C-o-d Sentence Examples
Draw the tangents at A and B, meeting at T; draw TV parallel to the axis of the parabola, meeting the arc in C and the chord in V; and M draw the tangent at C, meeting AT and BT in a and b.
Smoothing them, Carlheim-Gyllenskold gives f = too' -7.3c as the most probable linear relation between c, the amount of cloud, and f, the frequency, assuming the latter to be loo when there is no cloud.
Here the climate changes drastically as the music dissolves into a long trill on a C major chord.
In the chord chart you just printed out, look at the chord in the top left which shows a C chord written in chart form.
Bluegrass players, for example, typically finger a G chord with a similar shape to the way they finger a C chord.
If you know a few of the basic chords (C, D, E, F, G) and some of the basic chord hand shapes, you'll be just fine.
The song begins with a C chord and changes to the G chord when the lyrics sing the word first.
After that, the song returns to the C chord before changing to the D chord on the word hit.
As an example, and using that F to C chord progression I just mentioned, you could play the F at the first fret of the E string while simultaneously picking the A note at the second fret of the G string.
When the band moves to the C chord, you slide your fingers along the same strings until you're at the eighth fret of the E (which is C) and the ninth fret of the G (which is E) and you've created the same sort of harmony for the G chord.
AdvertisementIf we use c 1 to represent the chord of the whole arc, c 2 the chord of half the arc, and c 4 the chord of one quarter of the arc, then corresponding to (i) and (iii) of § 70 or § 79 we have a (8c 2 - c i) and4 5 (256c 4 - 40c2+ci) as approximations to the length of the arc. The first of these is Huygens's rule.