Cain Sentence Examples
They believed that Cain derived his existence from the superior power, and Abel from the inferior power, and that in this respect he was the first of a line which included Esau, Korah, the Sodomites and Judas Iscariot.
The two ideas combined in the story of the restless fugitive akin to Cain and wandering for ever are separately represented in the current names given to this figure in different countries.
The mark set upon Cain is usually regarded as some tribal mark or sign analogous to the cattle marks of Bedouin and the related usages in Europe.
Cain's subsequent founding of a city finds a parallel in the legend of the origin of Rome through the swarms of outlaws and broken men of all kinds whom Romulus attracted thither.
The list of Cain's descendants reflects the old view of the beginnings of civilization; it is thrown into the form of a genealogy and is parallel to Gen.
On the story of Cain, see especially Sta de,A kademische Reden,pp.229-273; Ed.
See further under Cain.
He received his promotion to Admiral after the death of Admiral Cain.
These are the only characters from the original series to transition to the new series, save for Admiral Cain.
The Michele Forbes Cain was a darkly tarnished hero.
AdvertisementSomewhat curiously, but very naturally, Enoch the son of Cain is confused with the Enoch who was translated to heaven - an error which the author of the Old English Genesis avoids, though (according to the existing text) he confounds the names of Enoch and Enos.
The finest of these are "Cain and Abel," and "Samson with the Gates of Gaza."
Although some connexion with the name of Cain is probable, it is difficult, however, to explain the curse (for one view, see Levites).
If Cain is the eponym of the Kenites it is quite possible that Abel was originally a South Judaean demigod or hero; on this, see Winckler, Gesch.
In 1812 he exhibited "Cain after the murder of Abel" (formerly in Luxembourg), and, on the return of the Bourbons, was much employed in works of restoration and decoration at Versailles.
AdvertisementBecause iron would be so easily made by prehistoric and even by primeval man, and would be so useful to him, we are hardly surprised to read in Genesis that Tubal Cain, the sixth in descent from Adam, discovered it; that the Assyrians had knives and saws which, to be effective, must have been of hardened steel, i.e.
P. In the former he is a descendant of Cain, and through his sons the author of primitive civilization; in the latter he is the father of Noah.
Probably the passage was originally independent of the document which told of Cain and Abel and of the Flood; Jabal may be a variant of Abel.
I slay a man for a wound, A young man for a stroke; For Cain's vengeance is sevenfold, But Lamech's seventy-fold and seven."
It may have been a piece of folk-song celebrating the prowess of the tribe of Lamech; or it may have had some relation to a story of Cain and Abel in which Cain was a hero and not a villain.
AdvertisementIt was not the Old Testament saints, however, but only sinners and malefactors like Cain, Esau and Saul, who obeyed his summons.
While an undergraduate he published two dissertations, On the Tree of Life in Paradise, with some Observations on the Fall of Man, and On the Oblations of Cain and Abel (2nd ed., 1747), which procured him the honour of a bachelor's degree before the statutory time.
He fancied that this trembling was the sign set on the worst reprobates, the sign which God had put on Cain.
Laws of universal application which could be administered only by duly qualified judges were called Cain law, while minor laws administered by nobles and magistrates were called Urradhus law..
They all, without exception, discharged some legal functions, legislative or administrative, and even in those in which amusement predominated, the Cain law was publicly rehearsed.
AdvertisementIn 697 an assembly was held at Tara in which a law known as Cain Adamnain was passed, at the instance of Adamnan, prohibiting women from taking part in battle; a decision that shows how far Ireland with its tribal system lagged behind Teutonic and Latin countries in civilization.
A similar enactment exempting the clergy, known as Cain Pairaic, was agreed to in 803.
The birth of Cain is ascribed to a union of Satan with Eve.
Cain's plea, " Am I my brother's keeper?
Completed on site The creation of the giant otter took careful preparation, explained Michelle Cain.
Such a series of lectures and discussions will, I believe, create a symbiosis with the resource provided by CAIN.
The story of Cain and Abel, which appears to represent the nomad life as a curse, may be an attempt to explain the origin of an existence which in the eyes of the settled agriculturist was one of continual restlessness, whilst at the same time it endeavours to find a reason for the institution of blood-revenge on the theory that at some remote age a man (or tribe) had killed his brother (or brother tribe).
He has three sons Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal, the last-named qualified by the addition of Cain (= "smith" 1).
Paulowitz (1813), Cain (1822), Ion (1835), Wild Dayrell (1852), and his son Buccaneer (1857) bring down Sir Paul's blood; whilst Walton is represented through Phantom (1806), Partisan (1811) and his sons Glaucus (1829) and Venison (1833) and Gladiator (1833), Venison's sons Alarm (1842) and Kingston (1849), Gladiator's son Sweetmeat (1842), Sweetmeat's sons Macaroni (1860) and Parmesan (1857), and Parmesan's sons Favonius (1868) and Cremorne (1869).
It showed how a program called Cain was able to decode Cisco VPN client passwords given access to a purloined corporate PC.
It seems so, yet Jerome states that its spark, ' was not quenched even in the heart of Cain '.
And then there were also the early vocal scat singers like Roy Kraal & Jackie Cain and the outrageous Woody Herman Big Band.
The man in the moon was sometimes associated with Judas or Cain, adding to the sinister overtones of this portrait.
And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
With a degree in theatre arts and plenty of stage experience including the theatre version of Animal Farm, based upon George Orwell's famous novel, Jeff Hordley is most well known for his role as Cain Dingle on Emmerton.
In 2010, Paes officially made it to United States starring in Bed & Breakfast with Eric Roberts and Dean Cain.
But when it is granted that the ancient Hebrews, like other primitive peoples, had their own mythical and traditional figures, the story of Cain becomes less obscure.
The suggestion has been made that the name Cain is the eponym, of the Kenites, and although this clan has a good name almost everywhere in the Old Testament, yet in Num.
Cain and Abel indeed are not sons of Adam, but of Satan and Eve; Seth, however, who is full of light, is the offspring of Adam by Eve.
Some popular characters only appeared in guest spots such as Admiral Helena Cain (Michelle Forbes) and others such as Kat, Hot Dog, Racetrack and Skulls are recurring characters rather than regular ones.