Cacti Sentence Examples
Palms are common, the chestnut abounds in many places, the cacti are almost as numerous as on the open plateau.
There are, however, several species of euphorbia of the miscalled cacti.
Cacti, including prickly pear were common in lower areas.
After beating each puzzle, you get to see a special drawing of one of the cacti in an amusing pose (like the Siamese twin cacti and the Matador Cactus).
In ascending from the coast-valleys there is first an arid range, where the great-branched cacti rear themselves up among the rocks.
In the cactus house they speculated about highly indented cacti.
This species is frequently used as a stock on which to graft other Cacti.
The illustrations, especially the fun cacti pictures in Arcade mode, are brightly colored and well drawn.
Among other plants common to the state are the elder, wild hop, dwarf sunflower, and several species of greasewood and cacti.
Thorn forests, virgin rainforests, flowering cacti, extensive forests of monkey-puzzle trees and southern beech are also protected.
AdvertisementThe glasshouses contain collections of palms, rare cycads, tropical ferns, cacti and alpines.
When I wrote Part 1 I suggested a No. 2 strength except for the soft succulents and epiphytic or saxicolous cacti.
Winding roads snake up mountainsides to pretty whitewashed villages surrounded by spiky cacti.
The vegetation of Spain is distributed in clearly marked zones; but over the whole of Portugal, except the hottest parts of Algarve and Alemtejo, the plants of northern Europe flourish side by side with cacti, palms, aloes and tree-ferns (see Cintra).
There are many different varieties of cacti available now, even some where one cactus has been grafted on another so it looks like the cactus is blooming.
AdvertisementDuring this festive season, almost a half a million glittering lights adorn the cacti, and there are special events galore like choral performances and Santa visits.
Western and log cabin design motifs are often rounded out with metal accents featuring cutouts of mountains, cowboys, horses, cacti, bears, roosters, or coyotes.
The Southwestern designs have been adapted to reflect desert life, using plants like cacti and various animals of the region as motifs.
Consider asking a decorator to apply small, skinny cacti along the borders of each tier of your cake, or use a cactus topper.
Another idea is to surround the wedding cake with desert flowers and real miniature cacti when you display it for the reception.
AdvertisementJuarezi, which was introduced from Mexico about 1879, and they retain the characteristic shape of that species, the petals twisted, so to say, and reminding one of those of some of the Cacti.
Recently, the German traveler, Dr Purpus, and various American botanists have found in the mountains of Arkansas, Texas, Colorado, and Arizona a rich variety of hardy Cacti thriving at elevations of 5,000 to 8,000 feet.
In many botanical gardens in Germany a feature is made of these hardy Cacti, and their value is well seen at Giessen, Jena, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Dusseldorf, and many other places.
In some gardens it is well grown upon such parts of the rock garden as are devoted to hardy Cacti, where it can be sheltered by a glass roof in winter and kept dry while freely exposed to the air on all sides.
Certain plants, such as tropical plants, require high humidity and steady, warm temperatures, while cacti and succulents prefer warmth and dry conditions.
AdvertisementUnless you're raising cacti, keep the greenhouse on the humid side, at least 50 percent or higher.
Plantations of the nopal and the tuna, which are called nopaleries, are established for the purpose of rearing this insect, the Coccus Cacti, and these often contain as many as 50,000 plants.
Growing cacti and succulents from seed is not difficult and can be very rewarding.
Proceeding southward cacti become common, first a dwarfed species, and then a larger columnar form (Cereus quisco).
It consists of the females of Coccus cacti, an insect of the family Coccidae of the order Hemiptera, which feeds upon various species of the Cactaceae, more especially the nopal plant, Opuntia coccinellifera, a native of Mexico and Peru.
The vegetation on the western side of the island is much less dense, often appearing as scattered clumps of trees on savannah-like plains rather than continuous forest; while in the south-west, where the rainfall is very scanty, the vegetation is largely of fleshy-leaved and spiny plants - aloes and cacti (the latter introduced), with several species of Euphorbia, as well as numerous lianas, one of which (Intisy) yields india-rubber.
The most common plants of the Mexican plateau are the agaves, yuccas and cacti, each of which is represented by a number of species.