Calceolaria Sentence Examples
Especially noteworthy are the Andine Acaena, Gunnera, Fuchsia and Calceolaria.
In some corollas the two lips become hollowed out in a remarkable manner, as in calceolaria, assuming a slipper-like appearance, similar to what occurs in the labellum of some orchids, as Cypripedium.
They are hooded and pouched like a Calceolaria flower, and about an inch across every way.
Calceolaria Alba - One of the most attractive, with narrow dark green leaves, slightly toothed.
Calceolaria Amplexicaulis - A fine kind with soft green leaves clasping the stem and many lemon-yellow flowers.
Calceolaria Hyssopifolia - One of the best of the dwarf kinds, bearing loose clusters of lemon-yellow blossoms from early summer till autumn, the foliage resembling that of Hyssop.
Calceolaria John Innes - A remarkably fine plant raised at the John Innes Horticultural Institute, Surrey, the result of crossing C. plantaginea and C. polyrrhiza.
Calceolaria Kellyana - A curious hardy hybrid, with short downy stems, 6 to 9 inches high, flowers about an inch across, yellow with numerous small brown dots top of the stems.
Calceolaria Pavonii - A noble kind, from 2 to 4 feet high, with large light green, much-wrinkled foliage, bearing large, pale yellow, slipper-shaped blossoms.
Calceolaria Polyrrhiza - creases rapidly by means of wide-spreading rhizomes, and quickly finds its way into conditions which suit it.
AdvertisementCalceolaria Violacea - A distinct kind, with small helmet-shaped flowers, rich purple and spotted; succeeds well on warm borders or the rock garden, and, if slightly protected, withstands mild winters in the south.
Calceolaria Plantaginea - A low-growing plant spreading by means of short side growths; the leaves, formed in rosettes, are broadly ovate, with toothed margins and attain a considerable size in moist positions.