Call for Sentence Examples
Can you call for help?
I'll bet it's a collect call for Gladys Turnbull from the planet Draghow!
Commerce and industry were not yet sufficiently developed to call for the creation of such associations.
The anchorages on the east coast are Soo, Karenko and Pinan, which do not call for special notice.
Since all these books are dealt with in separate articles, they call for no further notice here.
Early in 1787 King was moved by the Shays Rebellion and by the influence of Alexander Hamilton to take a broader view of the general situation, and it was he who introduced the resolution in Congress, on the 21st of February 1787, sanctioning the call for the Philadelphia constitutional convention.
It should be remembered that such comparatively simple activities, though there is little about them to arrest popular attention, are just the raw material out of which the normal active life of such organisms is elaborated, and that for scientific treatment they are therefore not less important than those more conspicuous performances which seem at first sight to call for special treatment, or even to demand a supplementary explanation.
For the revision of the constitution it is necessary that two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the legislature vote for the call of a constitutional convention, that a majority of all electors voting at the next general election approve the call for the convention, and that the convention consist of as many members as the house of representatives, who shall be chosen in the same manner, and shall meet within three months after the general 1 At International Falls on Rainy River and at Duluth on the St Louis immense water-power is utilized for manufacturing.
The constitutional conventions of 1845 and 1875, and the state convention which issued the call for the National Liberal Republican convention at Cincinnati in 1872, met here, and so for some of its sessions did the state convention of 1861-1863.
The other objections, however, remain, and have provoked a variety of theories from Old Testament scholars, of which three call for special notice.
AdvertisementFort William is a popular tourist resort and place of call for the steamers passing through the Caledonian canal.
A full discussion would call for the formal application of Fourier's theorem, but some conclusions of importance are almost obvious.
Natal is the starting-point of the Natal and Nova Cruz railway, and is a port of call for coastwise steamers, which usually anchor outside the bar.
After Hippocrates the progress of medicine in Greece does not call for any special remark in such a sketch as this, but mention must be made of one great name.
It is a port of call for ships trading with the north of Europe as well as for vessels outward bound to the Arctic regions, Hudson Bay and Canada.
AdvertisementThe superintendents exercise general control over the administration of criminal justice, and have power to call for cases, and to exercise wide revisionary powers.
No other decipherers call for mention.
We have already dwelt on certain notable differences between apocalyptic and prophecy; but there are certain others that call for attention.
The island is a place of call for almost all the steamships plying to and from the West Indies, and is a great centre of distribution.
The Saxon towns, during the following century, were joining to protect their common interests, and indeed at this period town confederacies in Germany, both North and South, were so considerable as to call for the declaration against them in the Golden Bull of 1356.
AdvertisementPaita, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Pisco, Mollendo and Ilo, five of which are ports of call for foreign coasting steamers.
Its harbour affords ample accommodation for the largest fleets, it is a coaling station for the British navy, the headquarters of the British military forces in West Africa, the sea terminus of the railway to the rich oil-palm regions of Mendiland, and a port of call for all steamers serving West Africa.
The city of Providence issued a call for a constitutional convention in 1796, and similar efforts were made in 1799, 1817, 1821, 1822 and 1824, but nothing was accomplished.
Buddhist sculpture was by no means neglected during this period, but there are few works that call for special notice.
The electrosyntheses call for mention here.
AdvertisementIn view of these conditions, the prophet's message is to reassert the true relation of Israel to Yahweh, and to call for a corresponding holiness, especially in regard to questions of ritual and of marriage.
These chapters, though presenting some minor difficulties, do not call for discussion here.
Cherbourg is a port of call for the American, North German Lloyd and other important lines of transatlantic steamers.
Hellville, the chief town (so called after De Hell, governor of Reunion at the time of the French annexation), is a port of call for the Messageries Maritimes and a centre for the coasting trade along the western shores of Madagascar.
These improvements caused Galle to be abandoned as a port of call for steamers in favour of Colombo, while Trincomalee has been abandoned as a naval station.
The bay, which is crossed by a fine bridge at its narrow landward extremity, is the headquarters of a fishing fleet, and a port of call for many coasting vessels.
The legislature may propose amendments to the constitution by a majority vote of all members elected to each of the two houses, or may issue a call for a constitutional convention by a two-thirds' majority.
An indication of the mineral products has already been given; as regards the export trade, tin is the most important of these, but the Ombilin coalfields of Sumatra, connected by a railway with the coast, call for mention here also.
In this rapid glance at some of the chief priesthoods of antiquity we have hitherto passed over the pure Semites, whose priesthoods call for closer examination because of the profound influence which one of them - that of the Jews - has exercised on Christianity, and so on the whole history of the modern world.
In cases that call for consultation together, the Consistorium and the Synod appoint committees to confer.
But the Federal armaments were not on such a scale as to enable the government to cope with a "nation in arms," and the first call for volunteers was followed by more and more, until in the end the Federals had more than a million men under arms. At first the troops on both sides were voluntarily enlisted, but the South quickly, the North later, put in force conscription acts.
Apart from this, and other actions referred to, two incidents of the coast war call for notice - the career of the "Albemarle" and the duel between the "Atlanta" and the "Weehawken."
A large majority of the state legislature, however, were Democrats, and in his message to this body, in January 1861, Governor Magoffin, also a Democrat, proposed that a convention be called to determine " the future of Federal and inter-state relations of Kentucky;" later too, in reply to the president's call for volunteers, he declared, " Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern States."
Among the other islands three only call for notice on account of their altitudes, namely, Ketoi-jima, Rashua-jima and Matua-jima, which rise to heights of 3944, 33 0 4 and 5240 ft.
Georgia had responded freely to the call for volunteers, but when the Confederate Congress had passed, in April 1862, the Conscript Law which required all white men (except those legally exempted from service) between the ages of 18 and 35 to enter the Confederate service, Governor Brown, in a correspondence with President Davis which was continued for several months, offered serious objections, his leading contentions being that the measure was unnecessary as to Georgia, unconstitutional, subversive of the state's sovereignty, and therefore " at war with the principles for the support of which Georgia entered into this revolution."
It has an excellent harbour, Port Kennedy, and is a port of call for mail steamers and the centre of the beche-de-mer and pearl fisheries of the Torres Strait.
Entering the church he found the preacher engaged in expounding the words, "We have also a more sure word of prophecy," from which the ordinary Protestant doctrine of the supreme authority of Scripture was being enforced in a manner which appeared to Fox so defective or erroneous as to call for his immediate and most energetic protest.
The harbour is small, and closed to large vessels by a bar of sand; but it is a port of call for the Austrian Lloyd steamers, and annually accommodates about 1500 small vessels, the majority of which are engaged in the coasting trade.
The products of the surrounding district, however, cause the town to increase steadily, and it is a regular port of call for the main Levantine lines of steamers.
In character he was pure, simple, endowed with excellent judgment and a keen sense of humour, and quick to respond to any call for sympathy.
It received a temporary check from the disasters of the Spanish-American War of 1898;1898; but less than a year later it paid about X55 0, 000 in industrial and commercial taxes, or more than r i% of the whole amount thus collected in the kingdom; and within five years it had become a port of regular call for thirty-five important shipping companies.
It is the best harbour on the Pacific coast of Mexico, and it is a port of call for steamship lines running between Panama and San Francisco.
So much judgment and experience does the operation call for that it is a truism to say that bad pruning is worse than none.
Aalesund is a port of call for steamers between Bergen, Hull, Newcastle and Hamburg, and Trondhjem.
Out of this mass of incidents the following are central and call for closer critical consideration.
Dakar is a regular port of call for other French lines and for the Elder Dempster boats sailing between Liverpool and the West Coast of Africa.
The annual meetings call for little notice; they have generally been the occasion on which the foreign minister has explained and justified his policy; according to the English custom, red books, sometimes containing important despatches, have been laid before them; but the debates have caused less embarrassment to the government than is generally the case in parliamentary assemblies, and the army budget has generally been passed with few and unimportant alterations.
Palermo, Messina and Catania are the most important harbours, the former being one of the two headquarters (the other, and the main one, is Genoa) of the Navigazione Generale Italiana, and a port of call for the steamers from Italy to New York.
On the 1st of February 1773 he received information from Cairo that Abul-Dhahab had made himself Sheik al-Balad, and in that capacity was practising unheard-of extortions, which were making Egypt with one voice call for the return of All Bey.
The activities of German agents, some real and many imagined, seemed to call for vigorous action.
The trade of Singapore is chiefly dependent upon the position which the port occupies as the principal emporium of the Federated Malay States and of the Malayan archipelago, and as the great port of call for ships passing to and from the Far East.
But in view of the extreme importance of the matter, and especially of the evidence that, for some cause or other (which may or may not be the examination system), intellectual interest and initiative seem to diminish in many cases very markedly during school and college life in England, the whole subject seems to call for a searching and impartial inquiry.
But they have both been urged with sufficient ability to arrest its progress and to call for a reconsideration and restatement of the fundamental principle of idealist philosophy and its relation to the fundamental problems of religion.
In 1775 he became chairman of the committee of public safety for Orange county, and wrote its response to Patrick Henry's call for the arming of a colonial militia, and in the spring of 1776 he was chosen a delegate to the new Virginia convention, where he was on the committee which drafted the constitution for the state, and proposed an amendment (not adopted) which declared that "all men are equally entitled to the full and free exercise" of religion, and was more radical than the similar one offered by George Mason.
He was content to voice the cry for the overthrow of the dominant system as such, and to call for a new beginning, with no realist presuppositions.
As interpreted it was acquiesced in or revolted from and revolt ranged from a desire for some modifications of detail or expression to the call for a radical transformation.
Konakry is a port of call for French, British and German steamship companies, and is in telegraphic communication with Europe.
The cities of southern Italy do not here call for special attention.
The remainder which call for separate mention are Lahat Datu on Darvel Bay on the east coast; Kudat on Marudu Bay and Jesselton on Gaya Bay on the west coast.
In February 1780 he withdrew from Congress because of its refusal to respond to his call for the yeas and nays.
But even his eloquence was constraining and constructive - a personal call for immediate and universal co-operation; and that personal influence survives to this day in the institutions of his people, and perhaps still more in their character.
It is a port of call for several lines of steamers, including those of the Pacific Mail running between Liverpool and Valparaiso.
A massacre of Persians at Kerbela might have seriously complicated the dispute, but, after a first burst of indignation and call for vengeance, an expression of the regret of the Ottoman government was accepted as a sufficient apology for the occurrence.
From that time forward Table Bay was used as an occasional port of call for British ships, and in 1620 two English captains formally took possession of the Cape in the name of James I.
The last raja of the Hindu dynasty found himself compelled to call for the assistance of the mountain shepherds, with their leader, Kambar, in order to check the encroachments of a horde of depredators, headed by an Afghan chief, who infested the country and even threatened to attack the seat of government.
There is, however, no reason to doubt that a large portion of the laws is genuinely old since the subject is one that would naturally call for early legislation; moreover, Deut.
There are two apparent exceptions to Marangoni's rule which call for a word of explanation.
La Paz is a port of call for steamships running between Mazatlan and San Francisco, and had a population of 5056 in 1900.
It is a port of call for the Austrian Lloyd steamers, and communicates by rail with Sebenico, Knin and Sinj.
It is a port of call for many lines trading between Western Europe and South America.
The Epigrams do not call for detailed notice.
Finally, the connexion of the last-mentioned with politics (or, to speak more modernly, with jurisprudence and sociology), with the philosophy of history and the philosophy of religion, will call for a few words on the relation of these sciences to general philosophy.
But it is the office of philosophy, as a theory of knowledge, to submit such conceptions to a critical analysis, with a view to discover how far they can be thought out, or how far, when this is done, they refute themselves, and call for a different form of statement, if they are to be taken as a statement of the ultimate nature of the real.'
The experiments given by Professor Burr indicate that a closed column is stronger than an open one, but practice does not always support theory, and many other questions besides mere form arise in connexion with the choice of a section; special considerations in the use of columns in buildings sometimes call for a form very different from the circular section, and such include the transfer of loads to the centre of the section, the maximum efficiency under loading, and the requirements for pipe space around or included in the column form.
Prices are reckoned out in numbers of such slaves and there must have been a constant call for them both as concubines and as household servants.
It is served by railway to the S.S.W., to Holguin and Cacocum (where it connects with the main line between Santiago and Havana), and is a port of call for the American Munson Line.
Andromede, with the later spectacle piece, the Toison d'or, do not call for comment, and we have already alluded to the chief merit of Don Sanche.
Despite its large Southern population, Indiana's answer to President Lincoln's first call for volunteers at the outbreak of the Civil War was prompt and spirited.
Then followed a fresh call for a benevolence, this time more sparingly answered than before.
It is a regular port of call for several intercolonial lines from Sydney and Melbourne, and for lines from London to New Zealand.
Here, then, are two points which call for investigation, viz.
Queenstown is a port of call for American mail steamers, and the mails are transmitted overland by express trains; it is also a port of embarkation for colonial troops, and a government emigration station.
His call for volunteers was responded to with enthusiasm by all parts of Greece not held by Constantine's troops, and 60,000 men were soon gathered at Salonika.
It allowed the chief to call for the labour of any district, and to employ it in planting, house or canoe-building,supplying food on the occasion of another chief's visit, &c. This power was often used with much discernment; thus an unpopular chief would redeem his character by calling for some customary service and rewarding it liberally, or a district would be called on to supply labour or produce as a punishment.
Eubulus and his party, with that versatility which is the privilege of political vagueness, now began to call for a congress of the allies to consider the common danger.
He voted for the death of Louis XVI., was one of the first to call for the arrest of the duke of Orleans, and took a prominent part in the overthrow of the Girondists (on the 31st of May).
Hobart is now a place of call for several of the European steamship lines, and the state is becoming increasingly popular as a summer resort for the residents of Melbourne and Sydney.
Most of the other Monocotyledons call for little remark, though among them is an Iris, a Bromelia and a ginger.
Its importance as a port of call for steamers and a coaling station has grown immensely since the opening of the Suez Canal.
Buckingham (1804-1875), one of the ablest and most zealous of the " war-governors," and afterwards, from 1869 until his death, a member of the United States Senate, issued a call for volunteers in April 1861; and soon 54 companies, more than five times the state's quota, were organized.
Ballachulish and Port Appin are ports of call for steamers, and the Caledonian railway company's branch line from Connel Ferry to Ballachulish runs through the coast land and has stations at Creagan, Appin, Duror, Kentallen and Ballachulish Ferry.
The proposition to call a convention to vote on the question of secession was voted down on the 9th of February 1861, but after President Lincoln's call for troops the legislature submitted the question of secession directly to the people, and meanwhile, on the 7th of May 1861, entered into a " Military League " with the Confederacy.
All the other coast places have some importance as chief villages of the little states and as ports of call for the vessels of the steam packet company, but have only from 500 to 1000 inhabitants.
What you uncover may demolish a friendship but the circumstances seem to call for prompt and decisive action.
Irritated by the mention of Claire and the idea of his collectibles being destroyed, he snatched his phone to call for Han.
However, when the phone rang—one a reservation, the other a lengthy call for Fred from his current beloved—Cynthia jumped like a startled rabbit.
Flanders is wanted in Philly for skipping child support and he has-n't seen his parole officer in weeks, but no one's gotten around to putting out a call for him, so officially they weren't looking for him.
There were many men ready on the last call for volunteers to descend the shaft.
These verses are all abrogated by other verses which call for war.
The Born Free Foundation joins the RSPCA call for captive breeding programs to end.
He is, however, probably not the first port of call for anyone running a small business.
The Section also provides a cadre of experts on whom the Society can call for professional advice.
He reiterated the call for cessation of hostilities or, better still, a comprehensive cease-fire.
Some recipes call for the dried chiles to be roasted first to bring out their flavor.
For men like Currie the party's rejection of his call for a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience had been a grave error.
This report provides useful context and we welcome the call for better information collation.
This call for learner involvement in formative and summative evaluation, however, proves problematic on two counts.
This was a clear call for the two South Asian nations not to conduct any more nuclear explosions.
Again, the general strike -- and they call for a one-day general strike!
Improved coverage as well as emergency buttons on Airwave handsets enable officers to call for urgent assistance.
Yesterday, I had a call for a very indignant man.
The Bush plan might also call for the development of sea-based interceptors, which are likely to be modified versions of the land-based interceptors.
Whether or not lexical resemblances indicate relationship, the fact remains that the resemblances do really exist and call for some explanation.
There would be no time to launch the lifeboats, call for help of even say goodbye.
London practice Project Orange has designed a home in response to deputy prime minster John Prescott's call for an affordable £ 60,000 house.
The increased congestion has led the Lib Dem party to call for a wide-ranging road-charging scheme designed to deter motorists from inner-city areas.
Since when is it sound policy to provide a breeding ground and recruitment call for extremist nutters?
This call for strike action can only be negatively perceived, given the increasingly bleak climate of uncertainty with regard to the international situation.
It was a wake-up call for the sluggish hosts and proved equally pivotal as they took the lead two minutes later.
Blum's government seized the Trotskyist newspaper that had carried Trotsky's call for the establishment of revolutionary French soviets.
The latest disorder has prompted Dublin Castle landlord Henry Conlon to call for extra measures to deal with the worst troublemakers.
The response reflects public unease about the UK's failure to call for an immediate ceasefire.
In terms of the motor theory there seems nothing so unusual in Japanese syntax as to call for explanation or modification.
If you need veneering or a curved panels made for whatever reason please call for a quote.
These results should be seen as a wake up call for all right-thinking people to combat xenophobia in all its guises.
North Carolina held back, worked for a compromise, sent delegates to the Washington Peace Convention in February 1861, and did not secede until the 20th of May 1861, after President Lincoln's call for troops to preserve the Union.
The ruins of the city of Ma'rib, the old Sabaean capital, have been visited by Arnaud, Halevy and Glaser, but call for further description, as Arnaud confined himself to a description of the dike (see below), while Halevy and Glaser were interested chiefly in the inscriptions.
As a result, Massachusetts was the only northern state in any way prepared for war when the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter; and her troops began to muster in Boston on the 16th of April, the very day after President Lincoln's call for volunteers.
The law permits druggists to keep for sale no other form of alcoholic drink than pure alcohol; physicians prescribing alcohol must fill out a blank, specifying the patient's ailment, and certifying that alcohol is necessary; the prescription must be filled the day it is dated, must be served directly to the physician or to the patient, must not call for more than a pint, and may not be refilled.'
His call for a "march of dimes" was a play on "The March of Time," a well-known newsreel series.
She has practised no single constructive craft which would call for the use of her hands.
Rostov did not think what this call for stretchers meant; he ran on, trying only to be ahead of the others; but just at the bridge, not looking at the ground, he came on some sticky, trodden mud, stumbled, and fell on his hands.
Order after order was issued by the French commanders that day forbidding the men to disperse about the town, sternly forbidding any violence to the inhabitants or any looting, and announcing a roll call for that very evening.
Would you replace a punctured tire or call for help?
The move toward containerisation is balanced by a call for initiatives to boost the future growth of the reefer industry.
The relevant academic world responded with enthusiasm to the Commission 's call for written submissions.
Unsurprisingly, given sedulous clerical attention over a period of weeks, many prisoners proved responsive to the call for repentance.
Blum 's government seized the Trotskyist newspaper that had carried Trotsky 's call for the establishment of revolutionary French soviets.
Let 's just start at the beginning, with an early public call for the closing of a powerful mosque.
These findings have prompted the ABI to call for a more streamlined claims procedure for ' genuine claimants ' with less legal argument involved.
Send this photo on an email postcard There 's always a call for teen angst.
This early version of the tool-kit was timed to coincide with UfI 's call for the establishment of 100 Learning Center Hubs.
We Liberal Democrats led the call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire.
The response reflects public unease about the UK 's failure to call for an immediate ceasefire.
I would need to get the house unlocked then call for help.
Maybe these pics will be a wake up call for Jess.
A larger room may call for larger speakers.
Larger rooms may call for subwoofers, which deliver the deeper levels of a sound experience and provide maximum sound coverage.
Larger companies usually have a toll-free number that you can call for price quotes, but be prepared by at least having an idea of what you're looking for.
Different bowling scenarios call for different balls, so if you play on a league or simply want to enhance your performance you may want to look into purchasing a few balls with varying features.
Most store's policy is for the cashier to shut the register drawer and call for a supervisor so it can be figure out by shutting down the register and counting the money.
The Iams cat food recall is just another wakeup call for pet lovers everywhere.
Nearly all cat tree plans call for these basic tools, but double check your own plans to make sure you'll have everything you need to complete the project.
Although most recipes call for between one and three measures of vodka, all vodkas are not created equally.
Although many Martinis call for them, they will give your beverage a sour flavor.
In fact, most strawberry Daiquiri recipes you'll find online call for a healthy dose of lemonade or limeade concentrate.
Many Daiquiri recipes call for limeade concentrate which is high in sugar and calories.
The flavor of a Washington apple is rich enough to call for aged whiskey as a replacement for vodka or gin.
Some recipes call for significantly less apple schnapps than others do, and the amount you choose is subject to your specific tastes.
Many strawberry Daiquiri recipes call for granulated sugar.
Simple mixed drinks call for simple garnishes.
Both recipes call for all ingredients, except the grenadine, to be mixed in a glass.
Some recipes in this vodka martini cocktail categoryeven call for rimming the martini glass with graham cracker crumbs to replicate the crust of the sweet citrus dessert.
Fortunately, modern times call for modern solutions and the vast amount of information available to the public helps to shine a comforting light on areas that once were sheathed in darkness and fear.
If you aren't quite sure what you need, you can chat live with a technician, or give them a call for assistance.
Herbal treatments for arthritis and other holistic treatments often call for dietary changes and additions.
While Western medicine typically doesn't call for supportive treatments for the kidneys, Chinese herbal medicine suggests several herbs for routine kidney cleansing.
Christmas tree - Country Christmases don't call for formal, fancy Christmas tree decorations.
Upholstery fabric is a heavy-duty covering for furniture, ottomans and other projects that call for sturdy fabric.
Contemporary designs usually call for muted patterns or solid colors.
Work, school, and special occasions all call for a variety of styles and all of them differ by degrees of intensity.
Strong eyes that are rimmed all the way around call for a pretty, pale mouth and the good news is that you have a few different options to choose from.
In other words, a bohemian styled dress calls for equally relaxed looking makeup, while a more formal looking dress may call for a look that is equally formal.
An evening wedding inside a chapel may call for a dramatic look, while morning beach wedding makeup tends to be lighter and less bold.
Light-colored lipsticks don't need the careful application that dark colors call for in order to look neat and professional.
Parties call for fun, festive looks with a touch of glamour.
The website should be easy to use, have a tutorial or a number to call for support, and accept secure online payments.
The typical southern meal doesn't call for fancy or hard-to-find ingredients and embellishments are few.
Working at a summer job, volunteering with a group, or just hanging out with friends are all instances that call for the right wardrobe.
All too often teens escape, only to turn up missing or abducted from the roadside stranger that answered their call for help.
Those kinds of jaw misalignments are called malocclusions and generally call for braces.
Some diet plans call for drinking protein powder shakes to decrease hunger and increase feelings of fullness.
Many call for flavored whey powders and lots of healthy fruit blended with ice and water.
As with many diets that call for extreme additions or restrictions, a fat-free diet invites many opinions on its potential health risks and benefits.
The below meal suggestions are easy to prepare, call for only basic ingredients, and don't take more than a few minutes to make.
Eventually they were able to get reception and call for an ambulance which met them on the road and rushed him to the emergency room.
Formal occasions call for crystal, gold, porcelain, or silver bells.
Formal weddings call for a floor-length dress; however, to make them cooler, consider removing the lining that adds bulk and weight.
Whether this is a beach, retreat, or simple backyard wedding, outdoor events call for special attire planning.
Afternoon weddings call for softer colors and more floating fabrics even when you're indoors.
Depending on the activities, more casual events on the program may call for capris or linen pants, even swimwear.
Though most weekend weddings are more subdued, activities such as golf, swimming, or even horseback riding will clearly call for a specific wardrobe.
If you are unsure whether the person is okay, you need to call for help right away.
Try out recipes that use reduced amounts of sugar or call for sugar substitutes.
Consider using sugar substitutes when cooking foods that call for sugar.
Free cake decorating patterns can take much of the stress away from birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and other special occasions that call for a fancy dessert.
Perhaps this will be a wake up call for Haley Joel Osment, and he will use it as a stepping stone to get what was once a stellar acting career back on track.
They agreed and Brolin read for them at the final casting call for the role of Llewelyn Moss.
Fortunately, clothes for toddlers are readily available in a range of prices and styles to suit various occasions, from casual play to those special events that call for cute, frilly dresses or little boys' suits.
Girls spring dresses are also popular outside of religious circles, being purchased for spring picnics, Easter egg hunts, weddings, outdoor parties and other special occasions that call for a dress that is ideal for warming weather.
Even though it's not as dressy as some other options, sometimes the weather will call for a rain jacket; this is one of the nicest options for little girls in rain jackets.
At an outdoor, casual wedding, a short-sleeve dress shirt and slacks might be dressy enough, but an evening wedding will probably call for a suit and tie.
If he doesn't want to wear a suit (or if the occasion doesn't really call for one), a boy can still look picture-perfect in a sweater and khaki pants ensemble.
These unique occasions call for unique apparel; or, perhaps, you may want to individualize your child more and avoid copies that occur when parents shop at the same stores.
Also, it is important to keep in mind that a pageant will call for different types of dresses.
A bat mitzvah, communion or award ceremony might call for a full-length, Cinderella-style gown.
Afternoon styles are more wistful and playful, whereas evening parties call for more of a sophisticated flair.
Church or tea parties call for more delicate attire - perhaps a focus on white linens and pastels.
Birthday parties call for different colors and dress types, whereas holiday parties require an entirely different dress theme.
Other situations may call for a new suit, or a jacket, pants and tie.
Certain religious events, like infant baptisms, traditionally call for infant formal dresses, but there are many other times to consider dressing up your little girl to make a spectacular entrance.
If you are turned away or asked to call for an appointment, move on to the next establishment.
Almost all my recipes call for whole wheat flour, Bisquik, or cornmeal.
Make a small amount of plaster of Paris (You can buy the mix at any craft store), but substitute liquid potpourri for the water the directions call for.
This recipe also doesn't call for any artificial preservatives.
However, circumstances sometimes call for a pet to travel by public transportation, such as an airplane.
Many recipes call for variations on the standard recipe of one gallon of vinegar, such as adding one ounce of dishwashing liquid, or one cup of salt, or one cup of lemon juice, or one ounce of essential oil.
Southern zones such as 10, 9 and 8 may call for certain seeds to be planted directly into the garden when the calendar pages still reflect winter.
Different flooring types will call for different installation strategies.
Some recipes also call for liquid dish detergent.
Destination Weddings - Destination weddings can call for a casual breezy look such as linen pants and sandals or a suit.
At the same time, proper black tie does call for a certain style of shoe and shirt.
There are times that call for dressier shorts, such as khaki-type shorts or Bermuda shorts.
When the situation does not call for a suit, you have more options at your disposal.
Unfortunately, some work dress codes call for less casual attire, and not all weddings and other special events are casualwear friendly, either.
Even if the weather doesn't call for them, unexpected conditions may arise at any time, and a good pair of thick, warming socks can feel very comforting while snuggled up in a tent or sitting around a campfire.
If you just can't feel at home in a blazer or a cardigan, but the days and nights where you live don't always call for heavy coats, you may benefit from adding a men's western jacket to your coat rack.
Some companies recommend brewing their teas for as little as a minute, while others call for up to five minutes to extract full flavor from the tea.
Furthermore, the vast majority of wool diaper covers call for hand washing.
Items made with this flour are often denser and thicker than baked goods made with all-purpose flour, so it's a good idea to find recipes that specifically call for this type of flour instead of substituting it for other kinds.
Latin dances, such as the salsa, flamenco, and the samba, usually call for skirts in warm colors, such as red, yellow, or orange.
Bright colors are just what spring and summer call for anyway.
Day and nighttime events call for very different styles, as does the event setting.
Whether you only attend special occasions once a year or you have many events to attend that call for formal dress, there are quite a few options for plus size women to take advantage of.
A special occasion may call for it - or a woman may simply want to wear something a touch more glamorous than usual under her clothes!
These occasions call for all-out glamour in a way that few other moments on the social agenda do.
More occasions call for formal wear then you may think.
Formal cocktail parties, such as a work Christmas party, call for semi-formal attire.
It is, of course, always appropriate for a professional environment, but it is also suitable for job interviews, weddings, meetings, church and other occasions that call for a crisp, polished and relatively conservative appearance.
Remember, too, that dressy occasions call for more than just the average pantsuit!
Fortunately, cocktail parties and weddings are not the only venues that call for evening attire, or your statement-making garment would spend most of its time in the closet.
Use a cell phone to call for help if possible, giving as accurate of directions as you can to your location.
However, there is cause for alarm when certain symptoms occur, and this is when you need to call for help.
Often they remain helpless on the floor unable to move or call for help.
Keep a list of emergency phone numbers handy so you can call for help when needed.
The system will begin to say loudly, "Emergency!" so that you can be assured that it is responding to your call for help.
Life Guardian - Not only does this company's system call for the local police or 9-1-1 for help, but also a neighbor or relative will then be telephoned so that someone can be there to sit with you until professional services arrive.
Many of today's styles call for razored ends or long layers.
You may be able to call for the pick up a few minutes before you are ready so that you meet each other around the same time, but beware of calling too early.
As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures.
You should also be able to at least get a phone number that you can call for additional assistance.
Early morning or low light levels call for rosy lenses.
If we don't hear anything by Thursday, I'm guessing our call for 40 of the systems will go fruitless.
Note - Although Italian Bellinis call for peach juice, there have been many variations so feel free to experiment with your favorite fruit juice or puree.
You'll be able to place a toll free call for assistance no matter where you are or when you need help.
Make sure someone has a copy of your written itinerary and knows to call for help if you are not back when you planned to be.
All children should be taught how to call for help in an emergency.
Parents or caregivers should immediately call for emergency care if a child is found not breathing or without a pulse or is unable to be aroused from sleep.
Monitoring is based on the belief that if parents can quickly reach an infant who has stopped breathing, they can either get him breathing again themselves or call for emergency assistance.
Finally, gross motor skills call for energy, which is boundless in preschoolers, while fine motor skills require patience, which is in shorter supply.
During the early 1970s, when the government's financial burden grew as more and more women turned to welfare, the U.S. Congress began to call for even stronger child-support enforcement provisions.
Other parasomnias, such as night terrors and night walking, may call for medication if other interventions and treatments fail to relieve seriously disruptive symptoms.
They call for better diagnostic procedures conducted by trained personnel rather than relying primarily on subjective observations by parents and teachers.
All egg salad sandwich recipes will call for hard-boiled eggs but after that the options are as endless as your imagination.
Triple-Step (or Quick) Basic - The triple step is done either by more advanced dancers or when the music is lively enough to call for it.
The costumes are only available to dance studios and dance teams, so call for a catalog and pricing if the costumes shown on the website are appealing.
Salon customers, students, and individuals respond to the call for hair.
They call for a certain amount of confidence, but they are also essentially mistake-proof - in other words, anything goes.
Many half updos call for volume, which makes this a great choice if you have thick, full hair.
For example, some second mortgage loans call for payments that cover both the principal and interest, while some loans may pay only the interest owed each month.
Can provide at least three references who you can, in turn call for details about their experience with the inspector.
You are only required to give your name, email, telephone number, address, and a best time to call for this service.
When making origami paper ornaments, many diagrams or instructions may call for using glue, tape or other mediums in addition to the paper.
This is technically not induction since labor has started but slow labor will usually call for induction methods.
If you have questions about how to take the test, there is usually a toll-free number you can call for assistance.
The bar menu is available until late into the evening, so give the restaurant a call for exact times and selections.
Then save that teeny weeny string bikini for days that call for more relaxing than playing.
Informal party invitations call for short dresses.
They also don't list a phone number on their website where you can call for support or service.
Of course, spring might call for a brighter shade.
Some exciting performances call for matching men's and women's costumes.
For starters, many church-sponsored Advent celebrations call for kids to don costumes for plays or other Christmas-related productions.
Not many occasions call for the same level of glitz and the glamour as New Year's eve.
Even balls that call for modern dress will still incorporate masks.
If someone doesn't call for another date, don't worry.
Bring a cell phone to call for help if necessary.
The person then starts to come on to you but because of his /her behavior, you say goodnight and call for a cab.
It may, therefore, be a good idea to back the online announcement up with a traditional paper card or phone call for important friends and family members who may be hurt or upset if they don't receive a message.
Whether you're an editor, copywriter or feature writer, lean times call for you to step up and take control of your career.
These kinds of numbers call for managed expectations.
A cover letter is a letter written in response to a specific request, such as a call for freelancers to contribute articles to a new magazine about dating in the city.
Most gravy recipes call for butter or margarine, some sort of broth, flavoring agents such as salt and pepper, and flour.
Many classic candied sweet potato recipes call for marshmallows, brown sugar, butter or margarine, and spices.
Instead, use a recipe which doesn't call for bread.
The key is to have items such as cornstarch and gluten-free flour on hand for recipes which call for similar ingredients.
For recipes that call for flour-based topping, you can substitute rice flour.
You can use it as part of your recipe for gratin dishes which call for a crunchy coating of bread crumbs, butter, and flour.
Although having a pretty summer carryall is something most women want, there are many special occasions which might call for a beach bag that is extra special.
Other occasions that might call for a bag that's out of the ordinary include all-girls' weekends, bachelorette weekends, a date at a beach or pool, and special beach or outdoor parties.
There's a call for obedience and the courage to face the day-to-day work required of the ox.
In fact, there are numerous occasions throughout the year that call for a celebration.
Theme birthdays call for theme birthday cards as well.
While there's nothing that can compare to a day filled with sunshine and exercise in the great outdoors, plenty of parents turn to free Internet games for kids when weather or circumstances that call for indoor time arise.
For instance, stepparents and co-parents face unique challenges that call for specialized parenting skills that they may not have had the opportunity to develop.
Additionally, you can only call for help to the place where you purchased it, because there isn't a manufacturer's customer service line available.
Most states have hotlines to call for assistance.
Casual shoes call for casual clothes, so save your Lacostes for the beach, the barbeque, or anywhere else where casual attire is acceptable.
What occasions might call for fall formal shoes?
They're flat, casual, sophisticated, and perfect for everything from shopping in shorts to summer evening barbecues that call for a dress.
What a wake up call for Diz, but the boy is earnestly impressed by the experience, and even gets the honor of tattooing the shop's most respected tattoo artist.
In Middle Eastern culture, special occasions such as a marriage festival call for mehndi artwork to be applied to a woman's feet or hands.
Avoid travel agencies that do not provide a telephone number to call for information.
Some of the problems associated with watches are relatively easy to repair, while others call for a more cautious approach.
Should the avian bird flu outbreak become severe, WHO may again call for a travel band to China.
Most homemade laundry detergent recipes call for bar soap, Borax and baking or washing soda, as well as plain tap water.
Some recipes also call for vinegar and/or glycerin.
You can practice and perfect your in-the-round technique on this small scale, to better prepare you for bigger projects that call for this type of crochet.
The diet does call for quite a bit of protein, which includes chicken breasts, eggs and low-fat dairy.
The plan does call for quite a bit of protein, which includes chicken breasts, eggs and low-fat dairy.
In Your Right to Be Beautiful, Tonya Zavasta recommends buying a low-wattage dehydrator that can be set at 95 degrees or lower, as most raw food recipes do not call for temperatures above 110 degrees.
Some exercises only require a set of dumbbells, while others call for free weight stations, like a squat rack, Smith machine or bench press.
When doing exercises that call for you to rise up from the floor, don't crane your neck back or bring it in too close to your chest.
The majority of good vegetable grill recipes call for marinating the vegetables in some mixture of liquid and seasoning.
Some recipes call for more intricate rubs, but to truly experience this luscious cut of meat, a little goes a long way.
While many recipes call for distilled water, you should use filtered water, not distilled.
Some recipes call for a whipped texture while others call for a smooth glaze.
Glazes typically call for one part chocolate and one part heavy cream.
On the other hand, used vehicles that have little value and no lien holder may call for less insurance.
You can apply online or call for a quote.
The company is more than happy to help you further - there is an email address as well as a toll-free number to call for more questions.
Textured hose call for attention and when you wear them, they should be the only part of your outfit that does so.
While it's true that matching your panties and bras might be appropriate in certain situations, it's also true that other situations call for a more relaxed approach to your foundation garments.
If larger repairs were necessary, then the driver would call for backup.
The program concludes with a farewell statement and a call for greater unity in the community.
Likewise, a great Halloween-inspired party would require guests to wear costumes and call for decorations that lean toward the spooky and surreal.
Yet during a casting call for I Want to Work for Diddy, participants have to show through a series of tasks why working for a celebrity such as Sean "Diddy" Combs, is what they want to do.
If you are getting married, then see what you need to do for MTV's casting call for this show.
The first thing you can expect at an open call for a reality show is a long lineup.
Wondering what happens on a casting call for America's Next Top Model?
Tamra and Simon Barney hit the Real Housewives scene in Season 3, after Tamra attended a casting call for the show.
Some recipes call for gelatin, but as this is a non-vegetarian, non-Kosher ingredient, it's good to avoid when making in mass quantities.
A more serious website concerning the dangers of the occupation or the possibility of injuries, might call for a more somber image.
If your needs call for more Web 2.0 style add-ons and style, you may want to try contacting an actual design firm.
This means that just about any celebration - from a traditional Chinese New Year's party to the victory over the Empire in Star Wars - is a call for fireworks.
The restaurant hours change seasonally, so call for the most current hours of operation.
And yet, Howard made no move to call for help.
Why didn't Howard call for help?
He'd forgone the trip to pick me up, afraid he'd miss a call for information on his sister's death.
When the phone rang for the fourth time, Dean assumed it was either a call for reservations or more discussion on the upcoming New Jersey wedding plans, but Cynthia held the phone against herself and called to her husband.
She shook too hard to pull her phone free from her pocket and call for help.
Kris.s Immortals appeared to outnumber the demons two to one for now, and Katie would call for him if she needed help.
However, when the phone rang—one a reservation, the other a lengthy call for Fred from his current beloved—Cynthia jumped like a startled rabbit.
If he did, at least one of them could go call for help.
If she ran to the house to call for help, the dogs would attack Brutus again.
The fed's facility had been armed as well as the hospital, and one of his commo guys intercepted the call for help only an hour before.
It had been stolen, so the police had no way of putting out a call for Nota and his friend unless someone in the neighborhood had sharp eyes.
Colon has a deep, though poorly sheltered harbour, and is either the terminus or a place of call for seven lines of steamships.
Stavanger is the first port of call for northward-bound passenger steamers from Hull and Newcastle, and has regular services from all the Norwegian coast towns, from Hamburg, &c. A railway runs south along the wild and desolate coast of Jaederen, one of the few low and unprotected shores in Norway, the scene of many wrecks.
It is noted for the fine boxwood grown in the vicinity, is a port of call for Black Sea coasting steamers and carries on a considerable trade with Constantinople which might be increased were it not for the obstruction of the harbour by a bar.
The appointment of these would be regarded as a matter of course, and would not seem to call for any special notice in such a narrative as the Acts of the Apostles.
Vallandigham in May, and, although he responded immediately to the call for militia in June, he thought the Conscription Act unnecessary and unconstitutional and urged the president to postpone the draft until its legality could be tested.
Fokia has acquired local importance however as a port of call for coasting steamers, and it is used to some degree as a summer residence by Smyrniotes.
A Strange Truth, appears to call for special attention.
No other items in the budget call for special remark, but in order that the information given may be complete, each head of expenditure is shown separately below, and the budget for 1910-1911, as first placed before the Turkish parliament, presents the following picture, from which it may be observed that the public debt absorbs 26% of the revenue, war service 38% and civil services 36%.
Changes of ministry at Constantinople were powerless to bring about an improvement, and early in 1896 Cretan affairs became so serious as to call for the intervention of the powers.
The higher sugars call for no special notice.
The evidence contained in these state records so clearly marks the difference between the policy of Mr Kruger and the pacific, commercial policy of President Brand and his followers, that the documents call for careful consideration.
We call for lifting the embargo on Iraq " .
Once, she heard him call for help.