Bushel Sentence Examples
When chestnuts were ripe I laid up half a bushel for winter.
This makes the wheat cost 30 cents a bushel.
In 1797 the state leased the lands, the lessees paying a royalty of 4 cents per bushel and being forbidden to charge more than 60 cents per bushel.
You have been hiding your light under the proverbial bushel!
Over large areas the Canadian soil and climate are admirably adapted for producing oats of heavy weight per bushel.
From 1858 to 1862 the rate varied between 42.37 and 34 80 cents per bushel for the whole trip of roundly 1000 m., the average rate in the quinquennium being 38.43.
The extent of the depreciation in value of tithe tray be gathered from the fact that for 1902 the price of the wheat bushel is thus fixed at 3s.
The portion of Newton Abbot in the parish of Highweek was formerly a separate town, known as Newton Bushel.
Newton Bushel was so called from Robert Bussell or Bushel, foster-child and kinsman of Theobald de Englishville, who was made lord of the manor by Henry III.
Randy is a sharp kid—man—with a bushel full of talent and the brains to go with it.
AdvertisementThe measures used were the local basket, full-size being one bushel, and the pound avoirdupois.
He would sow a bushel of oats, he tells me; it will take no more.
One 60-pound bushel of soybeans will produce 11 pounds of the oil and as much as 48 pounds of soybean meal.
The general average yields of the corn crops are not fairly comparable one with the other, because they are given by measure and not by weight, whereas the weight per bushel varies considerably.
It contains 8 quarts or 2 gallons, and is 4 of a bushel.
AdvertisementThat's because you don't want to spend a bushel of money only to find out that the dress you chose clashes with your skin tone!
One rose is not enough for the Pisces man, he'll try to bring you a bushel full and play a romantic song while he's doing it!
The general average for the United Kingdom might then recede to rather less than 28 bushels of 60 lb per bushel, which was for a long time the accepted average - unless, of course, improved methods of cultivating and manuring the soil were to increase its general wheat-yielding capacity.'
It is estimated that the reduction in yield of the unmanured plot over the forty years, 1852-1891, after the growth of the crops without manure during the eight preceding years, was, provided it had been uniform throughout, equivalent to a decline of one-sixth of a bushel from year to year due to exhaustion - that is, irrespectively of fluctuations due to season.
The metric system of weights and measures has been officially adopted, but many older standards are used, such as the libra (1.012 lb avoirdupois), alqueire (0.36 imperial bushel), moio (2.78 imp. bushels), almude of Lisbon (3.7 imp. gallons) and almude of Oporto (5.6 imp. gallons).
AdvertisementFarming is very intensive, and crop follows crop in swift succession; in 1905 the yield of barley per acre, 44 bushels, was greater than in any other state or territory, as was the farm price per bushel on the 1st of December, 81 cents; the average yield per acre of hay was the highest in the Union in 1903, 3.46 tons, the general average being 1 54 tons,was fourth in 1904, 2 71 tons (Utah 3.54, Idaho 3 07, Nevada 3.04), the general average being I 52 tons, and was highest in 1905, 3.75 tons, the general average for the country being 1 54 tons; and in the same three years the average value per acre of hay was greater in Arizona than in any other state of the Union, being $35.78 in 1 The San Francisco yellow pine forest, with an area of some 4700 sq.
In one case, indeed, the average produce by mixed minerals and nitrogenous manure was more than that by the annual application of farmyard manure; and in seven out of the ten cases in which such mixtures were used the average yield per acre was from over two to over eight bushels more than the average yield of the United Kingdom (assuming this to be about twenty-eight bushels of 60 lb per bushel) under ordinary rotation.
A fair crop of barley yields about 36 bushels, (56 lb to the bushel) per acre, but under the best conditions 40 and 50 bushels may be obtained.
Previously, the standard bushel used was known as the "Winchester bushel," so named from the standard being kept in the town hall at Winchester; it contained 2150.42 cub.
This standard is the basis of the bushel used in the United States and Canada; but other "bushels" for use in connexion with certain commodities have been legalized in different states.
AdvertisementA secondary standard measure for dry goods is the bushel of 1824, containing 8 imperial gallons, represented by a hollow bronze cylinder having a plane base, its internal diameter bring double its depth.
The river rate has fallen below five cents per bushel, or 7s.
The entire work of unloading, storing and reloading adds only one cent to the price of a bushel of wheat.
So much improved is the position of the farmer in North America compared with what it was about 1870, that the transport companies in 1901 carried 174 bushels of his grain to the seaboard in exchange for the value of one bushel, whereas in 1867 he had to give up one bushel in every six in return for the service.
It is usual to seed a bushel and a peck of wheat to the acre.
These prices are per imperial quarter, - that is, 480 lb of wheat, 400 lb of barley and 312 lb of oats, representing 60 lb, 50 lb and 39 lb per bushel respectively.
The tragic death of the crown prince Rudolph hushed for a time the strife of tongues, and in the meantime Tisza brought into the ministry Ders6 Szilagyi, the most powerful debater in the House, and Sandor Wekerle, whose solid talents had hitherto been hidden beneath the bushel of an under-secretaryship. But in 1890, during the debates on the Kossuth Repatriation Bill, the attacks on the premier were renewed, and on the 13th of March he placed his resignation in the king's hands.
The "imperial bushel," legally established in Great Britain in 1826, contains 2218.192 cub.
Apples are exported in barrels and also in boxes containing about one bushel each.
Many thousand tons of mussels are wastefully employed as manure by the farmers on lands adjoining scalp-producing coasts, as in Lancashire and Norfolk, three half-pence a bushel being the price quoted in such cases.
The railways of the north-west have a monopoly of the business of hauling wheat, with the result that it costs 20 cents to ship a bushel of wheat from the Dakota field to Duluth, which is as much as it costs to forward it from Duluth to Liverpool.
He takes the average for each year of five years between 1880 and 1899, and shows that the producing capacity per acre increased 0.5 bushel between the first and the second period, 1.3 bushels between the second and the third, and 1.4 bushels between the third and the fourth.
Probably both Newton Abbot and Newton Bushel were originally included under the name of Newton.
This, indeed, is the practice in Ireland, and in order to incorporate the Irish figures with those for Great Britain so as to obtain average values for the United Kingdom, the Irish yields are calculated into bushels at the rate of 60 lb to the bushel of wheat, of beans and of peas, 50 lb to the bushel of barley and 39 lb to the bushel of oats.
As regards the British farmer, it does not appear as if he had improved his position; for he has to send his wheat to greater distances, owing to the collapse of many country millers or their removal to the seaboard, while railway rates have fallen only to a very small extent; again the farmer's wheat is worth only half of what it was formerly; it may be said that the British farmer has to give up one bushel in nine to the railway company for the purpose of transportation, whereas in the 'seventies he gave up one in eighteen only.
In 1909 in the amount of barley per acre (38 bushels) Nevada ranked third, and in the average farm price per bushel ($0.75) ranked first among the barley-producing states of the country, but in the total amount produced (304,000 bushels) held only the twenty-second place; and in the same year the average yield of potatoes per acre in Nevada was 180 bushels, exceeded in two states - the average for the entire country was 106.8 bushels per acre - but the total crop in Nevada (540,000 bushels) was smaller than in any state or Territory of the Union, except New Mexico.
The bushel of wheat, or an equivalent amount of flour, can be shipped from Minneapolis or Duluth to almost any point in western Europe for from 20 to 25 cents.