Burkes Sentence Examples
But it was probably suggested by Edmund Burke, who was then Lord Rockinghams private secretary, but who for some time to come was Burkes to furnish thought to the party to which he attached himself.
F he weak side of this view was the weak side of all Burkes political philosophy.
It was because the issues opened led to changes so far greater than the wisest statesman then perceived, that Pitts solution, logically untenable as it was, was preferable to Burkes.
They pruned Burkes Economical Reform Bill till it left as many abuses as it suppressed; and though the bill prohibited the grant of pensions above 300, they hastily gave away pensions of much larger value to their own friends before the bill had received the royal assent.
He had neither Foxs sympathy for popular movements, nor Burkes intellectual appreciation of the immediate tendencies of the Revolution.
The family quarrels of the O'Connors at this time, and their alliances with the Burkes, or De Burghs, and the Berminghams, may be traced in great detail in the annalists - the general result being fatal to the royal tribe of Connaught, which is said to have lost ro,000 warriors in the battle of Templetogher.
Sir William Drury in Munster hanged four hundred persons in one year, Sir Nicholas Malby in reducing the Connaught Burkes spared neither young nor old, and burned all corn and houses.