Bush Sentence Examples
You don't beat around the bush, do you, Ethel?
It forms an evergreen bush, about 4 ft.
Then we sit down under a tree, or in the shade of a bush, and talk about it.
He sat against a bush and caught his breath, waiting for a repeat performance.
The midland region is characterized by grass lands (the Natal grasses are long and coarse) and by considerable areas of flat-topped thorn bush mimosa.
You and me have beaten this bush a few times before, partner.
It is common on the rands and kopjes of the bush veld.
With a sickening sound, the bush ripped from the ground, allowing her to slide again.
She released the bush and clawed at the ground as she slid over the cliff.
After the defeat Dingaan set fire to the royal kraal (Umgungindhlovu) and for a time took refuge in the bush; on the Boers recrossing the Tugela he established himself at Ulundi at a little distance from his former capital.
AdvertisementHe indicated a chair in the shadow of a rose bush.
He tried to move laterally, away to his right, but the gnarled branches of a now-dead bush blocked his path.
Putting aside the exotic vegetation of the north and east coast-line, the Australian bush gains its peculiar character from the prevalence of the so-called gum-trees (Eucalyptus) and the acacias, of which last there are 300 species, but the eucalypts above all are everywhere.
The bush is not as a rule dense, nor is it of any great height.
Hyenas, jackals, wild pig, polecats and wild dogs (Canis pictus) of different species are still found in or about bush jungles and forest clumps; elands (Antilope oreas) are preserved on some estates, and there are at least ten distinct species of antelope (hartebeest, bushbok, duiker, rietbok, rhebok, rovibok, blauwbok, &c.).
AdvertisementThis involved tying the boat to a thorn bush!
Or, how about the sound of a holly bush scraping past the players jacket.
Why waste time beating around the bush?
Many of the gumtrees throw off their bark, so that it hangs in long dry strips from the trunk and branches, a feature familiar in " bush " pictures.
Nothing daunted, the two ran back into the bush, and presently returned furnished with shields made of bark, with which to protect themselves from the firearms of the crew.
AdvertisementThe priory church, now the parish church of the suburb of Monkton, contains monuments of the families of Meyrick of Bush and Owen of Orielton.
The prevalent bush plants are khansa (umbrella mimosa), acacias, aloes, and, especially, Boswellia and Commiphora, which yield highly fragrant resins and balsams, such as myrrh, frankincense (olibanum) and " balm of Gilead."
On the 6th of October, while marching through dense bush at Erigo, the British force was ambuscaded.
A large yellow tulip (Homerica pallida) is one of the most abundant flowers on moist vlei lands on the high veld and is occasionally met with in the low veld; slangkop (Urginea Burkei) with red bulbs like a beetroot is a low bush plant apparently restricted to the Transvaal and adjacent Portuguese territory.
Ian Maclaren's first sketches of rural Scottish life, Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush (1894), achieved extraordinary popularity and were followed by other successful books, The Days of Auld Lang Syne (1895), Kate Carnegie and those Ministers (1896) and Afterwards and other Stories (1898).
AdvertisementOn a lilac bush, the flowers appear in spikes.
It is clearly separate from the gooseberry bush it is growing out of.
Bush's new warriors have thrown such ideas in the dustbin with a resounding clang.
The stand will also include fan-trained fuchsias, standards and bush plants.
A fat major skirted a bush, puffing and falling out of step; a soldier who had fallen behind, his face showing alarm at his defection, ran at a trot, panting to catch up with his company.
A thousand times during that half-hour Rostov cast eager and restless glances over the edge of the wood, with the two scraggy oaks rising above the aspen undergrowth and the gully with its water-worn side and "Uncle's" cap just visible above the bush on his right.
Bush told a reporter, Labels are for cans.
His gaze dropped to the trench he had dug around the bush.
All the species are arborescent or shrubby, varying in size from the most stately of forest trees to the dwarfish bush.
The lagoons are surrounded by dense belts of reeds, and the coast-land is covered with low, impenetrable bush.
There are broad plains covered with salt and alkali, and others supporting only scattered bunch grass, sage bush, cactus and other arid land plants.
The linnet begins to breed in April, the nest being generally placed in a bush at no great distance from the ground.
The river is not deep and can be forded in many places; the banks are fringed with thick bush and dom-palms. At the junction of the Ganale and the Web the river is swift-flowing and 85 yards across; just below the Daua confluence it is 200 yds.
It is an undulating plain, grass-covered, but for the most part without trees or bush.
A grass belt separates the thorn bush from the districts carrying heavy timber, found mainly in the upland zone, along the sides of the mountains exposed to the rains and in kloofs.
Baboons (Cynocephalus porcarius) and monkeys of different kinds frequent the mountains and rocky kloofs and bush and timber lands.
This fact and their reports of the immense herds of elephants which roamed the bush led Simon van der Stell, then governor at Cape Town, to despatch (1689) the ship " Noord " to Port Natal, with instructions to her commander to open up a trade in ivory and to acquire possession of the bay.
He started on the night of the 24th, and escaping the Boer outposts rode through the dense bush and across the bridgeless rivers of Kaffraria at peril of his life from hostile natives and wild beasts, and in nine days reached his destination - a distance of 360 m.
The coast, which curves to the N.E., is marked by a line of sandhills covered with thick bush and rising in places to a height of 500 ft.
The bush is then left for three years, when the process is repeated.
Within the area thus defined tsetse-flies are not found continuously, however, but occur only in small tracts called" belts " or " patches," which, since cover and shade are necessities of life to these insects, are always situated in forest, bush or banana plantations, or among other shady vegetation.
Oaks and wild prunus, wild vines and sumachs, various kinds of maple, the dOdan (Enkianthus Japonicus Hook.)a wonderful bush which in autumn develops a hue of ruddy redbirches and other trees, all add multitudinous colors to the brilliancy of a spectacle which is further enriched by masses of feathery bamboo.
Lastly we have the white - Burchell's, or square-mouthedrhinoceros (Rhinoceros (Diceros) simus), the largest of the five, and differing from the other species in having a square truncated upper lip. In conformity with the structure of the mouth, this species lives entirely by browsing on grass, and is therefore more partial to open countries or districts where there are broad grassy valleys between the tracts of bush.
Attacked at Ulundi in July 1883 by the rival chief Usibepu, Cetywayo and his 5000 followers fled to the Nkandhla bush.
The coast of German East Africa (often spoken of as the Swahili coast, after the inhabitants of the seaboard) is chiefly composed of coral, is little indented, and is generally low, partly sandy, partly rich alluvial soil covered with dense bush or mangroves.
On the low littoral zone the coast produced a rich tropical bush, in which the mangrove is very prominent.
The bush is grouped in copses on meadows, which produce a coarse tall grass.
The plateau is partly grass land without bush and forest, partly steppe covered with mimosa bush, which sometimes is almost impenetrable.
The wild dogs and pigs which now sometimes prey on the sheep-farmers' lambs in outlying districts are the descendants of domestic animals which have escaped into the "bush."
Formerly, much of the country was covered with mimosa bush, but the trees were to a large extent cut down by the early white immigrants.
This locality is generally known as the Cinnamon Gardens, as it was formerly a Dutch reserve for the cultivation of the cinnamon bush, many of which are still growing here.
Next in importance in 1909 came Indian corn with an acreage of 2,059,000 and a product of 65,270,000 bush.
Oats had an acreage of 1,450,000 and a product of 49,600,000 bush.
Barley was cultivated on 1,021,000 acres, the product amounting to 19,910,000 bush.
In its output of flax, grown almost entirely for the seed, the state held second rank with a product of 5,640,000 bush.
The western region, the Kalahari Desert, is mainly arid, with a sandy soil, and is covered in part by dense bush.
In the " bush " are found tufts of tall coarse grass with the space between bare or covered with herbaceous creepers or water-bearing tubers.
Thus, animism is in some directions little developed, so far as we can see, among the Australian aborigines; but from those who know them best we learn that they believe in innumerable spirits and bush bogies, which wander, especially at night, and can be held at bay by means of fire; with this belief may be compared the ascription in European folk belief of prophylactic properties to iron.
He compares it also to the change of Moses' rod into a snake, of the Nile into blood, to the virtue inherent in Elijah's mantle or in the wood of the cross or in the clay mixt of dust and the Lord's spittle, or in Elisha's relics which raised a corpse to life, or in the burning bush.
The Lower Sonoran zone is noted for its cactuses, of which there is a great variety, and some of them grow to the height of trees; the mesquite is also very large, and the creosote bush, acacias, yuccas and agaves are common.
Such sites in the Old Testament were Hebron with its tree, Sinai with its burning bush, Bethel, Shechem, Beersheba, Mount Gerizim.
Their babies are incarnations of spirits which quitted a bush or rock passed by the mothers at the moment of conception.
Bush was commissioned as minister plenipotentiary to the king of Samoa, the king of Tonga and the other independent chiefs of Polynesia.
Three old-established inns, the Bull and Bush, the Spaniards, and Jack Straw's Castle (the name of which has no historical significance), claim many great names among former visitors; while the Upper Flask Inn, now a private house, was the meeting-place of the Kit-Cat Club.
Here the more common European plants and trees give place to the wild olive, the caper bush, the aloe, the cactus, the evergreen oak, the orange, the lemon, the palm and other productions of a tropical climate.
Or, if hard, its surface can be picked all over with a bush hammer.
In South America there is considerable superficial resemblance between the little bush dog (Speothos venaticus) of Guiana and Brazil and the large weasel-like animal of the same countries - the tayra (Galera barbara).
Vegetation is, however, tolerably abundant - tamarisks, oleanders, kafas, euphorbias, the milk bush, rhamnus and acacias being the most common and most characteristic forms of vegetable life, and pools of water are frequent.
For the latter walls are much more convenient and suitable than a boarded fence, but in general these are too low to be of much value as aids to cultivation, and they are best covered with bush fruits or with ornamental plants of limited growth.
Trees to be grown in the form of a bush are usually budded low down on the stem of the stock as near the root as possible to obviate the development of wild suckers later on.
To form a dwarf or bush fruit tree the stock must be worked near the ground, and the young shoot produced from the scion or bud must be cut back to whatever height it is desired the dwarf stem should be, say 1-1 to 2 ft.
The young shoots produced from the portion of the new wood retained are to form the framework of the bush tree, and must be dealt with as in the case of standard trees.
Orchard-house trees, and also pyramidal and bush trees of apples, pears and plums, are mainly fashioned by summer pruning; in fact, the less the knife is used upon them, except in the necessary cutting of the roots in potted trees, the better.
The training of standard and bush trees in the open ground has been already referred to under the section Pruning.
The latter are now largely grown for market purposes, being more easily supported when carrying heavy crops, fruiting earlier, and the fruit being gathered more easily from the dwarf bush than from standard trees.
The nest, generally concealed in a leafy tree or bush, is carefully built, with a lining formed of fine roots neatly interwoven.
A favourite mode of travelling in the bush is in a palanquin borne on the heads of four carriers.
The king, who had led his army, fled into the bush when he saw the day was lost.
Carriers could scarcely be obtained, there were no local food supplies, the rainy season was at its height, all the roads were deep mire, the bush was almost impenetrable, and the enemy were both brave and cunning, fighting behind concealed stockades.
The Spanish city of Manila (named from " nilad," a weed or bush which grew in the locality) was founded by Legaspi in 1571.
Resting under a solitary broom bush (a kind of genista), he gave vent to his disappointment in a prayer for death.
The tea bush or tree is a member of the natural order Ternstroemiaceae and is closely allied to the well-known ornamental shrub the camellia.
The bush is in every way smaller than the Assam types.
This tea is mostly prepared from exceedingly rough leaf, including even bush prunings, which would not be plucked for manufacturing purposes in India or Ceylon.
The life of a well-cared-for bush has been estimated at 50 years, in spite of its numerous enemies.
The Californian poppy (Platystemon californicus) is a pretty annual about a foot high, having yellow flowers with 3 sepals and 6 petals; and the white bush poppy (Romneya Coulteri) is a very attractive perennial and semishrubby plant 2-8 ft.
The most serious military operations were against the Beni, a peaceful mission to the king of Benin having been massacred in the bush in January 1897.
A squadron of the 9th Royal Lancers, which was dismounted in the thick bush, was driven back with the loss of 9 men; but elsewhere the Arabs never succeeded in closing, and the troops returned to Suakin in the afternoon, leaving the East Surrey regiment in a zeriba covering some low hills near Hashin village.
The advance was much impeded by the dense bush, and the force halted at Tofrik, about 6 m.
Tradition tells that James vowed " to make the key keep the castle, and the bush keep the cow," even though he " lived a dog's life " in the endeavour.
The rainfall is scanty in average years, and only an insignificant proportion of the land is irrigated, while the rest is devoted to pasture, or covered with thin bush and forest.
In mechanism it is usually the central line either of a rotating shaft or axle having journals, gudgeons, or pivots turning in fixed bearings, or of a fixed spindle or dead centre round which a rotating bush turns; but it may sometimes be entirely beyond the limits of the turning body.
Messrs Nicolls and Eglington, joint authors of The Sportsman in South Africa, state that the serval is fairly common in South Central Africa, frequenting the thick bush near rivers, and preying on the smaller antelopes, guinea-fowls and francolins.
It is five times the size of the bush.'" The invention, or at least the earliest general use of this form, is attributed to Edward Lear, who, when a tutor in the family of the earl of Derby at Knowsley, composed, about 1834, a large number of nonsense-limericks to amuse the little grandchildren of the house.
Closely allied to the Scotch pine, and perhaps to be regarded as a mere alpine form of that species, is the dwarf P. montana (or P. Pumilio), the " kummholz " or " knieholz " of the Germans - a recumbent bush, generally only a few feet high, but with long zigzag stems, that root occasionally at the knee-like bends where they rest upon the ground.
The wild animals include the elephant, still found in large numbers, the leopard, panther, chimpanzee, grey monkeys, antelope of various kinds, the buffalo, wild hog, bush goat, bush pig, sloth, civet and squirrel.
On the plains where grasses cannot find sufficient moisture their place is taken by " bush," composed mainly of stunted mimosas, acacias, euphorbia, wild pomegranate, bitter aloes and herbaceous plants.
There is little vegetation save stunted shrubs, such as the mimosa (which generally marks the river beds), wild pomegranate, and wax heaths, known collectively as Karroo bush.
After the early rains the bush bursts into gorgeous purple and yellow blossoms and vivid greens, affording striking evidence of the fertility of the soil.
Even the parched bush provides sufficient nourishment for millions of sheep and goats.
The bush vines of this region are more exposed to the attacks of Oidium Tuckeri, which invaded the country in 1851, and of Phylloxera vastatrix, which followed in 1863, than the more deeply-rooted vines trained on trellises or trees.
The variety pygmaea forms a small bush a few inches high.
In the Lower Sonoran belt, soapweed, acacias (Palo Verde or Parkinsonia torreyana), agaves, yuccas and dasylirions, the creosote bush and mesquite tree, candle wood, and about seventy-five species of cactuses - among them omnipresent opuntiae and great columnar " Chayas " - make up a striking vegetation, which in its colours of dull grey and olive harmonizes well with the rigidity and forbidding barrenness of the plains.
Two of the most famous works formerly attributed to Rene are the triptych, the "Burning Bush," in the cathedral of Aix, showing portraits of Rene and his second wife, Jeanne de Laval, and an illuminated Book of Hours in the Bibliotheque nationale, Paris.
Shepherd's Bush in the east is a populous and poorer quarter.
The main thoroughfares are Uxbridge Road and Goldhawk Road, from Acton on the west, converging at Shepherd's Bush and continuing towards Notting Hill; King Street from Chiswick on the south-west, continued as Hammersmith Broadway and Road to Kensington Road; Bridge Road from Hammersmith Bridge over the Thames, and Fulham Palace Road from Fulham, converging at the Broadway.
An important place of entertainment is Olympia, near Hammersmith Road and the Addison Road station on the West London railway, which includes a vast arena under a glass roof; while at Shepherd's Bush are the extensive grounds and buildings first occupied by the Franco-British Exhibition of 1908, including a huge stadium for athletic displays.
Still, the lower animals make no approach to the human system of natural utterance by gesturesigns and emotional-imitative sounds, while the practical identity of this human system among races physically so unlike as the Englishman and the native of the Australian bush indicates extreme closeness of mental similarity throughout the human species.
The bush of the coast districts and lower hills consists largely of heaths, of which there are over 400 species.
The parts of the bush are glued to a sheet of emery paper, so that its rough side may give a better grip on the shaft.
Rice, 47,360,128 lb ($1,366,528) in 1899, on 23,726 farms, nearly half of the total number (48,155) of rice farms in the United States, which, however, decreased to 476,000 bush.
The rye crop was 1 9,37 2 bush.
The oyster fishery represented in 1902 about 45% of the entire value of the state's fisheries, the catch in that year being 689,700 bush., valued at $118,460, an increase over 1897 of 474,800 bush.
The plains are mostly covered with bush, with stretches of forest in the northern districts.
Away from the swamps by the river banks, the country is largely "bush."
The climbing plants in the tropical forests are exceedingly luxuriant and the undergrowth or " bush " is extremely dense.
The tavern remained the same, having changed nothing but the bush.
Why the circular form was chosen for the skep need not be inquired into, beyond saying that its shape conforms to that of a swarm, as the bees usually hang clustered on the branch of a neighbouring tree or bush after issuing from the parent hive.
It soon becomes apparent to the onlooker when the queen has joined the flying multitude of bees in the air, for they are seen to be closing up their ranks, and in a few moments begin to form a solid cluster, usually on the branch of a small tree or bush close to the ground.
It is no longer the merry, saucy hanger-on of the homestead, but is become the suspicious thief, shunning the gaze of man, and knowing that danger may lurk in every bush.
The Spanish ships were outnumbered chiefly because the convoy had become scattered by bad management and bad seamanship. The more valuable part of it, consisting of the four galleons, and eleven trading ships in which the king's share of the treasure was being carried, became separated from the rest, and on being chased by the superior force of Heyn endeavoured to take refuge at Matanzas in the island of Cuba, hoping to be able to land the bullion in the bush before the Dutchman could come up with them.
The choir had very good diction, which enabled the audience to hear Nancy Bush's words clearly.
This is the exact phrase George W. Bush used to defeat John Kerry in November 2004.
December's parliamentary elections only accentuated this process, much to the anger of Bush's regime.
They only danger here is the snakes & the death adder that prowls about the bush forest.
So I set off to The Shepherds Bush Empire the other day to make partial amends.
Just because one doesn't like Bush doesn't mean there are not apocalyptic and violent fanatics out to get us.
President Bush has named assistant attorney general and former appeals court judge Michael Chertoff as Ridge's successor, subject to Senate confirmation.
President Bush will also bankroll a meeting of several hundred Iraqi military defectors in Europe in the next two months.
At Bowie's 50's anniversary bash Brian was the star of the scene, even outshining Bush's Gavin Rossdale.
The ants went berserk their tails flicking high, all swarming to the point of contact with the bush.
Having just ticked Little Green Bee-eater down to 3 meters, we found 3 male blackcaps in one bush!
How hard has Bush tried to prevent the bloodshed?
Bush then bragged about the illegal spying on network prime time television.
What you're going to get on a briar bush is briar bush is briars.
President Bush has said nothing about a US citizen killed by a US-made bulldozer bought with US tax dollars.
Think back to when Moses sees the burning bush.
Does the burning bush give us an insight into how to avoid burnout?
Almost every bush seemed to provide shelter for a nesting burrow.
Running she tore her dress on a thorny bush revealing all her beauty.
Bush was caught bantering as flag-draped coffins arrived at an air force base in Dover, Delaware - a military mortuary.
President Bush Let me just say that these were illegal combatants.
Now be fair Rupert, Matty did not directly compare Bush with Zarqawi.
Geoffrey Macnab meets the father confessor of factual cinema, who claims to love all people - except George Bush.
When I write about ' pro-American ' I am writing about the Bush administration and the huge energy and oil conglomerates that back it.
The Bush administration is seizing advantage of the present conjuncture in order to shift the terms further in the favor of US capitalism " .
The close-fought 2000 presidential election - with Al Gore 500,000 votes ahead of Bush - was simply the natural culmination of this trend.
I have one gooseberry bush; 3 mongrels, thought by some to grow currants.
Yet the silence from Bush and Blair - twins of evil - is absolutely deafening.
Bush may well see this continued defiance by the people of Falluja as something that needs to be crushed.
This pledge of the Bush junta to ' halve the deficit ' worries me.
A copy of Chicago's resolution is to be forwarded to President Bush and the Illinois congressional delegation.
Certainly one wants to bring the wicked alliance between corrupt Enron and the increasingly despotic Bush administration to an end.
Bell's George W Bush is the unholy innocent, a literal dumb ape, a chimpanzee spreading gleeful mass destruction.
Increasing public disapproval of Bush began with Cindy Sheehan's decision to confront Bush on his vacation in Texas in August.
George Bush contemptuously dismisses calls to combat climate change as liberal hysteria and a threat to US economic growth.
We also call on the British government to completely dissociate itself with the stand of the Bush administration on this question.
During the primaries, Bush had derided Reagan's hallmark pledge to cut taxes while hugely increasing the defense budget as " voodoo economics.
There was a right hand bend which formed a beautiful eddy over which hangs a very large bush.
Neither Bush not Kerry would be politically enfranchised in this way to sponsor American withdrawal from Iraq.
You will need to be an outdoor type who enjoys the vast expanse of the bush and is always ready for the unpredictable.
Hasn't Fox modeled himself on self-confessed former coke fiend George W Bush...?
Bush also faces the prospect of a democratic filibuster in the Senate to block his latest nomination to the Supreme Court, Samuel Alito.
The vigorous upright bush of medium height is well-clothed with luxuriant bright green foliage.
Bush has a speech impediment, and for this he's seen as ' dumb as a chimp ' or an ignorant fool.
By contrast, the pastoral Fula are Pulaar Burrure, " bush Fula ", imagined to lead ruder and less 87 sophisticated lives.
Time will be spent outdoors learning the fundaments of conservation, participating in bush walks and general game farm management.
Precautions are expected to remain in force for the UN general assembly in New York, where Mr Bush is due to speak tomorrow.
Six of the 10 largest corporate givers currently restrict philanthropic gifts to religious groups, Bush said.
Now, of course, you kindly conveyed the warm greetings to my Prime Minister from President Bush.
Norm were ready to climb on ' is cart an ' depart When he heard a loud grunt from a bush.
Many believe that if Iraq once again allows inspections it may create a substantial diplomatic obstacle between Bush administration hawks and an Iraqi invasion.
What has changed since the " Star Wars " era is that Bush has accepted the experts ' potentially heretical thesis.
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 Bush Was Right...and he has fat right-wing redneck hicks with guitars to prove it.
Species found include slender ground hopper, great green bush cricket, brown argus, reed and sedge warblers and flowering rush.
Curiously, the Government had also built a vast, very expensive mental hospital in the bush nearby.
Special sightings included lion, spotted hyena, bush pig, buffalo, hippo and many large and strange birds.
What he said exposes the hypocrisy of the Bush administration regarding the present situation in Iraq.
My banner reads no respect for Bush I think he's a bloody hypocrite.
President Bush launched the international initiative in Krakow, Poland, in May 2003.
The Bush plan might also call for the development of sea-based interceptors, which are likely to be modified versions of the land-based interceptors.
In this unpredictable, regional evolution can be heard the death knell for Mr Bush's " Greater Middle East Initiative.
He argues that the campaign season is causing lawmakers to rush ahead rather than carefully consider President Bush's proposals.
Such considerations have leaded the Bush administration to be more cautious and seek diplomatic tricks and the activities of security services and propaganda machinery.
I saw a British cartoon in which Blair opens a gift box from Bush to find a dog leash!
A new leviathan The answers seem to lie in the larger architecture of the Bush foreign policy, or Bush Doctrine.
And his successor, President George Bush, also wants to keep the dead out of the national limelight.
Within the bush, her covert nest A little linnet fondly prest The dew sat chilly on her breast Sae early in the morning.
But not Big kind Bush, he likes war and is as we all know from experience is absolutely lousy at waging it.
Only a few blogs (and almost no mainstream media) have realized the truth about Iranian madman Ahmadinejad's letter to President Bush.
Some NTFPs exist in abundance in several areas of the forest, e.g. cane rope, bush mango, salas and hot leaves.
The Bush administration's sanctions policy targets military materiel while allowing civilian goods to flow more freely.
All Bush can do at this point is to maintain consensus on blocking the sale of war materiel to Iraq.
I caught this little beetle, only a few millimeters long, crawling around on our bush of yellow flowers.
In an irony almost too mind-boggling to enjoy, is it possible that the Guardian just helped George Bush get re-elected?
One man mutters " [well it's] good for Bush ", evidently not thrilled.
George W Bush is riding on the crest of this wave of political myopia.
It has been the Americans ' hope that Iraq would become Bush's staunchest ally among Arab nations.
The Supreme Court, made up of a majority of republican nominees, stepped in to effectively hand the election to Bush.
The draft, on a sheet of scented hotel notepaper, appears to be in Mr Bush's own hand.
There can never be peace without justice, but Bush appears oblivious to this truth.
Bush's career as an independent oilman made him wealthy.
Then work begins on establishing Bush's permanent colonial outpost.
Shares on Wall Street that Bush is so anxious to prop up are still massively overvalued.
Blair must not pander to the demands of his buddy George Bush.
The current Bush administration has attempted tax reform with mixed and politically partisan results.
Even then it required patience to at last see it stalk out from under a bush for a few seconds.
The Bush Theater also has become the home of contemporary Japanese playwriting in Britain.
In other words, people object to Blair acting like Bush's pet poodle.
To quote the intellectual powerhouse George W. Bush, only a fool " relies on facts " .
John's final date for the evening is vegan activist Beth (Bush) who is rumored to be highly promiscuous.
I traveled three hours over dirt roads to visit a Clinic in the bush in the northern province.
Your accommodation could include a hotel, lodge or mountain refuge, or camping in the wild African bush.
President Bush announced that diplomacy had failed and consequently the United States has the right to enforce United Nations resolutions to overthrow brutal regimes.
The young Brits Bush seems to regard as the embodiment of evil are ordinary lads, neither especially political not devoutly religious.
They are aware that a war could easily dominate the remainder of the Bush presidency.
Bush told a reporter, " Labels are for cans.
Re fit the clutch housing and spider, making note of either the center brass bush or two needle roller bearings are in place.
Bush calls rove, depending on his mood, ' Boy Genius ' or ' Turd Blossom ' .
Bush could no more turn himself into a man of the people than he could turn Karl rove into a frog.
Blair brought sanity to the Bush actions over Iraq.
Top English social satirist Chris Morris has recut George W. Bush's ' State of the Nation ' address.
Carry out a thorough weekly inspection of gooseberries from May onwards concentrating in the center of the bush for larvae of gooseberry sawfly.
During the Gulf War he served as defense secretary under Bush's father, President George Bush.
The Bush administration wants to draw up a new U.N. Security Council resolution concerning the planned restoration of Iraqi self-rule on June 30.
In fact George Bush's chances of getting re elected next year are looking increasingly shaky.
A single Long-tailed shrike perched in the top of a bush was also a welcome find being a scarce winter visitor to Sri Lanka.
They don't trust Bush, and they're deeply skeptical of American attempts to impose democracy by force.
The next step was to try to undo the bush using a socket spanner on the tool, however it wouldn't budge.
They also throw the javelin, using hunting spears that are flung huge distances through the bush.
Outside of one well-publicized (and quickly squelched) attempt in Belgium, no one has tried to formally indict Bush.
Cocaine is a short acting powerful, central nervous system stimulant that comes from the coca bush which grows widely in South America.
We had excellent views of a Desert Wheatear perched on a small acacia bush and Julia found a male stonechat perched on stubble.
The Blair government's slavish subservience to Bush is causing it major problems at home.
The grand finale saw Razorlight swagger on to the stage of the Shepherds Bush Empire at 6.30pm on Saturday evening.
There were few takers for the mask of US President George W Bush.
The " bush taxi " to Maroua, one of Cameroon's few pre-colonial cities, was packed.
Later in the bush telegraph Sophie told cameras " I can't be friends with someone like that.
Instead, President Bush ordered the creation of military tribunals to try some captives.
One US-based specialist said Bush administration officials have told him of at least two attempts to secure aluminum tubing in the past 14 months.
This general change in attitude may also account for the newly found interest in " bush tucker " which was heretofore basically ignored.
It looks utilitarian enough to bash through the bush, yet handsome enough to pick up the kids in.
On the return he found a fantail nest with 2 eggs right along the trail in a sparsely vegetated bush.
Surely President Bush could not have been wearing a bullet proof vest under his jacket, could he?
A description such as " Save Kidderminster Hospital " or " No to George Bush " would remind voters of what you stand for.
If George ' dubya ' Bush looked a little weepy at the US presidential inauguration, nobody batted an eyelid.
Also, a majority of Americans are against unauthorized wiretaps regardless of Bush's rhetoric in rationalizing the illegal surveillance.
Mr. Bush is a homophobic, right wing wuss.
A superb flavored, outdoor bush tomato which is very early maturing and heavy yielding.
The chief genera are banksia (honeysuckle), and hakea (needle bush).
Enormous quantities of natural hay were allowed every year to rot or be destroyed by bush fires, and the bountiful provision made by nature to carry them over the seasons of dry weather absolutely neglected; so that when the destructive season of 1902 fell upon them, over a large area of territory there was no food for the stock.
The animal guardian reappears in the nagual of Central America (see article Totemism), the yunbeai of some Australian tribes, the manitou of the Red Indian and the bush soul of some West African tribes; among the latter the link between animal and human being is said to be established by the ceremony of the blood bond.
In the north, where the lichen-covered or ice-shaven rocks do not protrude, the ground is covered with a carpet of mosses, creeping dwarf willows, crow berries and similar plants, while the flowers most common are the andromeda, the yellow poppy, pedicularis, pyrola, &c. besides the flowering mosses; but in South Greenland there is something in the shape of bush, the dwarf birches even rising a few feet in very sheltered places, the willows may grow higher than a man, and the vegetation is less arctic and more abundant.
Farther north, beyond the intervening slopes and low bush, are two elevated regions covering together over 4000 sq.
As in the middle veld, rands and kopjes occur in the low or bush veld, but the general characteristic of this part of the country, which covers over 50,000 sq.
The shores are fringed with the mangrove; the prickly pear grows luxuriantly in the most barren districts; and wherever the ground is left to itself the sage bush springs up profusely.
To give an instance of tyranny in Uri, the author tells us the story of the refusal of "der Than" to do reverence to the hat placed on a pole, of his feat of skill, and of his shooting the bailiff, Gessler, from behind a bush in the "hollow way" near Kussnacht.
On the Karroo the bush consists of dwarf mimosas, wax-heaths and other shrubs, which after the spring rains are gorgeous in blossom (see Karroo).
He led them within another but smaller circle of hedge, where grew one large and beautiful bush.
Facing him lay a field of winter rye, there his own huntsman stood alone in a hollow behind a hazel bush.
This would appear to be the manner in which Australian bush dermatitis, ragweed dermatitis, and parthenium dermatitis are all produced.
Why the reticence to remind Bush of the rationale for the war?
As I have not much experience of time in the bush in rattlesnake country, neither reaction is found im any good pertinent knowledge.
The bush begins to resonate with the sounds of birdsong and insects waking to another glorious day.
At the top of the steps is a long branch from a rose bush, which whips across the face in a wind.
Bush calls Rove, depending on his mood, ' Boy Genius ' or ' Turd Blossom '.
Bush could no more turn himself into a man of the people than he could turn Karl Rove into a frog.
Other saboteurs wearing fake RNC T-shirts will direct them to parts of town where Bush 's policies have hit hardest.
The Bush and the Main are also salmonid rivers.
A Bush administration official said the meeting would not focus on military planning for a possible invasion to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Ron Kovic gave the countdown to the toppling of the 30-foot statue of Bush, grasping a missile, to enormous acclaim.
Some cameras are very small and do not even have a tripod bush.
The unlikely adventurers kicked off their fundraising efforts with an ' RBS bush tucker trial ' in front of an audience of 100 colleagues.
He [Bush] will leave office the most unpopular president in history.
With George " Dubya " Bush imposing sanctions - Syria and Israel being none too friendly - a visit suddenly appeared more urgent.
Green vervet monkeys entertain you in the evenings beside the house in the bush !
Private veto threats issued outside the public eye halted a host of minor legislation to which Bush objected.
Also, a majority of Americans are against unauthorized wiretaps regardless of Bush 's rhetoric in rationalizing the illegal surveillance.
The front axle was removed as a complete unit from the body; the lower wishbone arm bolt was seized in its bush.
It is the America which struggles against the witch hunt launched by Bush.
That 's my question to Bush yanks behaving badly How long does it take to search an entire country for weapons of mass destruction?
My comment... So what if Bush threw them under the bus when truth about yellowcake uranium from Africa came out.
It is not lost on them that Bush and Blair are both ' happy clappy ' born again christian zealots.
When someone says "beat around the bush" to describe not addressing an issue, they are using an idiom.
Some believe that the Bush years marked the apogee of American power.
White Tea - made from immature leaves of the Camilla Sinensis tea bush.
It is naturally decaffeinated because it isn't really made from tea leaves but from a South African red bush.
This cattery, located in Bush Prairie, Washington, is actually within driving distance of Portland, Oregon.
Chop waste such as bush trimmings into small pieces before adding it to your compost tumbler.
Other berries, like the high bush cranberry, have a bitter flavor when raw and take a little extra preparation to make them palatable.
High bush cranberries grow in northern Pennsylvania.
Tomatoes ripened in this way will not have the same rich flavor as tomatoes that ripen on the bush.
Could it be fans of the lovely country music trio still have not forgiven them for their 2003 criticism of President Bush?
Critics claim the group had shamed their fans by not backing President Bush during a time of crisis, and their actions were unpatriotic in the face of American military personnel going to war.
This was never more apparent than in New York City the other night when Babs and a George Bush impersonator put on a skit appearing to question our Commander in Chief's intelligence.
Bush, the younger George really needs to follow what his speech writers prepare for him or think before he talks.
A Concert for Hurricane Relief - Possibly the most infamous Kanye moment, in a speech given along with comedian Mike Myers, he uttered the phrase "George Bush doesn't care about black people."
Bush isn't slated for release until 2009 and is directed by Oliver Stone.
In 2008, she began dating NFL running back Reggie Bush.
The relationship didn't last, however, and Kardashian is now dating NFL star Reggie Bush.
It's crazy to a point where he may even be getting more beat up by the public than he did after his "George Bush doesn't care about black people" debacle.
Bush and also made fun of former Vice President Al Gore's Academy Award-winning film An Inconvenient Truth.
The tall Ae. grandiflorum forms a spreading bush about a foot high, from which springs racemes of pink and lilac flowers.
A. integrifolia has drooping spikes of fragrant yellow blossoms, which form a dense bush a few feet in height.
Belvedere (Kochia) - K. tricophylla is an interesting summer Cypress of the Goosefoot family, forming a neat pointed bush from 3 to 5 feet high, the flowers insignificant.
Box (Buxus) - This beautiful bush grows wild on some of our southern chalk hills, and is much cultivated in gardens as an edging, and also in shrubberies.
Its habit is generally a rounded bush about 4 feet high.
B. Roezli is a dense compact bush, 16 to 20 inches high, with shining green leaves.
Bush Clover (Lespedeza) - Large flowering plants of the Pea order, few as yet tried in England.
Bush Honeysuckle (Weigela) - Graceful and hardy flowering shrubs, summer-leafing, with showy clusters of bloom ranging from pure white to dark crimson.
Canadian Rhodora (Rhodora) - R. canadensis is an interesting bush, 2 to 4 feet high, allied to the Rhododendron, a native of the swamps of Canada, hardy, and needing a moist light soil, though it prefers peat.
Under those favourable conditions it forms a pretty evergreen bush in bloom nearly all the year.
Ceratostigma Polhilli Willmottiana - a recent addition from China, the species forming a wiry-limbed bush of several feet high, and producing a great wealth of clear blue flowers during many weeks.
C. cruciata is the commonest; its stems are armed with stout flattened spines, its flowers white and small, making a bush about 4 feet high.
In New Zealand and the Norfolk Islands it grows from 12 to 25 feet high under favourable conditions, but when growing in exposed, rocky places it is often a prostrate shrub or low bush.
It grows into a bush at least 8 feet high.
Scorpion Senna (Coronilla Emerus) - An elegant loose bush, 3 to 6 feet high, in mild seasons, remaining green through the winter.
Crowberry (Empetrum) - E. nigrum is a small evergreen Heath-like bush, of the easiest culture, which may be associated with the dwarfer rock shrubs.
Enkianthus Cernuus - A little-known species only recently introduced from Japan, where it is said to be a bush 6 to 8 feet high.
E. Philippiana is very beautiful and hardy, as it may be grown as a bush in the neighborhood of London.
A native of Chili, it is not perfectly hardy as a bush except in the southern and western counties, in which it is often a beautiful shrub.
Fire Bush (Embothrium) - E. coccineum is a very beautiful South American evergreen shrub of the Protea family, hardy in warm parts of Britain, even without the protection of a wall.
It also is a native, and where it flourishes it makes a dense prickly bush 2 feet high.
Though often grown on walls, it is hardy and makes a dense bush, 5 to 8-10 feet high.
Killed at Gavetye, we had to give it up as a bush in the orchard.
It is sometimes grown as L. fruticosum, but the true L. fruticosum is a little bush, and not prostrate.
In some places it thrives against a wall, and in the south as a bush.
It takes more of the character of a large and dense spreading bush than of a tree, and is useful for grouping with other conifers.
I. Gerardiana is a pretty plant which may be grown as a bush or against a wall, which it clothes gracefully with feathery leaves, towards the close of summer, bearing small Pea-like bright pink blooms.
It is a low, spreading bush, somewhat open and straggling, and should not be crowded with other shrubs.
Though usually planted against walls, the Kerria is hardy, and may be grown as a bush except in the coldest parts.
Klokwitzia Amabilis - A Chinese summer-leafing bush said to come from high elevations.
It makes a neat little evergreen bush 2 or 3 feet high, and has small leaves on slender stems, in May bearing clusters of small white flowers.
A. spinosum is a silvery little bush with white flowers, and there is a pink form, A. spinosum roseum.
It is a branching bush, with stems about 2 feet high, and many flowers 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter.
M. Alcea, Moreni and mauritanica are worth growing in a full collection, and so is the annual M. crispa, 3 to 6 feet high-an erect pyramidal bush of broad leaves, with a crimped margin, pretty in groups or borders.
Jalapa, a dense, round bush covered with flowers, nearly 3 feet high, the flowers about 1 inch across, white, rose, lilac, yellow, crimson and purple-