Cagey Sentence Examples
He was too cagey for her to understand what he felt.
At sixty-two, he was as wiry as any of his men, and twice as cagey.
Dawson is somewhat cagey about his future plans -- tho he will definitely continue working with young people.
Yet when they are asked for specific details of such cases which seem to strongly support the ETH they get very cagey.
Today, if you contact any tattoo ink manufacturer to inquire what ingredients are in their products, you'll likely be met with cagey, guarded service representatives who claim, "It's a trade secret."
Saddam is too cagey to refuse outright, not with war balancing on the edge of a scimitar.
I assume his first name is Alistair, but except for splashing photos of himself around he's pretty cagey about his identify.
Misunderstandings occurred and some members became increasingly cagey in response to adverse publicity.
Whenever there were witnesses, cameras, microphones and/or tape recorders in evidence, he would become very cagey and evasive.
Others question why Apple are so cagey about the exact stats concerning the service, especially when rumored figures seem so impressive.
AdvertisementChristie was rather cagey about her many detective stories, comparing their production to a sausage factory.
They remain cagey about the purchase price of such a car.