Call Sentence Examples
He was going to call the doctor.
Do you want me to call Len?
If you need anything, be sure to call me.
Call me if there's any change.
I'll call an ambulance.
I suppose you could call it that.
My whole name is Zebediah; but folks just call me 'Zeb.'
Then I will drag it out of the bushes and call mamma to come and see it.
As soon as she retrieved her purse and clothes, she could call Connie to come get her.
I'll call him and see if I can get him to see the doctor.
AdvertisementWhat do you call it?
Call the next one!
Beside, clothes introduced sewing, a kind of work which you may call endless; a woman's dress, at least, is never done.
Is it all right if I call Lisa now and then to see how she's doing?
Don't call me that, shithead.
AdvertisementHer hand hung over the phone a minute as she fought with the urge to call Howard.
And like a practical Petersburg lady who knows how to make the most of time, Anna Mikhaylovna sent someone to call her son, and went into the anteroom with him.
They imagined it to be a call to arms.
Lisa had time between when Howard left and Giddon arrived to call the police, but she didn't.
You made the call.
AdvertisementEvery phone call you make.
He had invited Miss Sullivan and me to call on him one Sunday afternoon.
To the conservatives, call it a tax rebate; to the liberals, an entitlement.
We call these rights "human rights" because they apply to every single person on the planet by virtue of simply being alive.
Mr. Wilson came to call on us one Thursday.
AdvertisementKatie would call it controlling.
Apparently his mood had been inspired by the telephone call she made to Connie a few nights ago.
Did you call me to get my opinion or to tell me you're going to take the job?
Don't call me Mr. Cade.
Did you call your friend yet?
Who do we call?
I left word I'd call from the airport in the morning and set my phone alarm in time for my early departure.
Who can I call?
Your ability to heal makes you what we'd call a Natural, a human with extraordinary capabilities.
Intercepts picked up a call Talon made to one of his guys who we know plans his recruitment fairs.
Well, maybe I should call a game warden.
Linda gets the idea to call Facebook and see if she can advertise to people who change their status to "In a relationship."
Keep calm, I will call again tomorrow, said Metivier; and putting his fingers to his lips he hastened away.
I'll call, I'll call to kiss your hand.
The phone rang several times and then dropped the call.
Why were you trying to call him?
The local folks call this spot the writing on the rock.
Connie gave me this number to call you.
Is he listening to your phone call?
Why didn't Howard call for help?
If she could get to her telephone, she could call someone for help.
She started to call out to him, but a pretty young Indian girl emerged from those same bushes.
In fact, she was so keyed up when she reached her apartment that she decided to call her best friend with the news.
I wouldn't call you dull, just inactive.
Tonight she would have to call her - after she and Cade returned from their ride.
Sort of a flash-back you might call it.
I'll call it a dream for lack of another word but that's not what I experienced.
But you did wake up... come back, or whatever you call it, quite easily.
There were three metal objects with dials and switches; machines I'll call them, from which the wires ran.
We plodded our way through dinner but the disappointment of the bad news phone call weighted on everyone's mind.
It was Thursday before I got up the nerve to call my friends.
Remember in grade school when one of those bullies would put you in a half-nelson or whatever you call it, and twist your arm up your back?
If I didn't have a pregnant wife practically begging me, I wouldn't even be making this phone call.
We do know as a result of earlier tests EA, as we call it, is also part of the lure.
The announcement went on to describe what the young boy was wearing and listed a tip line phone number to call with information.
It described how Timothy's mother had left her son in their enclosed yard to answer a phone call.
We can't call from here!
When I'd stopped for a breath, the woman asked where I was when I witnessed it and why I'd waited so long to call.
We agreed to call it a night and reconnoiter in the morning.
He so busied himself with his silly telephone trick to call away the mother he didn't notice someone who must have been watching.
She was forbidden to engage the operator in any conversation and make the call as brief as possible.
I was as nervous tonight as usual making the tip call.
Martha made the call, saying she thought she saw a girl taking a short cut across the pond.
By mutual agreement with both Daniel Brennan and Merrill Cooms, our conversations are reduced to an occasional call, for security sake.
Here, call me back on this land line.
Howie stammered through his side of the conversation, terminating it by saying he'd call back.
We finally decided the pros out weighted the cons and I should make the call.
I'd put all of us at a heightened risk with my call.
I feel terrible I slipped up and they traced the phone call but it's not the end of the world.
I owed a follow up call to both Ethel Reagan at the Boston newspaper and Agnes Delanco, at After.
What do I call you?
She tried to question me on Howie's reaction to my phone call, but I remained mum.
Howard; that's all he'd let you call him.
He was Luke the Fluke, but you didn't call him that.
Though I was anxious to speak with Detective Jackson for an update, it was too early to call.
He'd forgone the trip to pick me up, afraid he'd miss a call for information on his sister's death.
I was just going to call you for a next of kin name.
I'd call a tip, relate details to the authorities.
Call my husband and Howie Abbott and summon them.
Call me if you need anything, okay?
You wanna call him or something?
We should just call the police.
If I'm not back in twenty minutes, go someplace safe and call the police, okay? she said, placing it on the dashboard.
It was a call he'd been expecting but hoping not to get.
You want me to call you if we see another one of these?
He pulled the robe over her exposed body, feeling the urge to run to the gym or call Jenn for a quickie to relieve the sexual spring within him.
Make a call to Jasmine in Latin America and see what we can get from them.
You need me to call anyone?
My darling, I expected a phone call.
I'll call him 'SB,' for 'Song Bird' instead of 'BS' for 'Bird Song.'
I'll call back in a few.
This is what we call fun.
A house to call home.
You call if you need anything.
Memory of the phone call brought back a dark question.
I tried to call, but...
She'd have to call him when she got back to the house.
Betsy filled mother in on the recent happenings while I placed the second call to Brennan.
Give me a call when you have some answers, I said and hung up before he could say more.
Why did they call off their million dollar quest for the Psychic Tipster?
Give me an hour or so and a number where I can call you.
I asked her that one of them call me with the results.
Molly and Betsy elected to go home leaving me to mind the store and deal with Daniel Brennan's phone call without interruption.
All I lack is a playmate to call my own.
He asked for a contact phone number and gave me an emergency number to call.
I told him I'd have her call him first thing in the morning.
When they finished, Quinn would call Martha at home, and let her listen to the recording of the session.
I'll give her a call.
When I dialed, it went to voice mail, but he returned my call in a matter of minutes.
I'm trying to call in favors for information.
Don't make me be the one to call it quits.
The call was from California and Howie was on the line, apparently distraught.
It was the sound of the operator on my 911 call.
I was about to call them, it was so late and you hadn't come home.
I came to call on Mr. Abbott and had carefully shut off his power and was ready to visit when what do I see but he has company.
Then, low and behold, another visitor arrives to call on the popular gentleman!
After I found out you weren't critical, I tried to call Quinn and Howie but I didn't get through.
I'll call Merrill Cooms and let him know.
As soon as I related the news of the prior evening attack he told me he agreed it was time to call it quits.
We let Julie call in the tip!
I didn't answer and instead requested he have Quinn or Martha call me as soon as they get in.
She is the one from Surry and her name is listed as Elizabeth in the phone book but they call her Betty, or Becky or some foolish diminutive.
I could think of no one to call!
He hasn't returned my call.
Yes. He said he was sorry but he and Martha said they had to call it quits and he was going back to be with his wife and child.
Unfortunately, the call went to voice mail.
I left a message, from Tommy, his so called fishing buddy, saying I had a fish story for him and requesting him to call as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, the call wasn't from Daniel Brennan.
With my mind harried with Jackson's summons, I'd temporarily forgotten my call to Daniel Brennan.
I'd talk to the guy if I thought it would accomplish something but he'll just say he didn't do it and it would be a waste of a phone call.
I had opted not to call ahead but according to Daniel Brennan, Humphries lived at his mission and almost never left.
She hesitated then asked, "Can you call someone to come get me?"
Have her call me when she's done talking to them.
Gotta call Dusty before he blows me up.
Shivering, she pulled out her phone to call her father as she made her way towards the street.
Her father had tried to call twice, and she tossed the phone on the bed.
I'll give him a call.
Don't call me that!
Father, couldn't you just call the police?
Darian cocked his head to the side, as if hearing someone call his name.
The moment she unlocked the screen to call her father, Jule's gaze sharpened.
I hope whatever you traded for your freedom was worth living like this, if you call this living.
I can call someone to come get you and then I think you shouldn't try to find me anymore.
I've been waiting here for you to call.
I've been trying to call your mobile.
You are one of what they call Naturals.
Call it moral support.
His blog is firewalled from here, though, so you should just call him.
I'll call you later.
How may I direct your call? a pleasant voice answered.
Why don't you leave me your name, and if Mr. Bylun believes it in his best interest, he'll return your call.
And what is your call regarding?
Please don't be surprised if Mr. Bylun opts not to return your call.
Dr. Mallard wanted me to give you a call and schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning, first thing.
His phone rang, and he answered, expecting the woman to return his call with a few dozen apologies.
Jake was risking getting caught to call him.
Of the two, Dusty was more likely to call him to the floor when he crossed into his business.
Did you call Dr. Bylun or not?
Why don't we do an old-fashioned house call and come to you?
They usually need something—they don't call just to chat.
Once, she heard him call for help.
Jule's still on what you might call the otherworldly shit list.
Maybe he had a harem of women at his beck and call, but she couldn't see herself with any other man.
Damian's call pulled her from the vision replaying in her head.
If she's flipping out, you can call Lon's wife, Linda.
Lon says he's not … normal, if you'd call any of them normal.
He'll call you back.
If not for the worried flicker of her gaze past him to see who followed, Damian would have thought this a social call.
Sweetheart, I'll call you later.
Suspecting Ving had made a couple of hurried phone calls, she let the call go to voicemail.
I think this was a small thing they call fate, he assured them.
Please don't call me ikir.
Sofia couldn't help but say, "You'll both have women, and Dustin, when you're in trouble, she'll call me."
You can call me Zamon.
She was able to kill and call a portal from the human world.
On her way to see Zamon, she stepped into an empty hallway before trying to call a portal.
Um, I guess you know how to call me if you need anything.
It had been a perfect day at Bird Song—until the phone call came and tanked any semblance of tranquility into a mire of despair.
Now, half a year later, came the feared phone call informing them that Martha too was leaving.
According to the brief phone call, the ten-year-old girl's natural mother, another loser like faux foster mother Janet, had been recently discharged to a halfway house after doing hard time in the state's Cañon City facility.
Then out of the blue came the call from a sticky-sweet state worker informing the Deans that Martha would be picked up on Saturday morning—this was Thursday—for the introductory reunion.
Dean quickly understood this was no social call.
Why did you did you call her that?
The young college-aged waitress inserted the tack, placed a quarter beneath it for weight and sounded a horn to call attention.
He didn't tell her he'd heard Joseph himself call the Jeep rental dealer earlier.
She didn't call, did she?
In our house, we didn't call the police.
Dean promised to talk to Cynthia but Randy was devastated as he ended the call.
Call your son and tell him you love him.
There had been no mention of the lack of contact from the girl, but all three were disappointed no call had been received.
You're going to call them?
But he did it, thrice before success came, if you could call the response a victory.
When Dean questioned her, she told of receiving a phone call concerning that same property some weeks earlier.
The woman remembered the call because it took some work for her to dig up the old information.
I wish she'd call.
It tells callers looking for reservations to call after four o'clock.
I only wish she'd call so we could tell her.
A phone call excused him from hearing more of the robust bragging.
While Dean planned to again call the state agencies in an attempt to run down Martha, he didn't have to wait.
While Bird Song waited, Mrs. Worthington, prompted by Fred's phone call, went to the campground to see if she might catch the couple left before they left.
I tried to get a number to call her back but she said no incoming calls were allowed.
We dated, if you could call it that, for a couple of months and then we went to Vegas and tied the knot.
His shirt was untucked and Dean glanced at his fly, wondering if he'd been caught using a tree for a call of nature.
When the phone rang for the fourth time, Dean assumed it was either a call for reservations or more discussion on the upcoming New Jersey wedding plans, but Cynthia held the phone against herself and called to her husband.
Can you call for help?
He listened, but heard only the echo of his call.
I didn't get your call.
Sorry I couldn't call.
How did you get the call?
Because when I got the call that said a car had gone over, I couldn't raise him.
Between the Dawkins boys and that Westlake fellow, I don't even have a room to call my own.
That was a close call.
If she wants an undeserved medal, that's her call.
I know she tried unsuccessfully to raise him on the radio when she first got the call about the wreck.
Call it—then set a trap.
They keep waiting for what they call real important stuff.
While the Deans discussed contacting the state once more, both agreed another phone call would be as fruitless as earlier ones.
You're just as mad at him because you think he hung you out to dry when he didn't answer your call the night Billy was killed.
There followed a call from Groucho, whose name Dean learned was Coleridge, telling of a report that the Boyd pair was sighted in Kansas, stopped for a tail light violation on Sunday afternoon.
The call caused Cynthia to tremble with nervous frustration to the point of dropping a favorite sugar bowl, snowing the kitchen floor in white.
Cynthia was scraping sugar off her knees when he told her about the phone call.
Nothing. I said I answered the 911 call and you came along— down the mountain, not up from town like me—and we went down to the crash together.
He promised to call as soon as anything was heard.
She gave me a number to call her so's I telephoned from the courthouse.
Cynthia and I will call a lawyer when I get back to Bird Song.
A phone call interrupted further discussion.
After that nasty sheriff created all that fuss and arrested your stepfather, my attorney was sure the judge would call a mistrial and we'd have to start over again.
Call it a sin of omission.
There was another phone call from the state authorities as Jennifer was leaving.
You call this hard time?
This is my place and my call.
Much as he disliked making Fred wait, he decided to put off the task until nine o'clock but another phone call forced a change of plans.
I got a call early this morning to fill in for a while.
Dean then brought Lydia Larkin into the picture by telling Jake Weller how she had radioed Fitzgerald with the two Denver investigators in her car, making the call from the spot where he claimed she'd be out of reception.
They used to call aluminum siding salesmen 'tin men.'
His first thought was to call Ms. Larkin and demand further details.
Much as they detested having to make the phone call, both knew it was necessary.
A quick telephone call to Jake Weller produced no further word on whether or not Fitzgerald had reported as summoned to Denver.
Fred O'Connor was instructed to call Jake Weller and tell him where they were located, but Dean couldn't wait.
But time passed, and the call never came.
If she had to guess, she'd call the emotion fear.
Then call everyone in.
I need more shoes and I can't call a portal.
After the telephone call tonight, he wasn't so sure money was an asset.
Several times the telephone rang and he hurried to answer it as if he were expecting a call.
The receptionist said he was out on a call so she left a message for him to call her when he got back.
Why don't you call Mums and see if she'll watch Destiny?
She pretended he was out on a call and would be back sometime in the night.
Let me call them.
When Lori ended the phone call, Carmen invited her to eat supper and was surprised when she accepted.
But how would he have known Alex was going to call?
Maybe she was spooked tonight, but long ago she had learned to listen to that instinct... gut feeling, some might call it.
Later she discovered that Alice had made the call when she went to investigate why Lori's car was there.
And then there was the embarrassing thought of having to call the doctor and explain how he got in that condition.
Whatever you want to call it, I felt violated.
Besides, he'd be upset that she didn't follow up on the call.
They talked a few more minutes and then ended the call without discussing the stabbing or Lori.
If I do, I'll call you for that dinner date when I get back.
I'll await your call.
Right now, I can't trust you to set up what I'd call healthy chain of events.
Deidre tried to call Logan again.
Please call me back.
It stopped when the call went to voicemail.
Her thoughts clearing, she realized she needed to call the police about the body she found.
She shook too hard to pull her phone free from her pocket and call for help.
Surprised he'd been waiting for her call, she hesitated.
You only call when it's raining.
She never did call the police about the body she found.
You denied me, despite what I'd call a fairly strong relationship.
If anything weird happens, please walk or run away or call the police or something.
She frantically tried to call a portal.
Can you give me a call?
Hon, call Dr. Williams immediately.
Yeah, I'll call him.
Please call me if you experience any other problems.
Having the world's best neurologist on call was one of the perks of the rich and famous, a world unfamiliar to her except that her sister had been gunning for it since her sixteenth birthday.
Why do you call him that?
Don't call me that.
Worst case scenario, she'd call her.
Hey, Lunchmeat, what do you call a human running down the street?
I have to call my sister and tell her to send money so I can get home.
My sister is expecting me to call and then to actually show up in DC in the next week.
Her heart leapt then dropped to her feet when she realized a man like that didn't call.
You're always welcome to call me, and I hope you think of me when you're prepping for the Spring Gala.
You know how to call me.
If the maid gave her the airline info, she could call to confirm her sister was on board.
She needed a quiet, safe place where she could channel Rhyn.s power to call forth a portal.
Do I miss you even when I know I can call you and you.d come without question?
If you can help him get to Kris, he.ll call it even and leave you alone.
Kris.s Immortals appeared to outnumber the demons two to one for now, and Katie would call for him if she needed help.
Tell Kris—next time he wants something—to call instead of sending this animal.
She probably couldn.t call forth a portal.
I.m in … Deathland or whatever you call it?
Evelyn might love her but would probably not welcome a call on her wedding night.
You're what they might call petite.
He knew what she was, and he was content to call her nishani, the title given to a warrior's lifemate.
After exploring the halls and grounds for an hour or two, she returned to the main atrium, where she heard one of the sisters call her name.
They didn't call the distant suns stars in Qatwal.
Kiera went, resisting the urge to call A'Ran.
Please, just call me Edith.
But that was no social call.
So, who was the other call?
You'd better watch what you call me or you'll be sending them out again!
As he answered the late night call, he glanced up the staircase to see Edith in the hall above, a specter in her antique dress, a look of alarm on her face.
He considered not telling Cynthia about the call, but no, they didn't have secrets between them.
He smiled up at her and delayed telling her about the call.
I'll bet it's a collect call for Gladys Turnbull from the planet Draghow!
I'd better call Janet to see if she can come by.
Then she asked, "Did you tell her about the phone call?"
Why did he call you?
I tried to get him to call Tony but he said he was just running it by me.
Cynthia had received a phone call from the Boston sisters telling her their flight was delayed and they weren't now expected until late afternoon.
A phone call interrupted the conversation.
She manages to call me every few weeks when she can get off on her own, which isn't easy.
I bought her one of those phone cards so she can call without Shipton knowing about it.
Do you want me to call around for you?
Our little Annie is a call girl!
But I'm still going to call Jake Weller.
She's Irish and they call her Flag, because of her birthmark.
The call was for Cynthia.
Dean explained the phone call from Indiana and Cynthia's general displeasure, particularly with Jerome Shipton.
However, when the phone rang—one a reservation, the other a lengthy call for Fred from his current beloved—Cynthia jumped like a startled rabbit.
Janet was late again and Cynthia's bedside attempt to call her mother in Indiana resulted in unanswered rings, causing her further concern.
She turned, peering again down the river, as if the message she'd delivered was as perfunctory as a call to supper.
They spoke for a few moments and she promised to call again in the evening when, perhaps, she'd have more information.
We'll call you when we need you.
When I call, I'll only ring twice.
Then he added, Why not give her a long-ring call from here?
Do you know, she had the nerve to call me!
Dean brought Fred up to date on not only the telephone call to his wife, but his meeting with Weller and his speculation that Cynthia might have seen Donnie Ryland near the accident scene.
He excused himself and asked the owner if he could make a phone card call and did so, but was unsuccessful in reaching Cynthia.
He filled Fred in on the details of Edith's visit and Cynthia's late night phone call and the abrupt end to the conversation.
Neither mentioned the late night phone call during Edith's nocturnal visit nor Cynthia's sudden, unannounced return.
Dean hadn't spoken to Jake Weller in nearly two weeks when he gave the law man a call.
You're supposed to get a call about sending Shipton's belongings back east.
Call the City Police, too.
Unconsciousness must have paid its call before hands secured him and lowered him to the waiting rescuers below.
He made a mental note to send a piece of jewelry to her hotel room to assuage guilt over the promised phone call that would never happen.
We cannot call attention to ourselves until our numbers warrant our attack.
He left reticently after making her promise to call if she needed him.
Yes way, call me Maestro.
Might as well call it a night.
What do you call deceiving me for two and a half months?
Tonight, I'm going to curl up with a book and wait for Connor to call.
Could do both, but Sarah would call me a glutton.