Burthen Sentence Examples
But there, all novels are a heavy burthen while they are doing, and a sensible disappointment when they are done.
The Admiral was of 600. tuns, and the Vise Admirall of the same burthen.
The Torridge becomes navigable for boats at Wear Gifford, and for ships of large burthen at Bideford.
The pier, having been constructed in 1750, vessels of 150 tons burthen may ride here in safety.
Dacca is watered by a network of rivers and streams, ten of which are navigable throughout the year by native cargo boats of four tons burthen.
None of them is navigable in the mountain valleys; but the Tista, after it debouches on the plains, can be navigated by cargo boats of considerable burthen.
Seven bishops, who presented Trial of a petition asking him to relieve the clergy from the burthen of proclaiming what they believed to be illegal, were brought to trial for publishing a seditious libel.
If the burthen of defence is to be borne in common, it can hardly be left to the mother country to declare war, and to exact the necessary taxation, without the consent of the colonies.
The total burthen of foreign steamers which entered and cleared at Shanghai during 1884 was 3,145,242 tons, while in 1908 it was over 15,000,000 tons.
This is emancipation (mukti) from the burthen of birth and rebirth, and the highest happiness.'
AdvertisementMany of them will become a public burthen from the moment of their landing.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and the Psalmist have a kindred burthen for Edom.
About twelve vessels belong to the port, of the aggregate burthen of nearly 700 tons.
His only burthen was to give help to the Roman side in war; within his kingdom he was free, and his dominions flourished as no part of Sicily had flourished since the days of Timoleon.