated animal.
The flesh of the young camel resembles veal, and is a favourite food of the Arabs, while camel's milk forms an excellent and highly nutritious beverage, although it does not furnish butter.
An unsuccessful attempt was made, beginning in 1861, to domesticate the camel for this purpose.
It falls on tile tenth, and two or three following days, of the last month, Dhu-l-hijja, when the pilgrims each slay a ram, a he-goat, a cow or a camel in the valley of Mind in commemoration of the ransom of Ishmael with a ram.
Also the Acts of Peter and Andrew, which among other incidents recount the miracle of a camel passing through the eye of a needle.
Owing to its endurance of thirst the long desert journeys which separate the populous centres are made practicable, and in the spring months, when green forage is plentiful in the desert, the Bedouins pitch their camps for long periods far from any water, and not only men but horses subsist on camel's milk.
Ayesha, Talba and Zobair, who were strong in Mecca, succeeded in obtaining possession of Basra, but were defeated in 656 at the battle of the Camel (see AaI).
Zamil's forces held a strong position between Aneza and Bureda, and for over a month desultory fighting went on; finally an attack was made against the defenders' centre, covered by 20,000 camel riders; the men of Aneza broke and the whole allied forces fled in disorder; Zamil and his eldest son were killed, as were also two of the Ibn Sand family, while the remainder were taken prisoners.
The only protracted camel or mule caravan journeys remaining in connexion with the tea trade are those in Persia and Morocco, where the conservatism of race delays the introduction of even wheel roads, not to mention railways.
When the camel was first introduced into Egypt is uncertainit is not pictured on the ancient monuments.
But this balance was upset by the early introduction of the goat and later of the camel, which destroyed the sapling trees, while the grown ones fell to the axe of the woodcutter.
I went into the streets of Cairo, and rode on the camel.
I watched her for some time as she moved about, trying to take long strides in order to carry out the idea I had given her of a camel's gait.
When I asked her what she was doing, she replied, "I am a very funny camel."
Across a searing, unending plain of sand, an isolated camel train picks its way toward the shelter of a scrawny tree.
Try scuba diving, camel trekking - or just relax on the beach !
The son whose camel reached the city last would be given all the sheik 's wealth.
I also well remember the owner, Mr. Paulo, who was plump and wore a long camel coat and smoked cigars.
Not so, for some unaccountable reason Bloggy decides to room with Kevin who then proceeds to snore all night like an asthmatic camel.
You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
This is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel 's back.
Highlight was a Cinereous Vulture feeding on a Camel head by the side of the road.
Common background colors are red, blue, dark brown and camel tan.
Unfortunately, they only offer 22 brands, though Marlboro and Camel are included among them.
By signing up with Marlboro, Newport, Camel and other brands, you can keep a steady assortment of coupons flooding your inbox.
Decorator's Choice has contemporary patterns with modern designs in attractive new colors such as camel, coco leaf, moss, avocado, butter, deep orange, melon, deep lavender, jet black and crimson.
Also, you will look dazzling in terracotta, gold and camel.
Shades of brown, gray, camel, taupe, dark brown, black, charcoal, copper, pink, peach, violet, lilac, silver and gold will make blue eyes appear even bluer.
Perhaps you are more interested in an elephant, panda or camel?
This skirt comes in a versatile camel shade, has a side zipper closure, and button tab patch pockets.
Adventurous couples can even partake in a camel caravan or try their hand at deep sea fishing.
The Berber tribe constructed their fabrics, usually made out of camel hair or wool, with tightly woven loops.
This iconic piece can be worn mid-length or long, belted or loose and it looks great in a timeless color like black, beige or camel.
One thing to bear in mind - tan or beige is not the same thing as camel.
The classic camel color has honey tones and is one of the most flattering and practical colors you can wear, as it goes with everything.
If you find a vintage or modern trench in camel, snap it up.
One of the most beautiful is the Camel figure teapot that was created in the 1920s.
Find pictures or clipart of a cap, log, bus, camel and dog.
Mimi Maternity offers a complete line of yoga wear that will have you practicing the butterfly, camel, and tree poses in style!
Adding 100 percent of the RDA of vitamin E on top of that might be the straw that broke the camel's back and my make you sick.
The most common colors are black, camel and navy.
Consider olive, forest or mossy greens, orange shades, grays, dark browns, burgundy, purples and camel and rich beige colors.
If you are the type of person who loves different colored denim, the Amalfi comes in dark brown, camel, gray, black and dark olive green.
You'll find a great selection of stylish leather gloves in shades like black, chocolate, camel and red, all generously lined and stylishly designed, to boot.
With varying color choices - from camel to brown to black - you enjoy even more versatility with this soft and supple material.
The nativity scene that closes the show has a cast of 12 animals, including a camel.
Consider wrapping scarves around your head for an instant pirate costume, or wear them as you travel on your camel across the desert.
Considering the rich camel hue of the leather, nothing could be more perfect for the fall/winter season.
Made primarily of straw, this bag is accented with leather trim in shades of camel and dark brown.
Crocodile wallets may run upwards of $2000 in some cases, and are available in a spate of neutral, practical shades (think black, camel and dark brown).
There are many reasons a woman may opt for a pink wallet over the standard camel, black, brown or burgundy.
For work, keep your boots to a neutral shade of black, brown, taupe, or camel.
For a neutral you can wear with just about any color or style, see the RSVP Kona in camel.
On the latter hypothesis it has been generally assumed that the wild camels are the descendants of droves of the domesticated breed which escaped when certain central Asian cities were overwhelmed by sand-storms. This theory, according to Professor Leche, is rendered improbable by Dr Sven Hedin's observations on the habits and mode of life of the wild camel.
It was in raiment of camel's hair that John the Baptist appeared as a preacher.
The Bactrian camel is, if possible, of still more importance to many of the central Asian Mongol races, supplying them alike with food and raiment.
When too heavily laden the camel refuses to rise, but on the march it is exceedingly patient under its burden, only yielding beneath it to die.
Palgrave, "docile means stupid, well and good; in such a case the camel is the very model of docility.
Its signification is obscure; but it certainly contains the word ushtra, " camel."
For use, the mixture is warmed to render it fluid, and applied by means of a camel's hair brush to the under side of the specimen, which is then laid neatly on paper.
This should be painted on the affected part with a camel's hair brush dipped in chloroform, which facilitates the absorption of the alkaloid.
This tract was the starting-point of a controversy between Churchyard and a certain Thomas Camel.
Horses are comparatively few, and are seldom seen outside the large towns, the camel and donkey being the principal beasts of burden.
The same is done with beef and camel's flesh.
Hannah.s boots were white, her cream slacks and camel turtleneck completing her flawless look.
In the Niie valley the chief domestic animals are the camel, donkey, mule, ox, buffalo, sheep and goat.
In 1908 the Egyptian army, with a total establishment of 18,000, consisted of three squadrons of cavalry (one composed of Sudanese) each numbering 116 men; four batteries of field artillery and a Maxim battery, horses and mules being used, with a total strength of 1257 of all ranks; the camel corps, 626 of all ranks (fellahin and Sudanese); and nine fellahin and si-x Sudanese infantry battalions, 10,631 of all ranks.
A good dalul or riding camel will carry his rider zoo m.
Nolde gives an instance from his own experience of a camel rider covering 62 m.
There are large herds of camel, the camel-owning Arabs usually owning also large numbers of sheep and goats.
The food of the camel consists chiefly of the leaves of trees, shrubs and dry hard vegetables, which it is enabled to tear down and masticate by means of its powerful front teeth.
But if the epithet is intended to designate an animal that takes an interest in its rider so far as a beast can, that in some way understands his intentions, or shares them in a subordinate fashion, that obeys from a sort of submissive or halffellow-feeling' with his master, like the horse or elephant, then I say that the camel is by no means docile - very much the contrary.
In the south communication is maintained chiefly by camel caravans.
These vary in weight from soo to 1000 lb, according to the variety of camel employed, for of the Arabian camel there are almost as many breeds as there are of the horse.
He attended King Edward's coronation in 1902, and accompanied the British army in person in the Chinese campaign of Igoe in command of the Bikanir Camel Corps, which also did good service in Somaliland in 1904.
I tried to describe to her the appearance of a camel; but, as we were not allowed to touch the animal, I feared that she did not get a correct idea of its shape.
It is, however, as "the ship of the desert," without which vast tracts of the earth's surface could scarcely be explored, that the camel is specially valuable.
The chief domestic animals are the camel and the ass, both of prime stock.