B-y Sentence Examples
I guess he was stunned by my beauty.
By that time, the others had all retired.
I thought maybe by now you would have adjusted.
It is proved by my fine points.
Felipa finally took her by the arm.
By tomorrow I'll be fine.
She was just surprised by what was in the envelope.
It was nearly midnight by the time they left.
Three weeks ago she would have been embarrassed by such a conversation.
The children were inclined to be frightened by the sight of the small animal, which reminded them of the bears; but Dorothy reassured them by explaining that Eureka was a pet and could do no harm even if she wished to.
AdvertisementThis came in by currier a few minutes ago, sir.
I earn my living by it.
I put out the light by the bed.
Whether you are rich or poor, live in the developed world or the developing world, life today is better and easier than it was a century ago by virtually any measure.
By the way, neither Alex nor I drink.
AdvertisementThey stopped by the side of the road and made their manners.
At six months I could pipe out "How d'ye," and one day I attracted every one's attention by saying "Tea, tea, tea" quite plainly.
Lisa said that when she was choking, you stood by and did nothing.
We'll know by tomorrow night.
And by this visit of the Emperor to Moscow the strength of the Russian army was trebled.
AdvertisementHer face was hot and cold by turns.
Julia brushed by them in the hall.
From the expression on his face, he wasn't consoled by the answer.
Later as she lay awake beside him, listening to the sound of his breathing, it occurred to her that they had fallen into the pattern of making up by making love.
Like Alex, it was impossible to guess what was going on in his mind by the expression on his face.
AdvertisementIt gets lonely out there all by myself.
Alex was a wealthy man - rich by her standards.
She was awakened later by the door bell.
Her vision was blurred by unshed tears.
Don't insult them by refusing their hospitality.
Once someone from church came by to see if she needed help.
By the time I got it from the car, it was down to one bar.
Even now, the houses were farther apart; some separated by large fields.
If Yancey had noticed her earlier or was troubled by it, he gave no indication.
Her face felt hot and cold by turns and she didn't have enough saliva to swallow.
She kept her eyes on the floor as she walked by him.
She feared for her brother who was in it, was horrified by and amazed at the strange cruelty that impels men to kill one another, but she did not understand the significance of this war, which seemed to her like all previous wars.
Someone from the church or clinic must have been by and brought it for Alex.
She opened the door and slid her legs out one by one, trying to avoid contact with the car.
He paused, obviously struck by another thought.
For a moment she was shocked by his words.
Connie is taking me by to pick it up.
I'll tell Howard to get everything together and you can drop by to pick it up next week.
Who hasn't sat at a stop light and been so distracted by something else that they didn't notice the light was green?
He walked by her stiffly and heading down the hall.
Maybe so, but there have been many people attacked by bears - mostly black bears.
Escape was hampered by the fact that the window wouldn't open.
What she saw today was proof that she needed it close by.
She walked by him to the car, mustering up a voice that approached normal.
By the time they got to her car, her palms were sweating.
His temper was rising by the second.
The yellow skirt of her sundress was molded to the soft curves one side of her body by a breeze.
Brandon would be horrified by any thought of a romantic involvement with me.
Brandon was fortunate to have been raised by two people who cared as much about each other as they cared for him.
Obviously they thought she was upset by Michael's interest in another girl.
Jackson had stopped by for Bumpus who reluctantly jumped into the back seat like an arrested felon.
By tomorrow we'll have a better handle on the situations, enough at least to make flight arrangements.
Princess Mary spent half of every day with little Nicholas, watching his lessons, teaching him Russian and music herself, and talking to Dessalles; the rest of the day she spent over her books, with her old nurse, or with "God's folk" who sometimes came by the back door to see her.
Obviously he was annoyed by her caustic tone.
By the time she reached the front room, Giddon had answered the door.
Lisa closed the phone and listened as Giddon walked by.
And hadn't she been fooled by Allen?
I'm not about to jeopardize my job by asking all kinds of questions.
If he was, that made twice she had been attracted by a man who was doing something illegal.
According to my mother, I should be married by now.
Where was the sweet, gentle Brandon who never seemed to be upset by anything?
It's kind of small, but the rent isn't too bad, and it'll be available by then.
He appeared unperturbed by her caustic question.
By dawn she was awake again - ready to get started.
I'm flattered by your offer, but I can't leave the twins.
She knew by the way he rode that it was Bordeaux.
By then the mules will be rested.
The vamp's head exploded with the first shot of his hand cannon, the bullet missing Bianca by a couple inches.
Bianca gasped as he strode by.
It would be dark by the time they got the car off the edge of the cliff.
At noon he would come in from a path in the woods, eat and then return by the same path.
By day, the mystery lurked in every look exchanged between Sarah and Giddon.
That night, for the first time in more than a week, she tossed and turned in the bed, her sleep interrupted by memories of her family.
Her voice trailed off when he glanced up sharply, obviously stung by her words.
Dodging cobwebs by the dozens, she pushed on until deciding she had reached a point behind the building.
Her fall was brutally interrupted by a rock ledge about five feet down.
She stayed around the house, propping her foot up whenever she sat down, and by evening it was only a little sore.
By the next day she was ready to resume her normal activities, but Sarah insisted it was Saturday and she should take some time to enjoy herself.
By the time you count the hills, hollows and turns, it's closer to ten.
She turned away, embarrassed by the rush of excitement the action had triggered.
He was standing close and she was startled by a desire to be swept into his arms again.
She spoke quickly, hoping that desire could be covered up by a professional front.
Yeah, because I probably won't even remember you by then.
Judging by his expression, he probably thought it was provocative.
Following a long drive that consisted of little more than two ruts worn by vehicle tires, they came to the Marsh ranch.
Still, by refusing to go up there with Brandon, she was standing between him and his parents.
Then she would be engulfed by another convulsive sob.
His eyes were captivating, by far the most attractive feature in his darkly handsome face.
She inclined her head to indicate the endless sand, broken only by an occasional yucca or chickweed.
Pete usually had a fire going by the time she was ready to fix breakfast.
Thanks, but I did all this by myself until you came along.
Why should she care – and what did he have to gain by all this attention?
Naw, it was burned to a crisp by the time I uncovered it.
By the time Bordeaux returned with the cut up snakes, she had lard sizzling in a large skillet.
But instead of helping her into the wagon in the same gentlemanly manner, he grabbed her by the collar and waistband and dumped her in the front of the wagon.
Cassie glanced up at him as he moved by her, but he paid her no mind.
Feeling a little hurt by his apparent disinterest, she picked up her plate and started cleaning up the camp.
By the time she reached the wagon, the desert was bathed in moonlight.
The single word spoken by Davis held a tone that silenced Royce like a slap to the mouth.
Hours later, baked by the sun and choked with dust, Pete finally called a halt for the day.
Her rifle was leaning against the wagon, within easy reach, and her whip hung near by.
By the time we were finished it was dark and the sand was blowing so bad we might have got lost, so we stayed in the cave until it let up.
Don't you know that by now?
On the positive side, at that rate their conversation should be over by five minutes after nine.
One by one he tossed the rocks into the pond.
She hesitated, intimidated by his obvious displeasure.
He shook his head, obviously still distraught by the mere thought of it.
We'll hear him the same as when he's in here, but he won't be disturbed by us when we talk.
Betsy Morganthaw, my fiancée, was employed by a public relations firm at a wage half again as much as her future husband.
We were directed by a friendly voice on our GPS, a previously unused present from my retired parents.
She led us into a large room, dominated by a pot belly stove.
Large windows framed a picturesque pond, boarded by tall pines.
I could tell Betsy felt embarrassed by her enthusiasm.
Could the fact that Howie's brain waves are somehow different after his lengthy coma and all the operations he endured be effected by what you were doing?
Each of us nervously cut ties with our past by giving notice, making moving plans and advising our few friends and relatives.
The man was run down by a detective from After.
I'm sure Brennen was confused by my sharp response and background noise but once girls and dog had left we settled down to business.
It was a subtle shift, an undercurrent of cool energy that brushed by him, like when Sofi used her voodoo fortune-telling powers around him.
He drew a deep breath, refreshed by the idea of slaughtering six bad guys at one time.
His sense of humor wasn't well understood by many.
To be reminded first by a woman who should be dead and again by a Healer of some sort … He shook out his shoulders and nudged his XO awake, not wanting to deal with the thoughts.
Dusty gazed at him, sensing how much he loved his sister and how hurt he was by his own actions.
Only those touched by fate had such vivid memories that entered her mind unbidden.
She heard the locks slide, one by one.
It housed two beds and two sets of drawers and was connected to a shared bathroom by a closed door.
The cool rain felt good against his hot skin, and he stood in the dark walkway between the gym and the house, soothed by the storm.
Toni's voice was accompanied by a tap at the door.
He tested his new phone by sending Damian and Jule a text. 911.
The safest place she could be was with him, and he'd nearly gotten her killed by lowering his guard.
Darian was gone, Jonny distracted by his newfound gun, and she in need of a friend.
Do you want to come by for tea and cookies?
We'll start by taking out what's here and the warehouse where he's storing weapons.
Puzzled, she started to respond when someone rushed down the stairs by her.
Bianca righted herself and carefully straightened the blonde, panicked by her pale features.
He strode by her and slapped her on the back of the head, hard.
Bianca scrambled up, energized by the threat of staying in the creepy world.
Talon shoved her back into the valley with a snarled threat under his breath, and she hurried out of the trough again, breathing hard by the time she'd clambered twenty feet to the top.
Most everyone has been evac'd by the state.
He was surrounded by the half-vamp, half-human creatures of the town and waded through them to where Dusty stood.
I can only heal them one by one, but Dusty, if I don't do it, then you'll kill everyone, and it's not fair when they're just innocent people.
The storm beating against the windows had shut down the power; the hall was lit by candles and makeshift torches.
The teenage whininess was gone, replaced by confidence.
Unaffected by Darian's magic, Bianca touched Jonny's lifeless body, recalling the Watcher's words.
Baked by day and frozen by night.
Could she make it across the lava field by herself?
Maybe Pete and the guys had reached Ashley by now and a rescue mission was already under way to get them.
A few minutes later another horse came by, its hooves clattering loudly above them.
In any case, Mom had known Dad since they were kids, but his desertion caught her by surprise.
Once again she was struck by the unusual blue of his eyes.
She slid down the rock and joined them, casting a sour look at Bordeaux as she brushed by him.
We were captured by the Comanche and sold to the Apache.
I expect she cooled down after a while, but by that time he was long gone.
She could set her clock by his arrival - eight o'clock every Friday night - in a blue plaid western shirt and battered black cowboy hat.
How could I enjoy myself knowing he was being tended to and surrounded by strangers?
Apparently he spent a lot of time on the back of a horse, riding his range in all kinds of weather - a fact that prompted more than one comment by townsfolk that he had wasted a good college education.
By the time Cade arrived in the kitchen she had biscuits, gravy, bacon and eggs ready.
A spinning wheel stood in one corner, partially covered by a dusty sheet, and beside it, a mahogany rocker with a cobbler seat.
Her face felt hot and cold by turns.
His pupils were contracted by the bright sunlight and his light green eyes contrasted sharply with his bronze tan.
There again, it's hard to say whether they die from natural causes or attacks by predators.
So you're saying the wolves improve your herd by culling out the weakest animals?
Of course, it would be more profitable for the ranch if I culled those animals by taking them to the slaughter house.
I guess I'm judging you by what I'd be doing in your shoes.
I can tell by the color in your cheeks.
She stared at him, shocked by his bitter tone.
Let's go by and take a look at your truck while we're in town.
Mary stood by, unusually quiet, but when Cade left she found her voice.
She wrinkled her nose at him as she brushed by and he tugged playfully at her hair.
Down by the pond, frogs were singing their night songs and the sky was filled with bright stars.
The smile was replaced by a surge of color as he jerked the barn door open.
By the end of the second day, she had adapted to the guests and felt completely at ease - a state that Claudette apparently wanted to shatter.
And I insulted you by being such a brute.
It was ridiculous - sending him into town after such personal items when she was perfectly capable of going by herself.
Cade probably wouldn't be the least bit intimidated by the task, though.
By the time she reached the top of the stairs, tiny flecks of light were dancing across her vision.
By the time she brought lunch and a blanket down, he had a large area cleared under the cottonwood tree.
But no words came from her mouth as she lay there, mesmerized by his ardent expression.
She stared at the fire, shocked by the enormity of what she had done.
Was she blinded by love now, or had she merely been unobservant before?
Their friendship had been destroyed by one night of passion.
She avoided his eyes by examining the contents of the refrigerator.
She gazed up at him, completely disarmed by his smile, and yet somehow proud that she had been the one to put it there.
I'd travel so far and then I would be stopped by a gully or a creek.
You have to tie the bales by hand, though.
I thought you might have thawed out a little by now.
Because he doesn't want to get married and I'm not going to force him into it by making him feel guilty.
In a state of deep depression, she stopped by the social services office on the way home and picked up some literature and a form.
I stopped by to see her on my way to the store.
I try to resurrect my first impression of Howard Abbott not colored by Quinn's negative appraisal.
Howie visited a suburban home in Orange County, Indiana and pegged the date by an open newspaper.
Once again, we abided by his wishes, albeit reluctantly.
We agreed the tests were finished for the day but mellowed by wine; we spent two more evening hours summarizing our findings.
Howie, ever hyper about the security of our endeavors, forbid our even discussing any interim results by phone, thereby leaving us in the dark.
There is one set of numbers he changes for the time and he can set the location somehow by longitude and latitude.
We were all fidgety and talked out by the time we returned to Peabody.
A police car raced by with its siren screaming.
She increased our supply by five dollars' worth, just in case.
At the time, we felt so infallible in our rightness we grabbed the proverbial bull by the horns exposing ourselves to a wealth of trouble.
Martha cried and laughed and hugged each of us, one by one.
Martha, I couldn't fall asleep until you sat by my side and whispered.
I sensed he'd been chastised to silence by his wife.
By the time we reached our apartment, both of us were exhausted wrecks.
I calmed Martha down and both Betsy and I spoke to all three of them, one by one.
Then Howie asked if we'd try to run a session this weekend, long distance, by phone.
By Sunday, tempers had subsided and five sessions were attempted.
He had already returned by the time Martha called a national tip line.
And recognize we have a life, even if it's only by necessity; the bills keep coming and I get hungry once in a while.
We would restrict our altruistic activity to weekends and possibly an evening or two a week by phone, if it worked.
Yet in reality, five individuals, some joined by love, some nearly strangers and others with a history, that might surface and run amuck.
He named a figure that surprised us by being far less than we'd guessed.
My rehab wasn't fully covered by insurance and most of the money is in an annuity I draw each month.
Martha was unable to get by her natural compassion of the moment and look at a long term goal.
Finally, sitting by the statue in Duffy Square, I made the phone call.
We had two runaways in a row followed by a location Howie couldn't find and a wake-up interruption from outside noise.
Sunday began with a lost boy who we located in a local forest but was found by the time we called in the tip.
We were picked up by Martha and arrived just as Quinn and who'd ferried Howie pulled in behind us.
We're a house of cards in a windstorm, held together by God knows what.
Her parents, next door at a neighborhood barbeque, were startled by a gun shot.
By the time they reached their daughter she was dead, with no one in sight.
He was often woken from the crime scene by honking horns or outside noises.
Eric was a seven year old who was abducted by a couple and held for ransom.
The list of his honors and achievements were exceeded only by his philanthropic connections and contributions.
I'm as curious by nature as the next person, probably even more so, but to answer your question; no.
While Howie was joyous that the kidnapper might be apprehended, he remained shaken by having watched the abduction.
Our company name was modestly displayed by the front door for all to see.
If they rushed in, a good defense attorney was rewarded by having a great day in court.
The room contained a built in recording system, activated by a switch.
Not only were we rewarded by the success of Howie's activities but our new personal situations were blissful.
I heard there was a reward posted by a bank.
While Howie hadn't viewed the show, he was incensed at the man's attitude as described by Martha.
The room was occupied, but not by Jude Bryce.
What about sessions totally conducted by phone?
He surprised me in a later conversation by mentioning he was taking steps to remedy the problem.
By the way, your competition met his maker.
No details yet, Before I could answer, I was interrupted by a scream from my wife that sent chills down my spine.
Just before Howie was ready to give up, he was startled by a figure he'd not heard enter the house!
Who's afraid of this Psychic Tipster except a killer who knows what was tipped couldn't be learned by normal means?
He'll know he wasn't identified by any normal means but he won't have a clue how you do it or what capabilities you possess.
If our privacy was assaulted by some mistake we made, at least we could start over.
While Howie stood shyly by the door, she boldly stepped forward and introduced herself.
We introduced ourselves one by one, each adding a brief history.
In his absence, Julie surprised us once more by thanking us for referring Howie to a psychiatrist.
By the way, he thinks the world of all of you guys.
Any further conversation was interrupted by Howie's return.
By the way, the good news is you might have just saved another life.
Would he surmise you're as limited by the dark as the rest of us earthlings?
Yes. He thinks the world of you, by the way.
The article was penned by our old Boston nemesis, Ethel Reagan.
Claire seemed pleased to be held by anyone, at least most of the time, but on occasion she'd let out a scream, loud enough to shake Howie from the past in spite of his near-soundproof basement room.
I sat her on a fallen log by side of the dirt track.
She hesitated, but saw I still held the knife by my side.
A few bold pigeons strolled by, looking for a handout but they waddled on down the path.
But Julie doesn't know you're sessions are by phone or what causes the terrible dreams, does she?
We were met by three inquisitive stares.
The conversation was innocuous and she wasn't identified by name.
She was brutally murdered by the same man who killed young girls in Delaware, Alabama and several other states.
Why, I'd use a pay phone and one not too close by!
By the way; is the psychic a she or was that just bull shit?
I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one.
By mutual agreement, announced to Howie by our silence, no discussion about Julie took place unless initiated by Howie himself.
Even the trash-can liner newspaper that caused us to be hunted down by reward-sniffing hounds has backed off, terminating their contest.
By mutual agreement with both Daniel Brennan and Merrill Cooms, our conversations are reduced to an occasional call, for security sake.
While Martha and Betsy, buoyed by our recent success, were eager to tackle the case, Quinn, not surprisingly, and yours truly to a lesser extent, were hesitant.
The police detective helped us by perjuring himself.
Howie, according to his morning coffee verbal sermons was enthralled with his property, especially his inherited garden, started by the previous tenant and lovingly cared for by him.
Frost, not uncommon in New Hampshire as late as June, was considered by Howie a villain to reckon with.
The child was shy, but seemed excited in a subdued way by the new surroundings.
Martha, free to indulge, surprised me by drinking more than her share, an uncommon practice on her part.
Back and forth smiles were exchanged and there was an instance of a quiet remark, followed by knowing smiles.
The gorilla in the room was finally introduced by Molly.
Aldo is a big man and couldn't fit through the portal and by the time he went around to the door, the trespasser was gone.
I was awoken by the gunshot and both of us drove the roads around the perimeter of the property but neither heard nor saw his vehicle.
I listened until the silence below was interrupted by conversation and called loudly for the others to come up.
I told him we were trying to trace the electric bike by its model but asked about checking hospitals.
We could tell by his reaction the news wasn't good.
Howie stammered through his side of the conversation, terminating it by saying he'd call back.
Betsy and I had discussed my contacting After as suggested by Dan Brennan.
I ran it by Quinn and Martha, both of whom kicked the decision back to me.
Brenda Washington who handled tip line calls in Omaha was murdered by this person.
We've been asked a number of times, by the press and everyone else if we're an adjunct to the tipster person.
I compromised by telling Betsy over lunch.
Betsy, it's not over by a long shot.
Betsy didn't answer but she seemed at least partially placated by what was, at best, a half-truth.
He always asked Betsy what cases he was missing by his absence.
Howie would toss in towel once he learned he'd been deceived by this woman, his first love.
She knew my feelings by the look on my face.
It was after midnight by the time I returned home.
I turned on the light, calmed her down and slowly explained step by step what Julie had told me.
I wasn't surprised by my wife's quick reaction.
Do you seriously think you're doing Howie a favor by lying to him and letting him marry her after what she's done?
I was startled by my wife's naked fear.
You can bet by now, he's dumped them.
I questioned the newspaper woman in Boston, by telephone, in hopes of enticing her to meet with me under the guise of my writing a magazine article.
She would drop by shortly to pick up her boarding pass for her flight to the golden west.
It was past lunch time so the three of us dropped by The Main Street Café for a late lunch.
Martha could tell by the look on my face that something was wrong.
I could tell by her terse response Molly was nearby.
The drape parted, followed by shuffled footsteps, and Martha opened the door.
Bethlehem! and he's forbidden by.
She remained by the bed, tears seeping down her cheeks.
The LeBlanc house was by far the largest of our group, with four bedrooms, one designed as the nursery.
My sleepy greeting was met by a shout.
I don't want to place anyone in harm's way by holding back information but Julie is part of this nightmare and I want to keep peace if possible.
I was transferred to Frank Vasapolli by the After switchboard.
These latest grabs started up last fall so I'm looking at prison releases of sex offenders and going over them one by one.
By the way, someone tried to break into my apartment last night.
Betsy, Martha and Molly came by with Claire just before lunch.
Baby Claire helped too, by taking her turn by demanding attention while I spent the time worrying about how I could protect the nest of fragile souls under my care.
Now I would muddy the waters even more by contacting Daniel Brennan, another fact I planned to withhold from all but my wife.
It's all a little scary but I helped by getting Howie to go to sleep.
We were startled by the ring of my cell phone.
It was some local peeping Tom by the sound of it.
A motor home passed by, with California plates, only the open road of the entire country ahead of them.
It was a community where I could see Betsy and me raising children and watching grandchildren while four distinct seasons rolled slowly by, marking the years one by one.
When I heard his voice, my heart jumped, not knowing if he'd been told by Martha of Julie's earlier treachery.
Look, just tell the gathering how painful it is to have missed all those good times by not remembering this lovely woman everyone says is such a saint.
I was dragged to my feet from behind by my captor as police burst through the door and the room ignited with the blinding glow of several flash lights.
Beside the nurse who was busy collecting equipment, there was a man in a suit standing by the door.
He needed a suit for the funeral so I came by to pick it up for him.
It was difficult to remember step by step but I didn't want to get it wrong.
It was apparent by the look on Jackson's face.
I was discharged before noon and driven home by my wife.
The home is in town with neighbors close by but the high wooden fence in the back yard allows privacy sufficient to cover my night time visit.
She surprised by her unexpected visit and I am sorely inconvenienced by her presence that blocks my egress.
The next morning Molly beat us awake by enough time for her to make oatmeal and toast and hand deliver it to our bed.
The look of shock on Betsy's face was immediately picked up by Molly and frightened the young girl.
Anyone who even identified him would immediately attain national prominence just by doing so.
He agreed that Bryce must have located us by way of Julie's entry in the million dollar contest.
I was still skating with Brennan and never came out and said Howie, whom I referred to by name, was the tipster.
I'd planned to wait until Betsy and Molly returned from walking Bumpus but I decided if I had to drive back into downtown Keene, I might as well swing by Wheelock Park Campground as it was on the way, at least sort-of.
I parked by the horse shoe pits and ambled down the road, as if out for a woodland stroll.
I drove slowly around the circle to make sure the site previously occupied by the California motor home was indeed vacant.
As I passed by the volunteer resident keeper's site, I saw an elderly couple in lounge chairs by a cold fire pit.
I drove by earlier with my family and we thought we saw a friend's rig back in the corner.
If I was stopped by the police I could have used the escort.
Jackson must have seen me drive up because he was waiting by the door.
I stopped by you other worker's home, the LeBlancs.
My high speed was spotted by a patrol car coming in the opposite direction.
The weather had turned sultry but there was a cool breeze out on the patio by the barbecue.
She didn't mean anything by it and she loves you, just not in that way and she was very drunk.
If he's dead set on questioning relatives, he can do it by phone.
You could drop Molly and me off at Logan airport for the ten o'clock flight to California, be in Philadelphia by early evening, and fly out to join us the next morning.
I parked our car here, at the East Boston airport, as we were scheduled to return together by air.
But first you have to earn it by helping this tourist who just arrived in town.
I introduced myself by name as I accepted the offered seat across from a large desk, the only other furniture in the small room.
I lived close by Annie and I didn't have an alibi.
He was an outcast, especially by his mother, though she wouldn't admit it.
The reverend surprised me by moving to the door.
I lined up behind an old fellow whose odor almost caused me to skip the meal entirely but I stuck with it and was rewarded by a tasty bowl of chicken soup and a fresh baked roll.
By the time we'd finished our meal, with a piece of cake, there wasn't much time before the service was to begin and the pastor excused himself to prepare.
I was buttonholed by two middle-aged men who alternated telling me their life story.
When I spotted her, Molly and Julie were by her side with Molly holding hands with each.
He pretended he needed time to make a few more phone calls but I could see he was disappointed by the delay.
I moseyed out by the pool to await my wife's return.
I am a patient person by nature and fully expected to later take them one or two at a time.
The young woman I didn't know cried out but was quickly silenced by my knife.
We'll talk by phone.
She was anxiously administered to by several white coated escorts.
I turned and left the room with Pual behind me as I searched left and right until I saw a policeman by the door.
I grabbed him by the arm, startling him.
I stepped away as he conversed with his eastern counterpart but I was too hyper to stand idly by, doing nothing.
I'm sure Howie must have known by the look on my face my news wouldn't be favorable.
She jumped toward the child, apparently crying out and evoking a threatening wave of the knife by Grasso.
Grasso lifted Molly by her waist band with one hand and literally tossed her into the van before slamming it shut.
The scene was so familiar; abduction, outlined by Betsy, facts presented, Quinn and Howie removing to their basement sanctuary while we waited and Martha recorded.
It remains as I remember from years gone by.
I thought I might be able to fix the time setting by trial and error but I was at a loss establishing a location.
I mean nothing untoward by my demand but there are weapons at your disposal I haven't had time to remove.
Unfortunately, you were far more careless calling your tip line and a telephone code was noted and remembered by the operator.
The rest was accomplished by stealthy observation.
I could tell by the look on his face, he'd had no such thought.
One of us discovered this ability last fall, quite by accident.
This woman obviously knows she is outsmarted by me and wants to save her life.
He returned to motel in mid-evening, in a car lent to him by the accommodating authorities.
Prompted by his concern for Betsy and Molly, he was willing to attempt using the apparatus.
Quinn didn't have to record current time settings; he knew that stuff by heart.
Quinn tricked me by not admitting where he was taking me.
He tried to look away but I turned him by the shoulders and until our faces were inches apart.
I thought you might want to stand by.
I gave the fool very clear directions, not to here but a highway pull off fairly close by.
The scene was defined by a cluster of police cars and fire engines bathed in rotating lights.
I knelt by the side of the highway and tried to lose my lunch that wasn't there.
The result tended to show it was relatively close by.
It was our goal that by using a hammer and screwdriver, we could chisel and opening in the floor above.
We were operating by pure feel in the total darkness where balancing alone was precariously.
It was late day-three by our calculations when we broke through.
We were alerted only by the feel of the screwdriver's slack penetration.
Tears come to my eyes these months later as I pen these words, sitting in the comfort of our Surry, New Hampshire home with Betsy by my side.
In a few months, she will be joined by a sibling.
Howie, out of character, had penned his intentions and with legal assistance referred by Merrill Cooms, she and Molly are financially set for life.
Julie has greater needs which Molly nurtures while Molly's needs are supported by my wife.
Daniel Brennan came calling and the county was reduced of fish by his visit.
While the last words, "sleeping, just sleeping," said prior to the interruption by Grasso seemed to denote failure, the earlier recorded observations suggest otherwise.
You're a fool led by a fool.
She blinked rapidly, startled by the sensations going through her.
By the confidence in his voice, he expected her not only to agree, but to resume her place on his arm.
He went to see her yesterday, and he asked me to stop by and meet all her friends tonight.
She hopped down, oblivious to the attention channeled her way by the red-eyed men around her.
She took a step back, overwhelmed by the scene before her.
Talon entered, followed by another man.
Talon hauled her to her feet, holding her up by one arm when she wobbled.
Talon responded by raising her arm to his mouth.
By the time they entered the building, her arms and legs were responsive again.
The men around her were roused by the sensations.
You live by my rules.
You were late on purpose today so we'd happen to stop by the stash house.
He should've heard from one of them by now.
The only skin not covered was his face and part of his neck, both of which were channeled and knotted by scars.
He watched the change, irritated by the bizarre mood swings and cryptic ramblings that defined Darian's speech lately.
Unnerved by the idea of being somewhere she clearly didn't belong, she opened drawers until she found a pair of shears.
His gaze lingered, and he took in the beautiful doe brown eyes, deep set and large, framed by long eyelashes.
We should have it done by noon.
The sense grew stronger as she led them down the hall past a waiting room and nurse's station towards the quiet hallway lined by patients' rooms, each housing four to five patients.
Sofi's skill relied mostly on reading the future of a specific soul by touching them, and he'd not let her within miles of a vamp since taking over her guardianship.
Familiar coldness and silence washed over her before the quiet was replaced by the storm's furious bellow.
I think the worst is you've been whipped by a woman, Damian ticked off.
Jule studied him, guessing his words to be correct by the anger on the Watcher's face.
And we'll start by taking out one of their leaders.
She'd learned self-defense by the age of eleven and how to shoot a gun when she was twelve.
Yully watched him, alerted by the same sense of uneasiness she felt around her father lately.
He held her gaze, struck by the aura of power around her.
Jule smiled despite his unease, not about to be caught off guard by the creature.
I don't need to abide by the rules.
By the look on her face, it wasn't the first time the Other had raised his voice at his alleged daughter.
She dropped her things by the wardrobe and crossed to it, softening.
Her hand brushed one of his forearms, held in place over his head by the handcuffs.
It was a silver coin, warmed by his skin, with a circle of cuneiform symbols surrounding a star with two arrows.
Accustomed to being shunned by people, she'd almost felt normal around the stranger who seemed unaffected by her magic.
She hesitated at the head of the stairs, tormented by the knowledge her father was incapable of mercy towards his daughter, let alone a stranger.
She was worried about him, and he was touched by the idea she took pity on him when she herself was in more danger than he was.
Tell everyone I said hello and I'm being held hostage by one of the Others.
Charles here has been offered up by Jonny in exchange for your help for a thirty-day ceasefire.
When the guardsman rose, the arrogance was gone from his face, replaced by anger.
The arrow went over his head and was followed by two more.
Yully stopped at the end of the driveway and squeezed her eyes closed, tormented by her conscience.
Jule was knocked off his feet by a hard blow but got back up, beckoning to the other creature with a look of confidence out of place for his bloodied face.
He didn't seem to be bleeding from anywhere else, though she wasn't sure she hadn't damaged anything else by running him over.
It dead-ended at the cottage, surrounded by a stone fence line.
She was embarrassed by her half-laugh, half-sob that escaped.
By the time she'd made the second stitch, he was unconscious and she was sick to her stomach.
Intrigued by the sensations, she found herself unwilling to look away from him this time.
Yully closed her eyes, entranced by the sensations.
Yully listened, dismayed by the lies stacking up on top of one another.
Damian disappeared, followed by the man named Jonny and the woman with him.
His father's angry voice was accompanied by a slap.
As she stepped into the armory in the corner of the large garage, she was struck by the care he took of the large collection.
She wondered how many other men had been killed by the clean, neatly aligned weapons in the armory.
Even surrounded by the enemy?
Jonny snatched the vamp by its neck and slammed it down to the table.
He breezed by her again.
Darian emerged from the kitchen, trailed by a small, shapely woman with dark, curly hair tied in a ponytail.
Pierre was unfazed by his raised voice and continued playing a game on his phone.
The two women resumed their activities, unaffected by his outburst.
Intrigued by his words, she obeyed and stood before him.
Everything in the room radiated some sort of subtle energy, and she waded through the energies, marveling and confused by them.
The energies of the things in the house were replaced by new energies coming from the ground.
She left the room assigned her by Jonny, two doors down from his in his private wing.
When she opened them, they stood outside a stone façade of a compound built into the side of a mountain and surrounded by evergreen trees whose branches were heavy with snow.
By the time she reached the cliff Jule indicated the next day, Yully's soul was humming like an electric wire.
She was late by an hour.
Startled by the bond, she stopped.
Yully wiped her eyes, touched by the scene before her.
Her tortured thoughts went to the thousands of men, killed by the only family she'd known, whose souls were trapped for eternity beneath the ground.
He wasn't sure what was going on, and he wasn't about to worry Rourk more by admitting there was a seven-foot vamp with unlimited power loose somewhere.
She looked down, both thrilled by the idea of an eternity with the man who made her feel whole and horrified at what her father told her.
The Vamp is here, and yet the only tear between realms was caused by Darian and is being pursued by the Watchers and Others, Damian said.
The windows of the compound at the peak of the mountain were protected by film to keep light from leaking out.
One was plainly Xander by his size, and the profile of the second was familiar to her.
Xander's attention was caught first by Darian.
The scent of the ocean was on the air, and the area in front of them was guarded by tourist police while tourists camped out in small tents up and down the road.
They looked as if they'd been torn apart by some monster she couldn't imagine.
She was soon soaked by a light drizzle and stretched to keep her stiffening muscles warm.
Amplified by magic, Yully's fighting skill was inhuman.
Darian didn't remember it any more than he remembered much of the thousands of years he spend enslaved by Jonny's predecessor.
He couldn't yet understand the magic in his veins, unleashed by the vamp without any explanation of its depths.
He didn't have the need to kill like a normal vamp, and he hadn't landed here by accident.
Being surrounded by vamps all day and night made her crazy with the need to kill a few.
He was taller than it by a head.
She strode to her room, irritated by another thought.
The idea of spending her days with the reserved Sofi and cheerful Bianca was surprisingly appealing, though she couldn't help feeling intimidated by their happiness.
Absorbed by the horse, she didn't feel the hair on the back of her neck rise.
She's still a bitch, by the way, Jake said.
Normally she acquiesced in favor of a paycheck, but Lacy's demand was bizarre, even by Lacy-standards.
By the time they found out what it was, she'd probably be near dead, like stage four cancer.
She stared at her reflection, caught by something else that didn't seem right.
But instead of a rim of darker blue surrounding her irises, they were rimmed by a thick band of iridescent silver.
Cody, sprawled in the middle of the street after being hit by a car, blood trickling from his skull into a nearby storm drain.
She sipped her cocoa, cheered by the thought of soon knowing what was wrong with her.
Most stations had one of the Guardians—or Naturals—capable of Traveling great distances the way he did, by using magic to slip through space and time and end up elsewhere.
It may be awhile by earth standards.
Jake cleaved in two by a maniacal man with a sword.
A deeper ache, as if she had the flu and every muscle in her body was on fire, was made worse by sleeping on the cold floor.
Something was really wrong in Europe, and he needed to figure out what, before the European front was overrun by vamps.
By the sound of it, it was one of his favorite, priceless, Ming vases.
By his tone, something was more wrong than the horrible costume.