Calendar Sentence Examples
My calendar fills up quickly.
The calendar was completely blank.
He circled the wall calendar and began to make a list.
Xander's calendar was full for the week.
A check with her calendar confirmed she was more than three weeks late.
Did you get close enough to read the calendar?
A calendar reminder popped up.
Both festivals, of course, belong to a lunar calendar, and move through the solar year every thirty-two years.
The Church of Rome does not seem to have inscribed in its calendar its martyrs of an earlier date than the 3rd century.
He was a saint up till the time of Benedict XIV., who read Photius on Clement, believed him, and struck the Alexandrian's name out of the calendar.
AdvertisementIn the oldest Roman ferial we already find festivals of Carthaginian martyrs, and similarly, in the Carthaginian calendar, Roman festivals, while Wright's Syriac Martyrology contains numerous traces of this exchange of festivals.
Some of the most famous bishops also ended by passing from one calendar into the other.
Great attention was naturally paid to the calendar, and we find a week of seven and another of five days in use.
Organization showed itself in the fixing of the annual calendar and the development of the character and functions of the priesthood, and as we should expect, in a new conception of the legal relation of the gods to the state.
Jessi poured herself more coffee, eyes going to the blank iPad calendar.
AdvertisementNapcleon was now able by degrees to dispense with all republican forms (the last to go was the Republican Calendar, which ceased on the 1st of January 1806), and the scene at the coronation in Notre Dame on the 2nd of December 1804 was frankly imperial in splendour and in the egotism which led Napoleon to wave aside the pope, Pius VII., at the supreme moment and crown himself.
Sun-dials and calendar monuments were known among the more advanced tribes.
The Discovery Of The Period Of Thirty Three Years Is Ascribed To Omar Khayyam, One Of The Eight Astronomers Appointed Byjelal Ud Din Malik Shah, Sultan Of Khorasan, To Reform Or Construct A Calendar, About The Year 1079 Of Our Era.
In The Calendar, For Example, Which Was Attempted To Be Introduced In France In 1 793, The Beginning Of The Year Was Fixed At Midnight Preceding The Day In Which The True Autumnal Equinox Falls.
Its Adoption Upon Our Present Gregorian Calendar Would Only Require The Suppression Of The Usual Bissextile Once In Every 128 Years, And There Would Be No Necessity For Any Further Correction, As The Error Is So Insignificant That It Would Not Amount To A Day In 100,000 Years.
AdvertisementThe Common Practice Was To Make Occasional Corrections As They Became Necessary, In Order To Preserve The Relation Between The Octennial Period And The State Of The Heavens; But These Corrections Being Left To The Care Of Incompetent Persons, The Calendar Soon Fell Into Great Disorder, And No Certain Rule Was Followed Till A New Division Of The Year Was Proposed By Meton And Euctemon, Which Was Immediately Adopted In All The States And Dependencies Of Greece.
Catholic Match has a calendar where churches and other groups can post their own events.
Spring is supposed to begin in February when, according to the old calendar, the new year sets in, but th only flowers then in bloom are the camellia japonsca and some kinds of daphne.
Several cycles were formerly known in Europe; but most of them were invented for the purpose of adjusting the solar and lunar divisions of time, and were rather employed in the regulation of the calendar than as chronological eras.
In the 12th century, however, the custom of beginning the civil year with the day of the Annunciation, or the - 25th of March, began to prevail, and continued to be generally followed from that time till the reformation of the calendar in 1752.
AdvertisementNo rule can be given for determining with certainty the day on which any given Jewish year begins without entering into the minutiae of their irregular and complicated calendar.
The Greeks of Alexandria formerly employed the era of Nabonassar, with a year of 365 days; but soon after the reformation of the calendar of Julius Caesar, they adopted, like other Roman provincials, the Julian intercalation.
The adoption of the Julian year must therefore have taken place about 160 years before the year 136 of our era (the difference between the Egyptian and Julian years being one day in four years), that is to say, about the year 25 B.C. In fact, the first of Thoth corresponded with the 29th of August in the Julian calendar, in the years 25, 24, 23 and 22 B.C.
As the era of Spain began with the 1st of January, and the months and days of the year are those of the Julian calendar, any date is reduced to the common era by subtracting thirty-eight from the number of the year.
The ancient Egyptian year consisted of 365 days; but after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the astronomers of Alexandria adopted an intercalary year, and added six additional days instead of five to the end of the last month of every fourth year.
Till the year 1079 the Persian year resembled that of the ancient Egyptians, consisting of 365 days without intercalation; but at that time the Persian calendar was reformed by Jelal ud-Din Malik Shah, sultan of Khorasan, and a method of intercalation adopted which, though less convenient, is considerably more accurate than the Julian.
This, with other matters appertaining to the calendar, was probably left to be regulated from time to time by the mathematical tribunal.
The days are distributed in the calendar into cycles of sixty, in the same manner as ours are distributed into weeks, or cycles of seven.
There are numerous references to Lenthall in his official capacity, and letters written by and to him, in the Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, and in various MSS.
The Mayas had a calendar of 360 days, with intercalary days; this solar year was intersected by their sacred year of twenty weeks of thirteen days each, and these assembled in bewildering cycles.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the calendar.
The census figures relate to the calendar year preceding 1st June 1900, and hurried and careless answers about the preceding year's crop are almost sure to have been given by many farmers in the midst of the summer's work.
O'Callaghan edited A Calendar of Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York (2 vols., Albany, 1865-1866).
The reforms proposed included the adoption of European time, the European calendar, and the Latin alphabet; the abolition of veiling of women - as a practice of far-reaching, injurious influence upon the race; the abolition of the annual, month-long fast of Ramazan, and of the Feasts of Bairam.
Numerous indications accordingly point to a corresponding primitive zodiac. Setting aside as doubtful evidence derived from interpretations of cuneiform inscriptions, we meet, in connexion with Mithraic and Mylittic legends, reminiscences of a zodiac and religious calendar in which the Bull led the way.'
The doubling of the sign of Pisces still recalls, according to Sayce, 8 the arrangement of the Babylonian calendar, in which a year of 360 days was supplemented once in six years by a thirteenth month, a second Adar.
The Hare (or Rabbit), Monkey, Dog and Serpent reappeared without change; for the Tiger, Crocodile and Hen, unknown in America, the Ocelot, Lizard and Eagle were substituted as analogous.6 The Aztec calendar dated from the 7th century; but the zodiacal tradition embodied by it was doubtless much more ancient.
Some were named after exclusively Vedic deities; they formed the basis of the sacrificial calendar of the Brahmins; the old Indian names of the months were derived from them; their existence was pre-supposed in the entire structure of Hindu ritual and science.
The Aztec calendar includes nakshatra titles borrowed, not only through the medium of the Tatar zodiac, but likewise straight from the Indian scheme, apart from any known intervention.
The Greek signs of the zodiac, including Libra, are obvious upon both these monuments, which have thrown useful light upon the calendar system and method of stellar grouping of the ancient Egyptians.16 Planispheres.
Nearly all the French cathedrals of the 12th and 13th centuries exhibit on their portals a species of rural calendar, in which each month and sign has its corresponding labour.
The supremacy of China is indicated by occasional missions sent, as on the founding of a new dynasty, to Peking, to bring back a seal and a calendar.
Direct material for answering the question when and how far astronomical calculations replaced simple observations as the basis of the Jewish calendar is not forthcoming.
Jewish traditions represented the Sanhedrin as retaining to the end its plenary power over the calendar, and as still fixing the first day of every month and the first month of every year.
In the following table the first column gives the terminus paschalis, or 14th of the Paschal moon, according to the Christian calendar; the second gives the 14th, reckoned from the time of the astronomical new moon of Nisan; the third the 14th, reckoned from the probable first appearance of the new moon at sunset.
Hume's Great Lord Burghley (1898) is largely a piecing together of the references to Burghley in the same author's Calendar of Simancas MSS.
There is evidence to show that the Aztecs adopted the civilization of the Toltecs, including their religion (Quetzalcoatl being a god of the Toltecs and Mayas), calendar and architecture.
The Mongolian peoples not only count their lunar months by these signs, but they reckon the successive days by them, rat-day, bull-day, tiger-day, &c., and also, by combining the twelve signs in rotation with the elements, they obtain a means of marking each year in the sixty-year cycle, as the woodrat year, the fire-tiger year, &c. This method is highly artificial, and the reappearance of its principle in the Mexican and Central American calendar is suggestive of importation from Asia.
To this nation was due the introduction of maize and cotton into Mexico, the skilful workmanship in gold and silver, the art of building on a scale of vastness still witnessed to by the mound of Cholula, said to be Toltec work, and the Mexican hieroglyphic writing and calendar.
Legend tells stories of his teaching men picture-writing and the calendar, and also the artistic work of the silversmith, for which Cholula was long famed; but at last he departed, some say towards the unknown land of Tlapallan, but others to Coatzacoalcos on the Atlantic coast on the confines of Central America, where native tradition still keeps up the divine names of Gucumatz among the Quiches and Cukulcan among the Mayas, these names have the same meaning as Quetzalcoati.
The calendar of religious festivals for the Mexican year has been preserved.
The Mexican calendar depended on the combination of numbers with picture-signs, of which the four principal were the rabbit, reed, flint,, house - tochtli, acatl, tecpatl, calli.
It is plain that this rotation of signs served no, useful purpose whatever, being less convenient than ordinary counting such as the Mexicans employed in their other calendar already mentioned, where the 20-day periods had each a name like our' months, and their days had signs in regular order.
From the accounts given by Landa and other writers it is plain that the Central-American calendar, reckoning the year in twenty-eight periods of thirteen days, was the same in its principle of combining signs as that of Mexico.
Vast masses of Walsingham's correspondence are preserved in the Record Office and the British Museum; some have been epitomized in the Foreign Calendar (as far as 1582); and his correspondence during his two embassies to France was published in extenso by Sir Dudley Digges in 1655 under the title The Compleat Ambassador, possibly, as has been suggested by Dr Stahlin, to give a fillip to the similar policy then being pursued by Oliver Cromwell.
The decree for the Armenians was published on the 2 2nd of November 1 439; they accepted the filioque and the Athanasian creed, rejected Monophysitism and Monothelitism, agreed to the developed scholastic doctrine concerning the seven sacraments, and conformed their calendar to the Western in certain points.
The Roman people refused him the honour of burial within the church of St Peter, but he now holds a place in the Roman calendar (May 16).
An ingenious, though ineffective, proposal for the reform of the calendar was put forward in his Elenchus Calendarii Gregoriani (Frankfort, 1612); and he published a book on music, Melodiae condendae ratio (Erfurt, 1592), still worth reading.
One of the best indications of actual winter weather, as apart from the arrival of winter by the calendar, is the development of cyclonic disturbances of such strength that the change frcm their warm, sirocco-like southerly inflow hi front of their centre, to the cold wave of their rear produces lion-periodic temperature changes strong enough to overcome the weakened diurnal temperature changes of the cold season, a relation which practically never occurs in summer time.
In general, churchwardens are appointed in Easter week, usually Easter Monday or Easter Tuesday, but in new parishes the first appointment must be within twenty-one days after the consecration of the church, or two calendar months after the formation of the parish, subsequent appointments taking place at the usual time for the appointment of parish officers.
Quantity of Wheat and Wheaten Flour (as wheat) imported into the United Kingdom from various sources during the calendar year 1872, together with the average rate of freight.
Although it did not enter into the calendar of the Greeks, and was not introduced at Rome till after the reign of Theodosius, it has been employed from time immemorial in almost all eastern countries; and as it forms neither an aliquot part of the year nor of the lunar month, those who reject the Mosaic recital will be at a loss, as Delambre remarks, to assign it to an origin having much semblance of probability.
As frequent allusion is made by classical writers to this embarrassing method of computation, which is carefully retained in the ecclesiastical calendar, we here give a table showing the correspondence of the Roman months with those of modern Europe.
The Mean Length Of The Year Was Thus Reduced To 365.4 Days; But It Is Not Certain At What Time The Octennial Periods, Borrowed From The Greeks, Were Introduced Into The Roman Calendar, Or Whether They Were At Any Time Strictly Followed.
Not Even Appear That The Length Of The Intercalary Month Was Regulated By Any Certain Principle, For A Discretionary Power Was Left With The Pontiffs, To Whom The Care Of The Calendar Was Committed, To Intercalate More Or Fewer Days According As The Year Was Found To Differ More Or Less From The Celestial Motions.
This Power Was Quickly Abused To Serve Political Objects, And The Calendar Consequently Thrown Into Confusion.
The Additional Day Which Occured Every Fourth Year Was Given To February, As Being The Shortest Month, And Was Inserted In The Calendar Between The 24Th And 25Th Day.
In The Modern Calendar The Intercalary Day Is Still Added To February, Not, However, Between The 24Th And 25Th, But As The 29Th.
No Account Is Taken Of This Blunder In Chronology; And It Is Tacitly Supposed That The Calendar Has Been Correctly Followed From Its Commencement.
At The Time Of The Council Of Nice, Which Was Held In 325, It Fell On The 21St; And When The Reformation Of The Calendar Was Made In 1582, It Had Retrograded To The 11Th.
Directed Ten Days To Be Suppressed In The Calendar; And As The Error Of The Julian Intercalation Was Now Found To Amount To Three Days In 400 Years, He Ordered The Intercalations To Be Omitted On All The Centenary Years Excepting Those Which Are Multiples Of 400.
These Works Were Probably Little Regarded At The Time; But As The Errors Of The Calendar Went On Increasing, And The True Length Of The Year, In Consequence Of The Progress Of Astronomy, Became Better Known, The Project Of A Reformation Was Again Revived In The I 5Th Century; And In 1474 Pope Sixtus Iv.
Invited Regiomontanus, The Most Celebrated Astronomer Of The Age, To Rome, To Superintend The Reconstruction Of The Calendar.
Perceiving That The Measure Was Likely To Confer A Great Eclat On His Pontificate, Undertook The Long Desired Reformation; And Having Found The Governments Of The Principal Catholic States Ready To Adopt His Views, He Issued A Brief In The Month Of March 1582, In Which He Abolished The Use Of The Ancient Calendar, And Substituted That Which Has Since Been Received In Almost All Christian Countries Under The Name Of The Gregorian Calendar Or New Style.
The Author Of The System Adopted By Gregory Was Aloysius Lilius, Or Luigi Lilioghiraldi, A Learned Astronomer And Physician Of Naples, Who Died, However, Before Its Introduction; But The Individual Who Most Contributed To Give The Ecclesiastical Calendar Its Present Form, And Who Was Charged With All The Calculations Necessary For Its Verification, Was Clavius, By Whom It Was Completely Developed And Explained In A Great Folio Treatise Of 800 Pages, Published In 1603, The Title Of Which Is Given At The End Of This Article.
From 1582 To 1700 The Difference Between The Old And New Style Continued To Be Ten Days; But 1700 Being A Leap Year In The Julian Calendar, And A Common Year In The Gregorian, The Difference Of The Styles During The 18Th Century Was Eleven Days.
During The 1257 Years That Elapsed Between The Council Of Nicaea And The Reformation, The Error Had Accumulated To Four Days, So That The New Moons Which Were Marked In The Calendar As Happening, For Example, On The 5Th Of The Month, Actually Fell On The 1St.
On The Other Hand, As The Golden Numbers Were Only Adapted To The Julian Calendar, Every Omission Of The Centenary Intercalation Would Require Them To Be Placed One Line Lower, Opposite The 6Th, For Example, Instead Of The 5Th Of The Month; So That, Generally Speaking, The Places Of The Golden Numbers Would Have To Be Changed Every Century.
On This Account Lilius Thought Fit To Reject The Golden Numbers From The Calendar, And Supply Their Place By Another Set Of Numbers Called Epacts, The Use Of Which We Shall Now Proceed To Explain.
Epact Is A Word Of Greek Origin, Employed In The Calendar To Signify The Moon'S Age At The Beginning Of The Year.
Thus The Epacts 11, 22, 3, 14, &C., In Consequence Of The Lunar Equation, Become 12, 23, 4, 15, &C. In Order To Preserve The Uniformity Of The Calendar, The Epacts Are Changed Only At The Commencement Of A Century; The Correction Of The Error Of The Lunar Cycle Is Therefore Made At The End Of 300 Years.
In The Gregorian Calendar This Error Is Assumed To Amount To One Day In 3121 Years Or Eight Days In 2500 Years, An Assumption Which Requires The Line Of Epacts To Be Changed Seven Times Successively At The End Of Each Period Of 300 Years, And Once At The End Of 400 Years; And, From The Manner In Which The Epacts Were Disposed At The Reformation, It Was Found Most Correct To Suppose One Of The Periods Of 2500 Years To Terminate With The Year 1800.
When The Epact Of The Year Is Known, The Days On Which The New Moons Occur Throughout The Whole Year Are Shown By Table Iv., Which Is Called The Gregorian Calendar Of Epacts.
When 25 And 26 Occur In The Same Line Of Epacts, The 25 Is Not Accented, And In The Calendar Stands Beside 24.
From This It Appears That If The Golden Number Of The Year Exceeds Ii, The Epact 25, In Six Months Of The Year, Must Correspond To The Same Day In The Calendar As 26; But If The Golden Number Does Not Exceed Ii, That Epact Must Correspond To The Same Day As 24.
In Using The Calendar, If The Epact Of The Year Is 25, And The Golden Number Not Above Ii, Take 25; But If The Golden Number Exceeds Ii, Take 25'.
The Reason For Doubling The 25 Was To Prevent The New Moons From Being Indicated In The Calendar As Happening Twice .On The Same Day In The Course Of The Lunar Cycle, A Thing Which Actually Cannot Take Place.
The Dominical Letter Of The Year, And Observe In The Calendar The First Day, After The Fourteenth Of The Moon, Which Corresponds To The Dominical Letter; This Will Be Easter Sunday.
After the 17th of April D first occurs in the calendar (Table IV.) at the 19th.
This, therefore, would not be the paschal moon of the calendar, though it undoubtedly ought to be so if the intention of the council of Nice were rigidly followed.
The Epacts Are Also Placed So As To Indicate The Full Moons Generally One Or Two Days After The True Full Moons; But This Was Done Purposely, To Avoid The Chance Of Concurring With The Jewish Passover, Which The Framers Of The Calendar Seem To Have Considered A Greater Evil Than That Of Celebrating Easter A Week Too Late.
We Will Now Show In What Manner This Whole Apparatus Of Methods And Tables May Be Dispensed With, And The Gregorian Calendar Reduced To A Few Simple Formulae Of Easy Computation.
Hence In The Julian Calendar The Dominical Letter Is Given By The Equation L= 7M 3 X () W This Equation Gives The Dominical Letter Of Any Year From The Commencement Of The Era To The Reformation.
The Epact J Depends On The Golden Number N, And Must Be Determined From The Fact That In 1582, The First Year Of The Reformed Calendar, N Was 6, And J 26.
We Have Therefore S= (C 16) (C 16) 4 With Regard To The Lunar Equation M, We Have Already Stated That In The Gregorian Calendar The Epacts Are Increased By Unity At The End Of Every Period Of 300 Years Seven Times Successively, And Then The Increase Takes Place Once At The End Of 400 Years.
In Like Manner, When P =I, 1=D =4; For D Is The Dominical Letter Of The Calendar Belonging To The 22Nd Of March.
In The Protestant States Of Germany The Julian Calendar Was Adhered To Till The Year 1700, When It Was Decreed By The Diet Of Regensburg That The New Style And The Gregorian Correction Of The Intercalation Should Be Adopted.
In Denmark And Sweden The Reformed Calendar Was Received About The Same Time As In The Protestant States Of Germany.
In Those Years In Which The Line Of Epacts Is Changed In The Gregorian Calendar, The Golden Numbers Are Removed To Different Days, And Of Course A New Table Is Required Whenever The Solar Or Lunar Equation Occurs.
The Golden Numbers Have Been Placed So That Easter May Fall On The Same Day As In The Gregorian Calendar.
The Calendar Of The Church Of England Is Therefore From Century To Century The Same In Form As The Old Roman Calendar, Excepting That The Golden Numbers Indicate The Full Moons Instead Of The New Moons.
The Calendar Is Dated From The Creation, Which Is Considered To Have Taken Place 37 60 Years And 3 Months Before The Commencement Of The Christian Era.
The Calendar Is Constructed On The Assumptions That The Mean Lunation Is 29 Days 12 Hours 44 Min.
The Moslem Calendar May Evidently Be Carried On Indefinitely By Successive Addition, Observing Only To Allow For The Additional Day That Occurs In The Bissextile And Intercalary Years; But For Any Remote Date The Computation According To The Preceding Rules Will Be Most Efficient, And Such Computation May Be Usefully Employed As A Check On The Accuracy Of Any Considerable Extension Of The Calendar By Induction Alone.
At his instigation the calendar was revised, and a new era, dating from the reign of Malik Shah and known as the Jelalian, was introduced.
Sweetman's Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland, vol.
She was proclaimed a saint by the grateful German clergy; but her name has never found a place in the Roman calendar.
A learned treatise on the reformation of the calendar, written by him about the same time, is also preserved in the Ashmolean Library at Oxford.
N.B.-The difference in the totals is owing to the figures being based on the production in seasons, and that of consumption upon calendar years.
He restored the temple of Hercules and the Muses in the Circus Flaminius, placed in it a list of Fasti drawn up by himself, and endeavoured to make the Roman calendar more generally known.
As in all the other months of the Republican Calendar, each of the days of Thermidor was, in accordance with the suggestion of Fabre d'Eglantine, consecrated to some useful object.
The era began on the 11th of July 552, and their year is vague, that is to say, it does not intercalate a day in February every fourth year, like the Julian calendar.
Meanwhile the Christian calendar had been adopted and the old anti-Christian edicts removed.
Even in the imperial period its chief magistrate was styled dictator, and its council senatus, and it preserved its own calendar of festivals.
If the proper patron fails to exercise his right within six calendar months from the vacancy, the right devolves or lapses to the next superior patron, e.g.
The last are held as the length of the calendar requires.
His range of learning was wide, and he published a handbook of Jewish history, a historical calendar intended to supersede the Roman Saints' Calendar, and a revision of the Latin Old Testament.
On the tenth day of the last month of the year the Great Festival (Al-id al-kabir), or that of the Sacrifice (commemorating the willingness of Ibrahim to slay his son Ismailaccording to the Arab legend), closes the calendar.
The rise of the Nile is naturally the occasion of annual customs, some of which are doubtless relics of antiquity; these are observed according to the Coptic calendar.
A papyrus in London contains a calendar of lucky and unlucky days.
By the decree of Canopus, Ptolemy III.Euergetes introduced through the assembly of priests an extra day every fourth year, but this reform had no acceptation until it was reimposed by Augustus with the Julian calendar.
In a tract, Reparatio Calendarii, presented to the council of Basel, he proposed the reform of the calendar after a method resembling that adopted by Gregory.
Lorenzo (1380-1465), the Laurentius Justinianus of the Roman calendar, at an early age entered the congregation of the canons of St George in Alga, and in 1433 became general of that order.
The custom of employing the flowering branches for decorative purposes on the 1st of May is of very early origin; but since the alteration in the calendar the tree has rarely been in full bloom in England before the second week of that month.
The administration of taxation, the distribution of booty, and the regulation of the calendar also devolved upon them.
Its foreign trade in the five calendar years 1902-1906 (average imports $57,201,276; exports, $40,563,637) amounted to 68.9% of the imports and 44.6% of, the exports of the island.
Some rents are still payable in England at Lammastide, and in Scotland it is generally observed, but on the 12th of August, since the alteration of the calendar in George II.'s reign.
He tendered his homage to the first Ming emperor of China, received from him his investiture as sovereign, and accepted from him the Chinese calendar and chronology, in itself a declaration of fealty.
This product is interpreted as another directed line, forming the fourth term of a proportion, of which the first 1 Strictly speaking, this illustration of Tait's is in error by unity because in our calendar there is no year denominated zero.
Their calendar is divided into twelve months of thirty days each; the other five days, being added for holy days, are not counted.
The word is of Babylonian origin, adopted by the Jews with other calendar names after the Babylonian exile.
Gregory reformed the Calendar, and founded the university that bears his name.
The most important collections are those which comprise the Acts of the Martyrs and the lives of saints, arranged in the order of the calendar.
The Carthusian, Laurentius Surius, carried on the work of Lippomano, completed it, and arranged the materials strictly in the order of the calendar (De probatis sanctorum histories, Cologne, 1570-1575).
The development of the trade with countries outside India from 1828 to 1906 may be seen by the following figures of End of calendar year, the remainder being taken to the 31st of March, the end of financial year.
Chrystal's Algebra, where also may be found details of the application of continued fractions to such interesting and important problems as the recurrence of eclipses and the rectification of the calendar.
At the beginning stands the usual introductory matter, such as the tables for determining the date of Easter, the calendar, and the general rubrics.
Some things in the history of his last days, and in the indications of beatitude recorded, strongly recall the parallel history of the saints of the Roman calendar.
Two illustrated volumes by Oswald Crawford, Portugal Old and New (London, 1880) and Round the Calendar in Portugal (London, 1890) contain much valuable information on agriculture, viticulture and peasant life in the northern provinces.
Characteristic of the priestly calendar are (1) the enumeration of " holy convocations," (2) the prohibition of all work, (3) the careful determination of the date by the day and month, (4) the mention of " the offerings made by fire to Yahweh," and (5) the stereotyped form of the regulations.
In 1326 Gregoras proposed (in a still extant treatise) certain reforms in the calendar, which the emperor refused to carry out for fear of disturbances; nearly two hundred years later they were introduced by Gregory XIII.
His progressive sympathies, illustrated by his proposals to reform the monasteries and the calendar, to modify the four long fasts and to treat for union (especially with the Old Catholics), were not very well received, and in 1905 an attempt was made to depose him.
There is also an incomplete commentary (skeireins) on St John's Gospel, a fragment of a calendar, and two charters (from Naples and Arezzo, the latter now lost) which contain some Gothic sentences.
During the calendar year 1906 a sum of £840,000 was expended on primary instruction.
The patriarch receives confirmation from Rome, and the political representation of the Maronites at Constantinople is in the hands of the vicar apostolic. Rome has incorporated most of the Maronite saints in her calendar, while refusing (despite their apologists) to canonize either of the reputed eponymous founders of Maronism.
He has been claimed as a martyr, and as such his name is given in the Roman calendar and elsewhere, but his title to this honour is by no means proved, and he has been probably confused with another bishop of the same name.
What is certain is that certain festivals involving processions were adopted by the Christian Church from the pagan calendar of Rome.
On the railways and in post offices the Gregorian calendar is employed; elsewhere the Julian remains in use.
The Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series (London, 1860 et seq.), contains much evidence for the history of the buccaneers in the West Indies.
The system of intercalation in the lunar calendar of the heathen Arabs was designed to secure that the feast should always fall at the time when the hides, fruits and other merchandise were ready for market, 4 and the Meccans, who knew how to attract the Bedouins by hospitality, bought up these wares in exchange for imported goods, and so became the leaders of the international trade of Arabia.
Many indications are against the latter, and Syria is strongly suggested by the use of the Syro-Macedonian calendar.
The Calendar of Venetian State Papers goes back to the I 4th century, but does not become copious till the reign of Henry VII., when also the Spanish Calendar begins.
The Venetian Calendar had by 1909 been carried well into the I7th century; the Spanish (which includes transcripts from the Habsburg archives at Vienna, Brussels and Simancas) covered only the reigns of Henry VII.
No attempt had yet been made to calendar the French correspondence in a similar way, though the French Foreign Office published some fragmentary collections, such as the Correspondance de MM.
Thus for Scottish affairs there are four series, the Border Papers, the Hamilton Papers, Thorps Calendar, and, more recent and, complete, Bains Calendar.
The Domestic Calendar (the first volume of which is very inadequate) extended in 19o9 in a series of more than seventy volumes nearly to the end of tbe 17th century; the mass of MSS.
The Foreign Calendar had only got to 1582, but it occupied sixteen printed volumes against one of the Domestic Calendar.
The first book is devoted to an inquiry as to the origin of the Saturnalia and the festivals of Janus, which leads to a history and discussion of the Roman calendar, and to an attempt to derive all forms of worship from that of the sun.
The objects which the advocates of a new calendar had in view were to strike a blow at the clergy and to divorce all calculations of time from the Christian associations with which they were loaded, in short, to abolish the Christian year; and enthusiasts were already speaking of "the first year of liberty" and "the first year of the republic" when the national convention took up the matter in 1793.
The business of drawing up the new calendar was entrusted to the president of the committee of public instruction, Charles Gilbert Romme (1750-1795), who was aided in the work by the mathematicians Gaspard Monge and Joseph Louis Lagrange, the poet Fabre d'Eglantine and others.
The result of their labours was submitted to the convention in September; it was accepted, and the new calendar became law on the 5th of October 1793.
By the new calendar the year of 365 days was divided into twelve months of thirty days each, every month being divided into three periods of ten days, each of which were called decades, and the tenth, or last, day of each decade being a day of rest.
In September 1805 it was decided to restore the Gregorian calendar, and the republican one was officially discontinued on the 1st of January 1806.
It will easily be seen that the connecting link between the old and the new calendars is very slight indeed and that the expression of a date in one calendar in terms of the other is a matter of some difficulty.
He set up the worhip of Terminus (the god of landmarks), appointed the festival of Fides (Faith), built the temple of Janus, reorganized the calendar and fixed days of business and holiday.
The chief staple of life is the yam, the names of several months in the calendar having reference to its cultivation and ripening.
The Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland in the Public Record Office extends from 1171 to 1307.
At common law, "month" generally means a lunar month, although in mercantile matters it has been generally understood to mean a calendar month, but there is no general exception giving it that meaning in commercial documents.
In the rules of the supreme court and in the county court rules month means a calendar month.
To these latter were due the substitution of the Republican for the Gregorian calendar, and the secular Feasts of Reason (November 19, 1793).
Liability to service begins with the first day of the calendar year in which the twentieth year is completed.
His day in the calendar is the 4th of May.
By thoroughbred is meant a horse or mare whose pedigree is registered in the StudBook kept by Messrs Weatherby, the official agents of the Jockey Club - originally termed the keepers of the match-bookas well as publishers of the Racing Calendar.
Hitzig maintained that in the Hebrew calendar 14th and 21st Nisan were always Sabbaths, and that 1st Nisan was always a Sunday, which was the opening day of the year.
Gilbert White's daily life was practically unbroken by any great changes or incidents; for nearly half a century his pastoral duties, his watchful country walks, the assiduous care of his garden, and the scrupulous posting of his calendar of observations made up the essentials of a full and delightful life, but hardly of a biography.
His studies included Roman law, astronomy, astrology, the art of reckoning and the difficulties of the calendar.
The seeds and nuts are then decorticated (where required), the shells removed, and the kernels ("meats") converted into a pulpy mass or meal (in older establishments by crushing and grinding between stones in edge-runners) on passing through a hopper over rollers consisting of five chilled iron or steel cylinders mounted vertically like the bowls of a calendar.
In the same author's Works and Days, a treatise which is a sort of shepherd's calendar, there are distinct references to the Pleiades, Hyades, Orion, Sirius and Arcturus.
In the 5th century B.C. the Athenian astronomer Euctemon, according to Geminus of Rhodes, compiled a weather calendar in which Aquarius, Aquila, Canis major, Corona, Cygnus, Delphinus, Lyra, Orion, Pegasus, Sagitta and the asterisms Hyades and Pleiades are mentioned, always, however, in re Corvus.
In 1768 he published the Farmer's Letters to the People of England, in 1771 the Farmer's Calendar, which went through a great number of editions, and in 1774 his Political Arithmetic, which was widely translated.
She was their diary, their calendar and their conscience, and they loved her like a sister.
Spain was using the Gregorian calendar, which means all dates were 10 days later.
The sacred 260 day calendar of early Mesoamerican civilisations Bob Johnson seeks an explanation for the Mayan calendar.
The 29th January 2006 is Chinese New Year, The Chinese use the lunar calendar for Chinese festivals.
These were a perpetual calendar and chronograph with split seconds.
Ref VIN 405 Price is £ 395 or US $ 745 Sultana Triple Date calendar wristwatch Excellent condition Sultana triple date calendar wristwatch.
Can't believe we're over a week into the Advent calendar.
It was Saturday, April 27, 1946, a golden day in the nation's sporting calendar.
Gardening calendar 2nd week in March 2006 View our new weekly gardening calendar in weblog format.
An events calendar is provided on a termly basis.
Half Day Voucher £ 19.50 Day Trip Voucher £ 40 Weekend Voucher £ 220 Our tour calendar is now even simpler than ever.
Nor do these three dates follow any pattern from the pagan calendar, missing entirely the solstice on 21st.
The calendar is personally endorsed by local celebrity Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, star of BBCâs interior design show Changing Rooms.
The table where in the calendar using only certified.
Dates and Dating Issues The English Calendar - an online concordance of dates developed by Ian McInnes.
So test your wits make free crossword puzzle and tickle your brain everyday with the USA TODAY Crossword 2006 Calendar.
From the writer of the hit film Calendar Girls, comes The Safari Party, a deliciously dark comedy in three courses.
Includes an events calendar, mailing list and daily devotional.
A view only user can view meetings from the calendar and calendar archive, and view any associated documentation for a meeting.
They failed to even mention the event in their calendar, let alone publish the editorial.
Quite rightly she thought the calendar should reflect the ethos of the hospital.
The abolition of special ex-dividend trading The " special ex-dividend " period is the period of 21 calendar days prior to the ex-dividend date.
New Calendar in Vista Also getting a face-lift is the familiar calendar feature in Windows.
There is an events calendar which includes fetes and festivals, together with a section on business tourism.
Luxury hotel earned playing at the wpt calendar daniel negreanu johnny.
I argue that Dee's calendar treatise offers important insights into his natural philosophy and provides the keystone of his vision of empire.
Yes, you have one calendar month from the date you are notified about he overpayment in which to make an appeal.
Your personal FirstClass calendar is like a personal organizer.
For every calendar sold Dragonswood will donate 20 pence to The Woodland Trust.
A Word From The Chairman Rye Bonfire and torchlit procession has become one of the great family events in the local calendar.
Held during the sixth full moon of the lunar calendar, it involves chanting, sermons and a candlelit procession to the wat.
The calendar correction is operated by a small sunken pusher at the 10 position.
Quarterly Accounting The arrangement whereby withholding tax on coupons is paid shortly after the end of the calendar quarterly Accounting The arrangement whereby withholding tax on coupons is paid shortly after the end of the calendar quarter.
To designate years, some regions use seasonal, astronomical, or historical criteria, instead of the Western Gregorian calendar system.
Seder night is one of the highlights of the JGLG religious calendar.
The 12ins square dial is mounted with turban head and foliage spandrels, a silvered chapter ring, seconds ring and calendar aperture.
The highlight of the calendar being the opening of the Christmas shop on August Bank Holiday - a must see winter wonderland.
In particular his knowledge of astronomy was profound, and he was one of the first to compile a Calendar of the Jewish year, thus preparing the way for the fixation of the festivals by means of scientific calculations.
The cult once introduced would tend to persevere, and the development of astrological science culminating in a calendar and in a system of interpretation of the movements and occurrences in the starry heavens would be an important factor in maintaining the position of Sin in the pantheon.
The seven-day week (see Calendar) originated in West Asia, spread to Europe and later to North Africa (Mahommedan).
In the administration of finance, in addition to the remission of arrears already mentioned, a revision of claims was ordered to be made every fifteen years, thereby anticipating the "indictions" (see Calendar; Chronology).
They follow the Orthodox Eastern liturgy, ceremonial and calendar, but acknowledge the papal and doctrinal authority of Rome.
In the article Calendar (q.v.), that part of chronology is treated which relates to the measurement of time, and the principal methods are explained that have been employed, or are still in use, for adjusting the lunar months of the solar year, as well as the intercalations necessary for regulating the civil year according to the celestial motions.
The civil year commenced with the calends of January, but this did not hold a fixed place in the solar year till the time of Julius Caesar(see Calendar).
Another circumstance to which it is often necessary to pay attention in the comparison of dates, is the alteration of style which took place on the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar (see Calendar).
Among his noteworthy achievements are the reform of the calendar on the 24th of February 1582 (see Calendar); the improved edition of the Corpus juris canonici, 1582; the splendid Gregorian Chapel in St Peter's; the fountains of the Piazza Navona; the Quirinal Palace; and many other public works.
In The Tables Of The Church Calendar The Epacts Are Usually Printed In Roman Numerals, Excepting The Last, Which Is Designated By An Asterisk (*), Used As An Indefinite Symbol To Denote 30 Or O, And 25, Which In The Last Eight Columns Is Expressed In Arabic Characters, For A Reason That Will Immediately Be Explained.
For This Purpose They Are Placed In The Calendar (Table Iv.) Along With The Days Of The Month And Dominical Letters, In A Retrograde Order, So That The Asterisk Stands Beside The 1St Of January, 29 Beside The 2Nd, 28 Beside The 3Rd And So On To 1, Which Corresponds To The 30Th.
In Order To Adapt It To The Gregorian Calendar, We Must First Add The To Days That Were Left Out Of The Year 1582; In The Second Place We Must Add One Day For Every Century That Has Elapsed Since 1600, In Consequence Of The Secular Suppression Of The Intercalary Day; And Lastly We Must Deduct The Units Contained In A Fourth Of The Same Number, Because Every Fourth Centesimal Year Is Still A Leap Year.Q Denoting, Therefore, The Number Of The Century (Or The Date After The Two Right Hand Digits Have Been Struck Out) By C, The Value Of L Must Be Increased By 10 (C 16) (6 C L = 7M 3 X (4 X) W Io (C 16) (C 4 16) W; That Is, Since 3 To =13 Or 6 (The 7 Days Being Rejected, As They Do Not Affect The Value Of L), L=7M 6 X () W _ 16) (_ L _ 6)W; This Formula Is Perfectly General, And Easily Calculated.
Gregory did good service, moreover, by his reform of the calendar which bears his name, by his emended edition of the Corpus juris canonici and by the creation of nunciatures.
The rising of Sothis (Sirius) at the beginning of the inundation was a particularly important point to fix in the yearly calendar (see below, Chronology).
The name of "Ragman" has been sometimes confined to the record of 1296, of which an account is given in Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland preserved in the Public Record Office, London (1884), vol.
Such a supposition would accord with the prominence acquired by the moon in the calendar and in astrological calculations, as well as with the fact pointed out (see SIN) that the moon-cult belongs to the nomadic and therefore earlier, stage of civilization, whereas the sun-god rises to full importance only after the agricultural stage has been reached.
After this time, membership will run for a 12 month period renewable on each calendar anniversary.
The reservist 's award is paid in arrears at the end of each calendar month.
For the sake of convenience, firms may wish to set a general limit of £ 9,400 for the calendar year 2003.
However, the saucy calendar still graces one of the walls !
The Passover seder night is one of the highlights of the JGLG religious calendar.
London Fashion Week is the major showcase event in the fashion industry calendar.
Be able to claim as a calendar signifier of sin.
There is also a European initiative to promote an annual day in the European calendar for people to check their smoke detector batteries.
The committee has come up with the new meet calendar, mainly solicited from members ' requests.
New England Patriots Cheerleader Brittany Medeiros poses for the 2006-07 Patriots Cheerleaders swimsuit calendar.
Synchronize the phone book, calendar and to-do notes between your phone and PC.
Events Calendar Eastside is a treasure trove of hidden gems.
What 's on Here you'll find the only unified up-to-date listing of local events available anywhere - namely the Calendar of Events !
As the Greeks used the seasons and the vernal points their concepts were used to produce a calendar.
The zodiac worked as a symbolic calendar divided into twelve parts, like the of 12 moons waxing and waning in a year.
Glasgow 's nightlife is eclectic & electric and the city plays host to a year-round calendar of exciting festivals and major events.
A preemie calendar can help parents understand if their little one is on track with his or her development.
Many parents prefer to keep a preemie calendar in which they can document their infant's progress.
If you need additional help documenting your child's growth and development, you might want to purchase or create a preemie calendar.
Take your calendar to each of your child's doctor's visits as well.
Don't forget a calendar or two so baby's first Christmas can be remembered all year long.
You might want to use a reward calendar or chart that allows your child to place stickers on each successful day.
If you look around through popular online retailers such as Amazon you can find very similar oversized clocks with nice calendar displays for lower prices.
For something smaller in size, La Crosse Technology is another brand which sells wall clocks with a calendar feature.
Jenda is a unique electronic wall calendar clock that actually allows you to leave personalized audio messages for yourself on given days of the week.
Jenda looks like a regular calendar display with a full month showing.
You push a button down corresponding to the day of the month that you want to record a message for and simply hold it down while speaking into the calendar.
This is a great resource not only for busy parents who don't want to miss anything important, but for anyone who needs the convenience of a calendar but doesn't have time to write everything down, this is a great alternative.
Jenda is known as a "family organizer calendar" and can be purchased through
Whether you can get away with a desktop electronic calendar or need to buy electronic wall calendar depends on your purpose for making the purchase.
If you just need something to help coordinate various members of your household so nothing is forgotten and everyone is cared for, then something like the Jenda electronic family calendar would be great.
If on the other hand you need an electronic calendar that allows you to store a variety of events and reminders that you can refer to often, you might want to go with one of the products designed to sit on your desk.
The Treasury does not allow investors to buy more than $5,000 face value in EE bonds in a calendar year.
The purchase limit for these bonds is also $5,000 in one calendar year.
While it might not sound like to much work to simply reset the time, for more complex watches this can include resetting the calendar and even the phase of the moon.
Next, transfer the entire bill due dates to a calendar or date book.
Having each bill's date tracked on an easy-to reference calendar will decrease your chances of mixing up dates or missing a payment by accident.
There is a $5,000 maximum direct deposit per calendar day.
Build a contingent fee practice with a calendar of cases that will allow you to meet your financial obligations in a timely manner.
A $2.50 inactivity fee will be deducted from the balance each month if the card has not been used in one calendar year.
A calendar will pop up to help you choose.
Cardholders select a date from a calendar for when the payment should be made, or can simply check a box to specify that the payment is to be made on the due date.
Use the task or calendar features on your smartphone to make the best use of your time.
This typically occurs at the end of the calendar year.
An office is also a great place to make a chalkboard calendar.
Each includes listings of magazines, newspapers, book publishers, photo agencies, greetings card, calendar and poster publishers, who offer freelance work.
Consult a calendar or online resource such as to find out when the moon will be full, a crescent or eclipsed.
If you have a theme in mind, themed wrapping paper will work too, as will cellophane, tissue paper glued in place, and calendar pages.
Type A scrappers love to create calendar style layouts that showcase their memories in chronological order.
Whenever a calendar comes home from school or an invitation to a party arrives, record the date and details on the monthly calendar.
In addition, there are calendars for use with many email programs and with Google Calendar.
These employees may benefit from an organized calendar or electronic device designed to keep them on task.
It may be helpful to schedule you time on your calendar.
Keep track of your activities and appointments by using a day planner or a calendar.
Depending on your system, this may include striking an item from the to do list, moving it on your calendar or re-assigning the task to someone else.
No matter what system you use to manage your time, tasks and duties, take advantage of the electronic alerts available on your telephone, via your email or online calendar.
For example, you may not use your online calendar for day-to-day events, reserving it for big ticket items like staff meetings, parent teacher conferences and early release days.
Teens should utilize a calendar or daily planner, writing down a daily schedule and sticking to it.
Download a free printable calendar of October celebrity birthdays.
Download a free printable calendar of December celebrity birthdays.
Download a free printable calendar of January celebrity birthdays.
Download a free printable calendar of February celebrity birthdays.
Download a free printable calendar of March celebrity birthdays.
Download a free printable calendar of April celebrity birthdays.
Download a free printable calendar of May celebrity birthdays.
Download a free printable calendar of June celebrity birthdays.
Well, aside from (ahem) intimate knowledge of the Playboy Empire, Madison got her feet wet when she served as a photo editor apprentice in one episode of The Girls Next Door, assisting with the design of a 2007 Girls Next Door calendar.
It harked back to the old calendar wherein spring began the new year.
Most big box retailers like Sears, Wal-mart and Target have their own discount calendar.
Use a calendar to keep track of all deadlines.
Students can live on or off campus and track JJC events and activities with the campus calendar online.
More than 72% of the school's students receive financial aid in some form, and in the 2009 calendar year, FSU awarded approximately $1,500,000 in merit-based academic scholarships.
The school's library and computer labs are available for free use and the school has a heavily scheduled arts calendar.
Washtenaw Community College also encourages all of their students to get involved through creating avenues between students and the community, as well as hosting their own events calendar.
Before you start classes, use a planner or calendar to block out windows of time during which you'll be unavailable.
Visit the Kirkwood Community College website for more details on enrolling, including contact information, maps, videos, directories and a school calendar.
The program follows the calendar of normal academics at Texas Tech, but in the end, you have more flexibility and help so that you can work through any other personal obligations you have simultaneously.
Zippy had many claims to fame of her own featured in the book Bad Dog, a calendar title 365 Days of Dogs, and an appearance on the John Walsh Show.
You will have to adapt your calendar to fit the needs of your clients.
Calendar planting dates are useful guides, but careful observation of natural events can help you fine-tune your planting.
Southern zones such as 10, 9 and 8 may call for certain seeds to be planted directly into the garden when the calendar pages still reflect winter.
Florida Industrial Woodworking Expo - If you're looking for secondary wood products, hard-to-find supplies or the latest technology this is a must to mark on your calendar.
If you are told to change it once a year, mark the date on your calendar so you can make an appointment to have it done when your furnace or air conditioning system is inspected.
Most businesses that have more than 10 employees at any point during a calendar year are required to keep records of work-related injuries and occupational illnesses using OSHA Form 300.
Others are part of the service's social calendar.
Give a calendar or daytime planner as a reminder of how busy retirement can become.
Residents enjoy being with like-minded individuals and participating in a full calendar of social activities.
Knowing a park's operating hours and seasonal calendar can help guests plan their vacation to take advantage of longer hours as well as to avoid special events and other occasions that may attract larger crowds.
All in all, understanding the operating calendar will help guests plan their best visit to Six Flags Magic Mountain.
Understanding a park's calendar and operating hours is crucial for a great vacation, particularly to visit as popular a park as Six Flags Magic Mountain.
By purchasing a ticket for $61 for everyone three years and up, you'll receive free admission for one calendar year.
The park is usually open from the end of April through the end of October, but specific operating hours vary from year to year – you can find the current year’s calendar on the park website.
On New Year's Eve, your town holds a little celebration to ring in the new calendar.
Chalk one point on your good karma calendar!
Random Date in June - "Your Hometown" Day - Check your journal calendar for the date.
Varies in September - Harvest Moon - The Lake - Check your personal calendar, as this date changes every year.
This game uses the current calendar date.
Most of the games utilized the pad and 4 buttons, but there were internal programs, like a calendar that you used the stylus for.
The system could surf the internet and check e-mail (via text only) and operate as a PDA with a calendar, a calculator, and a memo function.
First change the Game Cube's calendar date to December 25th (doesn't matter the year).
The second (blue), which looks like a clock and calendar, is where you set the date (top), alarm time (center), and current time (right).
This website has a calendar of simple word games that you can try each day of the month.
Go to the Calendar and scroll to the Wrestlemania PPV, simulating every match up until this date.
The first Saturday of February, 9 a.m., mark your calendar, any year.
While they may be more expensive than a calendar or imprinted promotional pens, they make much more of a statement.
You can also find breaking news on antiques, visit Kovels' antique collectors forums, view a calendar of events and much more.
You can find a calendar detailing dates and locations for upcoming Safari rallies on the Safari website.
Along with business-minded applications like a calendar and email client, the Bold also has an MP3 player, camera, web browser, and more.
In this way, the icon or logo associated with your call history, calendar, calculator, settings, and so forth in the cell phone's main menu can mesh with the overall theme you will have running on your handset.
Best of all, you can synchronize your mobile calendar with the one you use with Microsoft Outlook on your computer, ensuring that you are always the most up to date on your, well, dates.
It is from there that you will find your personal calendar, which can shown in monthly, weekly, and daily format.
Key features include a calendar, to-do list, wake-up call, alarm, notepad, unit converter and stopwatch, as well as voice functions.
While all BlackBerry devices already come equipped with rudimentary tools like a calendar and contact organizer, many users want further customization and further functionality.
Unlike other cell phones that only have a numeric keypad, the Centro has a layout similar to that of a computer keyboard, making it much easier to send emails, type text messages, and enter items in the calendar.
Using this service, users are able to use push e-mail (via a e-mail address), push address book, push calendar, photo gallery, and something that Apple calls iDisk.
Go into the calendar function and add in birthdays, appointments, obligations, your work schedule…the list goes on.
Instead, everything -- including the synchronization of appointments and contacts -- is handled through the online Google "cloud" (Gmail, Google Calendar, etc.). There is no desktop synchronization.
As it stands, the current build of Google Android has a fair bit of Google integration, including direct access to Google Maps (using GPS on a cell phone), Gmail, Google Calendar, and other similar services.
Another theme may display upcoming appointments right on the main screen, rather than forcing you to go into the calendar application to view them.
For this reason, any smartphone equipped with Google Android is pre-configured to connect to your Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Maps, and other similar applications.
This includes your contact list, calendar appointments, text messages, digital photos and so much more.
With CallTrack, all of your phone calls can be instantly posted to your Google Calendar for later review.
Agendus for Windows Outlook Edition keeps you on track with tools for notes, tasks and calendar items.
In addition to making it look fantastic, you can also purchase data cables to sync your contacts and calendar between the phone and your computer, headsets for hands-free chatting, music tracks, app enjoyment, and more.
BlackBerry phones also allow you to schedule meetings with a convenient calendar application.
Smartphones allow synching with your computer as well as "the cloud," which consists of features including Google Calendar, Gmail and your address book.
Other highlights include a great appointment book (calendar), task manager, and other applications.
This includes Gmail for e-mail, YouTube for video, Google Calendar for your appointments, and more.
It's 3G Mobile Hotspot and WiFi capable, plus it offers Google Maps with Navigation, Latitude, Google Talk, and Google Calendar.
A calendar on your BlackBerry allows you to track appointments wherever you are, set up alarm reminders and give you a preview of days to come.
Now, you can share your calendar with a group of people and be able to schedule appointments without having to contact the person.
This application will update your Microsoft Outlook, Contacts, Calendar and Tasks on your BlackBerry whenever you add, delete or change something on either your phone or your computer.
A full-term pregnancy is considered to be 280 days, nine calendar months or ten lunar months calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period.
For seasonal allergic rhinitis, they may use a calendar to note when symptoms begin and end.
For more information on upcoming performances and projects, visit the Calendar section of Savion Glover Productions.
There are many services such as Google Calendar that have "invitation" capability, but the most popular and safest is eVite.
When you're ready to host a dance competition, the first thing you'll want to do is select a calendar date.
Country Calendar is another website that features some step sheets.
The Baryshnikov Arts Center currently has a very full calendar of offerings, which are not only limited to dance events.
A requirement for time worked during a base period, which is usually the first four out of the last five completed calendar quarters prior to the time the individual is filing a claim.
Set up automatic deductions and put reminders on your calendar to be sure your payments get there on time.
Among the many old wives' tales and legends, proponents consider the Chinese Lunar pregnancy calendar to be one of the more accurate means of unscientific sex prediction.
Legend says that a Chinese scientist developed the this calendar 700 years ago as a means of helping a pregnant woman predict the sex of her baby.
The calendar was found in a royal tomb in the vicinity of Peking, China.
The original calendar is now kept in the Institute of Science in Peking.
The Chinese calendar follows a different schedule than the Western world; this schedule is what is used to predict your baby's gender using the chart.
Your lunar age is also calculated differently, because you are thought to be one year old at the time of your birth according to the Chinese calendar.
To determine the lunar month, take a look at a Chinese calendar for that year.
Proponents believe that the Chinese lunar birth calendar is about 99 percent accurate.
In addition to the possibility of using a Chinese lunar calendar to predict the sex of a baby once a woman becomes pregnant, some women use the calendar or Chinese birth chart to possibly increase their odds of conceiving a boy or a girl.
A woman can look at the chart to determine what months are considered "boy months" and what months are considered "girl months," and couples might then try to conceive based on the gender and the corresponding months on the calendar.
Keeping an ovulation calendar might be helpful in understanding your menstrual cycle.
Keeping an ovulation calendar just means keeping track of your periods and doing some simple calculations.
There is a smaller window within that time when you are most likely to get pregnant, but an ovulation calendar isn't precise enough to show the exact days.
Take the difference and, starting with the first day of your next period, count that many days forward and mark the calendar.
You'll need to stop all forms of hormonal birth control before beginning to make your ovulation calendar.
Of 100 women who use the calendar method as birth control for one year-without a single mistake-nine will become pregnant.
Women whose cycles are always less than 27 days should not rely on calendar estimates at all.
Women with very irregular periods also have irregular ovulation times, which makes the calendar method unreliable.
Some women may have shorter or longer cycles, or even irregular cycles, making ovulation hard to calculate using simple ovulation calendar days.
For example, if you would like to have a baby on the December 25, simply click that date on the calendar and the site provides the suggested date of conception at April 3.
The Chinese Lunar Pregnancy Calendar is an ancient document that contains a chart listing which gender a woman will conceive in a given month.
It's based on the lunar calendar, which generally gives women a higher age than the eastern calendar.
The jury is still out on whether timing intercourse around ovulation or following the Chinese lunar calendar will really increase your chances of having a girl.
Then there's the Chinese Lunar Pregnancy Calendar, which predicts gender based on the mother's lunar age at conception and the month the baby is conceived in.
Calendar rhythm method uses the woman's menstrual cycle as a guide to determine when ovulation is most likely to occur during the month.
Approaches like the rhythm method require little more than a calendar and a writing implement.
But, neither the woman's body nor the baby pays any attention to the calendar.
You may have planned your entire pregnancy, marked the calendar with best conception days, toured the hospital, painted or papered the nursery and put the linens on the crib.
Ideally, you should be marking down on a calendar the first day of your period.
This will allow you to compare your beads to the calendar.
First trimester miscarriages are those that occur before pregnancy calendar week 12.
Tracking your cycles on an ovulation calendar requires some patience but it can help you find the best time to conceive.
Creating an ovulation calendar is a time-consuming approach that may make getting pregnant a little easier.
Creating an ovulation calendar can be very time-consuming and there are no guarantees that it will work.
Track your menstrual cycle with an ovulation calendar to know which days of the month you are most fertile and make sure that your partner also has this information and knows why it's important.
The first step to charting your fertility, whether using an online calculator or simply keeping track of your cycle on a calendar, is to record when your period comes each month.
While it is easy enough to make an X on a calendar each month when you get your period, finding out when you (theoretically) are ovulating based on these Xs can leave ample room for errors to occur.
Check out the Chinese lunar pregnancy calendar if you are pregnant to see if you can predict the sex of your child.
All women should keep a calendar to monitor their menstrual cycle.
The site has a pregnancy calendar and a baby calendar that provides information week-by-week in a convenient search tool.
Many doctors use this method in their offices since it can be done quickly using a calendar.
These dates are different than those using a western calendar.
In addition, most people do not use their lunar age or the lunar calendar to get accurate results.
If you are serious about conceiving this year, consider using a pregnancy and ovulation calendar to help determine the most fertile days of your menstrual cycle.
The pregnancy and ovulation calendar takes several components into consideration to predict your ideal fertilization window.
The basal body temperature, or your body's natural temperature when you are resting, is another important component of the ovulation calendar.
In order to create the most accurate and effective ovulation calculator to predict the best time for conception, you can track the main calendar components and utilize several popular tools as well.
By using all of these tools and learning how to notice the physical symptoms, you should be able to create your own personalized calendar that lets you know the best time of the month to try for your next pregnancy.
You're also using fertility awareness methods such as the standard days method or the calendar method.
This includes listings for exotic dance clubs, BDSM venues, and an events calendar sub-category for adult encounters, swinger clubs, and other non-mainstream activities at clubs and other organized erotic venues.
It is sometimes known as the lunar New Year Festival because the date is chosen based on the lunar calendar.
Events - The Humane Society has a regularly updated calendar of events including low cost spay/neutering clinics, vaccination and microchip clinics, pet first aid and CPR clinics, training workshops, and more.
Aquarium hours vary depending on the date, so be sure to check the aquarium's calendar.
Half of the image is a wide shot of a model, while the other half displays a generously sized calendar.
I was in Jamaica doing body painting for a calendar shoot for Penthouse and I had the opportunity to paint a Native Jamaican.
I got to paint for the Penthouse Club Calendar last year in Jamaica.
My work appeared on the back of the calendar and was only a top, but the experience was phenomenal!
All of the images found in any Brooke Burke swimsuit calendar showcases the brunette's stunning features and flawless figure in fashionably scant bikinis.
While not every college or university publishes a swimsuit calendar, the ones that do can attest to the popularity of these hot items.
For the most part, calendar organizers try to keep the images sexy in a wholesome way.
The best way to find out if your school publishes a swimsuit calendar, whether you're looking to buy or be featured in it, is to ask.
This calendar boasts the hottest girls from Pacific-10 and Big Ten schools.
Originally founded on just one school, Arizona State University, the calendar has expanded (some would say exploded) to include girls from other colleges as well.
The "Women of OSU" calendar strictly features OSU students.
The University of Iowa publishes a swimsuit calendar with its top pick of gorgeous girls.
This calendar can be a great gift for a Hawkeye you know, including school alumni.
David Freedman, an Arizona State University alumnus and mastermind behind the Tempe-12 calendar, has stated that "stuck up" girls need not apply.
To be considered for a swimsuit calendar, you'll have to contact the appropriate school with your information.
Expect some stiff competition; for the well-known calendars, you might compete against thousands of other girls, especially if the calendar features coeds from several different schools.
Whether you're hoping to be a featured model or you're simply an admirer, show some school spirit by supporting your school's swimsuit calendar.
The Jacksonville Jaguars swimsuit calendar is jam packed with beautiful pictures of the Jacksonville Jaguars cheerleaders, affectionately known as "The Roar".
The Jacksonville Jaguars swimsuit calendar is composed of The Roar, the Jacksonville cheerleading team.
There are about thirty-three cheerleaders in the Roar and many of them can be found within the shiny pages of the Jaguars swimsuit calendar.
The Jacksonville Jaguars swimsuit calendar is also called The Roar, and it pays homage to this fantastic cheerleading team.
The entire calendar gives off a fresh, friendly and inviting vibe, as if the girl next door just happened to put on a bikini and got snapped pool side.
What comes through most in this calendar is exactly what The Roar is all about; smart, sexy, classy women that cheer for their team and invite you to do the same.
For more information or to purchase the Jaguars swimsuit calendar, please visit the Jaguars' official site.
I recently launched my 2007 Swimsuit Calendar in LA, with future dates for Atlanta, Miami, and New York City.
Fans of this multitalented beauty might like to know how they can get their hands on a Kenya Moore swimsuit calendar.
There's always the possibility that there will be a future Kenya Moore swimsuit calendar to enjoy.
Don't let the lack of a Kenya Moore swimsuit calendar get you down.
If Kenya does decide to venture back into swimsuit calendar territory, there's no doubt that her true fans will buy them up as fast as they can get their hands on them.
This winner then gets the chance to fly to a private location for a shoot with Look's photographers, take part in the 2009 swimsuit calendar, have a special feature on the Look homepage and be offered an official modeling contract!
Rachel Hunter appeared on the cover of the 1992 Sports Illustrated swimsuit calendar.
The calendar also features Kathy Ireland and Elle Macpherson and is a must for serious collectors.
The website will also have a calendar of events, practices, classes and other such information.
Unlike a paper calendar that often is just one more thing around the house that you have to keep track of, the site is always there at the click of a keystroke or two.
This is particularly handy when a last-minute cancellation or addition is looming; members of a club can be notified via text or email and check the calendar to get the info.
You have a registration page, a calendar, competition info, a contact sheet, pictures and perhaps links.
Even if you can't make it to the beach yourself, you can attempt to live vicariously each day through the image of tropical perfection that will greet you on your swimsuit calendar each day.
Looking at those beautiful photos, you may think that the making of any swimsuit calendar is one long party, and while that may be at least a little bit true, there is also a lot of hard work involved.
The SI Swimsuit Calendar is the cream of the crop, selling in record numbers and setting swimwear trends for the entire season.
The Australian Swimsuit Calendar features a bevy of beauties from down-under.
In this calendar you can see some of Australia's top models, including Rachel Tan, Jana Peterson and Christy-Lee Routledge, with new up-and-comers added to the calendar each year.
Though it's filled with over 250 beautiful swimsuit clad women, the Hooters Swimsuit Calendar is really more of a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the genre.
By their own standards, Hooters admits the calendar really isn't useful as such, but it is a real "hoot" if you'll pardon the pun.
Undoubtedly you'll be able to find your favorite sports teams' dance or cheer team posing for a national or local calendar.
A simple search of the internet can yield hundreds of results, and you may just find exactly the type of swimsuit calendar you're looking for.
The TBT will choose up to forty finalists who compete for spots in the calendar.
The catalog is smaller and slimmer than you may think; in fact, it's smiliar to the Victoria's Secret calendar, but it does contain many pictures that showcase all the latest looks.
Like many other swim wear venues, the store offers its own yearly calendar complete with its favorite shots of all the models used for each year's line.
Even owning just one or two dressy pieces is good enough, because it means she will always have something on hand when those special occasions appear on her calendar.
Kids want to play video games, spouses work late, and there always seems to be just one more thing on the calendar that takes priority.
To get your family playing together, start with adding a card game night on the calendar once a month (or once a week) just as you would with any other agenda item.
A complete meeting calendar is available online.
For certain calendar days of each spring, you can purchase bouquets of daffodils to give to friends, family members and most importantly, cancer patients.
Community foundation grant application forms can help your organization thrive in the coming calendar year by providing you with the proper financial resources needed to stay in operation.
Starting to plan for next year's holiday season at the end of the calendar year is the best way to ensure that you'll have plenty of time to make sure that your charity Christmas card fundraiser is a great success.
To find a local Christmas village, check your community's calendar of events.
At the end of January, the Chinese lunar calendar ends.
Christmas is celebrated January 7, in accordance with the old Julian calendar.
Stringing the tree with popcorn and opening the Advent calendar are terrific holiday traditions, but sometimes, having an assortment of creative adult Christmas games to play makes grown-up gatherings more festive.
Mark the date on your calendar so you do not forget about the parade.
Also visit LoveToKnow Crafts and review the articles Make Your Own Christmas Decorations and Make an Advent Calendar.
Start with a visit to, where you'll find a calendar of local events.
Planning ahead will help you clear your calendar and remove other potential distractions before the big weekend.
Check out their calendar of events and subscribe to the newsletter.
Then get ready to fill your calendar with fun.
Make a calendar and write one thing you love about the person on each day.
Meeting regularly will give you a commitment you can mark on your calendar.
In reality, what gifts a couple chooses to exchange should not be dictated by a calendar, but rather by their individual circumstances.