Calla Sentence Examples
Lilies are a more formal choice for summer weddings, and calla lilies with long stems, wrapped and tied with a long silk ribbon are elegant and formal.
Clianthus Clivia Cobaea* Coleus Coprosma Cordyline Correa Cuphea Cyclamen Cyperus Cytisus Darwinia (Genetyllis) Diosma Dracaena Eccremocarpus* Epacris Epiphyllum Erica Eriostemon Erythrina Eucalyptus Eupatorium Eurya Ficus Fuchsia Grevillea Haemanthusf Heliotropium Hibiscus Hoya* Hydrangea Impatiens Jasminum * Justicia Kalosanthes Lachenaliaf Lantana Lapageria * Liliumt Lophospermum* Mandevillea* Manettia* Mutisia* Myrsiphyllum* Maurandya * Nerinef Nerium Pelargonium Petunia Pimelia Plumbago* Polianthesf Primula Rhododendron Richardia (Calla) f Salvia Sarracenia Solanum Sparmannia Statice Strelitzia Streptocarpus Swainsonia Tacsonia* Tecoma Tradescantia Vallotaf Spring Bedding.
The waxy white blooms and spearheaded leaves of the calla lily stand for radiant beauty and sophistication.
But in contrast to skunk cabbage, you can easily pull a wild calla out of the soil.
Pacific callas Suppliers of premium quality calla lily bulbs from the world's best calla lily growers.
Towering eucalyptus, graceful pepper trees, tropic palms, rubber trees, giant bananas, yuccas and a wonderful growth of roses, heliotrope, calla lilies in hedges, orange trees, jasmine, giant geraniums and other flowers beautify the city throughout the year.
Vera Wang for Women - Described as a modern, floral bouquet, Vera Wang for Women includes rose, calla lily, white stephanotis, and mandarin flower scents, as well as lotus, iris, gardenia, white woods, and floral nectar.
Choose between the Calla Lily, a chocolate colored Double Hearts and the white satiny Royalty collection.
A single stem rose or calla lily or a tightly bundled bouquet of roses is most appropriate for the casual look.
Calla Lily Design Bookmarks-Available for only .85 a piece, purchase them in a minimum quantity of 36.
AdvertisementRoses and calla lilies are traditional flowers for this type, and moderate greenery is typically used.
Christian images may include doves, calla lilies, roses, crosses, a Bible, or other religious symbols.
Black Magic roses, orange and yellow carnations or mums, and orange calla lilies are all excellent choices for a Halloween theme.
Other tall flowers that look great in a tall thin vase are calla lilies.
You can use a teardrop or heart-shaped cutter to create lovely calla lilies.
AdvertisementUse either a calla cutter or heart cutter to cut out a petal.
Now, gently roll the edges outward to resemble a real calla lily.
Calla lilies are very elegant and add class to an all white wedding cake or formal celebration cake.
Bog Arum (Calla) - C. palustris is a small, hardy, trailing Arum, with white spathes.
There, you'll find the Dansko Calla Sport Clogs.
AdvertisementSince their stems are fragile, make sure the calla lilies do not protrude too far over the top of the vase, as they have a tendency to droop.
Pair your simple, modern summer wedding dress with sleek flowers like calla lilies and birds of paradise, or carry more traditional and complex flowers, such as roses and hydrangeas, if your gown is full and beaded.