Bursary Sentence Examples
I have received a NHS bursary in the past, am I still entitled to a bursary?
In 1845 the boy, who had been a "herd" on the farm, went for six months to the grammar school at Aberdeen and was there prepared for a university bursary, which was sufficient to pay his fees, but no more.
Upon receipt I will promptly send adequate documentary evidence of the basis of my bursary entitlement.
The prize of £ 500 takes the form of a travel bursary for travel to a conference of the winner's choice.
He received an Artsadmin bursary in 1999 to archive cine footage of Untitled Experiments.
Students who are studying for the pre-registration midwifery course at degree level are subject to a means tested bursary.
Training the next generation of field naturalists To top What is the Heritage Lottery Fund Bursary Scheme?
Where students undertake a student pastorate it is usually possible to arrange a bursary.
For example, on nursing degrees, where the clinical placement is a major element of the education, students are paid a bursary.
Sports scholarships program The University operates an athletic scholarship and golf bursary program for talented athletes studying at the institution.
AdvertisementSupport Costs Each bursary carries a stipend of £ 150 per week, plus a total of £ 500 to cover research expenses.
The bursary will allow Duncan to attend a CILIP course in London on thesaurus construction.
In 1838 he obtained the pension Suard, a bursary of 150o francs a year for three years, for the encouragement of young men of promise, which was in the gift of the academy of Besancon.
In 1857 he gained a bursary at Marischal College, and graduated M.A.
The Scheme offers a bursary toward a broad range of legal qualifications.
AdvertisementBursaries From 2006, all eligible full-time undergraduate Cumbria Institute of the Arts students will be awarded a non-repayable bursary.
Funding Nursing and midwifery students on diploma-level courses receive a non-means-tested bursary.
Students accepted onto the scheme will spend several days on placements in schools and will receive a tax-free bursary.
You may be eligible for a LEA grant of up to £ 750 or a departmental bursary.
What NHS bursary am I entitled to on the 5-year degree?
AdvertisementYou will also find details of their undergraduate vacation bursary.
There is a bursary for SMEs to help with membership fees.
He managed, by undertaking private teaching and with the aid of a bursary, to go to the university of Aberdeen, where he took his M.A.