C.i.f. Sentence Examples
C - Under the head of administration would be classed the chief director of the arsenal, officials military and civil, non-commissioned officers and military artificers, civilian foremen, workmen and labourers, with the clerks and writers necessary for the office work of the establishments.
Apart from this general meaning of the word, the chief transferred use is that for a piece of wood used for various specific purposes, as a framework, bar, &c., such as the tree of a saddle, axle-tree, cross-tree, &c.
The chief defect in equatorial mountings of type C is that in general they are not capable of continued observing much past the meridian without reversal.
The chief imports are cloths, prints, muslins, raw silk, sugar, rice, &c.
His chief professional assistant is the chef detat-major general (chief of the general staff), a vice-admiral, who is responsible for the organization of the naval forces, the mobilization and movements of the fleet, &c.