C-l Sentence Examples
For example, ethylene, C2H4 j is formed with absorption of 16200 cal., acetylene, C 2 H 2, with absorption of 59100 cal., and liquid benzene, C 6 H 6, with absorption of 9100 cal.
For if C l and C2 are the capacities and Q i and Q2 are the charges after contact, then Qi/CI and Q2/C2 are the potential differences of the coatings and must be equal.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under C to Cal.
Passing briefly over the conclusions arrived at in the Meditations, it deals in its second, third and fourth parts with the general c l principles of physical science, especially the laws of motion, with the theory of vortices, and with the phenomena of heat, light, gravity, magnetism, electricity, &c., upon the earth.
If the two circuits are in tune so that the numerical product of capacity and inductance of each circuit is the same or C L, = C L +CL and if k is the coefficient of coupling then the natural frequency of each circuit is n = I /2w / (CL), and when coupled two oscillations are set up in the secondary circuit having frequencies n and n2 such that n = n0/ (i - k) and n = nh,/ (I +k).
According to Welter's rule, we deduct II 0 with the equivalent amount of hydrogen, namely, 22 H, and are left with the residue 12 C, the heat of combustion of which is 1131600 cal.
In Order To Adapt It To The Gregorian Calendar, We Must First Add The To Days That Were Left Out Of The Year 1582; In The Second Place We Must Add One Day For Every Century That Has Elapsed Since 1600, In Consequence Of The Secular Suppression Of The Intercalary Day; And Lastly We Must Deduct The Units Contained In A Fourth Of The Same Number, Because Every Fourth Centesimal Year Is Still A Leap Year.Q Denoting, Therefore, The Number Of The Century (Or The Date After The Two Right Hand Digits Have Been Struck Out) By C, The Value Of L Must Be Increased By 10 (C 16) (6 C L = 7M 3 X (4 X) W Io (C 16) (C 4 16) W; That Is, Since 3 To =13 Or 6 (The 7 Days Being Rejected, As They Do Not Affect The Value Of L), L=7M 6 X () W _ 16) (_ L _ 6)W; This Formula Is Perfectly General, And Easily Calculated.