Bystanders Sentence Examples
Bonaparte and Josephine escaped uninjured, but several bystanders were killed or wounded.
Stones and other weapons were freely used, and several of the combatants and bystanders were seriously injured.
Similarly the Greenland angekok is said to summon his torngak (which may be an ancestral ghost or an animal) by drumming; he is heard by the bystanders to carry on a conversation and obtain advice as to how to treat diseases, the prospects of good weather and other matters of importance.
The faithful talking with tongues were taken by bystanders for drunken men, but intoxicated men do not talk in languages of which they are normally ignorant.2 Paul on the whole discouraged glossolaly.
Nothing," he adds, " is more likely than that in a crowded assembly a lady should accidentally have dropped her garter; that the circumstance should have caused a smile in the bystanders; and that on its being taken up by Edward he should have reproved the levity of his courtiers by so happy and chivalrous an exclamation, placing the garter at the same time on his own knee, as ` Dishonoured be he who thinks ill of it.'
I think I managed to hit a few bystanders with the mud too!
The player was able to shoot and kill these neutral bystanders.
But when men set themselves to cultivate skill in disputation, regarding the matter discussed not as a serious issue, but as a thesis upon which to practise their powers of controversy, they learn to pursue, not truth, but victory; and, their criterion of excellence having been thus perverted, they presently prefer ingenious fallacy to solid reasoning and the applause of bystanders to the consciousness of honest effort.
Of these, 35 were the victims of killings that amounted to extra-judicial executions, including nine bystanders at the scene of such assassinations.
Jeremy Paxman's back and talks to Michael Portillo a bit more, with Lord Falconer and Shirley Williams remaining virtual bystanders.
AdvertisementTeens today want to communicate quickly, so they have created acronyms for most commonly used words, making computer and cell phone screens look like a jumble of letters to any bystanders that are not "in the know."
Don't pull any pranks that could hurt you, your parents, your parent's property, or hurt any bystanders that happen to get caught up in the mayhem of your pranks.
They make the job of clearing snow much faster and easier, but these are powerful machines that can cause injuries to the operator and bystanders alike.
An emergency choking incident is treated using the Heimlich maneuver, usually administered by parents, caregivers and teachers, or bystanders.
Execration of Haman, as the typical persecutor of the Jews, took various forms. In Germany wooden mallets were used in the synagogue to beat the benches when Haman's name was read out from the scroll of Esther, and during the festivities these mallets were sometimes used on the heads of the bystanders.
AdvertisementAs the king and queen were returning from the wedding they narrowly escaped assassination in a bomb explosion, which killed and injured many bystanders and members of the royal procession.
Apparently the bomb missed Qadaffi but killed several innocent bystanders.
Secondly, innocent bystanders will play a huge part in Hell's Highway.
But civil society and the rest of the world are not passive bystanders in the process.
The police officers in the present case were more than mere bystanders.
AdvertisementMove several bystanders on and also to redirect cars leaving the car park to give a wide berth of the landing site.
But the subject seemed to arrest him, and he whispered some inquiries of the other bystanders, and remained listening.
While competitive chess is played, all games are ungraded, and non playing members are available to advise interested bystanders.
As they were untying it, some of the bystanders said to them, " What are you doing, untying the colt?
The tall, strong stranger saved the bystanders by using his martial arts skills to overpower the attackers.