By-god Sentence Examples
I want it to be sanctioned by god.
Body and mind are like two clocks which act together, because both have been set together by God.
We're a house of cards in a windstorm, held together by God knows what.
Zwingli and Calvin on the other hand prefer the positive view of law as instituted by God far back in history in the days of the Old Covenant; but,, when exegesis or controversy puts pressure upon them, they fall into line and reiterate the appeal to a Natural Law.
We must conceive nature as overruled by God not so much Later for the sake of man's happiness as for the sake of his form; moral development.
These atoms, which are the seeds of all things, are, however, not eternal but created by God.
There were various causes which combined to enhance the importance of the written Torah (the " instruction " par excellence communicated by God through Moses).
The system itself aims in principle at being thoroughly monistic; but, since matter, although created by God out of nothing, was regarded merely as the sphere in which souls are punished and purified, the system is pervaded by a strongly dualistic element.
Another legend, also to be found in Arabic sources, asserts that alchemy was revealed by God to Moses and Aaron.
He experienced within himself the inward call to seek the amelioration of mankind and their deliverance from ruin, and regarded this inner impulse, intensified as it was by long, contemplative solitude and by visions, as being the call addressed to him by God Himself.
AdvertisementBasing their views on the synoptic Gospels, and tracing descent from the obscure sect of the Alogi, the Adoptianists under Theodotus of Byzantium tried to found a school at Rome c. 185, asserting that Jesus was a man, filled with the Holy Spirit's inspiration from his baptism, and so attaining such a perfection of holiness that he was adopted by God and exalted to divine dignity.
Hetherington, and which he justified on the singular ground that "the vast bulk of the population believe that morality depends entirely on revelation; and if a doubt could be raised among them that the ten commandments were given by God from Mount Sinai, men would think they were at liberty to steal, and women would consider themselves absolved from the restraints of chastity."
The soul is created by God when the body of which it is the entelechy is prepared for it.
As for the author, he was no Essene, for he recognizes animal sacrifices and cherishes the Messianic hope; he was not a Sadducee, for he looks forward to the establishment of the Messianic kingdom (x.); nor a Zealot, for the quietistic ideal is upheld (ix.), and the kingdom is established by God Himself (x.).
Thus they were divided in soul between spiritual goods and worldly pleasures, and were apt to doubt whether the rewards promised by God to the life of " simplicity " (all Christ meant by the childlike spirit, including generosity in giving and forgiving) and self-restraint, were real or not.
AdvertisementThey possess - not in Hebrew, of which they are altogether ignorant, but in Ethiopic (or Geez)- the canonical and apocryphal books of the Old Testament; a volume of extracts from the Pentateuch, with comments given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai; the Te-e-sa-sa Sanbat, or laws of the Sabbath; the Ardit, a book of secrets revealed to twelve saints, which is used as a charm against disease; lives of Abraham, Moses, &c.; and a translation of Josephus called Sana Aihud.
Abraham was now commanded by God to offer up Isaac in the land of Moriah.
For the book is a revelation made by God to Jesus Christ, who through His angel made it known to John for transmission to the churches.
The flight of the woman is mentioned in verse 6 to a place of refuge prepared for her by God.
Two tendencies appeared in the thought of the primitive Church, the one to regard Christianity as a law given by God for the government of men's lives, with the promise of a blessed immortality as a reward for its observance; the other to view it as a means by which the corrupt and mortal nature of man is transformed, so that he becomes a spiritual and holy being.
AdvertisementFor, after all, the Christian monks never quite forgot that salvation is given by God through Christ, whereas the Manichaean electi were actually themselves redeemers.
War is an element in the order of the world ordained by God.
Having, however, in consequence, lost his professorship at Jena, he gradually altered his views, until at length he decided that God is not mere moral order, but also reason and will, yet without consciousness and personality; that not mankind but God is the absolute; that we are only its direct manifestations, free but finite spirits destined by God to posit in ourselves Nature as the material of duty, but blessed when we relapse into the absolute; that Nature, therefore, is the direct manifestation of man, and only the indirect manifestation of God; and, finally, that being is the divine idea or life, which is the reality behind appearances.
They declared Christ to be the Son of God only through grace like other prophets, and that the bread and wine of the eucharist were not transformed into flesh and blood; that the last judgment would be executed by God and not by Jesus; that the images and the cross were idols and the worship of saints and relics idolatry.
But since he shared the above-mentioned belief of his master, nothing remained for him but to see in the Logos a second essence, created by God before the world, which came down to earth and took upon itself a human body.
AdvertisementIt had been a frequent saying with the more zealous royalists of Spain that a king must be wiser than his ministers, for he was placed on the throne and directed by God.
It is so Christian in tone, he quaintly remarks elsewhere, that an inquisitor might have used it quite as well as a heretic. In it the Perfect addresses the postulant, as in the corresponding Armenian rite, by the name of Peter; and explains to him from Scripture the indwelling of the spirit in the Perfect, and his adoption as a son by God.
The motive assigned for right doing is individualistic utilitarian - the advantage accruing to the man either through the laws of society or through the rewards dispensed by God.
Nor yet was he a Zealot, for the quietistic ideal is upheld (ix.), and the kingdom is established by God Himself (x.).
His victory gave him a sense of freedom, and the feeling that life was given by God to be enjoyed.
It was to be obeyed without question and without inquiry as to its meaning, because established by God.
The terrible power of excommunication is claimed for the church; but the council of the realm also is called to use the power given them by God to put down all religion but the reformed, and to further the aims and carry out the sentences AA.
Officially the king is all-powerful, and his will, which is guided by God and bound up in His law, unfettered.
When the argument from analogy seems to go beyond this, a peculiar difficulty starts up. Let it be granted that our happiness and misery in this life depend upon our conduct - are, in fact, the rewards and punishments attached by God to certain modes of action, the natural conclusion from analogy would seem to be that our future happiness or the reverse will probably depend upon our actions in the future state.
The new birth when lost may be restored through repentance, which is not merely (I) sincere sorrow, but also (2) confession of each individual sin to the priest, and (3) the discharge of penances imposed by the priest for the removal of the temporal punishment which may have been imposed by God and the Church.
An eternal Messianic kingdom at the close of the judgment is to be established under the Messiah, with its centre in the New Jerusalem set up by God Himself.
The law said "he who does not give a pledge to fasting is an evader of all; he who disregards all things shall not be paid by God or man."
He considers that Christianity is best defended on the basis of the doctrine that Christ is a man chosen and equipped for His task by God.
Finally in the exposition of Christian Justice the Stoic doctrine of the natural union of all human interests is elevated to the full height and intensity of evangelical philanthropy; the brethren are reminded that the earth was made by God a common possession of all, and are bidden to administer their means for the common benefit; Ambrose, we should observe, is thoroughly aware of the fundamental union of these different virtues in Christianity, though he does Cicero's works are unimportant in the history of ancient ethics, as their philosophical matter was entirely borrowed from Greek treatises now lost; but the influence exercised by them (especially by the De officiis) over medieval and even modern readers was very considerable.
It is therefore as unalterable, even by God himself, as the truths of mathematics, although its effect may be overruled in any particular case by an express command of God; hence it is cognizable a priori, from the abstract consideration of human nature, though its existence may be known a posteriori also from its universal acceptance in human societies.
Such a penalty can only be paid by God himself, and, as a penalty for man, must be paid under the form of man.
Concrete reality or personality is given to this divine Ternar, as Baader calls it, through nature, the principle of self-hood, of individual being, which is eternally and necessarily produced by God.
Some taught that while the future had been assigned by God to Christ, the devil had received the present age (p. 309).
These avenging angels are used by God to punish men for their sins.
Yea, he will at once avenge them of their enemies. ***** The following eight verses describe the apocalyptic battle waged by God himself.
We are also present with one another, sharing the bread which is given by God as foretaste of the coming messianic banquet.
Born to a seemingly barren women, Joseph's parents think he is a'miracle child ' sent by God for a special purpose.
But we still claim that Methodism was raised up by God to spread scriptural holiness throughout the land.
God does not incarnate himself and there is no one book which has been directly revealed by God or is wholly infallible.
One did not have to become a proselyte in order to be accepted by God.
We must have a spiritual rebirth in order to be redeemed by God the Spirit.
Through Christ we are " more than conquerors " because even seeming defeat can be turned around by God into victory!
In the passage of the fiery snakes, Moses is instructed by God to make a bronze serpent and set it on a standard.
He " consented to become yet more vile " and discovered that field preaching was blessed by God.
The dialogue is entitled, The Book of Divine Doctrine, given in person by God the Father, speaking to the mind of the most glorious and holy virgin Catherine of Siena, and written down as she dictated it in the vulgar tongue, she being the while entranced, and actually hearing what God spoke in her.
Now, a prince or legislative assembly that accepted the doctrine of Luther, that the temporal power had been " ordained by God for the chastisement of the wicked and the protection of the good " and must be permitted to exercise its functions " unhampered throughout the whole Christian body, without respect to persons, whether it strikes popes, bishops, priests, monks, nuns, or whoever else " - such a government could proceed to ratify such modifications of the Christian faith as appealed to it in a particular religious confession; it could order its subject to conform to the innovations, and could expel, persecute or tolerate dissenters, as seemed good to it.
Election, as a special form of selection, is naturally a loose term covering many subjects; but except in the theological sense (the doctrine of election), as employed by Calvin and others, for the choice by God of His " elect," the legal sense (see Election, in law, below), and occasionally as a synonym for personal choice (one's own " election "), it is confined to the selection by the preponderating vote of some properly constituted body of electors of one of two or more candidates, sometimes for admission only to some private social position (as in a club), but more particularly in connexion with public representative positions in political government.
No one shall hear a word from me," said Rostov in an imploring voice, "but I can't apologize, by God I can't, do what you will!
This expression suggested that she had resolved to endure her troubles uncomplainingly and that her husband was a cross laid upon her by God.
Of course he is right there," said Countess Mary, "but he forgets that we have other duties nearer to us, duties indicated to us by God Himself, and that though we might expose ourselves to risks we must not risk our children."
This reply is quite satisfactory if we believe that the power was given him by God.
Through Christ we are " more than conquerors " because even seeming defeat can be turned around by God into victory !
Others by God 's sovereign grace would come to have eternal life in him.
Both in his outward conduct and in his inward spiritual desires he was ruled by God 's Word.
And he who swears by heaven swears by God 's throne and by the one who sits on it.
According to the Bible, the Ark held the tablets of stone given to Moses by God on Mt Sinai.
Jonah-Jonah was called by God to preach, but refused.
I promise to be your faithful partner in life, respecting you, loving you and sharing with you as intended by God and our shared faith.
My explanation is that I was chosen by God and if that is the case then it is my duty and honor to pass along the hope of sobriety.
Most Christian homeschooling families believe that they are called by God to educate their own children.
These angels are considered one type of a specific group of angels, known as the tutelary angels, and they are believed to be assigned to a specific person by God.
Their deed of agreement was drawn up in the temple by a notary public, and confirmed by an oath " by god and the king."
It divides itself naturally, by its contents, into two parts, in one of which the theme is righteousness and wisdom, in the other the early fortunes of the Israelite people considered as a righteous nation beloved by God.