C-sections Sentence Examples
C-sections are quite common these days, and most bitches come through them just fine.
It appears to be less common than in the past, due to improvements in infant delivery methods and the increased use of cesarean sections (c-sections) to surgically remove the infant through the abdomen.
Although Healthy People 2010 established a goal of a 15 percent rate for c-sections in the United States, the ideal rate has not been established.
C-sections have a higher maternal mortality rate than vaginal births with approximately 5.8 women per 100,000 live births dying, and half of these deaths are ascribed to the operation and a coexisting medical condition.
According to the United States Public Health Service, 35 percent of all c-sections are performed because the woman has had a previous c-section.
Fetal distress or the more appropriate term, nonreassuring fetal heart rate, accounts for almost 9 percent of c-sections.
Having a knowledgeable woman who can offer birthing knowledge, position options, and comfort techniques as well as emotional and physical support decreases the need for the interventions that can lead to c-sections.
It brings with it all kinds of exciting possibilities, such as labor, childbirth, vaginal birth, and C-sections.
The overwhelming majority of c-sections have no complications at all.