Called Sentence Examples
The doctor called today to see if my condition had improved with the medication.
I wish you had called me.
Aunt Paulette, (we all called her Aunt Paulie) married a real estate agent and moved to Arkansas.
The people called them the British.
A sweet voice called from another room.
What about this boy Allen who called yesterday?
He had never called Señor Medena Dad before.
Then the king called one of the wisest scholars in Egypt and asked him what the word meant.
Julia swung away from the door and called for Rachel.
Her friend called today.
AdvertisementWhen she called it his money, he always corrected her and said it was theirs.
Once inside, she locked the door and ordered Destiny to stay in the house while she called Alex.
Jonathan Swift, often called Dean Swift, was famous as a writer on many subjects.
I was so afraid when I found out he called the house.
In a wonderful book, called "The Arabian Nights," there are many interesting stories about him.
AdvertisementSo he called Tikhon and went through the rooms with him to show him where to set up the bed for that night.
History (or what is called by that name) replying to these questions says that this occurred because Kutuzov and Tormasov and Chichagov, and this man and that man, did not execute such and such maneuvers...
We don't know when it happened so we tried twice to hit the time and struck out and called it quits.
She had never called her grandma and Mums didn't seem to mind.
Her son has been called from Denver and is to arrive tomorrow on the afternoon train.
AdvertisementThis, in history, is called the Battle of Lexington.
He called for Taras the gardener, but no one replied.
Felipa called a while ago.
Yancey called from inside the house.
Sarah's voice called down the hall.
AdvertisementThank god you called!
Miss Worthington called from the islands.
I called her a filthy dog.
She called after Katie.
He has been called the Father of his Country.
What news? the field marshal called out to them.
He climbed the stairs to his office while she called Katie.
We were delighted when Brandon called and told us he was bringing a friend.
I called him before I called you!
Deputy Baxton had called in after seeing the plate number of a car listed on an all-points bulletin.
After Martha and her baby left, I called Betsy with the news.
I then told her I'd called Brennan.
I left a message, from Tommy, his so called fishing buddy, saying I had a fish story for him and requesting him to call as soon as possible.
When the phone rang for the fourth time, Dean assumed it was either a call for reservations or more discussion on the upcoming New Jersey wedding plans, but Cynthia held the phone against herself and called to her husband.
She stepped out the door and called Brutus back.
It didn't matter who called them as long as the man was put where he could do no more harm.
It would probably look better for Lori if she called.
Cynthia called from Denver.
She talks forward of the spring; seeing the flowers and the young people riding on these new wheels called bicycles, but I think to myself she'll not last the winter.
He called her again as soon as he rose, but she had apparently left earlier as there was no answer.
They called in CBI when they heard about the cut rope and smelled a major problem.
When he finished eating, he called the Indiana number, letting the phone ring a dozen times.
Dean even called the hospital—No, Mrs. Dean was not there, thank you.
He called back later and left word that he was staying in Virginia and he'd arranged with a Montrose funeral home to have her cremated.
He called Shipton's name once more, but again his shout hung unanswered in the still winter air.
Dean vaguely remembered the eternity before voices above called his name and rescuers gracefully dropped down next to him.
Jackson rounded the corner onto Elm Street toward the Renaissance inspired estate he currently called home.
Jackson called to his housemate and best friend.
He rolled his eyes."I'm sorry I called you an idiot."
He called it a 'geriatric go cart'.
As he reached the door she called, "Jackson!"
As he headed for the door, Sarah called, "Don't forget tomorrow night's the full moon."
On Wednesday, he was in his music room playing, when Elisabeth called.
No, I called to ask you something.
Thankfully someone called her away.
He took out his phone and called her.
Jackson had called Consuelo and told her they had plenty of help, so she needn't come.
When he returned home, he called Samantha Russell.
He called for Sarah, who quickly appeared at the top of the stairs with Connor.
No, I had a dropped call from her earlier, but when I called back it went straight to voice mail.
Jackson called and got her voice mail as well.
He wondered if other werewolves lived in the area, however, if he called her and there weren't any close enough to help, she would be upset needlessly.
Katie called through the open door of the dairy.
She checked the first stall to see if more hay was needed and called instructions without looking in his direction.
As they approached, the goat pawed the ground and called softly.
Alex called after her.
He chuckled and called to Katie that they were ready.
This time when she called, Katie came from the barn.
But he called after her.
He was around nearly every day now, and when he didn't show up, he called on the phone.
Alex called on Thursday to see if Carmen still wanted to keep Ed.
Did you know he's already called Lori several times this week?
Hold the shuttle! he called before addressing her again.
And, I might need a few assassinations called in to keep things from blowing up on your side of the river.
Mr. Tim had called her well before.
She knew little about the stranger who called to check on her every day, not even his real name, but she was always cheered by his familiar voice.
He turned away and spoke in his broken voice to the man called Dan.
Prepare, read the earliest one, sent the night he called to warn her.
Class loyalties run deep, and he called me up about twenty years ago and said he was calling in a favor my dad owed him.
Elise called from the hallway.
When an attack was imminent, I called Brady and made him swear to take care of you.
Please tell me, Mr. Wizard, whether you called yourself Oz after this great country, or whether you believe my country is called Oz after you.
He was the builder of a famous and beautiful city called Bagdad.
Then he called his wisest men together and asked them, "Is it really true that the first people in the world were Egyptians?"
Then he called little Benjamin to him.
It was then that the long war, called the Revolutionary War, began.
In history he is called Alfred the Great.
As the little king went out, he turned at the door and called to Charlot.
It's called a quadrillion.
The Tsar called the colonel of the regiment and said a few words to him.
I thought maybe they had to think about it before they called, but then they practically beg me to pass on the information immediately.
Keene was once called The Elm City before Dutch elm disease destroyed the massive trees that surrounded the grassy area at the head of the square.
New, disease resistant trees are bringing back the splendor of what has been called one of the prettiest towns in New England.
Have you heard about an organization called After?
He spent every evening tending his farm, as he called it.
Once the others were in session, as we called it, my duties were minimal.
I listened until the silence below was interrupted by conversation and called loudly for the others to come up.
Howie had tried to explain to us that when he was under, as he called it, he had trouble telling if he was speaking aloud.
The situation called for extreme measures.
I took a deep breath and called After on a throw away phone.
Howie called in from California on a daily basis.
I called Howie and filled him in on what had transpired and detailed Julie's flight arrangements.
True to his word, Quinn had packed everything he needed, called a shipper, and sent his equipment off, overnight express.
I knocked and called out her name.
I took a deep breath and called her into my office and closed the door.
While I hadn't given Quinn and Howie enough time to accomplish much, I called them anyway.
Quinn called back just before our bedtime.
I called Betsy to let her know the news.
Having time on my hands and nothing to do, I called After.
I was so frightened when the police called.
Julie called to talk to her daughter but after she spoke to Molly we talked.
Earlier, my wife had taken care of all the logistics of our travels while I locked up the house and called Jackson to tell him we would be out of town for a couple of days, retrieving Howie from California.
We don't start serving until five o'clock called one of a half dozen women setting out food on a steam line.
What everyone did to him makes me think of what those Pennsylvania Dutch folks do; shunning is it called?
They called me Humper Willie, because of my name...
He scorned all the rest of us for not holding on to our prizes, as he called them.
Reverend Humphries called me a cab after an early pancake breakfast he insisted on cooking.
Instead, I called fisherman Dan Brennan, figuring he might have arose with the dawn.
It was the one her friend had called Betsy and when she saw the child on the floor, stifled a scream.
Murphy? he called to a uniformed officer.
My name is Elizabeth Anne Morganthaw Gustefson, called Betsy and I'm writing these horrifying remembrances at the request of my husband Ben.
I assumed he'd been called to the hospital.
With a sinking feeling my call would be fruitless, I called the hospital.
Just because I dropped at your feet whenever you called for five years doesn't mean I'll do it now.
The Natural I planted there called this morning and said they were waiting to burn the place until something got there.
She's called the Magician.
Yes, ikir called earlier and said you'd be in today.
Your father called, Yully!
Her father had disappeared into thin air with the body of the man he called Jule.
Damian called to the Black God.
The Original Vamp and Sofi had called him the same thing.
Han nodded, and Damian trotted into the 20,000-square-foot mansion in the middle of the Arizona desert he called home.
One of your boys called me.
He saw the man who had called him pacing as Laney had indicated.
I gave her your number, but I doubt she called.
He should've called you.
One of Dusty's newbies called me.
If I'm not mistaken, you called me for help.
Dusty had called in the entire sector.
I called in the DC Sector for support as well.
It's called cheating in the real world.
Pierre called to her.
Linda called, flashing a smile.
She pulled out the cell he'd given her and called the only number in it.
Linda says you make a killer grilled chicken, Traci called from the kitchen.
Rainy called to say he'd be there for a while cleaning up the mess.
Traci called, voice muffled by the bathroom door.
Five minutes after you left, he called off the attacks.
After a moment grappling with her mixed emotions, she got up and called a portal.
It's called an Oracle.
To her surprise, he called a portal.
She called a portal when she stepped into the hallway to see who awaited her.
Instead, she called a portal.
She called out, louder and more frantically this time, her voice echoing against the rock.
I knew better but the other kids called me chicken.
At least he was tie-less, a concession to "the sticks," as he called Ouray.
I'm sorry I called that lady cop a pig and got you in trouble.
Dean didn't even offer a quip about Fred's tightness with a buck and his moth-eaten purse as the old man called over a waitress to do the duties.
They called us—when the phone was working.
There was this bar called Horton's on the Hill where we'd go on Saturday night.
I wonder if Martha called yesterday.
Cynthia didn't respond but both shared the disappointment that she hadn't called.
No, she didn't remember who'd called or even if they left a name.
Another reminder the child hadn't called.
If I don't sound broken up over it, it's called honesty.
Fred O'Connor—my stepfather—was called for jury duty.
Dean called the auctioneer but reached only his answering machine.
I would have called you in to talk with her but she cut the conversation short.
The night he died, I called because I thought my mother might have stopped by the house.
Has she called again?
Martha called them 'old cigarettes,' Cynthia said.
Maybe she called the cigarettes 'old' because the packaging looked unfamiliar.
Lydia called out to him as he moved away from her.
Fitzgerald didn't follow but called after him, "I still have to talk to you!"
There was a serious accident last night and the sheriff's deputy was unable to raise help when she called from the mountains.
Fitzgerald immediately called everyone's attention to her.
Claudia called for order as Fred's friends chatted with a pair of women in the last row, no doubt bringing the new arrivals up to speed.
He chose a fairly level route as time away from the sport called for a breaking-in period.
She just called me back.
She was the victor of Vegas to the tune of three hundred dollars, and called to invite Fred out to spend the spoils.
My sister Edna called from Yosemite.
His wife called to him almost as soon as she opened the door.
First Jennifer Radisson called to ask about stopping by after dinner.
It was Martha who called Bird Song this morning.
He called in to confirm but then lost the vehicle in traffic.
He called Lydia's name but it was several minutes before he heard steps, and more time before the door was opened.
Bills were paid, telephones answered and smiles smiled where called for.
They called him metal man.
The trio finally called it a night with the likely hood of restful sleep a pipe dream.
That's when I called Fred.
Martha responded affirmatively just as Cynthia called to her from the kitchen.
You should have called the police.
I've called for help from Denver and the autopsy crew is on their way.
He called down as soon as Dean entered.
He called out again.
When I called Billy to tell him I was coming out this summer, he mentioned he'd found some old bones in a mine but he was afraid of getting in trouble for breaking in.
He called me an old fool.
Later, David Dean called Lydia—from bed after making love to his wife.
Gabriel withdrew and called a portal to take him to the lake.
Gabriel called the soul to him silently and watched the green fog form around his hand before it crystallized into an emerald.
She'd had what humans called nightmares.
She didn't have a sock warmer in her room – something Cora called a toaster – but the socks were better than the floor.
Today, he seemed … calm, if the ruthless Dark One could be called that.
He called a portal and left, needing to escape then realizing the emotions he didn't want to feel went with him.
Darkyn's mate called anxiously.
Mums, as everyone called Mrs. Reynolds, had been like a second mother to Lori and Carmen.
Such was the case when Katie called.
Without a word, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the world of ecstasy they called their bedroom.
Yeah. Saundra said you called.
Carmen called Mums, who said she would come over and pick up Destiny.
She called Brutus and slowly walked down to the house.
Josh had called him a walk-away-Joe, but he was wrong.
Then she called Katie to tell her about Alex waking up.
She grabbed her phone and called Katie.
No one had ever called back about removing it and she had forgotten.
If it couldn't wait, they would have called me on my cell phone.
She called forth a portal, and what looked like a cave opened in the air before them.
He pulled her up and called a portal.
He whirled, called for a portal and left his betrayer, his former lover, the woman who had been his world, until she snatched it from him.
One of the half-demon's brothers called from the doorway.
He called a portal when in the hallway and walked into the shadow realm, stopping in place.
He called a portal and walked into the center.
He'd called Gabriel noble.
Daniela's dark form called from the road.
He called a portal and strode away.
Exactly. I then called in the favor she owed me from the bet I actually lost.
Harmony, he called over their internal channel.
Deidre called a portal and stood before it.
She shivered in her wool coat, folded the paperwork, and called her sister.
Toby called from the interior of the warm car.
She trailed, even more perplexed when the janitor waxing the floor called out a cheerful, "Hey, Toby!"
And I called the judge on your behalf and volunteered you to go to counseling.
Death dealer, Toby had called him.
We need to talk! he called cheerfully, then spun and started toward the conference room at the end of a lab that stretched the size of a football field.
He spent most of his time anymore in the shadow world, except when forced out by Death or called out by someone who wanted to buy an assassination.
The orchestra fell silent, and somewhere someone --possibly the host --called for the generators to be turned on.
She turned as the man called Sasha lifted one of her curls from her shoulder.
In his own twisted way, he'd just called her beautiful.
Can you hear me? she called, feeling foolish when nothing happened.
However, the thought of swan diving off a cliff the next time he called her a damn blood monkey was getting more tempting with each day!
At one point, he'd called her beautiful and tonight, he'd called her strong.
Daniela called him wild.
She doubted he'd come if she called.
Toby called, holding out the phone.
She'd stopped gritting her teeth whenever he called her that and—God help her!—she'd even started responding.
Katie wondered what had called him away—news of the demons in the forest or some other awful plan by Kris?
Hannah called with a loud knock.
If she called for Rhyn, he would come.
This fact did little to assuage Jade.s guilt when he saw the slaughter around the place he.d once called home.
Rhyn might come if she called him.
If she called for Rhyn, he wouldn.t come.
He didn't believe she was interacting with real people and instead called the other online players invisible friends.
Several of what Evelyn had called warriors passed her in the hall.
I've never been called petite in my life!
The two women had just called her short and fat.
He'd known it would fail, but the elders of the Planetary Council had called in their last favor.
Her skin was golden from the sun, which brought out the enigmatic eyes, and made them glow with the otherworldly beauty displayed by her and the one called Evelyn.
It's been quiet due to the cease-fire called by the Council, he explained.
They nearly reached the women's wing when the strange little Council member with white eyes called out to her.
Just as fast, Mansr called him.
Cynthia called the men into the kitchen for sandwiches.
She called from the Montrose airport and booked for a whole week.
They're coming to Bird Song, just because of that important merchandise you called junk!
She looked back and with a finger wave of two chubby digits and called, "Nighty-night. Time to visit the planet Draghow!"
They called back and will be here tomorrow afternoon.
Once the details to that "caper," as Fred O'Connor called it, were settled, life and business at Bird Song had proceeded peacefully.
But not even in the worst of times did they ever regret for a moment abandoning their life in the East for this quiet mountain hamlet they now called home and their sometimes hectic life of running a country inn.
It's called being mute.
Saint Among Sinners it's called.
Not a bad haul for what David called a pile of junk!
And then called you.
He called the local sheriff in Ouray and said he plans to come out and haul his 'mentally stressed wife' back East with him.
She called me a couple of days ago and told me she'd taken off and flown out to Colorado with the boy.
Dean called as he neared the boy and old man.
The bewildered climbers looked longingly at their friends and especially Penny, but were trapped into listening to the galactic adventures of some creatures called "womps."
Much of the climbing activity was taking place in an area called The Schoolroom, with various routes classified and given names— Verminator, Duncan's Delight and Bloody Sunday.
It was here Donald Ryland planned to tackle a mixed rock and ice climb innocuously called Rosebud.
Cynthia directed her to the kitchen just as Edith called to them from the top of the stairs.
Dean picked up the telephone and called Sheriff Weller.
Before Dean could comment, the conversation ended as a commotion upstairs called for his attention.
Most days, only the forgetful owner, this newly hired cleaning girl called Annie and a standoffish tabby are in residence.
Piles of gear were stacked about while partners called out to those below, fed line and encouragement, while others watched, a number with anxious looks on their reddened faces as they looked downward.
Dean called to her and she turned, startled.
Dean turned to leave, but Janet called after him.
The sport is called ice climbing—getting back up is the challenge.
I didn't train and educate you because your grandfather or someone called me.
Brady looked over the newest results then called for a helo to airlift them.
I don't think you called in this strike, Brady answered, looking over the flattened city grimly.
At his request, Charlie had called in everyone in the area to help the survivors.
She called you my Gabriel.
He called another portal and strode through it to the house of the one brother he'd come to almost trust. Kiki's feet were propped on a cast iron table while he gazed intently at the screen of his trusty iPad.
Ully called from the cell across the narrow hallway.
Kiki called after him.
Ully called. Toby slowed until he caught up then darted ahead again.
Deidre called after her.
Toby called over his shoulder.
When she was gone, the Thompsons called down the other kids for dinner.
The Byrne address was on the east side of town, but as Dean had time to kill, he decided to drive west to what the locals called the beltway, a loop road around the city.
I called my mother.
Janice's husband called a doctor last night and he gave me something.
We called his position Regional Marketing Manager, but in reality he was a glorified errand boy—a paper pusher.
It was an hour later when he pulled into an upscale tap house and while waiting for ribs and coffee, called Anderson.
Norfolk called three times today.
An assistant District Attorney had called about prosecuting a felony drug possession, but the second note was upsetting.
Norfolk called to confirm Dean's flight, adding there was nothing much new on the case from their end.
Dean was closing up his desk when Harrigan called.
I called the station in Maryland but it was a cash sale so they don't have a record.
None could add anything to their earlier stories and none was particularly happy being called in for questioning when they should have been enjoying their time off.
He called his wife.
Fred called after him, your mysterious buddy called again, twice.
Ethel Rosewater called to confirm Thursday night.
A lady from Visa had called, probably to tell him he was overextended.
He called all but Visa.
He's called three or four times.
In view of the lateness of the hour, Dean pulled into a pay phone and called the office to check his messages.
He called Ethel Rosewater first, catching her at the office.
She called and said she'd spoken with you.
But Ms. Rosewater said the more detail, the better—bury them in paper, she called it.
The newspaper subscription was called in on April eight, the first day he's back in Parkside!
Winston called to leave word he would see Dean tomorrow—Wednesday— at the safe house.
A day later he called again, saying he had driven by the place and was willing to take it, sight unseen.
Norfolk called but there aren't any details.
Someone already called Mrs. Byrne.
Cynthia Byrne looked worse with each passing hour and just before their flight was called, excused herself and went to the ladies' room.
A tree blew down on his house and he got called home.
Dean called the Parkside Police Department and caught hell from Leland for not keeping him posted on the Wasserman autopsy and current details.
If he called the station quickly enough they might be able to run down the car.
Your stepfather just called it in.
Rose Tisdale first sighted the blue car circling the block and called Flora Watkins.
She in turn called her sister in Toledo, then Fred O'Connor because the occupants seemed to be watching his house.
So I called all around.
I called Mrs. Glass again, just to see if she remembered anything else.
So you called all the local dealers to find out if anyone named Cleary or Byrne or Corbin bought a new motor home?
Art Farmer was blowing trumpet with the Horace Silver quintet in a piece called "Moon Rays" that Fred wouldn't have listened to on his own unless someone cut off his ears.
Dean paid him no attention and called headquarters to report the break-in, asking them to send a doctor as well.
I figured you'd come home early so I called out to you.
Just after seven Cora Abernathy called, in tears.
He remained annoyed at himself for involving Cynthia in the Baratto business and undecided about telling her the break-in was his fault—if she called.
On a prompt from his answering machine, Dean called the station and checked the night desk for messages.
Cynthia Byrne called saying he needn't be concerned about the burglary as nothing had been stolen and it was probably just kids.
Well, tell him Mrs. Glass called.
Dean thanked her and was about to hang up but she insisted he tell that nice Mr. O'Connor she had called and would hold him to his promise to stop by and see her.
Your friend Detective Hunter called from Norfolk.
It was after one before they ran out of steam and called it a night.
Fred had called in both Monday and Tuesday evenings but had little of importance to say.
Harry called you guys.
He remembered Saturday night's overindulgence in beer that made him far too loquacious with Cynthia Byrne, who incidentally had not called back.
I called the number in the ad and got his wife.
I got all this info from Gruber's wife—hubby was out on a job when I called.
Yes, she would come by the station with the names of all Arthur's known friends, all the little fairies, as she called them, and the addresses of his favorite haunts.
He called the station and reported the description of the vehicle.
He called a little while ago too.
Jonathan continued, We called Atherton's partner, your friend Ethel Rosewater—ran her down at a house party in the Hamptons.
Fred called as he took off at a geriatric jog toward the building.
Detective Norman Hunter called Dean from Norfolk later the same week.
Randy had called a few days before with an invitation but Dean was putting in a Sunday shift and was forced to decline.
After the two men called it a night and Fred returned to his guesthouse lodging, Dean sat outside his tent lingering under more stars than he had ever viewed in his life.
There was little conversation but at one point when they were exchanging the lead and Betty pedaled ahead, she called to him over her shoulder.
So it was you who called Mrs. Glass—not Nota and his friends.
He called as he could feel the presence of someone in the room.
I called police headquarters.
The others followed him and Alex called after them.
Somewhere in the distance a Bob-White quail called.
Well, I guess that's why I called.
That's why I called your house phone.
I called to find out if you needed me to pick up anything at the store on the way home.
He called back, but I let the phone ring.
It was one small room with what Mom called a three-quarter bed.
The screen door squealed open and a deep warm voice called her name.
Alex called in a frantic voice as he ran into the barn.
You were the one who called him that, remember?
Friday morning Alex called and said he was picking her up to go out for the evening.
I thought he should know, and he said he was glad I called.
Still, he could have called.
Now if he called, she wouldn't miss it.
He could have called.
He usually called, but...
Alex called as he started down the hall.
I called to tell you I was coming home for lunch.
He called late in the evening and said the cow was in poor condition and too old for what he wanted.
A deep voice called, "Carmen?"
Is that the only reason you called, Josh?
You called last night?
I'm glad you called.
A barred owl called "you-all" in a southern drawl, jarring him to the reality that the sun had set.
Carmen was more than satisfied with their home and what she called a lavish budget.
I didn't want to disturb you in the middle of chores, so I called the land line.
Katie called me today.
That's why Josh was here the night I called, wasn't it?
The night you called, we were talking and I made him angry.
He was courteous to her instead of affectionate, but they were talking — if simple questions and answers could be called conversation.
If she hadn't thrown her cell phone on the bed, she could have called him.
Even after he went to work, he called her several times a day to see if she needed anything.
As they walked down the hill, Jonathan made a detour to the Oak tree and she called him back.
She called to him.
Who had called the police — Alex or Lori?
But it's better for them if he doesn't know she called - as long as he gets the idea she could.
Hopefully that wasn't intentional, but the fact that Lori called Alex indicated that it might have been going on for a while.
Not including the man Damian called Watcher, the man called Jule was the only one of the group older than her, and he'd be lucky to survive the day.
I called in an order for some equipment.
The station nearest the portal had called him with the previous evening's activity report early in the morning.
He almost called off the game, but something in Jenn's dark eyes stopped him.
I'm not called the Magician for no reason.
That's why you didn't respond when I called you mentally.
Yully flashed across the screen, identifying who called.
Darian called her back.
That's the first time you've called me that.
Kellin called, trotting to join him as he pulled on his tunic.
A season before, his father was called in by his brother, the king, to personally travel to the barbarian lands after a tribe of barbarians invited them to trade with them.
Taran called, scared, as the men dragged him outside.
Memon has called in no more of his army.
Allin called almost cheerfully.
In the two years since, he seemed to be getting closer to a normal relationship with his father, so when he called to say he was staying an extra day, it was a relief.
Apparently the idea came up when the boys heard it called road apples.
Someone called the office and asked for you?
I have to admit that I called them Buffalo for a long time – still do when I forget.
She caught her breath and called to the men.
Sometimes they're called Javelina, Tayaussa or Musk hogs.
Pulling the cell phone from the holster on her side, she called Felipa.
For a moment she lay silent, and then the voice called again.
After one glance, the nurse called for reinforcements.
On a hunch, she called the University of Arkansas.
She called and had to leave a message.
But Gerald must have immediately called Alex.
She should have called Alex first.
Apparently he had called Gerald and he had walked over – catching her before she fell.
She called the employment office and they rescheduled the three men they were going to send to help put up the fence.
Alex might be unhappy that she hadn't asked him to help – because he was working – but he'd probably be glad to know she hadn't called Gerald.
She called Alex again, before she left the barn, but it went to his answering service.
If it was, he hadn't been in Texas when she called him.
Katie called before Carmen left the airport and said she wanted to take the children to Silver Dollar City with her.
She called Katie and advised her of the situation.
When you called Gerald instead of me because you thought I would be upset, do you have any idea how that made me feel?
The lawn, if it could be called that, was overgrown with weeds and sadly in need of mowing.
Clara couldn't be expected to know she hated being called Ms.
She called to Keaton as she cleaned up the mess.
She put on a pot of coffee and called him to eat.
He's called the store three times in the last week.
Your father has been worried because you haven't called in a week.
Well, hadn't she called him a stupid idiot the day he took her swimming?
Then why hadn't he called?
The floors were pale stone, the walls something called latte, the furniture in light woods and cream, highlighted by teal and lemon pillows and tasteful throws.
My upbringing after that can be called interesting.
I need my other shoes, Toni called.
Jessi's mouth was agape at the erotic poses Laurencio called for them to do.
I think they're called gigolos, and I am gonna bite you.
She set the spare on the counter then called Jonny.
Darian called a moment later.
Jessi arrived fifteen minutes early the next day, in case Xander or Ingrid called in a substitute after she quit.
This one is called boundaries.
We should start another game called, let's tell my babysitter what I erased from the calendar.
Until he called Jonny a teen, she'd been able to pretend it might be two different Jonnys.
Beyond where the compound ended, she saw the tan sands of the desert punctuated by short, round shrubs It's called Traveling.
Find us some Others, Darian called to the vamp.
Jule called from Xander's left.
The work of blockade, and of harassing the Confederates on the coast and the rivers of the Atlantic seaboard, called for much service in boats, and entailed a great deal of exposure.
In 1783 he published a pamphlet, called Essais historiques, critiques, litteraires, et philosophiques, for which he was imprisoned in the Bastille.
He was present at the September massacres and saved several prisoners, and on the 7th of September 1792 was elected one of the deputies from Paris to the convention, where he was one of the promoters of the proclamation of the republic. He suppressed the decoration of the Cross of St Louis, which he called a stain on a man's coat, and demanded the sale of the palace of Versailles.
He was on the way to suppress a revolt in Swabia when he was murdered on the st of May 1308, at Windisch on the Reuss, by his nephew John, afterwards called "the Parricide," whom he had deprived of his inheritance.
Quarrels of a kind only too common among exiles followed; the Hungarians were especially offended by his claim still to be called governor.
A kind of jam-cake, called a "Bakewell pudding," gives another sort of fame to the place.
Oswulf was slain by his household at a place called Mechil Wongtun in 759.
Oswald, who is called patricius by Simeon of Durham, succeeded, but reigned only twenty-seven days, when he was expelled and eventually became a monk.
Eadred placed Northumbria in the hands of a certain Osulf, who is called high-reeve at Bamburgh.
The patent for it, dated 10th of May 1438, is for a warden and 20 scholars, to be called " the Warden and College of the souls of all the faithful departed," to study and pray " for the soul of King Henry VI.
In 1616 Jacob le Maire and Willem Cornelis Schouten called at Juan Fernandez for water and fresh provisions.
In February 1700 Dampier called at Juan Fernandez and while there Captain Straddling of the "Cinque Porte" galley quarrelled with his men, forty-two of whom deserted but were afterwards taken on board by Dampier; five seamen, however, remained on shore.
The members were called "justices," and in the king's absence the chief justiciar presided over the court.
One of these myths is the famous story of Ishtar's descent to Irkalla or Aralu, as the lower world was called, and her reception by her sister who presides over it; the other is the story of Nergal's offence against Ereshkigal, his banishment to the kingdom controlled by the goddess and the reconciliation between Nergal and Ereshkigal through the latter's offer to have Nergal share the honours of the rule over Irkalla.
Leathertanning and shoe-making are especially associated with the district called Langstraat, which is situated between Geertruidenberg and 's Hertogenbosch, and consists of a series of industrial villages along the course of the Old Maas.
But with a strange want of delicacy, to use the mildest term, she made love at the same time to a young Venetian doctor whom she had called in, by name Pagello.
The motive of this and of the succeeding novels of what may be called her second period is free (not to be confounded with promiscuous) love.
Listen to a story and weep. There was a good artist called Watelet, the best aquafortis engraver of his day.
In a cottage in the environs of Paris called Le Moulin joli, there sat at the same table an old man engraving and an old woman whom he called his meuniere also engraving.
The death of Lorenzo on the 8th of April, however, called the seventeen-year-old cardinal to Florence.
Leo called Theodore Lascaris to Rome to give instruction in Greek, and established a Greek printing-press from which the first Greek book printed at Rome appeared in 1515.
A tribe living on the banks of the Nile between Wadi Halfa and Assuan are called Barabra.
After the death of her brother William Parr, marquess of Northampton, his share of the barony called Marquis Fee reverted to Queen Elizabeth.
The species of the Of d World which, though commonly called "grosbeaks," certainly belong to the family Ploceidae, are treated under WEAVER-BIRD.
Before the coming of white settlers there was an Indian village called Shawnee on the site of the present borough.
In particular the remarkable frontier lines which bounded the Roman provinces of Upper (southern) Germany and Raetia, and which at their greatest development stretched from near Bonn on the Rhine to near Regensburg on the Danube, are often called the Limes Germanicus.
Gammer Gurton's Needle is the second extant English comedy, properly so called.
According to the story, Evander left the Arcadian town of Pallantion about sixty years before the Trojan War and founded Pallanteum or Palatium on the hill afterwards called the Palatine.
A new election must be called to fill the vacancy unless the unexpired term is less than one year.
The " Second Wheeling Convention" met according to agreement (11th June), and declared that, since the Secession Convention had been called without the consent of the people, all its acts were void, and that all who adhered to it had vacated their offices.
Under the influence of Archbishop Chicheley, who had himself founded two colleges in imitation of Wykeham, and Thomas Bekynton, king's secretary and privy seal, and other Wyke - hamists, Henry VI., on the 11th of October 1440, founded, in imitation of Winchester College, "a college in the parish church of Eton by Windsor not far from our birthplace," called the King's College of the Blessed Mary of Eton by Windsor, as "a sort of first-fruits of his taking the government on himself."
Its site was not that of the present college, but of two earlier halls called Boston and Hare, where the new schools now are.
In the years1471-1472to 1474 Waynflete was largely engaged in completing the church, now called chapel, at Eton, his glazier supplying the windows, and he contracted on the 15th of August 1475 for the rood-loft to be made on one side "like to the rode lofte in Bishop Wykeham's college at Winchester," and on the other like that "of the college of St Thomas of Acres in London."
They provided for a head and 70 scholars, but the latter were divided into 40 fellows and 30 scholars called demies, because their commons were half .those of the fellows.
The southern outfall works of the London main drainage system are at Crossness in the neighbouring lowland called Plumstead Marshes.
What is called the Stone of Mortlach is traditionally believed to have been erected to commemorate the success of Malcolm II.
He then abandoned himself to pleasure; he often visited London, and became an intimate friend of the prince of Wales (afterwards George IV.); he brought to Paris the "anglo-mania," as it was called, and made jockeys as fashionable as they were in England.
His descendants made themselves quasi-independent and called themselves princes of Sedan and dukes of Bouillon, and they were even recognized by the king of France.
Bouillon remained French till 1814, and Vauban called it "the key of the Ardennes."
In 1766 he was called upon to give evidence before a committee of the House of Commons upon the affairs of Bengal.