Cadence Sentence Examples
The horse's breath made puffs of steam as she trotted along the road to the cadence of tinkling bells.
When their breath returned to a more normal cadence and they were no longer perspiring, they rose to leave.
There is no English metre with this peculiar cadence.
In expressive language development, children first speak in long unintelligible babbles that mimic the cadence and rhythm of adult speech.
The standard gearing is suited to a slow pedaling cadence.
I hear the clink of them at the end of every cadence of the Bible verses ' .
Some children need help with sentence cadence or knowing to pause at a comma or period.
Yet he has a style of language and a cadence of his own, which steal into the heart with strangely soothing power.
Cycling cadence and the impact on the subsequent run was subjected to study through a 65-minute cycle into a 10km run (10 ).
The pattern of words follow the "o" sound in a soft cadence that makes the "whispering hush" so powerfully soothing.
AdvertisementBooks with repetitive words or rhyming ones may spark the interest of auditory learners because they have a rhythm and cadence that can appeal to the students' desire for sameness.
After a misty sunrise, a plateful of pancakes and the first ten miles, his legs hit a nice smooth cadence.
This means the cadence is easy for young ones to memorize and lyrics are simple.
Jewelry is favored around hands including rings and bracelets that add to the musical cadence of the woman's movement.
After doing some stretching exercises and setting his bike's trip odometer, he began, slowly at first, to swing into his rhythmic cadence of 70 revs per minute, maintaining the pace by shifting gears as the country hills rolled beneath his wheels.
AdvertisementGenerally mountain bikers use a lower cadence than road bikers.
Language and Communication The musical cadence contributes to baby's language development.
The hin show wagerworks finalized its blasting the tv through keystroke cadence.
His ghazels, which are written with great elegance and finish, contain many graceful and original ideas, and the words he makes use of are always chosen with a view to harmony and cadence.
Last few miles on the bike I was maintaining 100+ cadence getting ready for the run.
AdvertisementBut they still have the same cadence - tho it looks like they don't so that could be what you saw.
His intense, resourceful presence captures every cadence of the juvenile slanging matches.
In 1999 Robert wrote a passion setting for the early music group, The Burgundian cadence.
During long easy runs, you could include some faster cadence every now and then.
Tired diction here, inappropriate register there; natural, unforced cadence here, resonant phrasing there.
AdvertisementIn every clausula there is a basis followed by a cadence.
At the same time it will be conceded that he possessed a copious vocabulary, a fine ear for cadence, and the faculty of expressing every shade of thought or feeling.
He sat back, a twenty-year-old philosopher, but his cadence said he'd answered the question frequently.
Men and women alike enjoy the natural cadence in the dance of romance that may begin with flowers, a candlelit dinner, slow dancing to something smooth and jazzy followed by an evening of cuddling, kissing and more.
S(= selectae), in which a spondee is substituted for a trochee in the cadence, e.g.
With all other thoughts lulled from his mind by the steady cadence of the wheels, he moved step by step through every facet of the Byrne case.
One cannot fail to be struck with the Ciceronian cadence that guides the movement even of his Italian writings.
As a rule he is careless of definitely rhythmical cadence, though his sentences are always pleasant to the ear.
To trot, press the legs to the saddle, and raise the bridle hand a little, and, after a moment's sitting close, begin to rise ("pose") in cadence with the action of the horse.