Cable Sentence Examples
He used to make a cable for his anchor of strips of hickory bark tied together.
All rooms are equipped with cable TV and mini refrigerator.
Even the splash of the anchor in the water, and the noise of the cable running out through the hawse-hole, in no way disturbed them at their occupation, or caused them to evince the slightest curiosity.
Communication with the United States is effected by land lines to Valparaiso, and thence by a cable along the west coast.
The lower end e of the cable in the tank T is taken to the testing room, so that continuous tests for electrical condition can be made.
Havana, Santiago and Cienfuegos are cable ports.
There is a various reading «aµuAos (cable) for Ka/lfXos (camel), but Cheyne, in the Ency.
When an engineer has to construct a railway up a hill having a still steeper slope, he must secure practicable gradients by laying out the line in ascending spirals, if necessary tunnelling into the hill, as on the St Gothard railway, or in a series of zigzags, or he must resort to a rack or a cable railway.
For surmounting still steeper slopes, cable railways may be employed.
The cable is slow; and unless development along new lines of com p ressed air or some sort of chemical engine takes place, electricity will monopolize the field.
AdvertisementThe system usually adopted is a modification of the Canadian system already described, the boring rods being, however, of iron instead of wood, but the cable system has also to some extent been used.
A submarine cable connects the town with Zanzibar.
The cable and telegraph line from Otranto, in Italy, to Constantinople, has an important station here.
The telegraph lines, which date from 1852, are owned and operated by the national government, with the exception of the lines constructed by private railway companies, and the cable lines of the Amazon and the coast.
At Para connexion is made with the cable laid in the bed of the Amazon to Manaos, which is owned and operated by a subsidized English company.
AdvertisementAt Vizeu, Para, connexion is made with a French cable to the West Indies and the United States, and at Pernambuco with two cable lines to Europe.
Each of the rooms has cable TV, coffee maker, iron and ironing board, bathrobe, hairdryer and whirlpool bath.
The system includes Video head, soft case, 2 reusable specula (4mm and 5mm) and 12 foot RCA video cable.
The following year an additional cable was laid from Bacton, in Norfolk, to Borkum, in Germany, at the joint expense of the British and German governments.
In 1894 the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company laid a cable from Singapore to Labuan and Hong Kong, thus duplicating the route and making it an all-British line.
AdvertisementIn 1900 direct telegraph working was established between London and Genoa, and a third cable was laid to South Africa via St Helena and Ascension.
The committee was of opinion that the cable should be owned and worked by the governments interested, and that the general direction should be in the hands of a manager in London under the control of a small board at which the associated governments should be represented.
In the case of inland telegraphs and of cable communication with the continent of Europe government control has entirely superseded private companies.
Following on this he made an interesting experiment, using Morse's method, to connect the Isle of Wight telegraphically with the mainland, by conduction across the Solent in two places, during a temporary failure of the submarine cable in 1882 in that channel.
If we suppose the cable interrupted at any place, and both sides of the gap earthed by connexion to plates, then the same conditions will still hold.
AdvertisementA cable is carried out from the mainland at Crookhaven for 7 m., and the outer end earthed by connexion with a copper mushroom anchor.
If a battery on the mainland is connected through a key with the shore end of the main cable, and a speaking galvanometer is in circuit with the short cable crossing the Fastnet rock, then closing or opening the battery connexion will create a deflection of the galvanometer.
Owing to the rough seas sweeping over the Fastnet, the conditions are such that any ordinary submarine cable would be broken by the wearing action of the waves at the rock boundary in a very short time.
The station was opened shortly afterwards for public service, the rates being greatly below that then current for the cable service.
In the types of cable that were first used, the wires, usually with a cotton insulation, were drawn into lead tubes, and the tubes filled with paraffin or other similar compound, which kept the wires from the injurious effects of any moisture which might penetrate the lead tube.
This form of cable has been superseded by a type with paper insulation.
In the manufacture of the cable the wires are first enclosed in the paper, which is applied sometimes longitudinally and sometimes spirally.
The cable is then placed in an oven, and, after all moisture has been driven off, it is passed through a lead press whence it emerges protected by a continuous lead pipe.
The electrostatic capacity of a cable of this type is low, and its dimensions are small, the external diameter of a cable containing 1600 ten-lb conductors being only 24 in.
In this case the cables terminate upon the poles, the connexions between the cable wires and the open wires being made with rubber-covered leads.
Attempts have been made to improve submarine cables in this respect, and in 1906 a short cable " loaded " with Pupin coils was laid across Lake Constance.
The problem, however, of constructing a deep-sea cable satisfactorily, with suitable inductance coils inserted at short distances apart, is a difficult one, and one which it cannot be said has been solved.
This custom of buying and selling through brokers continued unshaken until the laying of the Atlantic cable tempted selling brokers occasionally, and even some buying brokers, to buy direct from American factors by telegraph and thus transform themselves into quasi-importers.
To these publications were at various times added the annual report, issued in December, the American crop report, issued in September, and the daily advices by cable from America, issued every morning."
If a spinner is pressed by a shipper to make quotations with refusal for two or three days to give time for business to be settled by cable, it is evidently not impossible for the spinner to shift the risk involved by getting in turn from his broker refusal quotations for cotton.
Recent statistics bearing upon cotton are collected annually in the two publications, Shepperson's Cotton Facts and Jones's Handbook for Daily Cable Records of Cotton Crop Statistics.
When the jars come together they slack back about 4 in., and the cable is in position to be clamped in the temper-screw.
The tools may be standing at the bottom - while he is playing with the slack of the cable or they may be swinging all the time several feet from the bottom.
The temper-screw forms the connecting link between the walking-beam and cable, and it is ' let out ' gradually to regulate the play of the jars as fast as the drill penetrates.
In readiness for a fracture of the drilling tools or of the cable, special appliances known as fishing tools are provided.
The fishing tools are generally attached to the cable, and are used with portions of the ordinary string of tools, but some are fitted to pump-rods or tubing, and others to special rods.
The corporation has acquired the gas-works, the cable tramways (leased to a company), the electric lighting of the streets, and the water-supply from the Pentlands (reinforced by additional sources in the Moorfoot Hills and Talla Water).
These suburbs are connected with the city, some by railway, some by steam, cable and electric tramways, and others by ferry across Port Jackson.
A submarine cable from Durban goes to Zanzibar and Aden, whence there is communication with every quarter of the globe.
Iquique is a city of much commercial importance and is provided with banks, substantial business houses, newspapers, clubs, schools, railways, tramways, electric lights, telephone lines, and steamship and cable communication with the outside world.
Actively interested with Cyrus Field in the laying of the first Atlantic cable, he was president of the New York, Newfoundland & London Telegraph Company, and his frequent cash advances made the success of the company possible; he was president of the North American Telegraph Company also, which controlled more than one-half of the telegraph lines of the United States.
The Burma Oil Company since 1889 has worked by drilled wells on the American or cable system, and the amount produced is yearly becoming more and more important.
His talent for electrical engineering was soon shown, and his progress was rapid; so that in 1852 he was appointed engineer to the Magnetic Telegraph Company, and in that capacity superintended the laying of lines in various parts of the British Isles, including in 1853 the first cable between Great Britain and Ireland, from Portpatrick to Donaghadee.
Accra is connected by cable with Europe and South Africa, and is the sea terminus of a railway serving the districts N.E., where are flourishing cocoa plantations.
There are two submarine cable lines on the Peruvian coastthe (American) Central and South American Co.
Finally, the third layer, known as "the Peak," and reached by a cable tramway, is dotted over with private houses and bungalows, the summer health resort of those who can afford them; here a new residence for the governor was begun in 1900.
Victoria is connected with the mainland by cable, and is a favourite tourist resort for the whole west coast of North America.
Another comparison method much used in submarine cable work is the method of mixtures, originally due to Lord Kelvin and usually called Thomson and Gott's method.
It has a depth of 6 to io fathoms, with a good bottom, and large ships can anchor at a cable's length from the shore.
They are identified with the ancient Insulae Zenobii, and were ceded by the sultan of Muscat to Britain in 1854 for the purposes of a cable station.
The telegraph cable companies were quick to apply and to extend the oceanographical methods useful in cable-laying, and to their practical acuteness many of the most important improvements in apparatus are due.
The influence of wind project for laying a telegraph cable between Ireland and on water-level is most remarkable in heavy storms on the flat Newfoundland.
The earliest deep-sea sounding on record is that of cruise in the North Pacific, sounding out lines for a projected Captain Phipps on the 4th of September 1773 in the Norwegian Pacific cable.
Siemens has pointed out that a profile of the sea-bed can be delineated by taking account of the varying strain on a submarine cable while it is being laid, and the average depth of a section can thus be ascertained with some accuracy.
Where the French telegraph cable between Brest and New York passes from the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay to the depths of the Atlantic the angle of slope is.
There is a submarine cable from Dar-es-Salaam to Zanzibar, and an overland line connecting all the coast stations.
They consist of an electric battery cable and lamp-holders and small glow lamps; that for the hind-sight is coloured.
Peace, railways, telegraphs (including cable connexion with Europe), agricultural machinery and a larger population had carried New Zealand beyond the primitive stage.
Grand Bassam is connected with Europe by submarine cable via Dakar.
The island is a station of the British Pacific cable.
Some suspension bridges have broken down in consequence of the oscillations produced by bodies of men marching in step. In 1850 a suspension bridge cable was carried on a separate saddle on rollers on each pier.
Each cable has 19 strands of 278 parallel steel wires, 7 B.W.G.
Each cable is composed of 37 strands of 208 wires, or 7696 parallel steel wires, No.
Cast steel clamps hold the cable together, and to these the suspending rods are attached.
The supporting structure is a cable suspension bridge with stiffening girders.
The exports, chiefly to the United States, include salt, sponges and sisal hemp. Grand Turk is in cable communication with Bermuda and with Kingston, Jamaica, some 420 m.
In April 1898, while with his fleet at Hong Kong, he was notified by cable that war had begun between the United States and Spain, and was ordered to "capture or destroy the Spanish fleet" then in Philippine waters.
There are complete postal and telegraphic facilities in all parts of the colony save the Saharan Territories, and cable communication with France.
Melbourne has a complete tramway system; all the chief suburbs are connected with the city by cable trams. The tramways are controlled by a trust, representing twelve of the metropolitan municipalities.
It is the seaward terminus of the Yukon & White Pass railway, by which goods and passengers reach the Klondike; and is connected with Dawson by telegraph and with Seattle by cable, and with Seattle, San Francisco and other Pacific ports by steamers.
On the Schlossberg, which can be ascended by a cable tramway, beautiful parks have been laid out, and on its top is the bell-tower, 60 ft.
In bringing about a system of penny postage throughout the empire; in forwarding the construction of the Pacific cable to secure close and safe imperial telegraphic connexion; in creating rapid and efficient lines of steamship communication with the motherland and all the colonies; in granting tariff preference to British goods and in striving for preferential treatment of inter-imperial trade; in assuming responsibility for imperial defence at the two important stations of Halifax and Esquimalt, - Canada, under the guidance of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his party, took a leading part and showed a truly national spirit.
Honolulu has cable connexion with San Francisco and the East, and the several islands of the group are served by wireless telegraph.
Transactions with distant markets are now done almost entirely by cable, and a remarkable development of the telegraphic code has enabled merchants to pack a good deal into a brief message.
A cable sent to India in the evening may bring a reply next morning, and in these days of rapid cotton fluctuations mail advices are confined mainly to general discussion, hypothetical inquiry, advice, admonition and complaint.
Peterhead is the terminus of a cable to Norway.
The other six are connected to each other and to the lowest one by wire cables and pulleys in such a way that when the cable which connects the two lowest tubes is wound in by means of a winch, each of the tubes except the fixed one will rise within the next one through the same distance.
The grapnels tore away, and the "Iris II.," slipping her cable, dropped alongside the "Vindictive" to land her men across her.
From 1852 to 1867 he was in charge of the longitude department of the United States coast survey; he developed and organized the service, was one of the first to determine longitudes by telegraphic means, and employed the Atlantic cable in 1866 to establish longitude-relations between Europe and America.
The farther descent of the bucket being thus arrested, the special cable T is now slackened, so that the conical bottom of the bucket drops down, pressing down by its weight the the string of moulds, each thus containing a pig, moves slowly forward, the pigs solidify and cool, the more quickly because in transit they are sprayed with water or even submerged in L Winter Stock Pile .?t' S ..
The special cable T is now tightened again, and lifts the bottom of the bucket so as both to close it and to close the space between J and K, by allowing J to rise back to its initial place.
On the south, the Lower Town is separated from the other districts by the Ilica, a long street traversed by a cable tramway.
In 1903 the offices of the governor-general and of the court of appeal of French West Africa were transferred from St Louis to Dakar, which is also the seat of a bishop. In February 1905 a submarine cable was laid between Brest and Dakar, affording direct telegraphic communication between France and her West African colonies by an all French route.
The protectorate belongs to the Postal Union, and is connected by cable with the British telegraph station at Bonny in the Niger delta.
There is telegraphic communication between Brass and Bonny and Europe by submarine cable, and land lines from Calabar to Lagos and from Lagos to Jebba, Lokoja, Zungeru, Kano, &c., a connexion being also effected with the telegraph system of French West Africa.
By order of the Government the former were diverted to the Bureau by the Post Office and cable companies.
Cable and Postal Censorship. - In addition to the Press Bureau, censorships of incoming and outgoing cables, letters and parcels, were established by the War Office at the commencement of the war with the three-fold object of preventing information of military value from reaching the enemy, of acquiring similar information for British purposes and of checking the dissemination of information likely to be useful to the enemy or prejudicial to the Allies.
The cable censorship extended throughout the Empire, and the number of persons employed in the United Kingdom, exclusive of those in the Press Bureau, was about 200.
The department was divided into three branches - (r) the section which censored the correspondence of prisoners of war in the United Kingdom and British prisoners in enemy countries; (2) the private correspondence section which dealt with letters from members of the British Expeditionary Force, letters and parcels to and from certain foreign countries, press messages sent abroad by other means than cable, and newspapers.
In the early part of the war a great outcry was made by the British (and also the American) newspapers concerning the working of the Press cable censorship in London.
He started cable works of his own at Elmer's End, Kent, in 1896, and gave valuable evidence before the commission appointed to inquire into the possibility of laying a Pacific cable.
It is the landing-place for two transatlantic and one coastwise cable lines.
Immediately north of the Gulf of Guayaquil is the Bay of Santa Plena, with a small port of the same name, which has a good, well-sheltered anchorage and is the landing-place of the West Coast cable.
When of one cable, called the taravita, the passenger and his luggage are drawn across in a rude kind of basket suspended from it; but when two or more cables are used, transverse sticks of bamboo and reeds are laid upon them, forming a rude prototype of the regular suspension bridge.
The national capital is connected with the submarine cable at Santa Elena (via Guayaquil) and at Tumaco, in Colombia.
The city is provided with tramway and telephone services, the streets are lighted with gas and electricity, and telegraph communication with the outside world is maintained by means of the West Coast cable, which lands at the small port of Santa Elena, on the Pacific coast, about 65 m.
In 1857, after some unfruitful preliminary attempts, the Turkish Government agreed to the construction of a line from Scutari to Bagdad on their behalf; this was finished in 1861 and was extended to Fao by 1864, after further lengthy negotiations, when it was linked up with the cable from Karachi which had been laid meanwhile.
They now run from Karachi to Jask, whence a cable runs to Muscat; from Jask one cable runs to Hanjam, and thence to Bushire; another cable runs direct to Bushire.
Hanjam is connected by cable with Bandar `Abbas.
Mohammerah is connected by land line and cable with Basra and Abadan and via Ahwaz with Bushire and with the inland Persian system.
Telegraphs radiate to all parts of the island; a submarine cable to Key West forms part of the line of communication between Colon and New York, and by other cables the island has connexion with various parts of the West Indies and with South America.
Telegraphic communication with Europe is maintained by the cable of the Eastern Telegraph Company via Aden, and by the IndoEuropean system, of which the eastern portion from Teheran and Fao to Karachi belongs to the government of India.
Cable communication with Europe, via the Seychelles, Zanzibar and Aden, was established in 1893, and the Mauritius section of the Cape-Australian cable, via Rodriguez, was completed in 1902.
Massawa is also telegraphically connected with the outside world by a cable to Perim via Assab.
Sandakan is connected by telegraph with Mempakul on the west coast whence a cable runs to Labuan and so gives telegraphic communication with Singapore.
Finally, we may refer to the catenary of uniform strength, where the cross-section of the wire (or cable) is supposed to vary as the tension.
Scientific and practical questions connected with the possibility of laying an Atlantic submarine cable then began to be discussed, and Lord Kelvin was foremost in developing true scientific knowledge on this subject, and in the invention of appliances for utilizing it.
The second attempt in 1858 was successful, but the cable completed on the 5th of August 1858 broke down on the 10th of October 1858, after 732 messages had passed through it.
The third cable laid in 1865 was lost on the 2nd of August 1865, but in 1866 a final success was attained and the 1865 cable also recovered and completed.
Lord Kelvin's mirror galvanometer was first used in receiving signals through the short-lived 1858 cable.
Cable communication with Europe by way of Buenos Aires was opened in 1875, and is now maintained by means of two underground cables across the Andes, 32 m.
A West Coast cable also connects with Europe and North American states by way of Panama.
Three years later a more formal convention, including a second wire, was signed by the British envoy Charles Alison and the Persian foreign minister; meantime the work had been actively carried on, and communication opened on the one side between Bushire and Karachi and the Makran coast by cable, and on the other between Bushire and Bagdad via Teheran.
On the 4th of May 1899 Sir Alfred Milner felt it his duty to report at some length by cable to Mr Chamberlain.
Cable lines were first practically tested in San Francisco, in 1873; since the earthquake they have given place, with slight exceptions, to electric car lines.
The prosperity of the town is largely due to the great slate-quarries of the vicinity, but the distillation of liqueurs from fruit, cable, rope and thread-making, and the manufacture of boots and shoes, umbrellas and parasols are leading industries.
Here a cable, stretched across the river, catches all the timber, which is then made up into rafts and floated down to Kado, near Moulmein, where the revenue is collected.
The old town (1558 ft.) lies on a hill above the new town, and is reached from it by a cable tramway.
Domestic telegraph, telephone, express, cable, parlourand sleeping-car, gasand electric-lighting, oil and pipe line companies, and several classes of insurance companies, are taxed on the amount of their gross receipts.
Work was begun on this scheme in 1865 and continued for nearly three years, when the success of the Atlantic cable rendered the construction of the line unnecessary and it was given up, but not until important explorations had been made.
The principal stations are connected by telegraph lines, and, by way of Libreville in French Congo, cable communication with Europe was established in 1905.
Brett, who was now his principal colleague, approached Sir Charles Bright in London, and in December 1856 the Atlantic Telegraph Company was organized by them in Great Britain, a government grant being secured of 14,000 annually for government messages, to be reduced to Io,000 annually when the cable should pay a 6% yearly dividend; similar grants were made by the United States government.
Unsuccessful attempts to lay the cable were made in August 1857 and in June 1858, but the complete cable was laid between the 7th of July and the 5th of August 1858; for a time messages were transmitted, but in October the cable became useless, owing to the failure of its electrical insulation.
Field, however, did not abandon the enterprise, and finally in July 1866, after a futile attempt in the previous year, a cable was laid and brought successfully into use.
In the Commercial Cable Building, New York, seven complete tiers aggregating 7000 tons were erected in nine weeks.
Ascension is connected by cable with Europe and Africa, and is visited once a month by mail steamers from the Cape.
The total length of telegraph lines in 1903 was 6470 m., the only cable connexion being at Buenaventura, on the Pacific coast.
Cable, who became a resident of Northampton in 1886.
The island has direct steam communication with Great Britain, the United States and Canada, and is also served by the submarine cable.
There are several telegraphic and telephone systems; a wireless telegraph station at Colon; and telegraphic cables from Colon and Panama which, with a connecting cable across the isthmus, give an " all-cable " service to South America, to the United States and to Europe.
It is served by steamer from Seattle, Washington; there is cable connexion with the United States, and a six-day mail service from Pacific ports, via Juneau.
There is regular steamship communication between the chief ports and Marseilles, Zanzibar and India (via Mauritius and Ceylon); and a submarine cable to Mozambique places the island in telegraphic connexion with the rest of the world.
The islands were annexed by Great Britain in 1888 in view of the laying of the Pacific cable, of which Fanning Island is a station.
Stokes, and which were published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society for 1855, that he discussed the mathematical theory of signalling through submarine cables, and enunciated the conclusion that in long cables the retardation due to capacity must render the speed of signalling inversely proportional to the square of the cable's length.
Thomson, on the other hand, set to work to overcome the difficulty by improvement in the manufacture of cables, and first of all in the production of copper of high conductivity and the construction of apparatus which would readily respond to the slightest variation of the current in the cable.
The Eastern, the Anglo-American and the Commercial Cable companies united to celebrate the event, and from the university library a message was sent through Newfoundland, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Florida and Washington, and was received by Lord Kelvin seven and a half minutes after it had been despatched, having travelled about 20,000 miles and twice crossed the Atlantic during the interval.
State aid to religion, which was given to any denomination which would receive it, was abolished; local self-government was extended to the rural as well as to the urban districts; a policy of semiprotection was introduced; the island was connected by a submarine cable to the mainland of Australia, and thence to the rest of the civilized world; and the population, which was only 99, 328 in 1870, was nearly doubled.
Made from a high quality, 1/4-inch thick clear acrylic with cable cutouts between all panels is standard.
A heavy duty cable will transmit the power to the propellors, delivering a maximum airspeed of up to 25 mph.
So, equipped with kedge anchors and cable, and adorned in their skin-tight diving gear, they set off.
Station includes anemometer with 40 ' (12 m) cable and external temperature sensor with 25 ' (7.5 m) cable.
Integrated sensor suite includes rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, anemometer, and 40 ' (12 m) anemometer cable.
The accessories include a mag mount type whip antenna with several meters of coaxial cable.
Amenities/Facilities provided oven fridge microwave washing machine iron/ironing board cable TV tv barbecue Outside Private parking space.
All have cable TV, telephone, safe, bathrobes, slippers and hairdryer.
The oscillator was rotated by a brass wheel on the side of the compass binnacle, the two being connected by a steel cable.
Stunning on salsa music, clear on classical, precise on pop and raucous on rock this cable lets your system really boogie.
In 1988 a watching brief was carried out during the excavation of a trench for an electricity cable to light the ticket office.
I have just got bulldog broadband on adsl, and not used to this having come from ntl cable.
I think it would be real nice to add a cable border here and put the buttonholes in the middle of the cable.
B Take off the wheel For a hub gear, you need to disconnect the cable and take out the delicate indicator rod first.
Good quality satellite TV coax cable between the dish and the receiver is required, such as CT100.
For Zone VI cold lights which have a light sensor factory fitted, a connecting cable is included.
Never, ever unplug a cable from a computer and put it into your laptop.
Cables Here's a few cables Here's a few cable diagrams for serial cables.
The transatlantic fibre-optic cable enters the UK at Cornwall, with access points available throughout the region along is route.
The first long distance undersea cable to attract our attention was the North Sea Interconnector, which was due to link England with Norway.
The poles for supporting the overhead communication cable are clearly visible in several of the following pictures of the track.
Written to assist the Linux user in configuring a cable modem for internet access using a cable modem for internet access using a cable network.
There is an extender PCB which fits on to the Spectrum and a ribbon cable to the keyboard.
Change the Ethernet cable on the mailserver to one where the clip on the connector has not broken off.
With a crossover cable, two pairs of wires are reversed at one connector end.
At four o'clock we ambled ashore and took the cable car up to Capri Town for a stroll.
Working alongside your existing phone cable, it offers Internet access without disrupting incoming or outgoing calls.
Given the number of input options, you could accumulate lot of cable clutter with this display.
Available in a smart silver lacquered finish, it features 12mm tempered glass top plate, concealed castors & concealed castors & concealed cable management.
Guests enjoy a free continental breakfast, free premium cable television and free local calls.
The route was so convoluted that a cable was laid for people to follow.
Apply silicone grease to all the exposed copper at the end of the cable.
The sturdy USB cable has a moveable counterweight attached.
The hybrid coupler shown to the left is made of square coaxial cable with inner conductor only a 50 micron wide.
Use proper connectors or cable couplers to join lengths of cable.
My wife's bike was stolen last november when someone used a bolt cropper to snip through a hefty braided cable.
He only could tell you da depth o da cable but he never shifted a wan o wir markers.
Supporting convergence products include digital demodulators, data modems, cable modems and home networking products.
The move will enable developers to create interactive applications for digital cable.
You may be pressing the clutch but if the cable is loose the clutch wont be fully disengaged.
Care should be taken when stapling and routing this cable as digital signals can suffer losses due to sharp bends or cable constriction.
It has an integral high sensitivity electret microphone which can be mounted on the board or extended up to 50 feet using suitable cable.
During the stimulation session, self-adhesive electrodes must always be clipped on the special electrode cable of the Compex Mi Sensor system.
Derek Reynolds was still going after fixing a broken throttle cable, two punctures and a broken exhaust.
This system eliminates the need for cable stripping or fastening and no tools are needed to fasten the lid.
Links The August firmware update guide explains how to install new firmware on your system using a USB cable.
Links The August firmware update guide explains how to install new firmware update guide explains how to install new firmware on your system using a USB cable.
With minor modification to the existing fittings, Future Fibers was able to replace the rod forestay with a stretch equivalent PBO cable.
The card itself comes with a breakout box that plugs into the card through a truly formidable cable.
Gulstone steeple WSW First part light breezes, latter fresh gales and clear, at 5pm moored a cable each way SSW and NbyE.
Amenities/Facilities provided oven fridge microwave washing machine iron/ironing board cable tv tv barbecue Outside Private parking space.
When a printer prints garbage, it can indicate a faulty cable or a loose connection.
Cable firms can package the service to existing customers and telecom giants like AT&T are beginning to enter the market.
I now (2 November 2004) recommend the use of gigabyte switches and category 6 cable for those with gigabyte network cards.
The Dynamic Avon The single cable forms a graceful curve to support bridge girders without blocking the view creating a gorgeous landscape.
My new gizmo is wonderful, with no cable to snag on the edge of the desk or to tangle with the keyboard cable.
Clean out the bottom fork stem hole from where the cable just came, to remove any road grime that has built up.
In a call center, Bluetooth may be used to connect your wireless headset to your phone without a cable.
Use the Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter or the Game Boy Advance Game Link cable to play the game head-to-head with a friend!
A safety cable inside the elliptical hose prevents hyperextension of the corrugated hose.
Howard dean the plan developed atlantic cable has.
Catch a cable car at the station at 520 Avenida Pasteur, price 30 reals, and scale the great hunk of rock.
Can't say I see much point in cable disks, if you're going for fancy brakes might as well get hydraulics.
All the new bi-wire cables in the Original Range feature an enhanced geometry that minimizes cable inductance by precisely spacing opposing sets of conductors.
Eventually get up the lovely cable car to a blizzard at the top of the mountain, and we meet our snowboard instructor Val.
For the present, a WWW search could only find Cable & Wireless as a truly international provider of radio data services.
Each device connects to the LAN using a T junction to a single [logical] cable which forms the bus itself.
Unit has a cable knockout, which is provided in the back.
We even had a lift down by cable car and were able to enjoy lunch on the summit.
Divers installed some of the essential lane cable anchor points in the finish area - a pretty mammoth project all round!
Help its cable many insurers have cheapest car to ensure for teen standard does not four-channel mixer phantom.
Written to assist the Linux user in configuring a cable modem for internet access using a cable network.
With a straight-thru or modem cable, connect the modem to an unused serial port on the PC.
Inside the headlight nacelle, disconnect the rev counter (tachometer) cable.
Center i set cable TV obsession he likes to tied to the.
The dipole has a built-in transformer to match the 72 ohm balanced terminal impedance to 50 ohm unbalanced (balun) feeder cable.
I bought a hydraulic cable oiler from MPS for 10.99.
A thin fiber optic cable is needed to connect the two.
The best cable is dual twisted pair with shielding.
From my backyard a 15 m cable would make it easy to operate SC and CCD from my desktop pc.
Network card and USB cable ports are intended to accommodate a connection in only one direction and orientation.
Often the tow cable parted, fouled the propeller or the charge would prematurely explode!
Remove the ribbon cable from the laser unit to the board by gently pulling the ribbon cable from the laser unit to the board by gently pulling the ribbon straight up.
Amenities/Facilities provided oven fridge microwave washing machine iron/ironing board cable tv TV tv barbecue Outside Private parking space.
The cables, in the exact lengths required, were simply unrolled from drums onto cable mats on the floor slab.
In the center of the picture is shown a hand operated cable winch which is used to pull heavy items.
These are two long length sweater patterns with a thick cable and ribbed design knitted in aran weight yarn.
In 1851 he began his engineering career as apprentice in an establishment at Manchester, and subsequently he entered Newall's submarine cable works at Birkenhead.
Large numbers of additional soundings have been made in recent years by cable ships, by the expeditions of H.S.H.
There are telegraph and telephone lines between Lome and Little Popo, and both places are in telegraphic communication with the Gold Coast and Dahomey, and thus with the international cable system.
Of two transatlantic cables laid in 1894, the core of one consisted of Soo lb copper and 320 lb gutta-percha per mile, and that of the other of 650 lb copper and 400 lb gutta-percha; whereas for the similarly situated cable laid in 1866 the figures were 300 lb copper and 400 lb gutta-percha.
The amount of slack varies in different cases between 3 and Do per cent., but some is always allowed, so that the cable may easily adapt itself to inequalities of the bottom and may be more readily lifted for repairs.
It consists of a long screw spindle, coupled by suitable gearing with the cable drum, and thus rotating at the speed of the outgoing cable; on this screw works a nut which forms the centre of a thin 'circular disk, the edge of which is pressed against the surface of a right circular cone, the line of contact, as the nut moves along the screw, being parallel to the axis of the latter.
The wire being paid out without slack measures the actual distance and speed over the ground, and the engineer in charge is relieved of all anxiety in estimating the depth from the scattered soundings of the preliminary survey, or in calculating the retarding strain required to produce the specified slack, since the brakesman merely has to follow the indications of the instrument and regulate the strain so as to keep the pointer at the figure required - an easy task, seeing that the ratio of speed of wire and cable is not affected by the motion of the ship, whatever be the state of the sea, whereas the will I',/ OW= o a ' 30 30 ao.
Further, the preliminary survey over the proposed route, necessary for deciding the length and types of cable required, can afford merely an approximation to the depth in which the cable actually lies, since accidents of wind and weather, or lack of observations for determining the position, cause deviations, often of considerable importance, from the proposed route.
Another buoy is put down marking this position, fixing at the same time the actual line of the cable.
Another buoy is then lowered to mark this spot, and the cable on the other side of the fracture grappled for, brought to the surface, and, if communication is found perfect with the shore, buoyed with sufficient chain and rope attached to allow of the cable itself reaching the bottom.
The possibility of repair is affected by so many circumstances due to the environment of the cable, that not even an approximate term of years has yet been authoritatively fixed.
It is scarcely possible from the preliminary survey, with soundings several miles apart, to obtain more than a general idea as to the average depth along the route, while the nature of the constituents of the sea bed can only be revealed by a few small specimens brought up at isolated spots, though fortunately the globigerine ooze which covers the bottom at all the greater ocean depths forms an ideal bed for the cable.
One side of a sheet of paraffined paper is covered with a sheet of conducting substance, say tinfoil, and over the other side narrow strips of the same substance are arranged gridironwise to form a continuous circuit along the strip. The breadth and thickness of the strip and the thickness of the paraffined paper are adjusted so that the relative resistance and capacity of this arrangement are the same as those of the cable with which it is intended to be used.
The apparatus consists of a sending battery B, a reversing transmitting key K, a slide of small resistance 5, three condensers C1, C2, C3, an artificial cable AC, the receiving instruments I and G, and one or more resistances R for adjusting the leakage current.
When one of the levers of K is depressed, the condenser C 1 and the cable, and the condenser C2 and the artificial cable, are simultaneously charged in series; but, if the capacity of C 1 bears the same proportion to the capacity of the cable as the capacity of C2 bears to the capacity of the artificial cable, and if the other adjustments are properly made, no charge will be communicated to C3.
By the automatic curb sender the cable is put to one or the other pole of the battery and then to the reverse pole for definite proportionate times during u b c 0 'c' C p t e a n i m e r rn e ll i a.
The cable is thus charged first positively and then negatively, or vice versa, for each signal.
The great reduction in friction and in electrical resistance of the contact thus effected between the recurved end of the arm and the rotating surface secures the transmission of signals at such a high rate of speed that the combination of this relay with a special form of curb sender allows of the re-transmission of signals into a second cable at a speed not less than that of the siphon recorder worked in the usual way.
The special form of curb sender mentioned, termed the " Interpolator," has been devised so as to secure the correct re-transmission of any given number of consecutive elements of a letter which are of the same sign, for when signals are received at the end of a long cable the relay arm will not return to its zero position between consecutive elements of the same sign, but will remain on the respective contact surface during the whole time occupied by such consecutive elements.
The use of the iron core renders it possible to produce a high inductive effect with a low resistance coil, and thus obtain the necessary slow time constant to which is due the success of this type of magnetic shunt on cable signals.
By this arrangement of the coil winding, similar sections can be thrown in or out of circuit with both arms, and also so combined that any amount of inductance suitable to every class of cable may be obtained.
Telegraphic money orders were established in 1850; a cable was laid between Dover and Calais, and in November 1851 the stock exchanges of London and Paris were able for the first time to compare prices during business hours of the same day; numerous companies were formed, some of which were independent of the railways, and keen competition led to considerable extensions of wires and reduction of tariffs, with the result that a large increase in the volume of business took place.
For nearly a week futile attempts were made to send messages by his methods, and then a return was made to the weak currents and the mirror galvanometers of Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) which had been employed for testing purposes while the cable was being laid.
This, like many subsequent ones, was a failure, but finally she succeeded on the 2nd of September, and having made a splice completed the laying of the cable on the 8th of September.
On the ist of February 1898 a new cable was laid between Bermuda and Jamaica (via Turks Islands), giving an all-British line to the West Indies, with reduced charges.
The English cable companies urged that state interference with private enterprise was neither justifiable nor necessary, as the rates could be reduced and an alternative cable route to Australia arranged on reasonable terms without it, and that the Cape route would be the best alternative route.
Courtney (afterwards Lord Courtney), when Secretary of the Treasury, had stated that " it would be highly inexpedient to encourage upon light grounds competition against a company in the position of the Eastern Telegraph Company which has embarked much capital in existing lines "; and that the permanent officials representing the Post Office before the Pacific Cable committee had stated " that there was no precedent for the Imperial Government alone or in association with the Colonies managing or seeking business for a line of this kind."
In November 1899 a committee was appointed by the Colonial Office for the further examination of the scheme, and towards the end of 1900 a tender was accepted for the manufacture and laying of a submarine cable between the Island of Vancouver and Queensland and New Zealand for the sum of £1,795,000, the work to be completed by the 31st of December 1902.
A board was constituted to supervise the construction and working of the cable, composed of representatives of the several governments, with offices at Westminster.
Another earthed cable starts from a similar anchor about 100 ft.
Biblica, rejects this (see Cable).
Cable, The Creoles of Louisiana (New York, 1884), and his later writings; but Mr Cable's views of the Creoles are very unpopular in Louisiana; for other views of them, and for a guide to the English and Creole literature of Louisiana, consult Alcee Fortier, Louisiana Studies - Literature, Customs and Dialects, History and Education (New Orleans, 1894).
The story of the first Atlantic cable is told elsewhere (see Telegraph), and it must suffice here to say that in 1858, after two disappointments, Bright successfully accomplished what to many had seemed an impossible feat, and within a few days of landing the Irish end of the line at Valentia he was knighted in Dublin.
The telegraph system penetrates to the farthest French post in the Sahara, is connected with the Turkish system on the Tripolitan frontier and with Algeria, and by cable with Sicily, Malta, Sardinia and Marseilles.
Several important industrial establishments lie along the bay, including large lead and silver works at Pertusola (see Lerici), submarine cable works, a shipyard at Muggiano for the construction of mercantile vessels up to io,000 tons, a branch of the Vickers Terni works for armour plate, several motorboat works, brick and tile works, &c.
Churchill followed by Lord Arthur Browne, Chief Cable Censor, and Col.
The history of the initial failures and final success in laying the Atlantic cable has been well told by Mr. Charles Bright (see The Story of the Atlantic Cable, London, 1903).1 The first cable laid in 1857 broke on the IIth of August during laying.
Or they may be on an external box (possibly rack mountable) which is connected by a cable to a multiport card.
The pulse and bar signals are inserted in the cable at the position of the last repeater amplifier.
There was a taught cable rigged through and the stones were carefully repositioned so as to make the temple look solid.
You can reseat the cable yourself, but a faulty drive will require a warranty replacement.
Remove the ribbon cable from the laser unit to the board by gently pulling the ribbon straight up.
Firstly the cable must be robust enough to withstand the extreme forces experienced during compaction or cement curing processes.
The lines running down the center of Cable Street are the tramway.
Ninety miles of cable have been salvaged from the wreck.
Inside the box you get a small camera and a USB connecting lead along with a PC serial cable.
I just had to oil a new nylon sheathed cable which for some reason was dreadfully stiff.
Some cable, such as CT100 coax and CAT5E shielded twisted-pair, is almost impossible to obtain and we apologize for any inconvenience.
We recommend getting a fully shielded cable, preferably 6 feet or less in length.
If you 've ever tried to connect your guitar to your computer, you'll appreciate the simplicity of the GarageBand Guitar Cable.
The trailer of an articulated lorry snagged an aerial cable, which was attached to the pole that Tara was working on.
The sheath of a cable should always be secured by clamps otherwise pulling forces are exerted on the soldered joints which can then fail.
Pound for pound it is often better bi-wiring because you can afford a much better quality speaker cable.
Lift it carefully and feeling underneath unscrew the top end of the speedometer cable.
The wiring loom had been secured by metal clips to the heavy 12 volt cable from the battery to the starter solenoid.
A Flemish Eye is a length of steel wire rope cable, one end of which is formed into a loop.
Can You please also tell me if the cable to connect the sub woofer system to the pc is included in the box.
Initial VLI superconductor cable projects now underway provide an opportunity to develop a reliability record and resolve system integration and other implementation issues.
It has a high strength shielded cable and a swivel trigger hook at both ends.
First up there is a sync charge usb cable.
Murdoch questioned the logic of UK cable operator ntl 's attempted takeover of Virgin Mobile.
Link to Europe An underwater telegraph cable was successfully laid under the English Channel.
Under CFC 's recommendation, cable TV operators can offer telephony via their networks.
Termination resistors at the ends of the cable absorb the frame energy, preventing reflection of the signal back along the cable.
Note the new throttle cable on the rear slide.
So I 'd rather see timecard program fewer restrictions on cable than more restrictions on telcos.
You may take the optional toboggan run to Funchal or the Cable Car.
When a slight tug on the cable fully engaged our hapless driver 's brakes he did n't even notice.
The built in balun provides a truly unbalanced input and prevents any RF currents traveling down the outer of the feeder cable.
The truly unbalanced input prevents any RF currents traveling down the outer of the feeder cable.
Another reason for going private is the belief that the markets have undervalued cable stocks.
The Kiwi version has the jumpers attached to a cable, which unravels at a controlled pace.
By stating the above, I was trying to warn of the possible consequences of violating the contract with the cable company.
This contains a picture of the 400kV water-cooled cable along the Grand Union Canal.
A winch cable is inserted through the existing line which is then attached to the front of the new liner.
Interesting times are ahead for operators who have the vision to create the right mix of wired and wireless cable networks.
Just yank on the cable somehow to get the mech close enough to some teeth to see how it goes.
Our cable providers offer a myriad of channels to watch!
The phone and cable companies are planningto work insynergy so that they will be more popular to buyers.
Her national TV series Town & Country Crafts with Kathy Peterson is broadcast on the Family Net TV Network and other cable networks.
Wireless keyboards are handy innovations, allowing you to work and surf from a distance free of keyboard cable tethers.
The first task is to determine if an HDTV signal is available in your area, either by satellite or cable.
Call your local cable provider or go online to find out if HDTV signals are available, and if not, when they will become available to you.
In larger cities, not only can you receive national network and cable shows in HDTV format, but also locally produced shows, such as news.
Cable TV providers have entered the field offering combination cable TV/Broadband deals where you get both services on one bill often at a discounted rate.
You may subscribe to a cable system that provides HDTV, in which case you will want a television that can display it.
Tuners aren't necessary if you have cable or satellite.
If you can't live without cable television and high-speed Internet access, be sure to add such extras to your list of required amenities.
The Nano does not come with much included in the box (just a dock adapter, USB cable and headphones), so you may need to invest in a protective case, armband, or other accessories -- these quickly add up and Apple knows it.
After less than a decade in the business, QVC had become the biggest home shopping network in the country, available in 80 percent of homes with cable and on three million satellite dishes.
The network is now available on the cable systems that supply 96 percent of American homes, as well as reaching more than 25 million satellite users.
In 1982, the show was promoted to a full-fledged cable channel in Tampa, and in 1985 the concept was taken nationwide under the name "Home Shopping Club."
Today, the Home Shopping Network reaches 89 million homes and is the fourth largest cable network (QVC ranks second).
Alternatively, you may have to make use of a data cable of some sort (usually USB or serial).
Use blaster pistols, blowtorches, cable snares and missile-launching jetpacks to catch your target and being captured or killed.
San Francisco Architecture with the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the Ferry Building, a cable car, the Conservatory of Flowers, and California wine country.
Depending on the input signal for your set, (regular cable, HD TV or broadcast); your viewing experience may or may not be enhanced the way you would expect.
For cable TV, they have high-definition digital capable resolution.
The dehumidifier is typically plugged into an electrical socket, therefore the cable needs to be placed so it cannot be tripped over.
An Ethernet port allows users to connect to the Internet by use of an Ethernet cable.
If you are using a set top box with a satellite or cable provider, you may have to upgrade your programming package to include some HD programming.
Blu-rays, cable boxes, and Home Theaters are come with HDMI ports as a standard feature, so don't worry current technology missing that port.
Cables. HDMI and Component cables enhance the digital quality of your cable (for those boxes that support it), video game systems and DVD/Blu-ray players.
It can connect by USB cable or Bluetooth and uses the Traffic Message Channel to help you navigate to your destination while avoiding traffic-related delays.