C-e Sentence Examples

  • It must, however, be distinctly borne in mind that there is a fundamental difference between the eye of Vertebrates and of all other groups in the fact that in the Vertebrata the retinal body is itself a part of the central nervous system, and not a separate C E k e FIG.

  • In the negotiations of the Treaty of Paris (1783) the Dutch found themselves abandoned by their allies and com elled Pea c e of y, p to accept the disadvantageous but not ungenerous terms accorded to them by Great Britain.

  • Since both k and c are generally variable with the temperature, and the mode of variation of either is often unknown, the results of these methods are generally less certain with regard to the actual Carves showing Cie farzalaon of Temperature wilki FIG.

  • On oxidation .ith chromic acid it forms a quinone, C 15 H 8 0 2, and an a-diphenylene keto carboxylic acid C E I-4 3.

  • It is generally known as the Dvenos inscription, from the name of the maker who wrote on the vessel from right to left the in scription, part of which is DV E N OS MED F E C E D (= fecit).

  • The Latin never yields ie in Catalan as it does in French and occasionally in Provenal; s e d e t becomes seu (where u represents the final d), p e d e m makes peu, and e go eu; in some words where the tonic is followed by a syllable in which an i occurs, it may become I (ir, he r i; mig, me di us; m-,is, m eli us); and the same holds good for in a similar situation (ciri, c r i u s, c e r e u s; fire, f e r i a), and for e in a close syllable before a nasal (eximpli, e x e to p 1 u m; mintr for mentir, gint for gent).

  • Thesources ofz(c)areLat.ce, cj,ij,s (cielo, c a e 1 u m; caiza, c a I c e a; razon, r a t i 0 n e m; zampoa, iv nip ho n i a)- As regards the spirants f and v, it is to be observed that at the beginning of a word f has in many instances been replaced by the aspirated h (afterwards silent), while in others no less current among the people the transformation has not taken place; thus we have hijo (f i Ii u m) alongside of fiesta (fast a).

  • However, C&E produce a readable booklet entitled Should I be registered for VAT?

  • But the common cause C, the striking of the cue ball, does not screen off this correlation.
